Mortunaultis Flower Mortunaultis is a white to faded pastel red and powder blue flower found in the Syliran region. Information (ID, Uses, etc.) Mortunaltis is a poisonous plant found blooming in the cooler temperatures in some mountainous areas. It is not unusual to see these flowers bloom year round in the mountains, but is uncommon to see them bloom anywhere else in the Sylirian region during any season but winter. The flower belongs to a moon worshiping family of plants, the flower being a bud during the day and only blooms at night. It is thought like the tides of the ocean, the flower is triggered by the gravitational pull of the moon. Usually beginning to bloom during the first three hours of sun set, fully bloomed for two hours and begins to die the last three to four hours. Usually the flower is finished/finishing it's closing period. The flower when completely bloomed is fairly big at around five-seven inches in diameter from petal to petal. In the center of the flower is a pestle where pollen is held and collected. The flower petals have bio-luminescent chemicals, glowing a mellow blue color. The plant any other day has very dark green leaves, stems, and flower buds. Low to the ground they are evergreen and only blossom annually. Blooming The first three hours after sunset is called the blooming period. The protective dark green bud begins to open as the first and second layers of long and thin petals begin to open. The chemicals within the flowers begin to react with the air creating an eerie blue glow that becomes brighter with the slightest of breezes. It is worth noting that these plants are very delicate during all three stages, if a strong breeze is present or an animal steps through the field the flowers petals may fall away or blow away with the winds. During this stage however if you happen upon upon a patch of Mortunaltis the observer will see what looks like dots of blue embers of a fire. If an observer is present during a strong gust of wind they may be treated to a beautiful sight called a "Glaudio" or Snowless blizzard. This is when the wind blows hard enough to pull the luminescent petals from their hidden state from the buds, which gives the effect of a manifestation of a eerie blue flaked blizzard. Pollination period Once the flowers have fully matured and opened completely, the plant's pestle is raised in the air. At a certain point in time when the moon has reached it's apex of the night the plant allows it's pollen free into the air. The pollen is a very fine dust, so fine that it is believed that the pollen is not lifted only by wind but the gravitational pull of the moon. Once the moon has left it's apex approximately 10-15 minutes in no one quite is sure. The pollen begins to drift back to the earth and pollinate another plant. This is one reason why it is believed most of these plants are found in big patches sometimes even fields. When a full field is in bloom it is quite a spectacle the ghostly blue glow something someone must witness in person. Dying Process As the moon begins it's decent to be swallowed by the sun again the flowers begin to close their petals and die. Having either been pollinated or not they die with the moon. The petals curl around there center protecting a process of making a plant seed. The chemicals that cause the bio-luminescent begin to fade as it is converted to another chemical that is very dangerous to any creature that may consume it. It is a defense mechanism to keep birds and herbivores from eating the plants and destroying the seeds of a new plant. If you were to ingest an entire dead bud an adult may become very ill, a decrease in strength and mental stability are some of the side effects. If a child where to ingest two petals of the flower less then .5 mg it may die or come very close to death. These buds when left alone house a seed and serve as the beginning of a new plant, the seed uses the deadly chemical as food beginning it's root growing process. Uses Other then being very nice seasonal garden plants, their deadly beauty is most useful in the hands of a herbologist looking to find a cure to a medical disease or to a poisoner. The extraction process is fairly simple using grain alcohol or a very strong spirit the dead flower buds are to be dropped into the spirits and left to soak for up to a week. This gives you a strong medical tincture or a weak blinding or pain inducing poison. If a poison artist would like to have a stronger solution they may distill the alcohol off leaving behind plant matter and crystalline solid poison. This Crystaline solid can be then redissolved with another batch of flowers to create a concentrated batch of poison which can cause blindness from contact of the skin. If the poisoner would like to make an air based deterrent, the distillation process is repeated a third time it can be recrystallized on hay. When the hay is bundled and set on fire and then extinguished, the hay will remain smoldering letting out a very thick choking white smoke. This smoke burns the eyes and lungs when inhaled causing hardness of breathing and blindness. This is an advanced technique and during production of this third distillation and recrystallization it is of the utmost importance that the crafter wears leather gloves. A single crystal left unattended on the skin can stop the heart within thirty minutes. *Ripped from "Poisonus plants and Animals of Sylira." Written by Kraven DraGahozen Rough Draft |