[Bluevein River] A Hummingbirds Heartbeat (Azurk)

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

[Bluevein River] A Hummingbirds Heartbeat (Azurk)

Postby Lavia on May 16th, 2011, 6:16 am

Location: Riverfall, Near the Bluevein River
Time Stamp: 511 AV, 14th day of Spring

ImageThe view just down the Bluevien river seemed never ending. It's extended body of water made Lavia once believe that its course was boundless, carrying on without a real intention of ever ceasing. But that assumption was before she took her first flight over the Cyphrus Region. A journey she would never forget. It amazed her how much different each region was, unique in its own way. -and each piece of land told its own story. She gazed through the rivers crystal clear surface, her reflection as clear as it has ever been. Today, the water was not as steady as the days before it, causing the image looking back at her to appear a bit distorted. But even so, the colors she saw reflecting back were most vibrant. Her eyes seeming as if they were incandescent, standing out against her impeccable complexion. The Kelvic woman had taken the time to weave together, the most colorful kind of flowers she could find amongst Riverfall. Shades of violet, blue and a bit of white, all woven together throughout the bent pieces of branch. It didn't take much work, but without any type of wire it did become a bit frustrating at times when having to link the branches together. Lavia had always had a liking for crafting, that was never really brought to her attention till her first visit to Endrykas. It had been a while since she was able to sit, enjoy the breeze and be a little creative. Some might find it rather odd how the woman enjoyed spending her given time in Riverfall during the Spring. Sewing, crafting, dipping her feet in the rivers cool water, chasing butterflies and even from time to time, hunting for a few fresh water fish. She found the hidden serenity in such the most simplest of things. Riverfall simply brought the best out of her.

ImageHer eyes continued to examine the floral crown, as it sat atop of her head pushing down her locks of hair and ending just near the top of her ears. Putting something together so simple in appearance, brought the Kelvic an abundant amount of delight. She smiled, her head turning slightly as her eyes traced the obvious pattern. Violet, blue, white, violet, blue, white. She was a bit meticulous when it came to those sort of things. Her attention took a turn when she heard the gentle humming coming from some where near. She began to slowly rise, her posture returning to its upright position. She turned her head to the left, her hair swinging off her shoulder, carrying on down her back as she caught sight of the very swift moving bird. A humming bird. Her eyes began to follow the ruby throated bird, for it moved too quickly to keep her eyes settled. Lavia was quickly captivated by the quick movement of its wings, her feet carrying her to follow behind the bird. It landed just near the small pile of flowers she did not put to use, beginning to poke its beak in their center, hoping to draw out its nectar. Lavia kept her distance, to not frighten it away, simply kneeling down and not allowing her body to make the slightest movement. She watched, completely charmed.

"Like the hummingbird sipping nectar from every flower, I fly joyfully through my days, seeing beauty in everything." she whispered, watching as the hummingbird borrowed from the earths offspring all that it needed, quickly darting back in to the air. Lavia rose to her feet, her neck bent back as she watched from her distance, "Gentle as the days flower -you compete with the stillness of the air."

Her eyes slowly fell away once the hummingbird was out of her sight. Her hands rose to her waist, feeling the cloth beneath her finger tips. Yes, the Kelvic woman was dressed. She had sewn together, a small wrap for her waist and a top that stopped just above her navel. The material she used was not fine, expensive or worth really anything, but common fabric. It was a bright shade of plum, fitted against her frame. She turned her sight to her pitched tent, walking towards it. She hadn't grown bored with the day just yet, but was simply on the hunt for something else to do. She walked in to her tent, finding her knees buckling just above the laid out bed spread. She fell to the ground with 'umph' rolling on to her side and beginning to adjust her body to get comfortable. She was just about to close her eyes, when he came to mind. It had been that way for the past few days. Just as she was about to drift in to a short slumber, while she gazed up towards the heavens, during her afternoon walks, when she first opened her eyes to the welcoming sunrise, and even as she dreamed.. He was somehow, always there. Lavia rolled her eyes at her own wishful thinking, turning on to her back. She was quite sure that was the first and last time they would ever cross paths. She felt that she had caused possible trouble because of their attempt to escape, which was successful on her own part. She had thought about flying near the outpost once more, to see that he was alright, but it was a though she quickly dismissed. She could not find it in herself, to cause any more trouble for the Akalak.

