Flashback [The Sunset Falls] The Color of Living (Ethan)

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

Flashback [The Sunset Falls] The Color of Living (Ethan)

Postby Lavia on May 23rd, 2011, 12:39 am

Location: Syliras, Cobalt Mountains, The Sunset Falls
Time Stamp: 508 AV, 17th day of Winter

The wind felt magnificent beating against her wings, with every flap and flutter. How gentle and serene the owl seemed, but still fierce enough to compete with the earths cool breath, for the wind was blowing much harder than usual. The large wings beat hastily and expeditiously, keeping her risen up towards the heavens as the owl took flight over the large open land. She saw nothing but green, green fields of grass and in the distant, the gold large eyes could see the mountain tops. Slowly she was exposing herself to this world she never knew existed. Being kept away as a slave didn't allow much of a freedom to seek an adventure. But now -free and able to go wherever her wings would take her, she found herself without a destination. Simply flying and letting her curious nature guide her. She left Ravok just five days prior to today, and she left with a knowledge of how it felt to be truly grateful. It was the first time she let that emotion blossom. Not turning back, she took to the air in search for a new beginning. Not so much looking for a place to call home, but instead focusing on finding a life of her own. Without chains, without binding, without shackles and without control. This feeling of being free was quite new to her.

She was nearing closer to the large rocks, carved in to sculptures; masterpieces. She had never been this close to a mountain top. She wanted to rest, and her eyes scanned the area quickly, looking for a suitable place to perch upon. The owl circled through the area for some time until her altitude began to drop, her wings still carrying her but now beating at a much slower pace. It was then she saw the most beautiful sight she had ever seen, a waterfall which appeared luminous, glistening with the very colors of the sun. The vision she took in was simply breathtaking, and the inquisitive Kelvic could not find it in herself to push forward. There was an instant longing to explore this waterfall and all its beauty.

Hoot, Hoot

The soft calling from the owl filled the air, as it began to approach just the top of the waterfall. The gold eyes observed the drop, which was very far, as the wings picked up pace, drawing the owl up much closer to the sky. Once hovering just over the waterfall, the adrenaline began to take over, the owls heart beating much faster than usual. There was an unquinched thirst for excitement. She hadn't felt this way in.. never. Her head tilted forward, and without another thought the owl was head first, shooting down the front of the waterfall. It took some time, for the drop was very far, and the plunge in to the water was not instant. Just as the owl was nearing the pool of water, a whirl of lights engulfed the mammal. Colors of gold and white, appearing just as bright as the waterfalls own brilliant show of colors. The lights around the owl eventually absconded, leaving in to thin air and leaving behind the graceful body of a woman. Her arms were outstretched towards the water, fingers pointed and legs extended the opposite direction. A laugh, a word or even scream of joy would not come soon enough, for just as she shifted, her fingertips had already caressed the surface of the water, her body slipping under to then be embraced by the water. What was heard from the surface, died away, for her ears were now only filled with the gentle rumbling of the waterfall, the swishing sounds of the water, and the movement she caused underneath as her feet and legs began to slowly dance, keeping her body from sinking.

The body of the Kelvic changed drastically, and all that remained behind were the honey colored eyes, opened widely as the viewed for the first time, under water. Lavia rose her head, her eyes trying to see beyond the surface from underneath. No longer wanting to hold her breath, she kicked her legs and arms, until she was head first out of the water, a loud gasp following after. She swam slowly away from the beating water, into a much calmer area of the waterfalls ending. She lifted the tips of her fingers to rub her eyes, clearing her sight as she looked around the large body of water. There was no one in sight; indeed she was alone. But even alone, she could not find herself to be afraid. She calming sound of the falling water soothed her thoughts as she found herself floating on her back. It was a brilliant work of art, floating on the pools surface. She had never felt so alive. This brought a smile to her face, gently tugging at the corner of her lips. It amazed her, after all this time, she hadn't forgotten how to smile.
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Flashback [The Sunset Falls] The Color of Living (Ethan)

Postby Ethan on May 24th, 2011, 10:13 am

Ethan had been searching the sea's on the eastern coast of Syliras for the whole spring. Scarcely eating or allowing himself to rest. He grew so thin and fatigued that it was either leave the search or perish from a malnourished body. Still, the young boy contemplated if he made the right choice.

It was now early winter and most of his strength and weight had returned. He was tall and broad with thick compact muscle. Still a little thin but that's how he had always been. Shaggy dirty blonde hair covered his head and his cheeks were still smooth with youth. Kelvic born he was only five years old, but any human would see a youth no older than sixteen.

