[Flashback] Even Fonder Memories [Solo]

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[Flashback] Even Fonder Memories [Solo]

Postby Markus Andres on May 18th, 2011, 7:09 pm

78th of summer 506 AV.

'And Yahal?'

It was his masters way of testing Markus while he was doing push ups. Having Markus explain what his master had taught him once in the past - test his mind along with his body. Something Markus ought to know, but with Yahal, his memory faded. He remembered one thing about Yahal. Perhaps that would be enough so he wouldn't face his masters dissappointment.

"Titled the Holy one and..." Markus grunted as he pushed his entire armored body up. It felt like his arms would fall off. "Sorry ser, seems I forgot the rest of it. I apologize." His master turned his head and gave Markus a look of dissapproval. There had been longer and longer between those looks, but when Markus failed something now, the look had so much more weight behind it now. Especially since Markus had learned to fear his master. Respect him. But darn well fear him too. But his master didn't do anything physically he just sighed before talking.

'It is alright, let me refresh your memory - But, you will do 20 push ups more while I explain -' And his master continued to speak of Yahal and of the domain he governed and more importantly, to Markus why the knights worshiped him. '- . As punishment for forgetting - You will volunteer your services to the Windmount Stables for the next ten days. Get up. We're leaving.' Markus groaned. Once his master had found out Markus was beginning to enjoy physical training, he had been avoiding giving him any punishments that simple involved Markus doing extra push ups or laps around something. Markus had also changed a lot in the year under Stern Mason. His fuse had gotten a bit longer as had his patience with stupid people.

"Yes, ser..." Markus said lowly. As he got up he looked to the ground. His left hand reached down and got his shield. His sword was by his left side. Rarely left his side. He was carrying his helmet in his right hand. He was wearing full plate armor. Markus didn't know where they were headed and for some reason, he preferred it that way. Just follow along with his master and have the terrible realization come when it was too late to do something about it - They stopped at the Windmount stables and got a pair of horses. Markus put the saddle on the horse he had chosen. An all brown mare. Markus liked her, she seemed very gentle in nature and thus, wouldn't run off with him into the wilderness. It never boded well when their first action was to get horses. But Markus didn't complain - He knew it wouldn't make any difference - and if it did make a difference, then it was always for the worse. Markus climbed the horse and rode after his master. Wondering... Or perhaps dreading, was the correct term, what his master had in store for him.
Last edited by Markus Andres on June 2nd, 2011, 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Flashback] Even Fonder Memories [Solo]

Postby Markus Andres on June 1st, 2011, 3:25 am

Markus barely felt the movement of the horse under him. His eyes were fixed on his master’s back. Watching. Waiting. He knew his master might at any time turn to strike at him and Markus only having been trained to fight dismounted, he would have absolutely no chance – With that train of thought. Markus suddenly realized what he was going to be introduced to that day. Markus bit his lip. Perhaps he should turn his horse around and save himself the embarrassment. He entertained that thought for a couple of moments before he remembered his master was ten times the rider he was and that Markus wouldn’t get far before his master had him hunted down.

They rode out into the field and stopped. Markus’ horse was very clever and very good at taking his orders. For it stopped immediately when Markus pulled the reins. His master drew his sword and Markus did likewise. Wondering if his master was just going to attack him without any explanation. It wouldn’t surprise him. Not at all.

‘Sheath your blade.’ He said and Markus hesitated. Shield training? Markus sheathed his blade slowly and watched as his master handed out the sword for Markus to wield. It was quite strange. Why would his master give him his sword? Markus accepted the blade and then noticed why. It wasn’t just dull. It was extremely dull. Was his master getting worried that Markus might actually harm him? A wide smile came on his lips. His pride soared. That might, have been what his master noticed. ‘You’re too inexperienced to properly wield a sword. I don’t want you to harm your horse.’

