A Growing Bond [Ethan]

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

A Growing Bond [Ethan]

Postby Hadrian on May 21st, 2011, 5:37 am

80th Spring, 511 A.V.

Spring was rushing ever closer to Summer, which meant Hadrian would be leaving his hometown for its antithesis, Ravok. Granted, he would be traveling with people he trusted more than most: a pyromancer, two Kelvics, possibly a Konti? There should be safety in numbers, and no worries of food running out between Cathan and Ethan. All the same, he was pensive.

It had been a few days since he had seen Ethan, which didn't worry him, exactly, but it was comforting to see the lammergeier, just to set his mind at ease. It felt strange, and he wondered if that was what being a parent felt like: responsible even when technically not. He threw open the windows and leaned out over the sill to stare down at the city, the bits that were open to the sky and the roofs that were not, and then up into the sky to search for a familiar flicker of aura somewhere out there.

Eventually, he looked up and around, craning his neck after some whisper of sound and there was the sleeping Kelvic, perched above his window. Brow furrowed, he wondered why he hadn't just nosed his way into the room. Hadrian kept the shutters unlocked most of the time these days just in case Ethan had an emergency and needed in. He chuckled softly, then whistled almost as quietly, not wanting to startle Ethan out of a nap, but merely to alert him to Hadrian's presence if he was only dozing and wanted inside.

That done, he pulled back into his room to putter about. Eventually, he assumed Ethan would join him.
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A Growing Bond [Ethan]

Postby Ethan on May 23rd, 2011, 8:04 am

Ethan would spend most of his evening nestled on the Citadel's roof near Hadrian's window. He didn't really understand why he would do it, but it felt safe to him. The city was a nightmare of tunnels and bustling people so he kept outside and perched on the few areas that weren't inside the castle. Since he knew Hadrian, whenever he wanted to relax he would sit and listen to any idle conversation he could hear. Small tidbits from his teacher but a lot more from the annoying Maidens that stuck around after he left.

At first the servant girls cleaned while Hadrian was away. When they discovered Ethan perched they would try to swipe at him with a broom to scare him off. The gesture was met with contempt squawks. They couldn't even reach him? It would of worked on dim animals but not him. He just perched there and made a racket to piss them off. Soon enough they didn't even bother and whispered among themselves if he was an omen or some type of spirit.

Although today was very different. He didn't rest for pleasure nor was he winding the day way slowly in between hunts. Instead he was resting to keep his strength up. Admittedly, it was a silly accident and he should have been ready for it. The right side of his thigh had been grazed by an arrow and was slowly staining his feathers in dark sticky blood.

He wasn't in a deep sleep when Hadrian woke him with a soft call. His sharp golden eyes shot open and he kept deathly still. His stare immediately focused on Hadrian and he felt at ease again. Usually in the wild if anything was close enough to wake you, you were already dead. Ethan watched the Hydromancer pull his head back into the window, obviously inviting him inside.

Carefully he lifted his body back up on one leg, favoring the other. Gently he hopped down and beat the air with his wings. Landing a little clumsily onto the window seal and hopping down to the floor. He held out his wings to give himself balance and cawed angrily. He was indeed pissed, that people would do this to him. He wasn't a petty animal after all. He had been hunted before and almost enslaved but not in a civilized city like this.

Still screeching with attitude Ethan hobbled over to the table and chairs changing on the spot. The light shimmered,flared around his body and faded away leaving behind an irritated, bloody Ethan. He quickly but steadily placed himself on the chair with his right leg sticking out. He looked back at the light trail of blood and grimaced.

“Sorry about the blood, but I need you to look at this.” He motioned for Hadrian to come over, and tried to put pressure on the wound. It had been a somewhat deep gash in his Kelvic form but when he changed. It only got bigger and more painful, stretching across the length of his thigh. It frustrated Ethan that the cut was larger than the arrow had been. It was a mystery he would have to solve later.

“I Hate people, who gave them the right to just use me as target practice.” their was a clear venom in his words. It was a simple flesh wound. Bled like crazy but something he could get over in a week or so. What really stung was the insult. “I was inside the city, trying to perch! Who hunts inside the city!?” He spat the word out like a rotten taste.
Last edited by Ethan on June 21st, 2011, 2:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
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A Growing Bond [Ethan]

Postby Hadrian on May 25th, 2011, 2:46 am

The smile on Hadrian's face -- he was growing rather fond and attached to the lammergeier kelvic -- disappeared when the flash of light revealed a wounded man. He rushed to help him into the seat and knelt down to examine the wound, not even needing Ethan's urging to do so. His mind instantly started going through what they might have in the apartment to take care of the wound, and he began to get to his feet again.

