The Rose Cavern
The Rose Cavern is the primary nesting ground for the Ranekissra, the “soft moth”, from whose cocoons comes the thread for most Symenestran fabric. The moth is roughly the size of a small bird and is a common pet for young Symenestra. If the moth never breeds it can live for several years. Those that do breed live about six months and breed once, laying up to two-hundred eggs.
The cavern’s name comes from the rosy quartz that covers the walls and ceiling. Fungus that feeds off the quartz takes on the color of the stone and deepens it. Other organisms bring their own phosphorous hues, glowing bright as illuminated gems. Combined with transported opalgloams, the quartz and organisms create a surreal wash of rose shades and colored light.
Adult Ranekissra eat the fungus within the cavern while larvae eat vegetation provided from outside by the Symenestra moth-keepers. Eggs are laid in a few dry corners of the cavern, so larvae are easily found upon hatching.
A subterranean pool covers most of the cavern floor and holds another link in the symbiotic chain. The vividly colored Ryzowska, a large pink fish, eats the moths and larvae that fall into the pool. This fish is integrated into Symenestran diet, but only during the breeding season for the Ranekissra and in moderate amounts.
Avenues in and out of the cavern are covered with a fine mesh, keeping the moths and their eggs contained within the brightly colored cavern. A single boat exists on one of the stones shores for rare moments of fishing.
The cocoons are harvested in phases and boiled in water to begin the unravelling process. This kills the pupa whose metamorphosis would break the cocoon and ruin the length of the thread. Boiling also allows for easier unravelling. Every year more cocoons are left untouched to increase the Ranekissra's population. Never wasteful of this precious resource, broken cocoons are still harvested for what thread they may provide.
Symenestran silk is a rare and valuable commodity outside of Kalinor and is the primary object used in trade.