Location [Syliras Location] The Flower Stand

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] The Flower Stand

Postby Zinami on May 23rd, 2011, 9:54 pm

She had in all been knocked upon her back by the male with a rather unattractive "Oomphh". She waited for the flashes to clear from her eyes, before she would form the fuzzy train of thoughts that had rattled within her mind, since it had been set off course, into one string of well elocuted utterances.

"Well, my darling drunkard. You ask of what I was doing with your neglected feline? Then I shall answer. Do brace yourself, the truth may set your alcohol poisoned mind awry and into the depths of self-evalution, for I was doing what you were not. Showing that elegant creature attention and affection. However, if you had busied yourself that way at all, you would not have tripped.

Her visage bore no emotion other than a slight irritation. How could that poor feline follow such a.. thing...? Moments of knowing the male, and she was sickened. However, she did her very best to flash him her set of ivories as she would flex her abdominals until she had risen back into a kneeling position. She placed both sets of five fingertips to the ground to balance her before she reached forward with the left to press the back of her curled index to the felines side where the male had collided with her to check if she was injured. 'Though she had not even expected a response, the previously frank tone had sweetened to yet another cooing intonation for the creature. "Darling... did that drunkard harm you?.." She spoke as if he wasn't hovering over her. Simply keeping in mind the cat's reactions to where she allowed her finger to glide along her fur. If she flinched away in an unusual spot, she would assume 'it' had harmed her...

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[Syliras Location] The Flower Stand

Postby Llewelyn on June 5th, 2011, 1:42 am

Llewelyn gaped at the woman as she so polietly ripped him a new one. The assumption she made was a slap in the face enough. Who was she to call him neglectful of his only friend. The cat left of her own accord, and at no point was he ever unaffectionate. How could this-this-this HUMAN dare speak to him in that manner. He had seen things her sad mind could never dream off. She dare say these things to him?

His weathered face became a rosey red. His temper was sky rocketing. He glanced to the sky, it was becoming a dark purple color. Good. In minutes he would be calm and she would see what she was reckoning with. Blue eyes watched with contempt as she began to pet the cat. It was correct of her to allow him to look down on her.

Crevan had jumped back in astonishment as he tripped over her and onto the kind woman. Her intelligent green eyes watched the woman speak and it seemed as if they almost comprehended what was said. She tried standing to her small feet but staggered as the red head began petting her. The calico began licking her leg furiously, wincing as she went. Llewelyn flinched and scooped her up from the mad woman. He had done this. The world became dark.

He felt it. As gentlely as possible he placed the cat down. 'What was the point of picking her up?', he mused with a smile. Tranquility overwhelmed him. He closed his eyes as his limbs began to tingle. How long had he been at the flowershop? For a drunk, who knows. The man began to change. The clothes that earlier looked to be much to large for him were now fit snugly on his body. He gasped with pain and elation as a glass-like solid pushed out of his temples and turned a bright green. He now stood at an atstonishing 7 feet tall and gazed at her through midnight colored hair. His face showned no emotion, only boredom.
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[Syliras Location] The Flower Stand

Postby Zinami on June 5th, 2011, 6:52 pm

She had taken note of the feline's leg and of the male's sudden growth spurt. Although she was quite shocked at his sudden change, she didn't really pay it much mind. Her face bore a determined expression as she slipped her bag from her shoulder and onto the ground before her. Quickly she thumbed it open and delved within it in search of something.

Out of it she pulled scissors, a needle and black thread and some water. Then she pulled her cloak from her body and snipped an inch thick strip from the hem with the scissors. With the strip of fabric ready in her left hand, her right digits encircled the leg which the calico had been paying so much attention to. She quickly felt her way down the appendage, to see if there were any breaks. Luckily for the feline, she felt nothing significant. It may have been a fracture or a sprain or maybe it was just sore. None-the -less she tightly wrapped the strip around from the very top to the bottom in over lapping rings until the feline's foot was wrapped and then she began her way back up and made sure to bind the space where the feline felt the most pain. once she finished that, she made sure to sew the beginning and end sections of her make-shift gauze to itself to help keep it secure. She slipped her tools back into her kit neatly before wrapping the cloak about her figure once more.

With half full waterskin in one hand, she began pouring it into the cupped other. Her intention was to give the feline something to drink. Again, she spoke very lovingly to the calico. It wasn't a tone of 'talking down', but more of simple compassion. "Now, love, drink this, and do not mess with the wrapping. I'm not sure if it'll help, but I felt it would be better than nothing."

Dull green eyes traveled away from the cat to look up at the male, almost apologetically. "I never had much experience with four legged creatures back home, I do hope I'm doing this right." She gave a rather wistful smile as the feline again dominated her attention.

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[Syliras Location] The Flower Stand

Postby Llewelyn on June 6th, 2011, 12:50 am

He blinked slowly at her. Humans were so strange. But this one was just down right intriguing. Why on earth was she carrying that? He looked back to the flower stand. What that woman was thinking. "Prehaps we should move our locale?", he offered in a flat tone.

He wasn't sure if he was being ignored or she was just too consumed in her work. It was a relief to meet someone not dazzled to the point of idiocy by his transformation. Although he figured she didn't quiet notice that his whole self was changed. Either way he didn't care. He was beautiful and in his realm. Night. so close to Leth.

The calico struggled slightly against the wrap. She growled at it but the only damage it sustained was a dirty look. Crevan sniffed the water with distaste. She looked up to the woman with a face saying,"What the hell?" She backed away slowly from the hand and began giving herself a wash.
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[Syliras Location] The Flower Stand

Postby Zinami on June 6th, 2011, 9:56 pm

Her tone lightened incredibly at the feline's look. She even giggled as she tilted her hand towards the left and allowed the small pool of water to drip from it, and pool on earth before the stand in a small puddle.

Again the male was in her sights as she wiped her hand dry against her thigh. Her demeanor was very playful currently and vibrated in her voice. "'Course, where'd you have in mind?"

She jerked her arm upward to settle her bag along with it's contents over her shoulder with a little flip before pressing her free hand to the earth before her knees in order to lift her legs from the ground. Now in a upside down 'v' formation, she heaved on the hand braced against the earth to push her into a more gravity defying pose. Standing straight. Albeit, she wavered slightly upon the 'landing' of her maneuver.

She glanced down at the feline in a moment of consideration before she again engaged the male, "I'm not entirely sure she's up for walking with us yet... Wanna carry her?"

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[Syliras Location] The Flower Stand

Postby Llewelyn on July 3rd, 2011, 11:00 pm

OOCOMG! I thought I replied like forever ago! *flail* I am sooo sorry. God I'm a mess. But I'm around to stay. Promise! Llewy sighed humans could be so... Strange. He sneered as she giggled at his injured cat. What was her angle? He couldn't decide on this one. At times she interested him but in a heartbeat she would annoy him to no end. She was just so cheery. She had to be hiding something. "The Stone Garden, do you know it?"

He watched with slight amusement as she did some sort of dance in order to stand. What was wrong with her? The dance didn't end well. He laughed openly at her question, "Are you sure you can walk? Of course I'll carry her." With that he scooped the cat up and began walking away from the flowerstand. He would be back here, he decided as he fingered the flowers in his pocket.
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[Syliras Location] The Flower Stand

Postby Dusk on July 10th, 2011, 5:40 pm


Moderator's Note: Hello folks! I appreciate the lovely scene, but unless you guys need something modded this should be in a separate thread instead of at the actual location. If you could please move the rest of this somewhere else, we'd appreciate it!
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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