Name: Michael Stirling
Age: Born 468 A.V., died 504 A.V. 36 years old.
Relation: Father of Talen
Description and story: Michael was a kind and gentle man. He was a proud member of The Watch just as his father before him, as well as a stevedore at the docks. Well-liked in the city for his steadfast kindness, founded in an unassuming devotion to Priskil and the community.
To Talen he was a hero, and that image never had to suffer the wear of time and reality since he passed away in The Unforgiving on a patrol. Still, through his son his devotion to their goddess, The Watch and Denval lives on.
Longsword: 25 points
Teaching: 10 points
Philosophy: 10 points
Rhetoric: 5 points
"Hope is the strength which empowers the arm that shields the weak."
Name: Alice Silverpine
Age: Born 491 A.V., 19 years old.
Relation: Ex-girlfriend and former fiancée of Talen
Description and story: Alice was and is a sweet girl, strong willed like most Denvali women but feminine and naturally beautiful. She always knew what she wanted even when she was little, and Talen was always too slow to understand what was really going on untill it was too late.
Their relationship began when they were still young and not sure of what they felt, and became a strong love as they grew up. Talen always worked extra hard to impress her, and she was happy to play the part of being won over. In the late aftermath of Talen's fathers death, Alice was there for him to comfort his sorrow and help him get past the loss.
The two were a solid couple, and at 17 years of age they announced their engagement only to receive crushing news. The breeding program told them they were far off related, and that their children would most likely have hemophilia or other inherited disabilities. This news put such a strain and so much fear and anger in their relationships, that they ended it shortly afterwards. She is still one of Talen's great regrets and sorrows.
Animal Husbandry: 20 points
Dancing: 10 points
Seduction: 10 points
Unarmed Combat: 10 points