"I'll see what I can," he began, then nearly stumbled. "Wait, what about the knights? Their tree? What happened?" His chlorine blue gaze zeroed in on Ethan as if he were taking aim. He may not enjoy living in Syliras, but he was a Syliran, and the sanctity of the Windoak was understood. He knew a bit more about it than the average citizen, but even the average citizen knew that messing with the Windoak was likely to prove a capital offense.

After a pause, he broke that intensity, still listening for Ethan's answer, but beginning to move. He took up a clean napkin and a small bottle of wine that had been leftover from a few days previous, pouring a bit onto the napkin in order to prevent infection. He knelt down next to the bleeding man, then paused, looking up at him.

"This will sting, but it will help keep it clean." He pressed the sterile-ish napkin to Ethan's leg, then took Ethan's hand, put it over his own, and then slipped his out, replacing it with Ethan's. "Hold this. I'll make something for the pain and..."

He went to the kitchen quickly and came back with his arms full of supplies, foot closing the door behind him.
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A Growing Bond [Ethan]

Postby Ethan on May 26th, 2011, 4:45 am

The thick scarlet blood was seeping threw his fingers. Ethan hoped he was right in shrugging it off. It was near his thigh muscle, so it bled faster the more he moved. Hadrian was already by his side. Asking him questions about what happened, about the tree. He wanted to start yelling about what happened, but when he glanced at Hadrian he grew very quiet, forgetting his anger. The stare he was getting made him feel a little uncomfortable but he continued. Looking else where and shrugging off the doubts. Hadrian must of been a little shaken up just like him.

“I came back from a flight near Syliran fields. Wanted a place to perch.” He felt a little nervous but when Hadrian started moving, he gained back his confidence. “I had already been to the stone garden and the docks many times. I wanted some place free of people. That's when I say this tree. Largest tree in the whole city it was absolutely beautiful and within its own court yard. Right in the heart of the city.” He was still excited thinking about it, it was his little oasis inside the stone city.

“So I swooped down hoping to land and take a nap. At first i didn't notice anyone around.” While he was talking Hadrian gathered some things around the table. He was now leaning down with some bottle of wine and a rag. Ethan grimaced at the thought but didn't argue or fight when he told him it may sting.

“Whatever you say teacher... I came close to the beautiful tree but before long some... DAMMIT son of a bitch!” He tried to ignore Hadrian, talking quickly to ignore any pain but it was no use. The gash was long and deep, plenty of torn open flesh. It stung and burned as he gritted his teeth and sharply inhaled.

“Ah ha ha stings? Is that what you call a sting? I dread the day you say something will hurt.” he couldn't hold in the bitchy tone creeping into his voice but he kept it polite. Ethan patiently waited while Hadrian left to get more supplies. Holding the damp bloody rag to his leg as he sat in his pain until the Hydromancer came back.

“God's please tell me you got something good for my pain? Maybe drinking wine instead of burning me with it?” He lifted the rag up a little to examine the blood. He felt a little worried if it was something he could really shrug off..

“I saw the tree and was closing in...” He tried to remember his spot and looked up from the rag. “I don't know where it came from but an arrow shot out and stuck my leg.” He pointed with anger at his leg.

“It was much smaller in my other form. I don't know how it got this big though. I must not of noticed until I changed back. I flew to your window to get care and wait for you.” He shot Hadrian an embarrassed smile. “Thanks for helping me Hadrian. I don't have anyone I care piss for.”
Last edited by Ethan on June 21st, 2011, 2:38 am, edited 3 times in total.
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A Growing Bond [Ethan]

Postby Hadrian on May 27th, 2011, 8:35 am

"I thought," he said, perhaps a bit more sharply than he intended, "that you were tough and could stand a little bit of pain. Especially when it comes from being stupid."

But when he returned from the kitchen, he looked apologetic, his arms full of stuff that he had taken from the pantry and the makeshift root cellar where medicinal things were kept. Setting them down on the table, he turned a concerned eye on Ethan.

"I'm sorry. You aren't stupid. I just grew up here so you didn't know that the Windoak is this very important symbol to the Knights, and they guard it... well, they guard it, as you experienced firsthand. Look, it's just one of those things that's too good to be true. You can't nest there, but you can nest here. You're staying here until that leg is healed, all right? It's my fault you're even still here. If I weren't teaching you, you might be halfway to Taldera by now or something.