That evening, just four days ago, he refused to let her travel the rest of the way alone to her tent. He walked at her side, making sure she was able to get there safely. She introduced him to her resting place, which truly wasn't an extraordinary sight to see, but he still possibly pretended to be in awe. They were able to share a few more words, their conversation lingering on until Lavia felt she needed to push him along his way, to ensure a safe return before the sun fell. Although she was able to share with him the sight of her resting place and even a quick glance of the river, there was so much more she longed to show the Akalak. The simple things she did so much enjoy. -The simple things she did so much enjoy alone.

"Tomorrow, Kalik will return, and he is angry. But today was my day. And I cannot forget. Thank you, Lavia."

She had never been thanked, not a day in her life. She was always in the position, of thanking others. She remembered the look in his eyes; full of gratitude and almost a bit of disappointment. She didn't want him to leave, for the simple fact that she enjoyed every bit of his company. Even the very awkward and silent moments they shared between eachother as they learned to 'feel' eachother out. Who was she? Who was he? Why is he this way? Why is she this way? Questions they both shared within themselves. That day started with a wish that she never would have taken that stop near the Takula Outpost, but it ended with the eagerness and wish to repeat it all over again. She watched him leave the front of her tent, and head back towards the Outpost. If it was meant for them to never cross paths again, she would accept that, and hold each moment spent as a cherished memory.

"I hope he is alright." she said to herself, her hands lifting to allow her fingers to embrace, gently resting on the exposed area of her stomach.

Her eyes began to close, her breathing slowing down as she found herself drifting off in to her pool of collected memories. Memory is a way of holding onto the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.
Last edited by Lavia on May 22nd, 2011, 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Bluevein River] A Hummingbirds Heartbeat (Azurk)

Postby Azurk on May 16th, 2011, 12:02 pm

Azurk was dressed comfortably. The shine of the sun was not so warm that he needed to have the breeze lap against his skin, so he wore his cloak. The thick fabric made him less agile, but it also guarded him from the oft overwhelming tickle of the grass. Plus, he did not always like to entertain the sense of exposure that came when he was without a shirt.

His hands were splayed out, reaping the caress of the grass in a controlled degree. He was anxious and eager, but he was compelled to delight in the brightness (in more than just light) of the day. After all, he had been in a turbulent period of slumber and wake over the last four days. Kalik had mastered his mind most of the time, hounding him without a moment's peace. Finally, things seemed to be agreeable--at least, as agreeable as they had been before her arrival.

Lavia. Azurk pictured her, imagining her transformation from owl to woman in his mind. Kalik had been the one to see her do it, but Azurk had tasted the magic even whilst locked in the recesses of his own mind. He was sure that she had achieved the metamorphosis under a heavenly radiance. He had sensed the light. He treasured it now because he could not rid himself of the glimpse of joy he had received at her side. Azurk had experienced fun that culminated at their escape from Soryn and Atun.

It had, rather actually, been Lavia's escape, and hers alone. There was temporary respite for Azurk, who spent hours with her, but time passed and he reminded himself that Kalik would soon gather strength and usher forth his wrath in the wake of his embarassing failure to capture Lavia. So, Azurk departed, but promising words of remembrance to Lavia; and words were significant things for Azurk to give, for he did not spend them openly. Conversation itself was a major gesture for the reclusive Akalak.

And he returned to Takula, still a prisoner. That night, Soryn jumped him, and Atun cheered as the bout invoked the frenzied bloodlust of Kalik. Azurk submitted to his darker wills, and Soryn and Kalik wrestled, neither one staking a real claim of victory. The silly skirmish did not matter now, anyway.

Lavia's tent mattered. Her soft words and strange nature had done more than perk Azurk's curiosity. He ventured back to her camp now to rendezvous with the catalyst of his new memory--memory that did not seem fleeting and lost, like the memories of his childhood (not yet, anyway).

