A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Lavia on May 26th, 2011, 8:11 am

Location: Ravoks Edge
Time Stamp: 511 AV, 1st day of Spring

The journey home was never a long one, at least not this time around. Instead of a long distance to travel which was the likely case, the current travel for the Kelvic had felt quite short. She knew it was because of her desire to keep moving without a desire to stop for a rest or nourishment. She had fed herself abundantly just the night before, and when morning came she was off in to the sky, her wings competing with the brisk flow of the wind. The Kelvic had spent most of Winter in the Spires, where the air was much colder but the beauty of the nature was still captivating and wondrous as it always was every season. Still, she had an eagerness to settle in Riverfall for the Spring. The large wings of the owl began to coast, no longer finding a need to flap as rapidly as before. She watched the large body of grass move underneath her, until she took in the sight of the waters edge as it gently kissed the earth.

As much as she wanted to continue on, she felt the need to take a rest and take in the beauty of Ravok before she made her leave. The owl began to draw closer to the coast, its talons extending as it prepared to land. The sharp claws found the earth, sinking in to them deeply, the soft hooting of the tawny colored owl filling the quiet atmosphere. The large gold eyes looked ahead to the water, silence taking over. The large eyes eventually looked away, the head of the owl turning slowly to observe its surroundings, and in the distance just to its left, it noticed the large boat, which appeared to actually be some sort of home or house. As curiosity began to sneak up as it always did, the owl pushed itself off of the ground and allowed its wings to carry itself once more in to the air. Within closer range of this curious abode, the owl perched itself on a tree branch, a few feet off of the ground. The owl watched closely, searching for any movement. -but there was none.

Hoot, hoot.

The owl called out, seeking to grasp any attention of anyone who might have been near. -but again, there was no one. The owl's wings expanded, its magnificent length and span being a tremendous sight to see. The owls beak snapped a few times before the wings folded again, resting against the owls body. The creature grew impatient, and the wings opened once more, the owl taking flight and making its way towards the curious boat like home. There was an urge to prod and poke throughout the many things the owl observed, but instead it rested its talons in to the sandy area, clenching tightly as the claws held its firm grip. It was quiet.. a bit too quiet.
Last edited by Lavia on May 26th, 2011, 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Ren Tanor on May 26th, 2011, 12:01 pm

Ren Tanor

Ren casually trotted along the outer rim of Ravok's lake, his fur mixed with sand and dirt causing him to look rabid, as he walked along he jept a keen eye focused on the shimmering lake in hopes of spotting Reaver's house. If Ren ever found Reavers house this would've been his seccond lesson in the art of magic.

As Ren rounded about a quarter way around the rim he came across Reavers house sitting up against the sandy shore, continuing closer he came at angle where he could see a large brown owl perched in the sand. Ren imediatly dove into the trees in hopes that owl hadn't seen him yet and he might be able to get an easy meal. As Ren walked slowly inside the tree line cautious not to alert the owl of his arrival, Ren came about to a point where the owl was directly in front of him and he was concealed just inside the trees.

Ren tensed his muscles ready to pouce out and clip its wing so it couldn't fly away, Ren counted down in his head........one.........two.........three! Ren pouced narrowly changing direction as he smelled that it was kelvic, making him land right beside it. (sorry this was a fast post)
"Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way."
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Reaver on May 26th, 2011, 9:18 pm

TimeStamp Note((Spring first, would be the second time Ren would meet Reaver. Their first encounter, they agreed to train one another, with no actual training. This encounter, would be before any training had taken place. Strange how time-stamping works, eh? We'll just RP accordingly, yes?))

Reaver was sitting in his home, oblivious to the outside world. In fact, until it had managed to hit the shore, he hadn't known it was loose from the docks. Wait, that was a familiar bump. Was it... ah. I suppose my last payment being a couple silver Mizas short was not looked fondly upon. He got up, slow to stretch and move. One cannot rush waking up. The extra energy always comes in handy. He looked to his calendar once again. The start of a new season. I was always fond of the cold weather, but I suppose I'll adapt. Speaking of adapting, I should probably move the boat. Reaver stretched more, even after finishing all his thoughts.