"You can sleep on my bed and I'll... sleep in a chair or something. Just agree to this, all right? I'll feel guilty and withhold painkillers otherwise."

That said, he hung a kettle of water in the fire to heat up. Next he began unraveling some bandages and came to kneel next to Ethan in the armchair.

"Lean back, all right? You haven't lost much blood, but you've lost some and it hurts, so... I don't want you passing out and falling over."

Removing the wine-soaked napkin, Hadrian carefully dried the skin around the wound, which seemed to be tapering off as his blood clotted. He was no expert, but he was reasonably certain that everything would be fine so long as no infection set in. He pressed a clean bandage to his leg and then began wrapping it in cheesecloth, which had enough elasticity to hold a bit of pressure to it without cutting off circulation.

"There will likely be a scar, but I think it's going to be all right. I'm going to brew you some tea that will ease the pain and help you sleep. The best thing for everything is sleep; your body can focus on rest and healing that way."

The young enchanter got a oven pad and pulled the kettle out of the fire and set it on another pad so as not to burn the furniture, of which he would never hear the end. Filling a satchet with white willow bark, he dropped that in the boiling water to steep. But the valerian root he crushed with a mortar and pestle and set to soak in tepid water, having heard that boiling water burned off some of the lighter oils.

"How are you holding up?" he asked, obviously concerned.
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A Growing Bond [Ethan]

Postby Ethan on May 29th, 2011, 7:45 am

Ethan felt a little ashamed of his foul mood towards his friend. It wasn't his fault and he had a perfectly good point. It was foolish of him to think he could out fly their arrows. He wanted to apologize but kept his tongue while Hadrian talked.

The way the Hydromancer demanded him to stay at his house made Ethan smile. It was either pain killers or his Inn. The choice was obvious, but he didn't see the point in trying to talk him into it. Ethan was civilized and taught to keep a dignified edge, but Ethan never refused what was offered. Especially an offer of care and rest from Hadrian

Ethan never realized how uncomfortable the wooden chair was. He tried to ignore it, but his leg still throbbed. Although if he showed the pain his ego would be much worse off. Earlier when Hadrian told him he thought Ethan was tough enough for a little pain. His eyes narrowed, playfully shooting an annoyed look. He didn't show an ounce of pain since. After all he couldn't let his teacher thinking any less of him

“No, you were right the first time. I was foolish for trying that stunt. Ignorant and foolish, but you shouldn't suffer attitude for that.” He watched Hadrian preparing a kettle of water. “Thank you for your advice. I won't be bothering much with humans anymore. At least not were they can see me.” His tone was a little cold but he remembered to keep the anger to himself. Hadrian was of this city and he didn't want to offend.

“I will gladly stay with you. You don't need to persuade me. I have been stalking you long enough anyways.” Hadrian was busy with his work at preparing bandages when he told him to lean back. And warned Ethan about the risks of fainting. The thought made him laugh a little.

“I may whine like a little girl but that's only because your a friend and I don't care much. I won't faint Hadrian. I'm made of tougher stuff than that.” He was leaning back in his chair when he had to repress a wave of burning pain. Hadrian dried the area around the wound. Ethan didn't make a peep but settled for a grimace.

“Your very good with that by the way. I should have bumped into you a while ago. Would of saved me a lot of pain” He watched Hadrian carefully place on another bandage then wrap some waxy paper around it all. Probably to keep it together. Their was a long silence while the other man spoke about scars and sleep. Hadrian prepared a herbal remedy in the pot while he talked. It was pleasant to watch his teacher.

Odd enough even Ethan was starting to admit he was growing attached with the man. He felt even better since Hadrian seemed to return the attention. For a quiet second he wished, Hadrian was his first master. Deep inside, the thought made the Kelvic feel ashamed ,dirty and unloyal. He did not understand why, but resented himself for it.

The words “How are you holding up?” brought a slight grin to the man. Sitting up right in his char he got comfortable still smiling. “Your concern for me is adorable. But I am fine. I'm in pain but I will deal with it.” Using his good leg for support he leaned far enough to pull the chair over and gestured for him to sit.

“Wounded and bloody your company and lessons are greatly appreciated. I will sleep but later. I want to practice a little with you still. I'm going to be staying here under your roof and care. So lets practice before I pass out.” He laughed and held up his left hand. The hand that Hadrian first used to bring him into the world of Aura's. Ever since then he tended to favor it for magic.