Ethan sat on top the sturdy branch of a giant oak. Back comfortably pressed against the trunk while he watched the falls. Only moving to brush the hair back the hair that fell into his eyes. The wind wasn't letting up and it tugged at his body like greedy hands. Trying to pull him threw the air to the cold dirt. He didn't mind though, heights held no fear for him.

He didn't know exactly why he flew all this way. Across the Colbalt mountains, only to stop at this waterfall. At the time it seemed like a good idea. The sun was starting to lower from the sky and the falls shown like burning glass. It would of normally taken his breath away. Made him curious and desperate to figure out its mystery, like he did with all other things.

Now it simply served as a point to focus his eyes while he thought about his master. Most likely dead but he couldn't say or admit it. Too cold a thought to even allow in. Instead he thought about where he could be, how far that storm took them out to sea. If they found a port or lost too much of the ship to go on.

The brightness of the falls hurt his sharp eyes, the way it reflected the sun with such intensity. In a way it helped him think. The pain acted as a barrier from thoughts better left alone. It was pleasant and this place at least served as a spot to gather his thoughts. To live for a while perhaps. Amongst the wild mountains and fresh water.

Ethan had been sitting there in his human form for little more than three hours. The rough bark was cutting and chaffing his legs and back, and a large number of insects had made camp throughout his body. Irritated and tired he still stared off into the rushes of water. That is until the sharp hoot's of an owl snapped him back to reality.

Ethan's bright intense golden eyes tracked the creature. Ethan wasn't really a hunter of anything living. Mostly he kept to bones small enough to swallow whole or the lucky ones he could drop and crack open. Yet today he was feeling a little bored, a little angry and vindictive. He wanted to hear the thing screech in pain as he took out his wrath and frustration on it. Inflict pain and then leave it's body to rot.

He was about to change and hunt it down with talons. When the bird did something curious. Ethan's face twisted in contempt and curiosity as the stupid bird flew straight down the waterfall. Ethan was perched on one of the tallest branches on an Oak close to the maw of the falls. He had a complete view of the world from there. So when the Owl shot down it quickly started disappearing into a fine dot. His eyes missed nothing but he still had to strain to see the creature. It was closing in on the surface of the pool. A few more seconds and the animal would crash into the water.

By now he was practically hanging off of the thick branch that held him. Trying to maintain his view. The mist from the waterfall was thick and heavy but what he saw was unmistakable. Right before the bird hit the water, a bright spark of light erupted from the animal. The dark orange and reds of the sun lit waterfall could not have created that illusion. No trick of light could of caused it.

The young boy's heart was racing inside of his throat, threatening to choke him when she finally came up for air. It was a woman, it was a Kelvic. He knew his instincts were telling him something when he landed here. Ethan was so excited the thought of his master and all his former troubles evaporated.

It was his kin, his own kind he would finally meet. Without hesitation Ethan closed his eyes and gladly let the change take him. The brilliant white light he adored and loved surrounded his body. Leaving behind a large mix matched bird. Black wing feathers with brown on the inside. A light orange white chest, and white face with a black streak around his eyes. Truly a strange but large bird.

It took a quick second of dropping and maneuvering to fly threw and past the Oak branches, and into the open sky above the Waterfall. He dove from its edge and cut threw the cold air. The drop was farther than it looked and he realized why the woman took it. It was exhilarating and had his heart leaping with joy. A couple hundred feet from the waters below he leveled off with a large flap and circled in a slow arch around the woman. He kept his bright eyes fixated on the woman, studying her. He was silent as death while besides the careful beat of his wings.

She was naked of course, with light skin and long hair, floating tendrils in the water around her. She was extremely beautiful and it made him a little nervous to be staring at her so bare. He was taught to be a proper gentlemen by his master. To be civilized despite his savage blood. Yet he didn't look away.

After one more circle of the woman he let out a shrill screech. Enough to get anyone's attention. With that he flapped hard to gain speed and dove near the woman. No were close to her but it was sure to get her looking. He almost felt as if he was showing off to her? Ethan tried to shove the weird thoughts from his head as he gently glided towards the waters edge. It was sandy in most areas. Eroded by the water, but he found a suitable grassy area to land on.

Quickly the Lammergeier spun around and started flapping his wings vigorously. Giving a loud cry, making himself as visible as possible. When he was positive of her attention he called to the energy inside of his soul and let the change take over his body. Luckily he was well fed so the toll wasn't too much. The light swarmed him and disappeared like mist. Leaving the tall, lanky boy with bright golden eyes and long dirty blond hair.

“Hello their sister! How do you do!” He shouted across the water like a fool but didn't care. He was bare as sin and so was she, but he never felt so comfortable. It was a true blessing to see his own kind. He tried to remember his manors but he was young and very excited.