Finally, he moved to the door, and heard a sound. It sounded, kind-of like a bird being attacked by something. It seamed to be odd, whatever it was. He slid open the door and looked outside, first to the water and the beach. Yes, he hit the shore. Next, to Ravok. He silently glared at it a few moments. Then, he looked to the woods, where the sound had come from. He saw...

OOC((Actually, no idea what he would see here. I'm sure the blanks will be filled in with the following posts, and I'll start with his reaction.))
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Lavia on May 26th, 2011, 11:56 pm

Having such a curious nature might just be the reason Lavia has always found herself in tight and sticky situations. Curiosity can be an interesting characteristic to have, but it can also be a flaw. The owls wings were just about to open once more, until her senses picked up the heavy breathing from a distance, which was closing in on her. The thumping of footsteps could be heard as they pattered against the earth. These were not normal footsteps of a person, and caused the owl to think twice about where it had made its post. Before the owl had its chance to turn its head, intuition caused the bird to lift to the air once the body of the wolf changed directions. The screeching of the owl filled the air, feeling threatened by the animal now below her. The owl hovered above, wide eyes capturing sight of the wolf. The owl snapped its beak defensively, lowering just above the wolf and with caution, began to claw at the top of its crown with its talons. Her aim was not to harm the animal, but to stand her own ground and take defense to the attack.

The owl then began to wonder, exactly why the wolf didn't attack her right away. With a loud hoot, the owl descended back in to the air and began to fly towards the boat house that was just near the shore. There was a man now standing, watching from a distance. With the swift and rapid beating of its wings, the owl made way towards the man, screeching as it did so. It appeared she might just be awaiting to attack, but she was only looking to land as far away from the wolf as possible.
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Reaver on May 31st, 2011, 5:08 am

OOC - SorryMy apologies, I did not realize my turn was to skip Ren's turn here. I will post now. Next time, PM me if I'm more then two days late posting... Please and thank you.

Reaver was unsure as to how to respond to this latest view, a large bird was making it's way twords him screeching. He wondered if the bird thought him food, like a vulture would. He threw his arms around wildly with an unenthusiastic scream, as to imply he was not such an easy target. Most animals, humans included, would tend to stop approaching him after that. As he does so, he looks about to see something else.

Bird does not hit Reaver
Reaver will watch as the bird goes to a different location, unsure as to why that happened. He contemplated the situation, then went inside. He grabbed some of the left-over human entrails he had, and threw those onto the nearby beach for the bird. Maybe it wouldn't be enough, but he could always get more.
Bird hits Reaver
Reaver will notice the plan not working as the bird makes it's impact. He swiftly moves one hand to his face, to protect his mask. His other hand, goes to the bird, as if to keep it at distance as it's weight knocks him over. He falls, and lands with a slight roll. This roll turns to a fall, as he rolls off his house and into the water. He stayed under the water for a minute, unsure as to the safety of his rising. He stands, looking about.

It was then he noticed Ren sitting there, in the direction the bird came from. Reaver laughed, it seamed the white wolf from before had returned. "Is that, you Ren? Quite a greeting, sending large birds to attack me. Or is this a member of your pack you wanted me to meet? Either way, I'm sure you could have knocked on my door instead. How have you been, sense our last visit? Will I need to move to a new city soon?" Reaver will look to the bird with a new-found interest. "Can you change and talk as well?"

OOCReaver will assume EVERY animal he meets Ren with is like Ren... Unless Ren is eating it.
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Ren Tanor on May 31st, 2011, 8:48 pm

Ren Tanor

"Is that, you Ren? Quite a greeting, sending large birds to attack me. Or is this a member of your pack you wanted me to meet? Either way, I'm sure you could have knocked on my door instead. How have you been, sense our last visit? Will I need to move to a new city soon?" looking torwards the bird Reaver said "Can you change and talk as well?" Ren looked up at Reaver before changing to his human form "I thought it was bird until i got close enough to smell it at, which time was flying midair torwards it whith hopes of a meal. Luckily I changed my course."

