"Now lets have a try at boxing."
Kayn felt his clothes stick to him, from the sweat that dripped from his body. Zohn was bent over double, in worse shape than Kayn. They both glanced up at Krong, who stood hands on hims an "evil" grin on his face. "Come on, get up you slackers." The boys got up slowly takeing there time, just to spite Krong who stood there laughter in his eyes.
"Alright, there are three main stances for boxing. The upright stance, as well as half crouch, an crouching stances." After showing both of them an example of each stance, the boys attempted it themselves, which Krong then adjusted until he was pleased. He then explained each stance to them. "Upright stance is offensive, crouch is defensive, and half crouch is halfway between the two. Your arm positioning is based on which arm you use the most, I'm guessing you are both right handed?" The boys nodded. "Alright then your left arm is the one in front, and your right arm is behind."
Once they had mastered each stance, he started them on the offensive move. "Now the main four punch for boxing are the jab, cross, hook, and uppercut. Now I'm going to show you each punch, but remember after each move always bring your arms back into guard position." He motioned for Kayn to step forward. "Ok get into your stance, and put your arms in guard position." Kayn did as he was told and got into the upright position, as well as putting his arms in guard position.
"Alright, now the jab is a punch with your left arm, and it is typically what you think of when you think of a punch, now the jab is straight forward propelled by your shoulder, and your palm faces down..." As he explained each punch, he demonstrated on Kayn but without using much force, and doing it very slowly so the boys could see what he was explaining.
"Alright so those are the offensive moves, now to move on to defensive. Kayn I want you to try and attempt to do any of the punches I just show you, and I will defend from it."[/b] Kayn nodded. First he attempted a clumsy jab towards Krongs head, which Krong simply moved his head to the side and ducked, bringing his fist to tap Kayn's ribs. [b]"That is called a slip, simply you move your hips and shoulders and tilt your head so the punch "slips" past your head. The one thing to remember with slips is to never move your head back into place after you have moved it, you just need to move the rest of your body to wear your head is..." It continued with Kayn attempting to attack and Krong showing an example of a bob, block, cover-up, and clinch, and after explaining.
Finally when he was done he straightened up and glanced over towards the rest of the group who where setting up camp as the sun started to settle. "One thing to remember with boxing is all about foot work, positioning, and force. Now, I think we should go help set up camp, but you guys can practice this some other time."
The boys nodded and walked off to help with setting up camp. |