Day 24th. Spring, morning.
Hidaki had descided to go train his body to improve his skills after spending a couple days in sylaris, so he traveled out the the cobalt mountains. He was still close to the city and not all that far into the woods.
"Ahhh," he said has he took a deep breath and exhaled " it looks to be a fine day for training." The sun was shining, the win was calm, and there was little clouds in the sky.
After he took in the scenery he started getting prepared for training. He took of the top part of his outfit, throwing it on the ground. He never did like the feel of his shirt clinging to him as he trained.
For the first part of his training he walked up to a tree that was think and sturdy."Ok, let's start" he said as he got in his fighting stance. He started to punch the tree over and over counting one, two as hit alternated each punch. He was determined to keep on like this till noon, but he usually could only keep it up for a couple of hours before he started to do some bad damage to his hands.. With each punch the gloves he was wearing started to rip and tare untill he was hitting the tree with just his bare hands.
After 2 hours of punching the the tree his hands were bleeding, and he just only distroyed the bark covering the tree. " Man, as I thought I still can't last longer," he said shaking his hands that were bleeding and in serious pain. He decided that it woould be a good idea to take a break, so that he wont serously injure his hands. He fell down to the ground exahusted, and stared at the sky. He held up his bleeding hand smiling, thinking of when he trained like this back at home. He stayed laying down in the grass waiting to recover enough to start training again.