Standing up Ren brushed himself down trying to get the immense amount of dirt and sand off his body, striding over torwards where the bird sat Ren began to examine (from a short distace) the birds physical features. A mixture of brown, black, and white fur swirled around its rounded figure.
"Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way."
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Lavia on June 1st, 2011, 5:40 pm

As the owl neared the man, a sharp turn was taken. It did not attack the man but instead, found something for its sharp talons to dig in to. it perched on to a pile of rope, and with a racing heart it remained there to calm itself. The wide eyes looked towards the man, and didn't cease to stop its peculiar gaze until he spoke.

"Can you change and talk as well?"

It never took long for people to figure out the difference between your average mammal and a Kelvic. Especially if there was another Kelvic involved. The owls head turned, its eyes not being able to move, so with the turning of its neck it was able to spot the man, who must have shifted in the matter of moments while she was distracted by the other. They appeared harmless, and Lavia could never be too sure, but then again she was much too interested and gullible for her own good.

The similar splash of white lights swirled around the small owl, leaving behind as it dispersed, the crouching bare woman. Her hair was long and untamed, covering most of her torso, and her features were quite soft and delicate. Though her eyes, remained the same. Bright soft gold, like honey. She looked up to the other Kelvic who approached her from a short distance, and then back over to the man next to him.

"I did not mean to intrude on your.." she spoke, pausing for a moment as she looked around quickly, "boat home.. boat house.. house."

A smile began to tug at the corner of her mouth, but she pushed it back and kept a stern grimace. She looked over to the Kelvic and nodded gently and slowly, "Good thing you have a keen sense of smell.. I might have ended up as lunch."
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Reaver on June 1st, 2011, 5:51 pm

"I don't think it's an intrusion at all. I am a..." Reaver paused, wondering if the bird had already noticed his nature. "...man who enjoys what life can bring him. I welcome the chance to see more of Ren's type. Almost food... I take it you aren't one of his associates then." Reaver made a 'proper' bow that nearly brought his head to the docks, while throwing his cape about with a step that helped him balance. It's over-the-top nature might look silly, especially given his attire. "I am Reaver, a doctor in my spare time. What is your name?" Reaver did his best to keep that low bow until given a name or prompted to do otherwise, where he'd hold himself like a prince once he stood. It never hurts to show my manors. Reaver thought to himself.
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Ren Tanor on June 1st, 2011, 9:45 pm

Ren Tanor

The owl transformed into a beautiful woman with brownish-gold hair that sparkled the light of the sun. "Good thing you have a keen sense of smell.. I might have ended up as lunch." Ren nodded as he grinned in the direction of the woman, until Reaver bended over as if he was trying to smell the ground, Ren held his laughter for as long as he could before bursting out laughing. Ren tilted forward, his arms hugged around his stomach as he laughed uncontrollably. After a few moments Ren began to feel out of breath, regaining his composure Ren once again stood straight up in attention. "By the way whats your name" Ren asked
"Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way."
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Lavia on June 1st, 2011, 10:09 pm

"I don't think it's an intrusion at all. I am a... man who enjoys what life can bring him. I welcome the chance to see more of Ren's type. Almost food... I take it you aren't one of his associates then."

"Ren," she paused, turning to look his way, "-no not one of his 'associates'. But I suppose-"

Her words stopped immediately as she viewed the man in a strange position infront of her. Bent down, leg extended and cape thrown behind him, casting down back to his side as quickly as the wind would allow. She watched for a moment in silence, until she heard him as her name, but before she could answer she heard the loud laughter coming from the Kelvic. Once he stopped for a breath, he too asked her name. She smirked, rising up slowly from her knelt stance, the balls of her feet holding grip on the bundle of rope as she did so.

"Well, my name is Lavia." she said, turning to look at the bent man and tilting her head, "Your nature is quite.. idiosyncratic." she held her words, her fingers lifting to her lips as she smiled, soft gestures of laughter beginning to leave her mouth, but not nearly as loud as Ren's burst of noise, "He is Ren, and you are?" she asked, lowering her hand from her mouth and beginning to take a step off of the pile of rope.
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