Under his cloak, Azurk wore his pack, bearing his essentials, including a filled waterskin. He carried no weapon. His Lakan was on his table, behind him. It represented Kalik in his view, and so it belonged far away from his possession. He did not dare carry it to the home of his friend, Lavia, for fear of losing power to Kalik in some critical, vulnerable moment. His dark brother had ruled over him with firmness over the past few days, and that alone was proof that Kalik still was the master.

Her tent was in sight. Her tent and the brimming, snaking Bluevein River. It was Spring, and the backs were higher in this season than they would be for most of the others. Azurk doubled his pace, jogging now, and smiling as he approached. His excitement felt childish, and he acknowledged this. There was an appeal of adventure in discovering more about this Kelvic. He wondered about her history and where she might go in future, for he had seldom left Riverfall and the surrounding areas and they had not talked much of it in their last meeting.

He walked the remainder of the way, briefly searching her camp before stopping just outside her tent, his smile now gone.

He bent down near the tent, but did not look in, and he surely heard her relaxing, so he did not disturb her. She may have heard him, although if she had not, he was willing to wait. He sat down in the grass and looked out over the River.
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[Bluevein River] A Hummingbirds Heartbeat (Azurk)

Postby Lavia on May 17th, 2011, 7:49 pm

The constant breeze of wind carried through her tent, causing the opened flaps to gently pat against it, while the pieces of stray fabric from her sewing kit began to take to the air. The whistling sound of the air filled her ears, causing her eyes to open to observe the disturbed walls of the tent. Her fingers removed themselves from their intertwined hold, her hands falling to each opposite side of her body, the palms of her hands resting flat. She pushed herself up with the strength of her arms, sitting up and grasping a view of the river just outside of her tent. Yes, this had to be paradise. To wake up every day and be able to witness such a beautiful sight. If this was not paradise, then what else could it be. Lavia knew she was not going to be able to achieve even the slightest bit of sleep, for her mind was restless. Wandering and running, filled with thoughts, questions and an imagination that never seemed to rest. This just might have been the very flaw of having such an active and curious mind.

Lavia rolled over on to her knees, easing her way to the center of her resting place. There, she took notice of the small pile of stones she had collected just near the river the other day. Her fingers reached for the smallest one, holding it in the palm of her hand. It was more of a pebble than a rock, really -but Lavia still found it as interesting as the rest. She rocked her hand back and forth, watching the small stone move along with her own motion. She wanted stones for the very reason that Azurk made them seem so appealing. Before, they were an annoyance the the soles of her feet, every time she took her afternoon walks near the edge of the river. But now, they seemed so much more. A delight to have a pile of them just resting in the center of her tent. They were something of her own.

She set the small pebble near the rest, her eyes lifting to the front of her tent. She thought of the idea of maybe allowing her feet to patter for just a while in the river, or maybe even search for a few fresh water fish. She rose upright, removing the pressure of her weight off of her knees. Before she took a step to the opening of her tent to venture towards the River, she observed the obscure shadow, just outside of her tent. She didn't have much of an idea of what it could have been, but she only assumed it was a passing traveler, probably stopping to refill its water skin. An owls sense of smell, like all birds, is very poor. Therefore, it was difficult and actually very impossible to make out a presence with her sense of smell. She smiled sincerely, allowing her feet to carry her out of the tent.

"If you need any-" she said, though her voice coming to hault when she observed the long locks of black hair, and the peeking view of blue skin.

Azurk. The sight of him caused the woman to become speechless, an open and gaped mouth with no words passing through. She stood there, her hand reaching for the top of her floral crown, her fingertips grazing over the entwined branches.

"Azurk-" she called out, her hand lowering to her side and a smile appearing, her eyes lighting up instantly, "I didn't expect to see you here."

She moved from the entrance of her tent, her hands nervously beginning to pat down the front of the wrap she had tied around her waist, finding herself standing in front of him and for once, looking down upon him as he sat comfortably in the grass. She knew he must have been enjoying the view of the River, for she recognized the serene and undisturbed look on ones face. She wondered, why exactly he was here? She then assumed, there must have been trouble.