“My name is Ethan! I'm an Eagle, and your a Owl but you're such a pretty owl! You're very beautiful what is your name m'lady! May I swim with you, I never met another Kelvic before! You have nice hair!” He was practically on his toes, waving with such ferocity. In fact he was a little smitten with the older woman. He wouldn't admit it but he was. She was much older than him but that didn't matter to him. She was beautiful and of his own race.
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Flashback [The Sunset Falls] The Color of Living (Ethan)

Postby Lavia on May 25th, 2011, 6:45 pm

The bare body laid there in all its serenity, floating atop of the water with no sounds or movement of her own. The only thing pushing her body along was the gentle tugging of the water, which was hardly much of a push and pull. To anyone appearing and spotting her at this very moment, they might just assume she was dead and the possible wonderment of how such a young girl wound up in the Cobalt Mountains would be a whisper amongst conversations. But of course, the girl was not dead. She did not at least feel that way. She honestly felt alive even when lying so still and mute. The feel of the water embracing her body, the cool air breezing against her skin and the mist that coated her face, it was all so heavenly.

Gently she began to move her arms, the body no longer appearing lifeless as she stroked them back and forth, pushing her body much closer to the edge where the earth and water meet. But of course, she was taking her time for she wasn't so quick to want to leave this paradise. She was still somewhat in the center of the large body of water, and without warning she heard the loud screeching sound of what she assumed was a bird. At first, she wasn't going to open her eyes to pay much attention, but the sound she heard was very close, as if.. just above her.

Her eyelids opened wide as she took in the sight of the large bird diving towards her. Too swift and quick for her to examine his details, her reflexes told her to let her lower body sink back in to the water, which it did. She watched as the bird circled above her for only a moment, and just as he left she cupped a small handful of water and flung it towards the winged creature, in hopes to scare it away. Of course, it was a failed attempt for many reasons. A bird as large as that would not be afraid of a few dabs of water, and of course it had already flown away by the time her hand was out of the water. She watched the bird intently, her large golden eyes never letting their sight linger away. Her body began to appear as if it was slowly sinking, the Kelvic lowering herself down in to the water. Eventually the only thing left visible were her eyes and the top of her crown, as they peered curiously in the birds direction. She watched as it spun around a few times and flapped its large wings, the loud shrieking noises echoing all around. She was able to observe its details. Black feathers which seemed to coated brown on the inside, a large pale orange and white chest, which stuck out a bit with boldness and pride, a white face with a black streak around its eyes and from what she could make out, light eyes. She blinked, slowly, as if she didn't want to even miss a second of watching this bird. How strange yet beautiful it was, and it made her wonder if its eyes were taking notice of her as much as her own were watching him.

Then there was a sight much more captivating than the sight of the mere bird. The wings were spread wide as the glowing white lights swallowed him whole, engulfing his body and bringing forth a tall and very frail looking boy. Lavia's head immediately shot upwards from out of the water, revealing her moistened face to the Winter air. It was one of her, one of her own, a Kelvic. There was a lightness in her chest and a fluttering movement in her stomach as she watched with widened and surprised eyes. It brought comfort to her spirit, but that quickly withered away once the boy began to speak.

“Hello their sister! How do you do!”

"Sister?" she whispered very lowly, the distance between the two making it impossible for him to hear.

She began to slowly lower herself back in to the water, her curiosity no longer at its peak but now she was much more cautious. Sure, he appeared to be only a boy, a Kelvic boy at that, but it did not mean she was as comfortable as she would wish to be. She was new to interactions. Especially interactions with those who possibly meant no harm at all.

“My name is Ethan! I'm an Eagle, and your a Owl but you're such a pretty owl! You're very beautiful what is your name m'lady! May I swim with you, I never met another Kelvic before! You have nice hair!”

His curiosity and his eager ways did pull a smile to her lips, not visible since half of her face was now back under the water. It quickly faded away, not wanting to get too attached to that 'I want to go talk to him' feeling. She kept her eyes on him, beginning to lift her head and shoulders back out of the water. It appeared as if the Kevlic was swimming towards him to greet him in return, but she had another idea in mind. Leaving. She stopped as she came closer to where the water and earth met, finding that her body was no longer sheltered under the water, but now exposed in all its bareness, only her lower legs hidden still in the water. The thick and long light colored locks of hair pasted to her body, so closely as they framed her figure. Her bright honey colored eyes were more visible, and she too took in his own. Bright, similar to her own but they still held their differences. She looked away and began to scan the area, and when she found a close path near herself, she followed it, her feet dragging out of the water. Her voice was silent and the sound of the swooshing water was heard as her feet carried her to the earth.

Her soles were acquainted with the dry ground, the dropping water off her flesh leaving a thin trail behind her. She looked to her left, her eyes catching a quick sight of the boy before she looked away.