”If you say so…”

‘I am serious. Do not do anything you can’t control. You will find fighting from horseback to be much different…’
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[Flashback] Even Fonder Memories [Solo]

Postby Markus Andres on June 1st, 2011, 3:25 am

He was right. Markus tried to do one of his basic swings and the lack of a pair of feet on the ground, made a huge difference. Plus, now he had to take in the fact that the ground below him, was moving around. Throwing his balance off if he didn’t learn to anticipate the movements of the horse. He had to cooperate a lot more with his horse. He was a lot happier he had chosen a very gentle horse today. He looked to his master for advice and guidance.

“Well, don’t just sit there… Teach me… ser.”

There was no reaction from his master. Only a blank stare. Something that disturbed the young squire a lot. Was it a lack of faith? No. His master ought to only have increased faith in Markus. Especially since their rocky start. So what was the problem? But as sudden as the blank stare had come, it was gone again. Replaced with the usual stern gaze. Staring holes in Markus confidence that slowly shrank away.

‘Andres. Ride over here.’ Markus had the gentle mare trot forward and stand by his masters horse. ‘I have faith in your love for animals, that you will not do anything that will harm her. If you do, I will terminate your status as a squire.’ There was no doubt in Markus’ heart that his master was telling the truth. This was a lot more serious than Markus had thought.

‘Understood?’ Markus swallowed hard and nodded his head. ‘Good. Your first training will be to ride forward and make swings at the target I placed out there. ’ – “I am fighting a target?” Markus said, almost unable to contain his joy. He felt nervous enough about hurting his horse with a poorly aimed swing, but fighting his master at the same time? Markus would lose within the first two swings.

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[Flashback] Even Fonder Memories [Solo]

Postby Markus Andres on June 2nd, 2011, 5:48 pm

Markus rode forward. At first trotting, but his master yelled faster. FASTER. Always faster. The horse was cantering, bordering on full out galloping. Markus was having trouble keeping his sword steady. Every time the horse touched ground, Markus right arm shook and he almost let go of his sword. It took most of his, now not inconsiderable strength, to maintain the grip. The target was coming up. Fast. Too fast. He felt no confidence he could make the attack. Especially not without at the same time losing his sword. It felt strange on the horse too. It constant rhythmic pushes.

The target was there. He pulled his right arm back to strike at the target. But then decided not to. His master had warned him not to make any attacks he wasn’t comfortable with. This was one of those attacks. He rode right past the target and he eyed it with anger vowing he would cut it a part. Before trying to stop his horse. It took a while before the horse seemed to understand his intent and Markus rode on for another 100 yards before it finally stopped with a very spooked Markus clinging to the reins. When Markus realized the horse had stopped he looked around and was very surprised when he saw his master was right behind him. Giving Markus one of his rare sort of smiles. It looked more like a happy grimace than an actual smile.

‘As I said.’ Markus had actually passed one of his master’s tests? Markus grinned widely. Very pleased that the visor was hiding it from his master. ‘Stop grinning and concentrate. When fighting mounted, your repertoire of attacks depend on you’re moving or not. As you just realized, when moving forward - ?’ Markus thought for a moment. He was used to these pop quizzes.

“Erm… my repertoire has been narrowed down, because some of the attacks, the sheer force of impact would rip the weapon from my hand?”

‘Yes, these attacks are most commonly these two. Repeat my movements.’ His master made a forward thrust with the blade. Markus could easily see how that attack would rip the weapon from his hand. Impaling an enemy would equal him having a man stuck on his blade. Something even Markus’ strength couldn’t carry. Markus thrust his sword forward. Trying to get used to doing this without the aid of the ground. Rarely had he missed the goddess of the earth as then. This was one of the easier ones, he assumed. After all, he could grip the saddle with his left, use that as a balance point and stab his sword forward into the guts of an imaginary enemy.

‘You’re aiming too low, unless you expect to fight the Isur… However, this next attack is not as risky as the first one, you should still be careful to use.’ – Stern Mason pulled his right arm back and swung it forward in a low flying arc. Rising into what would be the chest of an average human being. Markus copied this attack too, but with a notable difference. Markus incorporated his shield into the movement. Protecting his front and left side while he pulled his right arm back. Markus had long ago learnt to use shield and sword in close union, it had almost become a second nature to him. Always put the shield in the ideal defensive position when striking out. Markus’ right hand swept forward, he came dangerously close to the horse and even closer to falling off of the horse, Only his left foot in the stirrup saved his day. But now he knew the limit of far right he could throw his weight.

