[Soothing Waters]Learning of the Waters that Sooth(Ageru)

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[Soothing Waters]Learning of the Waters that Sooth(Ageru)

Postby Archon on May 11th, 2011, 6:10 pm

Season of Spring, Day 30, 511 AV

Ageru didn't need to wait for too long before the door to Calyna's office opened, revealing a young and sensual looking Chaktawe woman. Her smile was light and flirty as her gaze touched on Ageru first, and then over to Calyna, "Is this the one you wish me to mentor?"

"Yes Choa, this is Ageru. Thank you," Calyna said with her usual smile, and then offered to Ageru, "I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here, and don't hesitate to come talk to me if you need anything."

"A pleasure to meet you Ageru," Choa offered as she held open the door for him, "I am named Nilichoa, but you may call me Choa. Please, come with me," the copper skinned woman gestured out into the hallway, her smile still flirty as she looked Ageru over openly with her black eyes.
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[Soothing Waters]Learning of the Waters that Sooth(Ageru)

Postby Ageru on May 16th, 2011, 3:02 am

Ageru just kept his polite smile as he listened. He would get his own changing room. How nice, a place of his own to just rest in. He knew this place a great place to get a job. Seven out of ten days wasn’t bad either. He would most likely enjoy his time here. Shifting slightly in his seat he waited for summoned person to show up. He was more than ready to learn what had to be done and how to go about business here.

Turning when the door opened he looked at the woman that walked in and offered her a friendly smile. He just hoped he would understand everything and not make too much of a fool out of himself while he was here. He had to earn his right to work here, and that was what he was going to do. Who knows, maybe even gain a reputation as someone who can give great massages.

He nodded slightly hearing everything that was said. ”It’s a pleasure to meet someone like you” he smirked as he walked out, not batting an eye to the door being held for him. She sure was pretty.
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[Soothing Waters]Learning of the Waters that Sooth(Ageru)

Postby Archon on May 16th, 2011, 4:54 pm

"Someone like me?" Choa replied to Ageru's words with a teasing grin, her black eyes twinkling with amusement, "That causes me to wonder what kind of someone do you think I am, but I am sure you only mean it in the best way possible."

Leading the way down the hall Choa kept her dark eyes on Ageru, but was silent for a little while until they reached a series of rooms. Several of the rooms had name plates on them, including one that read Nilichoa, but the woman moved to one of the un-labeled ones and opened the door, "This will be your changing room."

Behind the door was a small, but not cramped room. It was pleasantly painted in a few soft shades of blue done in patterns like ripples, and contained a full length mirror on one side, a fainting couch on the opposite side, and a locker in the corner.

"The locker is yours to put clothes or other things in, and the couch is soft enough to take a nap on," as if to illustrate her point Choa entered the room and sat down on the couch, patting the seat next to her as she gave that flirty smile to Ageru again, "Come, give it a try."
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[Soothing Waters]Learning of the Waters that Sooth(Ageru)

Postby Ageru on May 17th, 2011, 12:30 am

He would nod with a grin, ”The best way possible” he reassured her as he followed her down the hall. Passing several rooms he gave a glance at the plates that were on the doors. Although he couldn’t read he knew they must be names and he looked at the door that lead to his own room that he was given, and nodded as she told him that the room would be his.

The door opened he gave it a look in. Not bad, it was bigger than the room he had before, and he still wasn’t used to the concept of things being his, but this was just perfect. Seeing the room just put a bright smile on his face, he couldn’t believe that he actually owned something like this. He could totally see himself relaxing in here. He nodded happily at his own thoughts as if judging them as they passed.

Smiling his usual smile he watched the woman as she took a seat on the couch. Nodding at her he moved to sit by her, giving her an equally flirty look as he sat. ”Mmmm, youre right.” he confirmed her claims, ”This is soft.” he said letting a hand fall on its cushiony surface and run over it as if he couldn’t get enough of the soft feeling.

Yes, this room would do. It was perfect, looked in the mirror to see himself and the woman in the reflection. There was something calming about this place, and he could tell that he was going to enjoy working here.
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[Soothing Waters]Learning of the Waters that Sooth(Ageru)

Postby Archon on May 17th, 2011, 5:35 pm

Choa slipped her hand down and placed it lightly on Ageru's own hand. Even as she turned her gaze towards him and leaned a little closer Ageru could feel his mark from Nikali working, and he realized that despite her pleasant smiles and flirty behavior she was very sore and worn out from a long shift of tending to the wounds of others. She could definitely use some helpful hands to help sooth and ease her body.

"So tell me Ageru," Choa's voice had dropped down to a much more intimate tone as she leaned towards Ageru, her face just a few inches from his, "Are you very experienced with women, or is it something else you know well? You certainly must have some skills, or Calyna wouldn't have hired you for this job."