"Away with you." she said lowly, loud enough for him to hear.

Her voice was trying to force intimidation, trying to shelter the fear that she had. Her worried eyes looked ahead, as she began to take small steps away from the water, her arms folding and her hands cupping each opposite arms. Suddenly, that feeling of freedom was no longer existent. She became overwhelmed with concern, with her own safety. Even in the presence of such a young and scrawny Kelvic.
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Flashback [The Sunset Falls] The Color of Living (Ethan)

Postby Ethan on May 26th, 2011, 9:11 am

Ethan being the young whelp that he was. Smiled like a baboon when the older woman started swimming towards him. He stopped waving and jumping about and simply smiled. This is exactly what he needed. To have good company and the chance of another Kelvic older than him to help him out. He never had a sister but he wanted one dearly. To have a companion at all times. Even closer than his former master...

The young woman came up to the bank of the water but didn't say a word. She had an odd look about her but he didn't notice. He was too excited at the idea of kin. Someone to share everything that just happened to him... Someone to fly with! His heart was leaping into his chest with anticipation and pent up excitement.

When she came up and out of the water his heart nearly stopped... All thoughts of a sister raced from his mind. He was young and couldn't control such urges let alone ideas. For a good long minute he simple absorbed what he was seeing. He couldn't take his eyes off of her, she was gorgeous and the first woman he had ever truly seen up close. He stared her in the eyes, not wanting to stare else where or look away. He felt stunned and grew a bright scarlet. Even with his tan complexion he looked a deep copper red.

She looked so soft... When the older men aboard his masters ship talked about a woman all they ever said was soft, supple, like fine velvet. Now he knew what they meant. The way her hair clung to her body. The way her bright golden eyes looked straight past him. So similar to his own. He was entranced by her beauty he could hardly speak. She was walking towards him. Still she didn't speak a word and it only added to her godliness.

He was about to say something, more like squeak something incoherent. When she started to walk away from him. Down a trail leading away from the falls. For a moment he simply reddened. Completely intimidated by her presence. That is until she spoke. The words were harsh and cut like a knife. She tried to shoe him away like a peasant. Like a pathetic urchin. Just how his master once did...

She didn't go far, taking short steps and simply waiting there. Like she was expecting something from him? His admiration turned sour on his tongue and was replaced with the tart memories of his masters neglect.

“Is this how another Kelvic treats her brother?” He was angry that was definite but it was more hurt than anything. He walked in front of the bare woman, just as vulnerable. When he looked into her face all he could see was worry and fear. His master had once beaten manors into the boy. Taught him to be polite and wait to move. Obviously he was right like always. She was scared of something, it was plain to see. He cocked an eyebrow in curiosity mixed with concern.

“Who are you Miss? Are you in trouble? Did something happen?” The red of embarrassment had left his cheeks and was replaced by worry. He didn't know why he cared about this woman. He was taught not to. But she looked so upset. She was kin, all he really had left. “Please talk to me miss I'm a friend. I'm just like you... Your so beautiful you shouldn't be afraid of anything. Please let me help you, I'm a good scout!” He said the last part a little too excited. It was something he could help her with.

“Are you lost? My master took me around all the sea's of the world and taught me how to scout. I can get you any where you want miss. We can fly together if you want!” If he almost shouted before he was besides himself with the idea now.

“Come on M'lady I can take you anywhere! My master taught me how to fight as well I can protect you. We Kelvics got to stick together.” He was getting that deep red again he his eyes started to notice everything else on her. Unfortunately his eyes missed nothing even when he focused else where.

“What is your name! Where do you live? Can I call you Owl, if you don't want to give your name?”
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Flashback [The Sunset Falls] The Color of Living (Ethan)

Postby Lavia on May 27th, 2011, 3:22 am

Her hands continued to grip her arms, so frail and thin they were. The Kelvic girls body appeared to be healthy, holding a womanly curve that she was slowly fitting in to with age, and a soft glow about her skin. But even so, she had to admit to herself that her weight has dropped greatly, from her lack of nourishment. She was never fed much in bondage, and when she escaped from her misery it seemed that food was the last thing on her mind, until now. The shifting hadn't taken a toll on her since she left, but it was slowly having the upper hand, making the girl weak in the knees and light headed. Her fingernails began to dig in to her flesh, nervously piercing her skin lightly as she kept her head turned away and her eyes ahead. She was going to keep moving after she spoke, that was until the boy had much more to say.

“Is this how another Kelvic treats her brother?”