"Is everything alright? Why are you here?" she asked, shaking her head quickly after, "N-not that I'm not delighted you are here! I'm more than happy." she admitted, as she let her feet shift her body from in front of his view.

As much as she wanted to embrace the Akalak, she would not allow herself to.
Last edited by Lavia on May 22nd, 2011, 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Bluevein River] A Hummingbirds Heartbeat (Azurk)

Postby Azurk on May 18th, 2011, 6:28 am

The River flowed like a sloth, showing naught more as evidence for movement than the occasional directional ripple. She was fairly wide, or so Azurk thought, for he had not really seen other famous rivers; the most common bodies of water in his witness aside from the Bluevein and the sea were meek creeks and minor tributaries. There water was grand and beautiful, and under the sun it was supremely polished, reflecting with almost complete purity. And yet, Azurk understood the immense strength of the water, for its current never tired and rarely gave way, and although it was slow, it bore down relentlessly and could move small boulders, if they were loose. Certainly, it was safe to swim, but the current was a reminder of the potential for water to do damage.

There was a voice coming out from the tent, and Azurk felt his chest warm as he recognized that it was Lavia--for after all, who else would it be? She moved closer, and he was glad only to know that she was about. She fidgeted with her attire, which Azurk was surprised to see, for she had no shame about her nudity the day prior. Still, it effected some normalcy for him, as he was accustomed to dealing with clothed people. Granted, the coverings she did wear did not entirely hide her skin, but Azurk had no complaints. He had seen her four days ago and yet her lovely features were striking. He breathed in deeply.

"I did not know to be here," he explained first. He acknowledged her words and was patient to answer. "Kalik kept me out, four days. Today he is silent. Today I have time and I come for finding you." His Common felt rusty again.

His face was mostly straight, but there was the tiniest trace of a smile carved into the corner of his lips. He was glad.

"I am well. No one is hurt. Well, maybe Kalik's pride. He came back, when I was in the Takula Outpost. After we were together. He came back, and fought with Soryn. I have only bruise." He rubbed the back of his head, where Kalik had taken a blow during his scuffle with the other Cerulean. "I come here to see Lavia. You." He nodded at her gently, and it was through his eyes that he smiled now.

He removed his cloak and took his pack off of his shoulders, laying it in the grass. He stood up to mirror her position, although as he did he became much taller than she.

"I hope I am welcome. I have no gifts. I have nothing to give. But I would give it if I had it." His face now expressed his disappointment. "My day, it is empty. But to visit you, that is something. I do not know something else to do."
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[Bluevein River] A Hummingbirds Heartbeat (Azurk)

Postby Lavia on May 18th, 2011, 7:50 pm

Lavia did not take her eyes away from Azurk as he spoke, but instead, allowed her sight to take in once more, those anomalous markings along his face. She remembered his words, constantly reminding her that each marking was to single him out, along with other Ceruleans, from the Akalak race, defining him as a dangerous being. Lavia discovered them to be very alluring, perplexing in pattern and choice of color. It was difficult to understand the ways of an Akalak. Their rules and the way their society is structured. -and even if these markings defined Azurk to be dangerous, she found them to be quite pulchritudinous.

She took her eyes away from his features once she saw him remove his cloak and his pack, setting it in the grace near him. He rose to his feet, Lavia's neck extending backwards and she followed his statuesque height.

"I hope I am welcome. I have no gifts. I have nothing to give. But I would give it if I had it." His face now expressed his disappointment. "My day, it is empty. But to visit you, that is something. I do not know something else to do."

Lavia let her smile show, a gentle laugh passing through her parted lips.

"Azurk, you are more than welcome here." she spoked out gently, her palm raising near his chest put not pressing her flesh against his own, "-and no need for gifts. I should be the one presenting gifts to you." she lowered her hand back to her side, giving a nod, "You not only spared my life, but you saved it. For that, I'm eternally grateful."

Her lips began to purse together after she spoke, her smile still lingering as she lowered her head but quickly returned it once she thought of the quickest way to find her way out of that conversation. She did not want to be reminded of Kalik.