The closeness of Choa let Ageru feel her warm breath brushing against his skin, and her eyes were locked with his. Her fingers on top of his hand were gently stroking his skin as she waited to hear his answer.
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[Soothing Waters]Learning of the Waters that Sooth(Ageru)

Postby Ageru on June 1st, 2011, 12:32 am

Choas touch was like that of a lightning bolt to the kelvic. With the simple, seemingly harmless touch came the sensation comparable to happiness, but wasn't. This false emotion turning joy into want and want into lust as his own unspoken addiction was active once more, and the woman unwittingly bringing it upon him once more. His mark seared with the 'needs' of the other and he empathized with her knowing all too well the burden of working too hard. Although he hadn't felt that in a while due to his gift from a goddess.

The hand touching almost made him shiver and he felt compelled to help her in any way needed. He felt compelled to take away that work load one of the only ways that he knew how, but before he could move into action she got closer, her voice dropping, making the cats hair stand almost on end as he listened to her. How was he to answer that?

"There is something else that I know very well." he told her in a hushed tone, just about as soft and as intimate as her voice, but a whisper. Though beyond that a teasing smile would spread across his face as he didn't tell her exactly what, but then again actions speak better than words do. That he knew all too well.

"You work too hard." he kept that same tone in his voice as he withdrew his hand from under hers and placed it on top of her hand. Eyes smiling at her, "Though you keep working, it seems," he allowed himself to pause and collect himself, "you need a break?" he asked his eyes lighting up as he took that hand on hers and slowly, softly, gently trailed it up her arm; never taking his eyes off hers. It seemed that the little tour and how things work around here would have to wait until she was... until she was taken care of. That he didn't mind.
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[Soothing Waters]Learning of the Waters that Sooth(Ageru)

Postby Archon on June 1st, 2011, 6:22 pm

"Well, you'll have to show me sometime then what you are skilled at," Choa replied to Ageru's teasing with a soft grin, obviously amused by his playful response.

When Ageru then mentioned she worked to hard surprise slipped across her face for a moment, and then an even larger grin slid over her lips as she gave a soft chuckle, "It seems you are talented in several things," she slid a little closer to Ageru on the fainting couch, her thinly clothed legs brushing up against his softly, "What kind of break did you have in mind?"

As Ageru's hand trailed up Choa's arm he could faintly feel the hints of tense muscles and unpleasant knots hidden beneath her soft copper toned skin. From his experience these were signs of someone who either worked their arms very hard, or who carried their tension in the shoulders and upper arms and was very stressed.
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[Soothing Waters]Learning of the Waters that Sooth(Ageru)

Postby Ageru on June 4th, 2011, 2:51 am

"What kind of break?" he repeated the question with a small smile on his face, "A short, small, selfish little break." he said teasingly as he noted all the stress that was built up in her arms, the knots that needed to be soothed. It was amazing to him that she could keep on going the way she seems to have been going, "would that be permit-able?" he asked giving a slight glance to her bronze arm and then a soft smile as he looked back into her eyes.

With his hand reaching the top of the arm, and now resting on the shoulder he could feel that she kept a lot of tension up there in the shoulders, and not only that but back to the arms. If anyone was in more need of a quick working of the hands it was her. His soft smile never faded as he watched for a reaction as he gently set another hand on her open shoulder waiting for permission to be granted. Though he knew it would be, yes, because she wanted it.

Why would she deny something that she wanted if it was right in front of her? That makes no sense, you are supposed to indulge and live in the moment. You are supposed to learn and be free with whoever you feel comfortable. You are supposed to be stress-free but this sadly isn't the reality for most people. People carried the load of worry, and negative thought and that manifests in physical discomfort, in pains of certain areas, and as long as this pain is carried within people he knew he would never be out of a job. For the power of touch was an amazing thing. Though touch one can learn to release the negativity and built up stress that others carry around, and help them feel better, make them happier and more productive. When one is not in pain it is surprising what could be accomplished.

He laughed a little finding this waiting game sort of funny and leaned in closer whispering in ear, "You deserve this." and everyone deserved to indulge once in a while. Though moderation is the key.
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[Soothing Waters]Learning of the Waters that Sooth(Ageru)

Postby Archon on June 5th, 2011, 3:57 pm

"Well, if you insist," Choa gave a soft chuckle as she brought her hands up and placed them lightly on top of Ageru's, "But why not catch two birds with one net? Besides, you should not do your work in here, even if you are being kind."

Slipping up from the couch Choa lightly maintained a grip on Ageru's right hand, light enough he could slip his hand free if he wanted, and she smiled warmly over her shoulder as she started to lead the way out of the room, "Come, I will show you to where you will work."

Choa led the way out of the room, down the hall, through the reception area, and then down the hall on the opposite side, "These are the private baths, where we do most of our work," some of the doorways were closed, but most were open, revealing glances inside of the rooms with sunken pools and the occasional table, chair, or hammock, "If the door is closed that means the room is occupied, and you should only enter if there is a client of yours within," one such closed door they passed had the slightly muffled sound of delighted giggles coming from behind it, "Ah, here we are."

Choa led the way into an open room that had a simple shallow pool in the corner, and most most of the space taken by a low padded massage table and an accompanying smaller table with various oils, candles, and incense on it. Lightly pushing the door shut as Ageru came in she gave him a soft, flirty smile, "Now, about that break you were offering..."
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