She froze, his words cutting deeply like a knife to her chest. She felt the burning sensation in her heart. She did not want to walk away or push him aside, but she was frightened. Of all things and of all people. Her feet felt bonded to the earth, as if the heavy shackles were hanging from her ankles once again. She could not move, and felt a sudden compulsion to turn and stare in his direction. So she did, her eyes falling on to his once more. He spoke again, before she could mouth even a whisper.

“Who are you Miss? Are you in trouble? Did something happen? Please talk to me miss I'm a friend. I'm just like you... Your so beautiful you shouldn't be afraid of anything. Please let me help you, I'm a good scout! Are you lost? My master took me around all the sea's of the world and taught me how to scout. I can get you any where you want miss. We can fly together if you want!”

The fear she tried to hide so well slowly began to disperse, leaving behind a questioning expression. Slowly, her body began to turn, now facing the eager boy. She began to unclench her hands from around her arms, letting the limbs fall slowly to her side as she stood there, palms faced outwards and as accessible as one could ever be. Beautiful. She looked away but quickly returned her eyes after the compliment. It was one she had never received and she wasn't quite sure if it was believable or not. For a girl to be enslaved for so long, spit upon and pushed around to do the will and desires of others, it was much hard for her to see the beauty in herself. A scout? Fly together? She took in all his anxious pleading, finding it interesting and appealing. But she would not budge so easily. Lavia was not only cautious, but also stubborn. She parted her lips to speak, but his words over powered her attempt.

“Come on M'lady I can take you anywhere! My master taught me how to fight as well I can protect you. We Kelvics got to stick together. What is your name! Where do you live? Can I call you Owl, if you don't want to give your name?”

He has a Master. Suddenly, she was overwhelmed with that sudden fear. To her, Master could only mean bondage and captivity. Everything she did not want to go back to. She looked away from the boy, the gold eyes beginning to scan around their surroundings, through every tree and ever bush. Her eyes did fall back on to him, as her feet moved only a few steps further, slowly closing in the space between them.

"Your mouth.. it runs like water." she said, her tone very quiet but still audible to near ears.

She did not want to converse, she did not want to socialize, she just wanted to leave. But there was something so gentle about the fellow Kelvic that she could not find it in herself to leave so suddenly. The droplets of water began to leave her crown, rolling down her face and a few began to cradle theirselves in the parting of her lips. As she opened her mouth again, the water sneaked its way in to quench her tongue, her thirst still eager for more.

"I do not wish to go anywhere, I just wanted to rest here." she paused for a moment, taking her chance to breath deeply, the crisp air filling her lungs, "My name is.. Lavia."

She kept quiet, the silence between the two becoming awkward. She was feeling her way around in this situation. It was the first time she had ever conversed with another like herself. Looking away, her eyes fell to her bare feet, watching as the earth around them became moistened with the dripping of the water from her flesh. She looked back up to him, a sudden burst of emotion taking over.

"Where am I.." she whispered, her eyes beginning to fill with sadness, the glossiness of them not to be mistaken for water, but were indeed tears.

She was lost, but she would never admit that. Of course, she would only say she is traveling without a direction. The girl was fresh out of metal chains, fresh in to this world. It seemed like an adventure for her at first, but freedom had so much more than that. There were trials. Survival skills were being tested and Lavia only found herself failing. It had only been a couple of days since she left Ravok, and the beauty of Mizahar was enough to silence her worries, until now. There was much beauty around her, but the girl was in no condition to handle all else in between. The trials were thick, and she knew starvation and loss of direction were only the beginning.
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Flashback [The Sunset Falls] The Color of Living (Ethan)

Postby Ethan on May 29th, 2011, 10:29 pm

Ethan started to feel a little worried and impatience. The sky was a deep violent red slowly draining away with the sun. The deep blue of night was slowly taking over and it made him nervous. Things came out at night that frightened him. On the sea nothing could get you unless you were in the water. He never spent time on land without the comforting presence of his master, so it was still new to him. A friend to keep him company would be deeply appreciated.

The first night on shore. He couldn't rest or sleep because of the noise. Wolves howling, wind ripping and tearing at the tree's around him. It was frightening but nothing was worse than the beasts that came out at night. Dark shadows with luminescent eyes, prowling for anything they could eat. The shrill sounds of agony whenever they caught their prey. He was deeply thankful he could sleep in trees. Away from any of those creatures.

In all honesty he wanted to hurry up and take this woman off the ground before the predators set in. He watched the woman look around and threw him. When she spoke he was surprised and a little embarrassed. His mouth did run like water, but he was glad she was speaking. He was so grateful she spoke that he didn't dare interrupt her.

