by Julian on May 15th, 2011, 5:23 am
by Julian on May 15th, 2011, 9:58 pm
![]() Original concept drawing, done sometime before May, 2007. I want to make something very clear, BEFORE all this buzz starts on May 20th. This is a character I came up with when I was a teenager, years and YEARS ago. His original theme was some kind of fantasy dream-haunting villain, but I later adapted his concept to the near-future dystopia of Violent Vigil. He is called the Sparrow King - and the name comes from a very cryptic reference to something called "Sparrow Knights," who were once more-or-less vigilantes who traveled the land solving disputes and routing thieves during the dark ages. I feel I need to say this because we're so close to the Pirates of the Caribbean 4 release: he has nothing to do with Jack Sparrow. Great character, but not a modicum of the Sparrow King was inspired by it. It's a song bird. It's an unrelated name. I'm just worried this is really going to haunt me while I draw up this comic during this franchise's reboot. The pictures I posted before ARE related to these pictures of the Sparrow King. Protagonists, meet Antagonist. ![]() |
by Mycroft on May 16th, 2011, 11:34 am
![]() Now tomorrow I start tackling more Storyteller-related stuff. It will be a glorious new day of victories and internet addiction/shallow self-importance. Awesome. Maybe I'll get some art done... probably not, but maybe! I also need to get some cool-looking mod-frames up in this mix too... crap, I forgot to send Kendra the images I wanted... better do that before it's officially 5am. |
by Mycroft on May 17th, 2011, 8:32 am
by Mycroft on May 21st, 2011, 12:14 am
Changes are coming to Endrykas. The city needs a lot of work. ![]() As just an AS, it might seem arrogant, if not outright ballsy of me to just come out and declare that I'm going to change the city of Endrykas. Don't get me wrong: I respect the hierarchy here in Mizahar - I acknowledge that the Founders are the highly respected, omnipotent overlords of this world. I'm happy to answer to them, and I want to work within their vision. You might even be surprised to know that I'm not interested in power or authority - I actually have a severe distaste for leadership positions. I do not think well on my feet, and I fail miserably when it comes to making good snap judgments or quick decisions. And in general I'm not much of an idealist. I will admit that, generally, the only person or thing I truly care about is myself, with few exceptions. Endrykas is an exception. Without the dedicated leadership of a DS, Eydrykas has stagnated miserably. I've been spending this past week learning as much about the culture, race, and city as I can. What I've found is that while there is a Linkmap for the city, the structure and layout of Endrykas itself remains vague and difficult to follow. The city's entrance thread, the Knotted Gates, provides absolutely no description to guide players into entering the city. Furthermore, because the city is mobile and it is NOT enclosed, it hardly makes any sense for there to be any gates. More likely, newcomers would be accosted by the Watch after being seen through the webbing that is laid out around the city. Many of the stickied threads are noted as "will add more details later," but the posts are made by retired storytellers with dishearteningly grayed names. This city needs restoration, loving care, and solid leadership. Like I said before, I respect the line of authority, but more than that, I will not let it cloud my common sense. The truth is plain: Endrykas needs someone to step up. I am not the greatest leader, I am not the quickest thinker, and I'm not the wisest people person. I'm also not someone who's content to see a situation like this and not want to do something about it, especially when I see so much potential. Someone needs to take the reins, and I am bold enough to announce that I believe that someone is me. My ambitions have been fueled by Gossamer's repeated support of my ideas. By now I'm sure she's tired of me interrogating her about the Drykas and she's ready to see some results. I think she's confident that I have the vision to take Endrykas where she wants it to go, now what she wants is application. A lot of people who know me have seen that I've been working on Endrykas pretty hard. A lot of veteran storytellers must look at me and start thinking, "She is going to burn herself out. She thinks she's so great, lording herself around, but she doesn't know what she's in for." Honestly, I don't, but this passion isn't some naive little ego-trip. The past week I have been cramming Endrykas knowledge into my head and grading all of the backlogged threads. I have a trillion other ideas I've been playing with, and I need to get started quickly on my Spring modded quests before the end of the season. What people might not realize is that I am aware of one very important thing: this energy is finite. I won't be able to keep up this pace - this is just the honeymoon phase of a new love. I've taken a walk down this avenue before. I'm not a novice at world creation and continuity maintenance. I intend to utilize this energy and do as much with it as I can until it runs out. Endrykas needs a lot of attention and the sooner I start making changes, the better. Hopefully, by the time I'm worn out, much of my work will be accomplished and I can sail smoothly on a gently rolling tide of threads to be graded, quest posts to respond to, and PC threads to catch up on. One thing unique to Endrykas is, obviously, a culture centered around horses. What I've also learned is that while Gossamer created the Drykas, she didn't have a lot of time to pour into it, and much of the work that went into its creation was done by Tundris. Still, I can't help but think that the creation of this culture can be attributed to largely, if not entirely, to Gossamer's own love of horses. I don't