“I have been practicing and eating like you told me. But I still have little knowledge of what exactly I'm seeing. How can I interpret it like you do?”
Last edited by Ethan on June 21st, 2011, 2:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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A Growing Bond [Ethan]

Postby Hadrian on June 1st, 2011, 1:09 am

"The knights are just protecting their nest," he said, trying to speak in terms Ethan might understand instinctively. The Windoak was certainly their tree and they would defend it much the same way Ethan would a clutch of eggs that belonged to him. He wasn't an apologist for the knights; Hadrian knew they were imperfect and often arrogant, but he thought he was fairly objective about it all.

"I'm glad you're staying," he said, patting Ethan on the shoulder with a small smile. "It'll be easier to take care of you, and you're going to have to get used to me if you want to travel with me, anyway. But cry out if you must. Pain isn't something to be ashamed of, just how the body warns us something is wrong. And I wouldn't say I'm good at this. I mean, I can brew a thing or two, but bedside manner... taking care of a person... perhaps I just feel like your well-being is my responsibility, now you're my student and you're coming into danger with me." He smiled, but it was a frailer thing. Ethan did cause him worry, much like a younger brother might, or even a son.

"Anyway, I'm all right," he said. "But why don't we get you into the bed. You can practice your Auristics from there and then we won't have to move you once you're exhausted mentally too. Here, just put your arm around my shoulder and keep your weight off of the injured leg."

He pulled Ethan's arm around his shoulders, smelled the wild, rarefied air and musk of absent feathers on his skin and in his hair, found he liked it, and prepared to offer what strength was his to hold Ethan upright, hopping over the short space to the bed. Between the two of them, they managed it, a good team. He helped ease Ethan into the bed, made him a nest of the blankets and few pillows.

"Just get comfortable. Look at me and look at the fire. Remember those as about normal heats for fires and people. The only real way to learn is to find baseline things that you can know without the Auristics, so they can be the foundations upon which you build things you cannot know with your naked eyes. It's really just a matter of repetition. If you can memorize... this is Hadrian, then you can eventually look at me and see if I'm sick or hypothermic or whatever because of the differences in what you see. Your mind has a lot to do with how you see things, so you have to figure out how to interpret things on your own like that.

While he spoke, he brought unfinished food and drink over toward the bed so Ethan could eat and drink at will, and hopefully not make too much of a mess in his little next. Ethan was getting a bit of the mother hen action now, but it seemed to be a naturally occurring sort of bond.

"And you might want to stay in this body for a while," he advised. "Changing too much might upset the wound." That said, he locked the door because he didn't want servants coming in and wondering what Hadrian was doing that he had naked, wounded men in his bed. And that done, he went with a hot pad to remove the boiling water from the stove to prepare the white willow bark tea.
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A Growing Bond [Ethan]

Postby Ethan on June 1st, 2011, 6:42 am

When Hadrian spoke it was plain to see the care he had in his words. He truly felt for the well being of Ethan and even admitted it. It was such a nice feeling that he nearly forgot. Or never really received in the first place. Hadrian was doing the Kelvic a great kindness for caring about him. It was something Ethan would never forget.

He smiled at the offer to be taken into bed. His leg was loosing the natural adrenaline and throbbed something horrible. “It's nice of you to care Hadrian. And of course I am becoming your responsibility. I am your student after all and a special one at that.“ Ethan gave a coy smile. “It's not every day a Hydromancer gets a Kelvic for a student I'm guessing.”

When Hadrian moved forward to help him up he smiled again. It would take time getting used to, a person really giving a damn about his well being. It was definitely something he was happy to give a shot.

Ethan struggled to get up from a sitting position without putting too much weight on his right leg. When up he used Hadrian as a leaning post of sorts and hopped his way to the bed and gladly plopped down. Ethan nestled happily into the blankets and pillows that Hadrian gathered for him

When Hadrian began to explain about how a person really interpreted Aura's Ethan sat quietly and soaked it in. Listening to his words and watching him bring food and drinks. Concentrated as he was, the Kelvic couldn't help but shine with happiness. Did teachers always nurture like this? Or was Hadrian just that kind of guy? Either way he loved it.

“So what your saying is that I need to start thinking about Aura's as much more than a simple sense, bur more like a science?” The thought was interesting enough. It made sense, that was for sure. To come up with accurate predictions and readings of an Aura he had to know what he was looking at. That's probably why thinking about heat while he was sensing Aura's worked so well before.