She explained in a pleasantly feminine voice. Her name was Lavia, the name made Ethan smile but he let her continue. She just wanted to stay here and rest for the night. It was Ethan's guess that she was nervous. Taking deep breathes in between words. Why was she so anxious? He remember what his master said about other Kelvics *They are beast's in humans flesh. It's best not to talk with them. They aren't born to be civilized. They aren't like you, boy..* He didn't want to believe that though. He didn't see anything wrong with this woman. She was just bad at talking and probably on the run. He had seen how other Kelvics were treated when they docked at places like Sunberth. No wonder few wanted to be in civilization when they were treated like beasts of burden.

When she was done talking their was a long silence. The silence wasn't awkward. He knew to let her take her time to speak on her own. It took a couple of minutes but she eventually spoke, but the words came out dead and hollow. Filled with a deep sadness that tugged at his heart. She didn't know where she was? Like him in a way, she was lost.

Ethan looked deeply concerned but tried wiping it off his face. Pity wasn't something he wanted to give. Help went a lot farther than mere concern. “Your in the land of Sylira. At Sunset Falls, in the Cobalt Mountains. With good wind's were a day's flight North of Syliras, the huge fortress city. Although I don't know how far your little wings can take you.” He gave her a friendly smile, As he looked into her eyes. He was only a boy barely coming of age but he was no fool. She was too sad and lost to simply be wild. She either lost a master like him or was a slave. The idea made his stomach pinch and roll. Bringing back the memory of why he was here in the first place.

“Lavia, I know what it feels like to be lost. A couple seasons ago I lost everything. My home and master both lost in a storm. ” It pained him to even speak about it. “If you're lost as well Lavia then I can help you. Whatever pain your feeling I can help. We are kin and we have to stick together. I can only guess what has happened to you, but I will help if you let me..” He took only a small gradual step towards her. Not wanting to alarm or scare anyone. He knew she must be very afraid and upset. She wore it clearly on her face.

“But it's getting dark M'lady and things come out at night. If you want we can nest and keep each other company, or I can take you to an inn along the main road, It's safe as can be. But I don't think it's wise to stay on the ground at night.” Ethan slowly held out a hand for her to hold. A warm smile crept from cheek to cheek. “We can be lost together, Lavia.”
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Flashback [The Sunset Falls] The Color of Living (Ethan)

Postby Lavia on May 31st, 2011, 6:35 am

The Kevlic stood there, the wind beginning to embrace her damp body, the cool air sending chills up her spine and the sight of very small goosebumps began to appear a long her arms and legs. Of course, not visible to the naked eye, they were acknowledged by Lavia as they gave their tingling sensation. The tears had been forming, but there was that still small voice that gave her reason to fight them back. She had been weak all of her life, which wasn't long living, but in her situations days always felt like seasons and seasons always felt that years. She felt tattered and worn out in her own skin. Lavia only sniffled, indicating that the sadness was there but she would not let the tears fall. She pursed her lips back together, not finding much more to say, and listened to his words. Ethan? Was that what the boy said his name was? -Syliras. She took in all the information given, even about what lurked just behind these very trees and bushes. But of course, Lavia did not find it terrifying at all. Her mind was elsewhere, more worried about being found or recaptured rather than being eaten or killed by some savage beast.

“Lavia, I know what it feels like to be lost. A couple seasons ago I lost everything. My home and master both lost in a storm. ”

His words brought a warm sensation that completely consumed and overwhelmed her beating heart. It wasn't an uncomfortable feeling, but it was quite.. delightful. She did not want to be comforted. She did not want anyones sympathy. And before she would have insisted pushing his help away, but slowly she found herself more and more captivated by his offer. By his shoulder he was lending, and by him period. Slowly, her walls were caving in and she felt obligated to give the slightest bit of sympathy towards his plead to help. She looked to the ground for a moment, before his hand was extended in her direction. She hesitated, that bit of fear still having the urge to boil up again, but she fought it. She pushed it back and with confidence, rose her eyes back up to his. With slow movement, she lifted her left hand to set her palm gently on top of his, gracefully and slowly it did find its way to his. She laid her hand on top of his and let it rest there for a split second, before allowing her fingers to find its grip and grasp around his hand. Her own was smaller compared to his own, even in all his youth.

"I did not mean to push your kindness away like that, Ethan." she said, her voice carrying a soft yet sultry tone as it hardly competed to be heard over the rushing water of the waterfall. Her golden eyes appeared warm, and accepting while a slight smile appeared on her lips, "-I suppose I am just getting used to.. socializing and.." she held her words for a moment before continuing on, shrugging her shoulders slightly, "-and understanding that not all people have the same intentions."

Lavia was a simple kind of Kelvic, as they all were. And at times she could be naive in decision making, which was a reason why she has always been hesitant to letting certain people get a hold of her attention. She was used to the pain, used to the anguish and used to the harsh treatment from every person she encountered. But she knew she would have to put that behind her, if she ever wanted to learn how to accept those in to her life who meant no harm at all. She kept her eyes on him, and nodded her head slowly in agreement.