know her all that well, not yet, but I have been able to gather that horses are very important to her, and Drykas are a testament to that. I'd like to craft Endrykas into something that justifies and celebrates that about her, as well as making it my own and churning all that goodness into a city that players will enjoy and want to visit. This isn't really for Gossamer, though. It's not even really for Mizahar - though the site itself has inspired me and renewed my faith in online roleplaying. Truth is, it has been a long, long time since I've cared for something this much that other people can readily share in. I've written out plots to several stories that will never be novels, or webcomics, or movies, or anything. I poured myself into a forum roleplay that lasted for six months, trying to ignore how constantly disappointed I was by the people who were in it, telling myself that the STORY was important, even if I was the only one impassioned by it. Five or six years ago I threw myself into Ultima Online and gave myself to the enrichment and the maintenance of the shard's largest RP guild. All of it thankless, all of it overlooked. In Mizahar, it looks like things can be different. There are six people ready to see my contributions to the community and to the world of Mizahar. There are a lot of players in the city who will be affected by these changes and will have more resources to work with. Not only that, but when I'm done with Endrykas, I will have permanently left my mark on Mizahar by making the city my own. So when I say this isn't necessarily for Gossamer and Mizahar, I do mean it. This is something that I love to do. This is for me. Very importantly, I need to give props to Tundris and Sabazios. I'm narcissistic and egotistical perhaps, but I'm not arrogant. The DS's that looked over Endrykas before deserve to be credited, and I'm not at all writing off what they've contributed to the city. Although it's in poor shape now, I don't look at Endrykas and see failure. Colombina suggested to me that I try not to view things in a negative light, and I don't. The former DSes did bring a lot of good to the city, and I'd like to take a moment to recognize them. Tundris in a large part developed most of Endrykas and the Drykas culture. Gossamer gave her the tools and Tundris went to work. Though I intend to make a lot of changes, there is a HUGE amount of effort that went into what Tundris created. Honestly, she has done most of the work for me. Taking something and making modifications is FAARRR easier than starting pretty much from scratch. Without her, I wouldn't have anywhere to start. I feel more like I'm restoring an ancient painting, improving the color. I'll be taking quite a few liberties in adding my own touch and correcting what I think doesn't exactly fit the Drykas, but I owe her a great amount of gratitude for what she put into it. I'm afraid I haven't heard a lot about Sabazios, and I think he was only a mod for a very short time during my stay here in Mizahar. I'm a relatively new player, I've only been here about two months. However, he has been completely cooperative with me and has openly offered his help, letting me take a look at the notes he had for Endrykas plots, the Watch, and presumably more. It takes a lot of swallowing of pride, I think, to step up to the AS who wants to take your former job. And I can see he's doing it out of his own personal love for Endrykas, which is something I can deeply respect. It's not about him, it's about the city, and he supports me. Coming from Endrykas' former DS, that means a lot. Unfortunately I will probably end up unstickying many of Tundris and Sabazios' threads as I complete my overhaul, but I want you both to know that you are not forgotten. I would not be able to do this if it weren't for you. I think that's pretty much all I have to say. I had only meant to write a little introduction to my proposed changes to Endrykas, but it ended up being a long, heartfelt letter about what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. I guess that all needed to be said, anyway. Here's to a bright future for Endrykas and the people who are quickly becoming my beloved foster children: The Drykas, Lords of Cyphrus. |
by Mycroft on May 21st, 2011, 7:02 pm
Disclaimer: Sorry if this list sounds scatterbrained. I wrote it up after work, and I'm always a mess when I'm tired. I've labeled all these sections to make it easier to read. You can just flip over it quickly to see what I'll be editing, then read the explanation for a better understanding. What to Expect in Endrykas: As I mentioned above, I intend to make some huge changes to Endrykas. I'd like to keep everyone in the loop of what I'm doing, because honestly I'm just the Storyteller. The players in Endrykas will be the ones benefiting (hopefully) from any of it. I have only been a member of Mizahar for about two months, and I have never roleplayed in Endrykas. I know from experience that having someone completely new come in and start changing things up with the self-delusion that they know how to improve everything is incredibly frustrating. I invite all of you to speak up on what, if anything, you'd like to see from me as your moderator, or if there's anything in Endrykas that's not listed here that you think needs improvement. And don't be afraid to tell me what you don't like about it, either. You're the people I'm doing this for. My primary focus, first and foremost, is to improve life for all the people currently in the city. I think you'll like what I have in store. *mind blanks* Uuhh... Ugh, god, I'm glad I was chatting to Goss about this on my phone. I can never remember this stuff on demand. Let me scroll through this chatlog quick... Here is what I'll be working on: City Layout This is the current wiki lore explaining the city's layout:
