65th Day of Winter, 510 A.V.
It was one of those snowfalls that seemed like a lucid dream, majestic in a way. Large white snow flakes that seemed to drift so slowly down towards the ground, rather than fall. As well, there was no wind, not even the slightest that could be felt so close to the ocean, and it caused that snowfall to seem all that much more serene. It was almost like the perfect setting as Hatot stood out along the open grounds behind Sanctuary, his arms outstretched, his body moving slowly, fluidly almost as if in a dance of some sort. But it was a dance of a different sort, as moves in the hand to hand techniques he employed were seen in almost a slow motion as a hand slowly pushed forward here, his body twisting there. If not for the number of individuals it’s uses had dropped to the ground when implemented, even others who knew might consider it beautiful.
It was almost nostalgic to Hatot, as the training he was doing was two fold in purpose. His skills had increased so far. So much so that practicing simple katas and facing off against friendly unnamed opponents in the Arena barely held any gain for him these days. It was as if he were growing close to his limits, but at the same time he wanted to push past them. So he decided to mix his meditative practices with his kata, to experiment with clearing his mind, not focusing so much thinking about a battle. He wanted to moves to become practically innate. For his body to move on its own, rather than being told what to do by his mind alone in reaction. So as he practiced, he let his mind drift, focusing it to that cliff side setting where him and Radris would often spar with both words and fists alike, all the while his arms and body moving. His hands gradually slipped between snowflakes as he did so, a fogged breath begin released with each slow, forward thrust. Many of them found his hand moving around the snowflake, feeling the chill of it on his hand and then moving at the last moment to avoid touching the frozen water gingerly dropping towards the ground. Perhaps more majestic to those with the keen eye, was that Hatot’s movements didn’t disturb the air hardly at all, leaving the snowflakes downward path unaltered.
Of course, it hadn’t always worked either, as several snowflake landed along Hatot’s arms, and shoulders. They melted and formed droplets over his bare skin, the heat from his body causing them to evaporate as a steam rose from his arms. Of course practice on both his kata and meditation wasn’t the only reasons Hatot stood along Sanctuary grounds. If it was simple practice, he could have done such back at his school. Right now he awaited Kavala. It had been over a year since they had first met, and while he had failed her once, he still wanted to help her. He felt perhaps today he might find some way to do so. For the time being, he waited for Kavala to finish inspecting one of the animals that had been brought to her for care, knowing he would be wholly unable to help her with that aspect.