‘Generally, when striking from the front with your weapon, there is an increased risk of it being ripped from your hands. But, your strike will be that much heavier. However, attacks you can use are.’ His master chopped the blade right down. Then raised it again and did so again, except he continued the swing so it would cut an opponent in the back when he rode by. Markus sat still for a moment. Trying to find his center of balance and determine how far he could go. He raised the sword. Noticed the shift in balance. His left hand gripping the saddle. Markus putting a lot of power behind the downward swing, even standing up in the stirrups. It as a good chop. He felt it was a good attack. He didn’t feel his balance get out of control. He even felt as confident to continue the swing and let it cut the imaginary enemy in the back. Combining the chop with the reverse slash.
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[Flashback] Even Fonder Memories [Solo]

Postby Markus Andres on June 2nd, 2011, 5:49 pm

‘Better. Now ride up to the target, at a slow canter and make the two safe attacks and then the forward slash. Do it at a pace you feel safe with.’

Markus noted the last four words and wondered what had happened to his master. What had happened to the old days where he had just knocked Markus unconscious because he had been disobedient. It was strange to have his master worry like that. Worry for the horse. Hardly at all for Markus. But Markus rode forward. Trotted at first. Then kicked the horse into a slow canter. Raised his blade and chopped down when he got closer. The blade missed the target entirely and the blade just sliced the air. Markus had expected the target dummy to take away some of his force, but it didn’t and Markus was dangerously overbalanced. Markus knew he couldn’t stay on the horse. No matter how he struggled. So he did what he felt was safest. Dropped the blade, even threw it away from himself and the horse and then performed an emergency dismount. It wasn’t very good, mainly due to his less than favorable starting position. But he was wearing heavy armor and it took the worst of the fall. A year earlier, Markus would just have stayed down and said every curse he knew. Perhaps get up and throw his helmet after the horse when he was done cursing. Now. He was quick to get up and run over to his sword. Didn’t care if he was halfway out of breath. He needed his sword. He needed it now.

Too late.

Markus could hear the hooves. They were coming. Too quick. Markus turned and saw his master beating down on him. His sword raised. Markus recognized the style. He had just attempted the same attack. It was a chop. Markus did as his discipline and training had taught him. He had to use what he had ready. He had his shield. And then he remembered his own sword by his waist and mentally cursed himself for forgetting. But it was too late then, he had to make do with his shield alone. But his master’s early warning had made it easy for Markus to raise his shield and intercept the attack. It was a very heavy strike that made Markus fall to his right knee. His master didn’t turn to continue the attack. Instead he rode off and brought Markus’ horse back to him, in the meantime, Markus found his discarded blade and waited.

‘What was wrong about my attack?’ Markus was stunted. His master had done something wrong? Then Markus realized that the attack had been ridiculously easy to foresee. If it had not been for the power in the strike and lack of a weapon, Markus could have made a very easy counter attack.

“You gave away your intended attack with your raised arm... Like I did. I understand, ser.” Markus said. Truly understanding what his master meant. Markus had raised his arm too soon. If an enemy saw that, he would instantly recognize what Markus intended. Thus, making it easier to counter attack. A small reminder that he always, even against stupid dummies, had to remember tactics. His master nodded and handed him the reins. Markus climbed the horse again and looked to his master.

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[Flashback] Even Fonder Memories [Solo]

Postby Markus Andres on June 2nd, 2011, 5:49 pm

29th of Fall 506

Markus sword sliced through the air and hit the doll with a frontal slash. Driving his grandfather’s sword through the dummy neck. Decapitating the dummy with his huge bastard sword. That had been Markus’ tenth successful pass without falling from his horse or losing his sword. Markus stopped his horse and looked to the headless dummy with a smile. Did he hear hooves? Markus turned the horse around so he could see what was coming closer. To Markus’ dread, his master was bearing down on him. Again. No. His sword wasn’t in his hand. Thus it must still be sheathed. He was just riding up to Markus. The squire’s tense muscles relaxed and he sighed with relief.