"I was just about to go enjoy the River, before you arrived." she said, then pausing just after, her lips slightly parted, for there was a thought she was trying to finish. She asked herself, how exactly are you to entertain someone? A guest? No, this wasn't just any guest, this was Azurk, "-Well, how well are you with a javelin?" she asked, turning to walk past him and towards the side of her pitched tent. She reached for the long Javelin, that was propped up just near the side and returned towards Azurk, approaching him from behind, "For fishing, it is common to use fishing arrows, but I was never too skilled with them." she smiled, shrugging her shoulder lightly as she spun around his side, appearing infront of him, "-then again, I'm not too skilled with a Javelin either. I hardly fish, because I'm not familiar with the weapon, and the fresh water fish here are much too swift for me to ever spear."

She looked away from Azurk and towards the still river, her right hand holding tight to the javelin.

"Have you had anything to eat?" she asked, her eyes looking back over to Azurk.
Last edited by Lavia on May 22nd, 2011, 11:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Bluevein River] A Hummingbirds Heartbeat (Azurk)

Postby Azurk on May 19th, 2011, 8:07 am

Azurk could feel the body heat from Lavia's hand in such proximity of his chest. He thought it was her body heat, anyway. Perhaps the tenderness was within him. Perhaps it was a combination of the two. She denied that he owed her any tribute, but Azurk also did not believe that she was obligated to be grateful to him. After all, she had only been endangered by his inability to control Kalik in the first place. Still, since they both disagreed, Azurk thought that it may be best to disregard their preconceptions of debt and servitude.

"I was just about to go enjoy the River, before you arrived." Azurk was mesmerized by the sound of her voice. He was, beyond question, reacting dramatically to the sudden introduction of a new personality into his life. He had ignored an innumerable number of opportunities to converse or connect with other individuals, and Lavia, four days ago, seemed to have met him at the perfect moment to snatch his attention and curiosity. He had been in just the right mood to spare enough of a lingering thought on the owl so that their fates had become entwined.

And for the time, those fates remained together. The weave of events succeeding that initial sighting of Lavia in her owl form crossed their threads again on this day. Azurk was sewn.

"I know few about the javelin. He was amused by all of her moving around. "I know Lakan. And my hands; unarmed combat." He looked over the javelin in her possession, recalling the various times he had seen them used. He had no primary experience, but they were not foreign to him.

"No. I did not eat." He wondered how difficult using the javelin could be, and was rather intent on seeing Lavia handle the weapon. Or, as in this case, it might have been more of a tool.

Azurk had not eaten, and even when he did eat, he did not have much. Kalik was the one that used the majority of his body's energy, so Kalik could do the eating. Besides, his darker soul had a voracious appetite, and a liking for epic feasts. The Cerulean were rough, but not always unsociable, and they would occassionally gather in the Outpost to eat plenty and devour the brilliant and famous Riverfall wines. They stomached delicacies without reserve. After all, it was their nature. Cerulean.

"Are we to catch fish? Can you go fish?" He approached Lavia and stood by her side, watching her and then the River. He wondered if it may have been beneficial for him to have learned a trick or two from the Akalak fishermen during his youth.
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[Bluevein River] A Hummingbirds Heartbeat (Azurk)

Postby Lavia on May 20th, 2011, 2:13 am

Lavia did not know the first thing about fishing, and it was the reason why she had never bothered to use the fishing tackles and hooks that she did have. Instead, she had always figured using a javelin as a fishing spear would be an equal substitute for the fishing equipment.

"Well, to be quite honest with you, no." she answered his question, tilting her head slightly to the River, "I had luck once, though. My javelin went right through the belly of a Red Drum." she said, a soft laugh following after as she thought back to the amusing and pretty embarrassing memory, "They are much thinner and softer than other freshwater fish, so the javelin was able to spear it. Any other fish I'm afraid had a greater chance of getting away."

She gave a sigh, fixating her gaze back to Azurk only for a moment before she turned to walk back to the side of the tent, her voice raising as she lingered on with the conversation.

"-but of course you are welcome to try the fishing tackles and hooks. You might have better luck than I!"

