Cenric Stolvind Basic Information Race: Human. Birthday & Age : Spring 25 , 488 AV Gender: Male. Physical Description Cernic is a rather short fellow. Standing at five foot four inches, if it wasn't for his personality, he would often be overlooked entirely. Wavy shoulder length brown hair hangs loose on his head. His hair is well kept, as well as all facial hair is always shaved. Having beautiful storm gray eyes, it is the feature he is most proud of, second to his hair. With an oval face, for the most part besides his eyes, he can be an extremely forgetable person. However, if one managed to pay close enough attention, they would see a scar that was about an inch across in the center of his forehead, near the scalp. There are also a few places on his scalp that are relatively small where scars are present. There are slight calluses on his feet from running. The only other thing that could be noted but not seen is, he had deep rolling veins. Character Concept Cenric can be extremely extroverted. Friendly, charismatic, and passionate when speaking. Whenever he has the time, he will stop and talk to nearly anyone who will have a chat with him. Cenric especially enjoys speaking to travelers about the going-ons of the world, finding the information just as wonderful as the conversation he had with the person. He however, has no tolerance for a few select types of people. Addicts and rapists. He believes they are the lowest of the low and deserve nothing from him. Given the chance he would rid the world of a person such of those, if he could get away unseen. Other than that, however. Cenric has an extremely low ethical standard. Thievery, interrogation, bashing in heads, there is no problem with doing these things. Very often regretting none of his actions, it is nearly impossible for him to apologize for his actions. When confronted he will dance around the "apology" and never apologize. The only thing counteracting this sort of behavior is his ability to gauge people and situations for the most part. Cenric knows when to back down, sometimes after being threatened and beaten. He is bold, but he is in no way stupid. Pragmatic, resourceful, bold, he seems competent. In private though, Cenric's personality changes drastically. Brooding, introverted, quiet. Seeming to stare off into space, day dreaming. A man of intense psychological strength, he feels tired. Worn down from so many years in this world. He may have little standards, but when alone in his apartment, Cenric, always wonders if there is another way. Minor Fears: Crossing high bridges and heights. Major Fears: Living life alone. Character History Cenric was born in the Spring 25, 488 AV. Born into Sunberth, a city of chaos, vice, and death. Both of his parents, Cedric and Tyra Stolvind were low ranking members of a syndicate within the city. Both of Cenric's parents made a nice sum of money, meaning he never went hungry or lacked suitable clothing. The boy was raised to be bold, convincing, and clever. The rest of his lessons he learned by himself and often with the help of others showing him how and how not to behave. If a man was disrespectful or arrogant, he normally was beaten or killed. Cenric learned by watching, and listening. Having kept his head down and not attracting too much attention, Cenric survived to his eleventh year. With encouragement from his father, Cenric dived headfirst into his parents line of work. Looking for whatever he could, Cenric pick-pocketed foreigners, hid in the shadows listening for information. As he grew, so did his skills. After a deal of time, Cenric began to find himself engrossed in the workings of locks, and the human mind. Studying and practicing both as he worked with his parents, he his skills began to grow. At his fifteenth year, on the tenth day of fall, his father was found on their door step with a stab wound between the ribs, dead. Cenric took the only thing worth inheriting from his father. Taking the thieves' tools, Cenric dove into the work, trying to forget the tragedy as he pushed it deep down, his mind refusing to let him mourn. However his mother in her grief, began taking drugs and climbing into the bottle. The money she earned all went into her addictions. There was one point where she stole from her own son to feed her want. Now in his nineteenth year, Cenric set out without a word to his mother or friends. He headed to Syliras, where he now owns an apartment. Doing whatever odd job he can find, he has taken some jobs of questionable legality, but searches for a job where he can work as a Lock smith as a legal front, and practice his true expertise when he needs additional income. Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore) Brawling: 5 [Start] Dagger: 5 [Start] Interrogation: 5 [Start] Intelligence: 5 [Start] Larceny: 10 [Start] Stealth: 8 [Start] Lock smithing: 12 [Start] Running: 15 [Racial] Lore: Alleyways and dead ends of Syliras Lore: Alleyways and dead ends of Sunberth Languages: Common - Fluent. Isur - Basic Equipment and Possessions 1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included) 1 Waterskin A Backpack which contains: 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) Food for a week. 1 eating knife. Flint & Steel. 1 basic 20x20 single room Syliras apartment (400 sq feet) with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table. Thieves’ Tools [Heirloom] Ledger 100 gold mizras -45 gold mizras spent for season. 55 gold mizras Thread List |