by Lavia on May 26th, 2011, 8:11 am
  Location: Ravoks EdgeTime Stamp: 511 AV, 1st day of Spring_________________________________________________________The journey home was never a long one, at least not this time around. Instead of a long distance to travel which was the likely case, the current travel for the Kelvic had felt quite short. She knew it was because of her desire to keep moving without a desire to stop for a rest or nourishment. She had fed herself abundantly just the night before, and when morning came she was off in to the sky, her wings competing with the brisk flow of the wind. The Kelvic had spent most of Winter in the Spires, where the air was much colder but the beauty of the nature was still captivating and wondrous as it always was every season. Still, she had an eagerness to settle in Riverfall for the Spring. The large wings of the owl began to coast, no longer finding a need to flap as rapidly as before. She watched the large body of grass move underneath her, until she took in the sight of the waters edge as it gently kissed the earth.
As much as she wanted to continue on, she felt the need to take a rest and take in the beauty of Ravok before she made her leave. The owl began to draw closer to the coast, its talons extending as it prepared to land. The sharp claws found the earth, sinking in to them deeply, the soft hooting of the tawny colored owl filling the quiet atmosphere. The large gold eyes looked ahead to the water, silence taking over. The large eyes eventually looked away, the head of the owl turning slowly to observe its surroundings, and in the distance just to its left, it noticed the large boat, which appeared to actually be some sort of home or house. As curiosity began to sneak up as it always did, the owl pushed itself off of the ground and allowed its wings to carry itself once more in to the air. Within closer range of this curious abode, the owl perched itself on a tree branch, a few feet off of the ground. The owl watched closely, searching for any movement. -but there was none.
Hoot, hoot.
The owl called out, seeking to grasp any attention of anyone who might have been near. -but again, there was no one. The owl's wings expanded, its magnificent length and span being a tremendous sight to see. The owls beak snapped a few times before the wings folded again, resting against the owls body. The creature grew impatient, and the wings opened once more, the owl taking flight and making its way towards the curious boat like home. There was an urge to prod and poke throughout the many things the owl observed, but instead it rested its talons in to the sandy area, clenching tightly as the claws held its firm grip. It was quiet.. a bit too quiet.
Last edited by
Lavia on May 26th, 2011, 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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