The Linkmap in the Endrykas thread lists all the clans and their specializations, and specific locations such as the War Pavilion. I have personally found this a little hard to follow. The "Stalk Meet" is obviously the center, but they layout itself remains a bit of a mystery. One can speculate that since the city is mobile, the layout changes every time they settle down, which is true. And there is an order to it as listed in the wiki, speaking of Herds of trading pavilions that settle near each other. Many family pavilions stick to the outskirts of the city. The population and the density of Endrykas changes, and this is prone to wild fluctuations. That much is clear. Still, I think it could be clearer. I'll be re-organizing how Endrykas clans settle themselves as the city sets down. I'd like to keep it relatively simple - generally grouping clans together instead of mixing them up, but not being completely segregated. There might be a more communal area where certain tradesman compete for space to sell their wares. I'd like to set out more designated areas for family pavilions, and coordinate where the herds of horses are kept. What is very largely downplayed are the Semes, very large black horses with white manes that are responsible for pulling the bulk of the Endrykas pavilions. Where do they go when the city stops moving? So in closing, I'll be completely reorganizing the city completely remaking the Linkmap and making it easier for Drykas to do RP within the city much more easily. Other types of characters might have a harder time, but that's just how it is for non-Drykas. ![]() Zibri Vaguely mentioned in the wiki and only in passing in RP threads, what is very often overlooked are the Zibri - animals of Tundris' creation that represent somewhat of an allegory to buffalo. These are the primary game animals of the Drykas, providing them with meat, wool, and leather. Unlike the Native Americans from the American midwest, I don't want to turn them into some tired allegory for buffalo. I'd like to think they're more sparse than that, and that Drykas game is more varied than simply Zibri. Still, I think more attention should be paid to how Drykas come by their cloths. Alongside wool, they might also use flax, but that's another subject. I want to develop the Zibri as animals, and I intend to create an article for the WD section. Bestiary Glassbeak, olidosaplux, velispar, these are some other creatures that wander the wilds of Cyphrus. Unlike cities such as Sunberth or Lhavit, Endrykas is much more closely in tune with the land. The animals and monsters that dwell in the Sea of Grass make a huge impact on the lives of the Drykas, but there's no quick resource that lists off which animals and monsters live there (there are LOTS! canines and felines too!) I intend to compile a list of animals with wiki-articles and put it up somewhere for people to reference. I will also likely list relevant herbs and plants that grow within the Sea. There are always threads about people HAVING herbs, but not always picking them. Summer Race The Summer Race is actually a seasonal event that supposedly begins during the last five days of Spring. It has to do with taking horses to the Stardowns and... WHAT? It turns out Stardowns is on the OPPOSITE end of Endrykas' summertime locale. I'd think that'd be the equivalent to, say, riding your horse from the bottom of Texas up to at least Colorado (if not father) just for a jovial, competitive race. This is fairly unrealistic, and the summer event needs to be restructured entirely. I will probably scrap the race and come up with something new. I may even scrap the other seasonal events, but the others didn't bother me at all. Just felt a little bland. Government As it is now, among the seven Drykas clans are "Head Ankals" that meet up to discuss matters relevant to Endrykas. The odd number keeps any voting regimen from being held up in a tie. I do not like this at all. The Drykas are polygamists, and each family pavilion is led by a single patriarch. Why would their society promote democracy when their households do not? I think each of the seven clans would largely be self governing. The clans need each other to survive in the Sea of Grass, and their reverence for their culture and heritage should be the tie that binds. However, there ARE inevitably conflicts. I just don't think that a "council" themed government would work well for this city. So, I will be completely restructuring how that works. Wiki Articles I'll be making a lot of corrections and edits to the wiki articles as well. Much of the information in the Endrykas page SHOULD be in the Drykas page, and vice versa. I'd like to make both articles easier to read, and remove certain odd details that don't really need to be there. The Watch The Watch needs some major love, and later on I'll be putting work into developing a structure for them too. Sama'el will be a big inspiration for this. Vinnie still has notes about his ideas for the Watch's development, which I'll be taking a look at, but how much I end up following them is hard to say until I've seen them. The Watch are the guardians of the Drykas, and I'll develop them suit the role. Entering Endrykas Fairly commonly I receive questions on how a stranger can enter Endrykas if they don't know webbing (and if you're a stranger, you WON'T know webbing). Though I love helping out players and answering questions, I feel like this is something that should be self-evident given the incredible danger of all the wilds in Mizahar. What is sometimes difficult for new players to surmise is that finding a city in a massive, open, uncharted area (say you find yourself in Texas, with no roads or maps or other cities, and you were told to find Oklahoma City. Even if you know its general direction, you might never find it. Coupling that with a city that moves and Cyphrus itself wanting to eat you, and you're facing impossible odds. Most Endrykans realize this, but that much is fairly