She searched through the pile of tools and items she hardly found use for, until her fingertips tugged on the visible knot of rope. She grabbed a hold of the fishing accessories which were kept inside of a thick cloth, tied tightly around with a piece of thin rope. She walked quickly back to Azurk, handing the large bundle over to him as she tapped the dull end of the javelin against the dirt.

"The fishing tackles might bring you luck with the Snooks, those are the ones that swim much closer to the surface, but they are pretty fast." she looked away from the bundle of fishing tools, and back up to Azurk, leaning in a bit closer, "You.. do know a bit about fishing, don't you?" she asked, her eyebrows raising and her bright large eyes widening just a bit, the expression on the Kelvics face filled with obvious excitement.

Sure, she did not know how to fish all that well, and with Azurk's grimace she already knew the answer to her own question. Even so, it was something they could simply learn together. She reached towards his hand, her fingertips feeling their way to his own. She then converged three of his fingers into the grasp of her much smaller palm, holding on to them tightly as she pulled him nearer towards the River.

"-even if you don't, it would not hurt to try something, at least once." she said softly, the smile she gave filled with warmth, just like the feel of his skin against her own.
Last edited by Lavia on May 22nd, 2011, 11:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Bluevein River] A Hummingbirds Heartbeat (Azurk)

Postby Azurk on May 20th, 2011, 7:00 am

Lavia's mention of her past fishing experience abandoned much detail to the mercy of imagination. She seemed especially bemused by her own recollection of the event, chuckling as she undoubtedly reimagined the circumstances of whatever took place on the day she speared her Red Drum. Azurk nervously admitted to himself that he knew nothing about Red Drums in their natural state; his familiarity with various fish was limited to their taste when cooked and their availability in restaurants by season.

He considered the array of components involved with the fishing pole and the whole thing was certainly an enigma. He had no chance. Regardless, he was too ashamed to openly concede his total incompetence with providing this type of sustenance. She had conferred the fishing gear to him anyway, and he somewhat enviously eyed her very simplistic-looking javelin. Nonetheless, he would garner his best efforts and discover for himself whether the practice could be accomplished by intuition.

"We see how much I know." He heeded her advice about the Snooks, but settling on a target was worthless until he managed to get the device properly in the water.

And then Lavia took his fingers into her grasp, and she held them firmly, and yet her grip was still soft. She was small, but her size belied the influence of her pull, for by some strange mystery she moved him effortlessly, and in all her lead beckoned him, and he was persuaded to follow. The role of guide was unusual for a Kelvic, but she did not compel him consciously. He only knew that he wanted to go with her, for she granted him safety from his own mind.

They were close enough to the River now, and she consoled his worries.

"... Even if you don't, it would not hurt to try something, at least once."

Azurk set down the cloth containing the accessories and after some searching and piecing he explored the fishing rod. He took up the line and threaded it through the guides. It did not look right. He was not ready to yield, and he tinkered with the parts, throuroughly perplexed. He looked up for a moment to see what Lavia was doing.

He thought that maybe, if he could not figure it out, he could simply get the line messily attached and tie the tackle to the end, just to get something into the water.
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[Bluevein River] A Hummingbirds Heartbeat (Azurk)

Postby Lavia on May 21st, 2011, 6:36 pm

Their foot steps brought them to the River, and just as they neared much closer, Lavia was quite consumed in its beauty. The soft trickling noises of the water, the gentle swooshing she could hear from below, the way the afternoon sun cast its rays on its pool of water, the sight appearing as if diamonds were lined just up the middle. It was no wonder why the Kelvic made home here for the Season, it was simply serene. For a moment, she turned to look over to Azurk who was unbinding the cloth hold and beginning to tinker and examine the parts of the fishing tool. She watched quietly, not bothering to put in her own input on his situation, but instead she let him feel his way around in assembling the fishing tool on his own. What better way to learn, than to try. Lavia quickly noted his patience, which he seemed to have much of. If one option did not work, Azurk tried another. Every accomplishment starts with a decision to try.

He then turned his head, picking up his sight away from the fishing tool and over to her. She would have turned her head in fear of his assumption that she was staring, but she kept her eyes on his and nodded.