"The inn sounds nice." she paused, and began to shake her head in disagreement, "-but I have nothing to pay."

Her feet began to move, as if being lifted out of the thickest wad of quicksand, finding her legs quite heavy but they did manage to bring her closer to him, beginning to close the space between the two of them. She let their hold drop, her hand still holding on to his but her arm dangling to her side, and his at his own. He was a stranger in every way, but the Kelvic nature Lavia held of being compassionate and longing for companionship began to rise and make itself known. She longed for company. Good company. It was something she has never had. The thought of finding a potential friend caused her grip on his hand to squeeze only slightly, if even noticeably. She took her eyes from his and began to look around through their surroundings. The sun was quickly setting and the nightfall was nearing. The clouds had already dispersed in to long stretched streams of color, painting against the sky along its deep blue canvas. Their silence was filled in with the sound of the waterfall and the rustling of the trees as the wind began to pick up.

"You -you do not have camp near?" she asked, turning to look back up in his direction with wondering eyes, "We can fly, I can make it a short distance."

The Kelvic had not eaten a righteous meal and she knew the shifting would once again cause her to feel weak and fatigued and unable to travel very far, so she knew it was best to take the flight as easy as possible if they were to do so. Her attention quickly turned to the movement in the near bush, just between the two large towering trees. As a kelvic, senses are heightened, but for an owl the sense of smell was still very weak. Though her sight and hearing picked up the movement quite quickly, her ears taking in the slow and gradual movement, while her eyes watched closely for any noticeable creature.

"We should go." she whispered lowly, her hand beginning to pull on Ethan's, urging him but at the same time, waiting for the Kelvics direction.
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Flashback [The Sunset Falls] The Color of Living (Ethan)

Postby Ethan on June 2nd, 2011, 7:55 am

Everything the Kelvic hoped for was happening. Not only was he breaking open Lavia's shell. She was surprisingly close to him. So close he could feel the heat off her bare flesh. The soft breath of her voice on his cheek. He wanted a friend to talk to and share the burden they both felt, but if she wanted something more he could not deny her. Lavia had to be the most beautiful woman he ever met.

When she spoke it was with a voice like warmed honey. Her piercing light golden eyes only made the effect more real. He was absolutely captivated by her. The droplets of water slowly rolling down her face. The wild tangles of hair framing a loving smile. No, if Lavia wanted something more he would happily accept. He may be tamed by his old master but the animal inside of him longed for a mate.

Ethan was flustered but wouldn't let her see that. She was still very shy. Just learning how to socialize or that's what she said at least. She must have been a slave. There was no other reason for her to be this scared of everything even her own kind.

When Lavia looked off with a hint of concern he knew exactly what it meant. Ethan carefully turned hi head in the same direction. Looking carefully at the same two large trees she was. Lavia and her animal form were equipped for hearing rather than sight. Ethan on the other hand was the exact opposite. He needed his eyes to spot carcasses from miles off. The fading twilight made it incredibly hard to pin point what was moving though. It was well hidden in the orange tint flowing from the falls. Shadows and light easily mixed, but he was sure something was there.

She urged him to go with her.. Her hand tugged on his own and he realized he had taken a protective stance over her without realizing it. Half his body was in front of hers and an arm held her close to him. His eyes were fixed on the movement and his heart was pounding adrenaline. One thought was dominate in his mind. He had to get Lavia out of here.

“Get behind me slowly... change and fly to the highest oak on top of the water fall. Call out to me when your there. Go now I will follow shortly.” Ethan spoke each word carefully, not wanting to spook anything or give away there movement. His tone was stern and commanding, he tried to imitate his old master but fear still crept into his tone. Fear of the unknown, fear of pain and death, fear of loosing someone again...
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Flashback [The Sunset Falls] The Color of Living (Ethan)

Postby Lavia on June 4th, 2011, 7:32 am

Never before had the Kelvics palms been so sweaty, causing her grip on his hand to not be as secure as she hoped in case there was a need to run. She did hold on as tightly as she could, but not to where she was putting the boy in pain. For just a moment, only a moment, did she embrace this new feeling. She felt.. safe. As if she was for once in good hands. Many hands have had their way with her; pushing, pulling and hitting. She had never had the pleasure of letting her own hands have their own way. To be a ble to hold, touch and feel flesh against flesh, in a delightful manner. It was an amazing feeling. Simple, but amazing.