It was a mixture of instincts and luck that saved Markus from having his brain rattled around in the metal incased cranium. His shield automatically raised and took the heavy incoming blow. Markus muscles went from relaxed to steel in a split second. It stopped the incoming attack. But not without a cost. Markus could feel the power travel down his arm and into his body. A body completely unprepared. A body oddly placed on a horse for a fight. Markus weight was so far over, that it was a miracle that he stayed on the horse. A miracle, or his half a season worth of training. Where he had learned to use the stable platform a saddle provided. Learned to balance on it. Markus left arm gripped the saddle and he pulled himself up. His sword jabbed out at his master’s face as a gut reaction. His master easily knocked the blade up with his shield. But it did give Markus some time to regain his composure and balance on the horse. Markus kicked his horse into gear. It rode forward and Markus could see his master didn’t take pursuit.

Markus had gotten a breather and stopped his horse when he was some 20 yards away from his master. Markus gulped. He knew what his master wanted him to do. His master was substituting for the dummy. Markus sent a silent prayer to Wysar. Hoping the god would give him the discipline to carry on with this insane training. With the moment gone, Markus kicked his horse into a fast canter at his master’s right side. Markus rode at him. His sword raised into the air, just like his master had taught him NOT to do. He was giving away his intended attack. All a part of the young tactician’s plan. When his master raised his shield to take the incoming blow, Markus knew it had worked. When he came closer, Markus blade suddenly dropped and he swung it forward. Below his master’s raised shield.

Or so Markus thought. The shield was in place. Stopping the attack with ease and in turn. Markus got a smack in the back from his master’s blade.
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[Flashback] Even Fonder Memories [Solo]

Postby Markus Andres on June 2nd, 2011, 5:50 pm

Markus rode on. Feeling angry. His master had outsmarted him again. Markus would have to get more creative with his tactics and feigns. Markus got an idea. Perhaps not the smartest of ideas, but it was an idea and it might give him the edge against his master for a short moment. A brief moment where his master might be open for an attack. Markus turned the horse around and rode at his master again. This time, not giving any clue as to what attack he had in mind. When Markus felt it was time, he slowed the horse and swung at his master’s torso, knowing that he wouldn’t do much, but it was a mere distraction. And truly, the sword hit his master’s shield. Doing nothing.

For when Markus had hit his master, he turned the horse. So he was mirroring his master’s turning around to face Markus. Markus made a backhand slash at his master as he turned. But his master leaned forward and Markus’ blade just sliced through the air above the experienced knight. His master’s blade came stabbing at Markus’ chest. Markus twisted his left arm and forced the shield in the way. Taking the attack. Markus’ right arm came chopping down at his master. Hitting the shield. Markus was in a terrible position. He could tell. His master had Markus’ entire right side open. Markus tried to withdraw his blade in time. But no. His master stabbed Markus’ armor in the side. The tip of the blade screeching across the protective metal. The power in the stab sent Markus’ already terribly placed balanced over the top and Markus fell from the horse. His blade, wisely thrown away. Markus landed on his shield arm. Markus left foot was still trapped in the stirrup. Markus just lay there, not wanting to move at all. Just stay down. His master could stab him all he wanted. Markus was done. Done for that day!

“No more!”

‘Okay.’ Markus was surprised. His master agreed to not doing any more training? That ought to have been a clue to the young squire. For his master smacked the horse’s rump with the flat side of his blade. Suddenly. Getting his foot out of the stirrup was a lot more urgent.

The end.
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[Flashback] Even Fonder Memories [Solo]

Postby Archon on June 7th, 2011, 3:05 pm

Illumination of Development

  • +5 Horse Riding
  • +4 Bastard Sword
  • +3 Shield
  • +3 Tactics
  • +2 Body Building
  • +1 Horsemanship

Lores: Religion (Yahal), Mounted Combat (Moderate), Make sure you're free first

Care to see more? :
Fairly straightforward, you got what you used.

Congratulations, Markus now meets the requirements for Knighthood! :) It's been great watching Markus grow through these flashbacks, and good luck on your Quest! :)
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon.
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