The bare body laid there in all its serenity, floating atop of the water with no sounds or movement of her own. The only thing pushing her body along was the gentle tugging of the water, which was hardly much of a push and pull. To anyone appearing and spotting her at this very moment, they might just assume she was dead and the possible wonderment of how such a young girl wound up in the Cobalt Mountains would be a whisper amongst conversations. But of course, the girl was not dead. She did not at least feel that way. She honestly felt
alive even when lying so still and mute. The feel of the water embracing her body, the cool air breezing against her skin and the mist that coated her face, it was all so heavenly.
Gently she began to move her arms, the body no longer appearing lifeless as she stroked them back and forth, pushing her body much closer to the edge where the earth and water meet. But of course, she was taking her time for she wasn't so quick to want to leave this paradise. She was still somewhat in the center of the large body of water, and without warning she heard the loud screeching sound of what she assumed was a bird. At first, she wasn't going to open her eyes to pay much attention, but the sound she heard was very close, as if.. just above her.
Her eyelids opened wide as she took in the sight of the large bird diving towards her. Too swift and quick for her to examine his details, her reflexes told her to let her lower body sink back in to the water, which it did. She watched as the bird circled above her for only a moment, and just as he left she cupped a small handful of water and flung it towards the winged creature, in hopes to scare it away. Of course, it was a failed attempt for many reasons. A bird as large as that would not be afraid of a few dabs of water, and of course it had already flown away by the time her hand was out of the water. She watched the bird intently, her large golden eyes never letting their sight linger away. Her body began to appear as if it was slowly sinking, the Kelvic lowering herself down in to the water. Eventually the only thing left visible were her eyes and the top of her crown, as they peered curiously in the birds direction. She watched as it spun around a few times and flapped its large wings, the loud shrieking noises echoing all around. She was able to observe its details. Black feathers which seemed to coated brown on the inside, a large pale orange and white chest, which stuck out a bit with boldness and pride, a white face with a black streak around its eyes and from what she could make out, light eyes. She blinked, slowly, as if she didn't want to even miss a second of watching this bird. How strange yet beautiful it was, and it made her wonder if its eyes were taking notice of her as much as her own were watching him.
Then there was a sight much more captivating than the sight of the mere bird. The wings were spread wide as the glowing white lights swallowed him whole, engulfing his body and bringing forth a tall and very frail looking boy. Lavia's head immediately shot upwards from out of the water, revealing her moistened face to the Winter air.
It was one of her, one of her own, a Kelvic. There was a lightness in her chest and a fluttering movement in her stomach as she watched with widened and surprised eyes. It brought comfort to her spirit, but that quickly withered away once the boy began to speak.
“Hello their sister! How do you do!”"Sister?" she whispered very lowly, the distance between the two making it impossible for him to hear.
She began to slowly lower herself back in to the water, her curiosity no longer at its peak but now she was much more cautious. Sure, he appeared to be only a boy, a Kelvic boy at that, but it did not mean she was as comfortable as she would wish to be. She was new to interactions. Especially interactions with those who possibly meant no harm at all.
“My name is Ethan! I'm an Eagle, and your a Owl but you're such a pretty owl! You're very beautiful what is your name m'lady! May I swim with you, I never met another Kelvic before! You have nice hair!”His curiosity and his eager ways did pull a smile to her lips, not visible since half of her face was now back under the water. It quickly faded away, not wanting to get too attached to that 'I want to go talk to him' feeling. She kept her eyes on him, beginning to lift her head and shoulders back out of the water. It appeared as if the Kevlic was swimming towards him to greet him in return, but she had another idea in mind.
Leaving. She stopped as she came closer to where the water and earth met, finding that her body was no longer sheltered under the water, but now exposed in all its bareness, only her lower legs hidden still in the water. The thick and long light colored locks of hair pasted to her body, so closely as they framed her figure. Her bright honey colored eyes were more visible, and she too took in his own. Bright, similar to her own but they still held their differences. She looked away and began to scan the area, and when she found a close path near herself, she followed it, her feet dragging out of the water. Her voice was silent and the sound of the
swooshing water was heard as her feet carried her to the earth.
Her soles were acquainted with the dry ground, the dropping water off her flesh leaving a thin trail behind her. She looked to her left, her eyes catching a quick sight of the boy before she looked away.
"Away with you." she said lowly, loud enough for him to hear.
Her voice was trying to force intimidation, trying to shelter the fear that she had. Her worried eyes looked ahead, as she began to take small steps away from the water, her arms folding and her hands cupping each opposite arms. Suddenly, that feeling of freedom was no longer existent. She became overwhelmed with concern, with her own safety. Even in the presence of such a young and scrawny Kelvic.