by Anshun Tulish on March 6th, 2011, 6:34 pm
Spring, Day 2, Year 511
His webbed hands resting lightly on the mane of his seahorse, Anshun Tulish entered the White Isle Harbor, his dorsal fins waving slightly in the gentle current. The boats above his head cast almond shaped shadows on the sandy floor of the harbor, and the chains of anchored boats were all too obvious in the distance.
Within minutes, he was leaving his seahorse, and bidding it a temporary farewell, as he swam toward the surface of the harbor. Once his head breached the surface, Anshun took a deep breath of the warm air and swam quickly toward the shore, his backpack barely slowing him down.
Before leaving the warm and calm water of the harbor, Anshun was sure to fill his water skin, so if he was on land for too long, he could moisten his throat to breathe. Once on shore, he walked slowly and hesitantly, as this was his first time walking on land.
Anshun walked the wooden path, looking in wonder at the beautifully painted murals of sailor's stories and tales. He was amazed and shocked at the beautiful buildings and statues he saw, and he barely even noticed Muti before he was standing right beside her.
"Hello! I am go to the lake of...silver, becuase I must...swi...swim in water to breathe well" Anshun said haltingly in common, trying to do his best with the language he had so rarely spoken. After this halting speech, he walked off toward the gate and the city.