difficult to discern just by looking at the city if you're a new player or creating a new character and are considering Cyphrus as your next play area. I'd like to whip up something that exaggerates the dangers of Cyphrus and explains the nigh impossibility of finding a moving city, even if it is a massive conglomerate of caravans. I'd also like to point out what times of year Endrykas is communicating with trading caravans, making the city more accessible to foreign outsiders. Entrance Thread Also, I will be writing up a new Entrance thread and removing the Knotted Gates from existence. Players who posted there before will not have to re-post, but new players will be asked to post their entrances in the new thread. Entering the city will now have more to do with webbing, and more predominantly, the Watch. It's also more than likely that any new player would be arriving accompanied with a caravan. Exceptions to this would have to be modded. Endrykas Web - totems vs. caerns In the wiki, it's said that the Endrykas city web is maintained with decoratively appointed totems. After speaking with Gossamer, she said these were not meant to be totems, but caerns - special piles of rocks. I'll be putting more detail into the Endrykas web itself and how it encompasses the city. It's occurred to me also that this local web might even have a name, being ever-present and ever-newly-constructed as the city moves. It's the city's ethereal guardian, and Endrykans depend on it. Topaz clan The Topaz clan's role is largely difficult to understand. In the wiki, they're listed as philosophical leaders and enforcers of tradition, protectors of equality. Thing is, you can't apply equality to a city like Endrykas. Our modern, westernized version of equality cannot even begin to make sense in a culture as foreign as the Drykas - their reality occurs under a very different set of rules. You might personally think that it's sexist for a man to take up many wives, when a woman can only have one husband (who she has to share). It doesn't bother the Drykas at all, and the ones who do find they object to it (which isn't a matter of principle more than their own diversionary personal belief) often leave. Oppression doesn't happen in Endrykas, the city just IS. They need each other, and help each other. Equality isn't an issue. I'd like to redefine the Topaz clan as more spiritual keepers. The Endrykas respect many gods, and I think it would do the culture well if there were a clan that revolved keeping a record of these gods and how to pay homage to them. However, a clan primarily based around religious worship is a little insubstantial to me, so I'd have to expand on that, and keep up their philosophical nature. They would still be the preservers of tradition, and perhaps the keepers of Drykas history - they have a strong heritage and their ancestors would be very important to them. That's the idea I have for Topaz clan, but it's subject to change as I develop it. Underpasses I don't think it makes sense for the city to pass underground. Horses need the open, as do the Drykas, and going into a network of tunnels and caves filled with spirits and monsters just seems silly. I'd like to repurpose this area completely, but not remove it. The Drykas lived underground centuries ago, and the Underpasses may serve as a historical landmark. It's filled with dangers now, more so than when their ancestors first left, and there'd be no reason to enter unless you wanted a good RP plot. ![]() This will mean the elimination of the Underwatch, and a redesigning of the area's purpose completely. Age Range Those who know me are aware that I have a weird conflict with young characters. A sixteen year old traveling the world? Unlikely. However! The Drykas live very treacherous lives. Reaching the age of 30 is a remarkable feat. A younger population from 16-21 WOULD be your normal range of adulthood for the Drykas. And it's very unlikely that you'd reach the ages of 23 and over and not be married already. I'd like to make this age range a bit more clear for new characters, and what family they would live to have (grandparents? I think not. Still having your parents in adulthood? You'd be lucky.) Additional locations: Cyphrus has few landmarks by which to navigate, but I would like to add seasonal locations that the Endrykas passes as it moves through the region. These locations would have specific dates attached to inform players when they're within reasonable traveling distance and available for RP. This would be much like the Stardowns or the Underpasses, but with significantly less... uh... significants. This could be a collection of rocky steppes, or even the rarely visited coastline and rocky cliffs and beaches. They would not have a cultural importance to the Endrykas, but it opens up players to more variety in their RP. The city... it MOVES. The actual movement of Endrykas is not clearly specified. Of course, it can't move ALL the time, and it must settle down frequently. This is true but how often do they pick up and leave? What kind of pace does the city keep? This is unclear, and I'd like to pour more details into that. This is the quickly summarized list if incoming changes to Endrykas. Look for these to being arriving as soon as tomorrow. If there's anything you'd like to add or you think needs to be changed, I'm very open to suggestion. This city, after all, is for the players. I'd love to hear what you think. You are the Drykas. You know what your needs are. If there's something that still doesn't make sense to you or isn't what the city needs, feel free to post here or just send me a PM. I'd be happy to discuss the city with you! Thanks for your time and patience. |
by Gossamer on May 23rd, 2011, 12:56 am
by Mycroft on May 23rd, 2011, 3:39 am
by Dusk on May 24th, 2011, 2:11 am
by Kendall Saarinen on May 24th, 2011, 2:17 am
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