"Thats it, here let me help." she insisted, setting down the javelin at her side, and kneeling down to the remaining pieces.

Her fingers discovered the tackle first, beginning to tie the line through its opened hoop. She knotted it a few times, pulling and tugging with her feet and fingers, just to be sure it would not slip loose. Grabbing one of the hooks, she released the tackles small metal piece, creating and opening to attach the piece. She slipped the looped end of the hook on to it, and secured the tackles opening closed. The tackle and hook attached to the thin line dangled there freely as Lavia held it up, a show that it was obviously put together completely wrong, but the Kelvic would not argue with her attempt. If Azurk were to cast it out in to the River, it was put together well enough to ensure he wouldn't loose the hook or tackle with the force of the water.

"I suppose we need something for the hook." she said, her eyes beginning to search through the Rivers water, "The smaller fish move too quickly for the javelin."

She turned her eyes from the water, knowing that a smaller fish as bait would not do. Still kneeling she began to look around while her mind pondered in search for something familiar Azurk could possibly use. They honey colored eyes fell to the soil, which was much more moist near the River. There, covered in the earths blanket was a small worm, its body shrinking and then stretching as it attempted to make its way through the dirt. How small this being was, and how unimportant his purpose seemed to be. Despite his size, Lavia couldn't help but admire the thought, that by small and simple things, greater things can be brought to pass.

"Maybe this will do."

Lavia reached down with her thumb and pointer finger, slowly inching it towards the moving worm. She got near the tip of the worm, and she quickly pinched her fingers, picking it up by one end. She held it up, as if showing a prize, the worm dangling in her fingers, its movements still the same. She held it towards Azurk, not wanting to be the one to pierce it through the hook.
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[Bluevein River] A Hummingbirds Heartbeat (Azurk)

Postby Azurk on May 23rd, 2011, 6:10 am

He openly released the mangled contraction to Lavia as she came forth to try her hand at the challenge. She discovered the various segments and attachments first, and then began her work. She persisted, and Azurk remained silent, listening to her movements and her breat, until at last she was finished with the structure of the device and needed some bait.

Azurk was somewhat timid now, being disappointed in his inability to use the fishing accessories properly. And yet, in spite of this, he was mildly intrigued by this fresh dose of disappointment. It felt sharp and defined, unlike the dull, overbearing shame that had ruled so steadily for at least the past year. Perhaps it was good to feel it.

Nonetheless, he kept himself out of the way and said nothing as to allow Lavia to concentrate. She was on her knees, scouring the muddier patches of soil, finding her prey and arising to her feet triumphantly. A worm was the prize, and Azurk knew, if little else, its use in the fishing process. It squirmed and lunged blindly in her fingers, and Azurk could tell that she was not eager to impale the creature, small and meager as it was. Her sympathetic temperament did not extend to Azurk, and he was prepared, though not overjoyed, to stick the worm.

He nodded at her, then took the worm from her, but not without making contact with her hand. When their fingers fumbled over each other and the worm, Azurk was careful to observe the strange sensation of damp, cool, worm-flesh contrasted against the warmer fingertips of Lavia. The worm sprawled out on his palm, and he was gentle: abnormally so, for his fingers were large and clumsy, and the worm would serve as better bait with some life in it. He found the hook and maneuvered the worm with great consideration, lowering what he presumed to be the tail end onto the metal point, piercing the worm once and then again, out of worry that a fish might otherwise detach it.

It was ready, so far as Azurk could tell, and he had no further means of making it more ready. He looked back at Lavia and spoke softly.

"The wise hunter know that land give to worm, and worm give to land. We also give, someday, in time. If we respect, we can be respected." He shrugged. "I have been told this by wise men; Akalak and other." He turned to the River. He still did not know the best way to fish, but he prayed the difficult bit was out of the way.

"I will be upriver from you, I think. Javelin disturb fish, maybe. But you have better luck to catch some." He smiled, aware that he was unlikely to be successful. He carried the rod a few feet upriver and cast the line as best he knew how.

"Hopefully right so far!"
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