Once that moment of admiring the feeling she had was let go, she was shaken once again. The jolt of fear rising from the soles of her feet, leaving her legs weak but her heart racing. Scared, but when was she not? Leaving her chains behind in Ravok was the best decision thus far, but she was not prepared for this world she was just beginning to explore. Large beautiful landscapes as this; she had no idea they could pose a threat. It was true, the Kelvic was naive. It couldn't possibly be just in her nature to be that way. She had been sheltered away from everything, kept behind four walls for the most part of her existence.

He moved in front of her, half of his frame sheltering her. For someone who appeared so young, there were still broad shoulders. Lavia always found it interesting, that even if a male was younger than a female, there was still that masculine build about them. Ethan, was tall and lanky but she excused the thought of his small figure in acknowledging that the Kelvic was still maturing, and she did not let his frame determine his strength. His hand that was holding hers let go of its grip, as he reached his entire arm behind him to hold her by the waist and bring her a bit closer to him. Her mouth, nearly having a moment to touch the skin of his back. She took in his scent only for a moment, and it was nothing amazing. No sweet smelling perfumes or skin that smelled of fresh soap. But still, she inhaled deeply.

“Get behind me slowly... change and fly to the highest oak on top of the water fall. Call out to me when your there. Go now I will follow shortly.”

Her eyebrows frowned, a look of confusion molding her features. Was he going to risk staying behind, just to ensure she could have a moment to shift and have a sweet escape of her own. It instantly worried her, and she even felt that he had to be completely insane. She shook her head only slightly, wanting to disagree and refuse, but she knew if she didn't now, she would probably have no chance in getting away so easily, depending on just what actually lurked behind the trees in the Cobalt Mountains. Lavia moved back, her footsteps easing in the wet earth, as she felt his arm drag from around her frame, letting her go. She kept her eyes on the back of her head, and without a word she shifted, the same glistening and bright lights engulfing her body, shrinking her down to take the form of the tawny colored owl. She knew, the lights would have gotten more than attention rising in the creature, and because of that thought, she hurried off, letting her wings carry her in to the air in hopes that Ethan would soon follow after.

The large massive wings beat against the nights wind, the gusts of air easing the flight to the top of the waterfall. It did not take long, and once there she spotted the tallest oak tree. The large and sharp talons planted themselves in to the thick branch, clenching it tightly to hold the owl steady and in place. The wings folded back to its side, and the neck of the owl extended. It would be assumed that an owl had a short neck, but when extended it was quite long. An interesting characteristic about the bird. The large eyes watched as the gray colored clouds began to make their way across the sky, night time setting in quite quickly. She looked down near the waterfall, the sight from above making everything appear much smaller, even Ethan..
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Flashback [The Sunset Falls] The Color of Living (Ethan)

Postby Ethan on June 5th, 2011, 11:38 am

Ethan was glad she slid behind him without question. Night was settling in and his sight was getting better along with it. The better he saw this creature. The deeper the fear got. Lavia quickly changed behind him and took off. The bright flash of light didn't seem to phase the creature. He didn't know what was scaring him the worst. The unknown or the death like stillness of the creature.

It wasn't his intentions to linger at all, only to see if this animal could fly. When Lavia took to the sky's he waited for a moment. When nothing happened he decided not to test his courage or luck and began to change. The shimmering lights took him as he slowly lowered to the ground. Feeling the bones in his body alter and the feathers sprout from his skin and newly formed wings.

It took little effort to lift off the ground. A slight hop and hard flapping of his wings. The climb upward was harder. The mountain wind around the falls offered no lifting current. Even so, his strong wings and muscles carried him quickly towards Lavia.

While he flew, Ethan kept his eyes peeled for any sight of the predator. Thankfully nothing stirred, they were lucky this time. It took him a couple of moments before reaching the top of the falls. Flapping fast and strong he soared up towards the tree. It was easy to tell which was the tallest and he hoped Lavia could as well. Now his eyes only needed to scan for the small owl. He let out a shrill cry to let her know he was coming.

When he spotted Lavia with his strong eyes. He couldn't help but notice she was as beautiful as ever in her animal form. He circled the tree slowly to see the best spot for him to land. Quickly he swooped down, letting his talons latch onto a sturdy branch next to his friend. Ethan towered over the owl just as he did before. He wanted to go closer and clean her affectionately, so he did. Since she seemed more comfortable with him before they were interrupted. He didn't see much reason in being formal. Placing a large protective wing over Lavia. Ethan began picking gently at the feathers on her neck. Smoothing them out with the side of his beak and taking out any that were loose.

When he felt she was nice and groomed he began to speak. Low cries and short chirps. An Avian language of sorts that every bird could understand. Although it wasn't as complex as the Common tongue. It got the point across all the same.

“Let me feed you.” He softly chirped. “You are safe with me. Let me hunt for you. Feed your belly.”
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