“So when I thought heavily on heat, it was easier for my mind to picture the idea of heat and sense the Aura? So if I go about and sense a person while they are angry I can start telling what anger looks like? Or better yet what it sounds like?” The idea sent shivers down his spine and gave him goose skin all over. It was absolutely exciting to be able to further his work and start interpreting Aura's

“Yes, yes I won't” He waved him off about the changing. He was having too much intrigue with this conversation. “I can keep in this form for a while it's fine with me. But this talk of Aura's is getting my blood pumping.” He laughed and picked up a piece of salted beef and started to devour it in mouthfuls.

“The second I am healed we need to go out to the bazaar again and do some proper hunting. There are plenty of emotions to be recorded up here.” He tapped his mind absentmindedly. Currently his mind was ravishing the idea and contemplating the applications of sensing emotions.
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A Growing Bond [Ethan]

Postby Hadrian on June 2nd, 2011, 6:41 am

"Not this hydromancer, anyway," he agreed. When Ethan got around to questions, he attempted to answer them, nodding. "You could see it that way, but I think if infants were able to articulate their growing facility with their senses, they might describe it in a similar way. They begin to equate certain things with an idea and then build on that. So if one's mother has blue eyes, that might be how they memorize their mother. And later blue and eyes. I wrote about cognitive anthropology... that is, the study of the way people think, but it's all... well, conjecture. But yes, I would focus on heat since that seems to be the key that unlocked it for you. From heat you might begin to notice nuances... after all, people flush when they are embarrassed or aroused... so heat might be a byproduct of that. With practice, you might be able to tell which is which rather than just a sudden increase in temperature. Does that make better sense?"

It was important to always check back with a person when explaining something, to prevent wasted time following a particular avenue of explanation.

"And yes, it seems like you sense them better than I do, but most of my practice has been with sight-like auristics. You might also hear them... That's something I've been working on. Playing the flute to understand harmonics, and trying to hear the harmonics of the energy of auras. Call it a science or an art, it's mostly just repetition. And we can certainly go on a field trip once you are healed."

Thinking the willow bark had steeped long enough, he poured out a good portion of the stuff into a mug with honey and brought it over to Ethan. He sat on the edge of the bed next to him, looking for signs of anything amiss. He was no great healer, but one could generally see fever in the eyes and the Kelvic seemed all right for now.

"Drink that as soon as it's cool enough. The white willow bark will help dull the pain." As soon as Ethan took it, he held his hand up to the bird-man's forehead, not finding any undue heat. That done, he got up and mashed the valerian root a bit more in the tepid water in which it was steeping, trying to get as much of the essential oil out as possible. "This valerian will help you relax and eventually sleep. If old wives and physicians are to be trusted, sleep is the best healer."
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A Growing Bond [Ethan]

Postby Ethan on June 6th, 2011, 6:40 am

Ethan was starting to notice the lush bed. The soft cool sheets and thick pillows were very inviting as well. He was still interested in the conversation of course, but weariness was setting in. When Hadrian started to speak, he adjusted the pillows to sit up a little more comfortably. Tired or not it wouldn't be respectful to fall asleep when his teacher spoke.

When his teacher did speak he couldn't help but be captivated. It was all so very interesting, and it wasn't long before Ethan was just sitting wide eyed with a slight smile. Happily absorbing everything he could from the man. The more and more his teacher talked, the more things became clearer in his mind. Auristics was about taking everything in steps. You needed to build a solid foundation before the other things could become clear.

“Don't worry I'm keeping up. It's really helping me with how I should learn Aura's. I should first get used to a persons spirit before looking at anything else. When I get that down I keep building up.” He smiled as he realized he was getting it. Nothing was more satisfying than figuring something out.

After his teacher was done checking to see if Ethan was following him. Hadrian kept talking about Aura's. It was strange to hear him talk about how Ethan sensed things better. It was true he could also hear them threw pulses so to speak, but he was no master like Hadrian. Then again, the way he kept talking about it. Made it seem that it didn't matter how much you could sense. Compared to how you interpreted it.

When Hadrian was finished talking he started to pour out the herbal tea into a cup. He didn't know tea could help a wound though? “I would love to read any pages you have written, if yous till have them. My old master taught me how to read and write fluently. And if we could practice with flutes and vibrations that would be even better. I think it would help me sharpen that ability to sense pulses.” He thought for a second as Hadrian walked over with the cup.

“Do you think.. Thank you.” He listened to Hadrian's explanation about the tea and sat up when the other handed him the cup. Apparently tea, could help you out. He waited patiently as Hadrian places a cool hand on his forehead. He couldn't deny he liked the attention. It was something he never really got before and would be damned to not soak it up now..

Whenever he would con. He needed others to be happy and drunk with comfort so he could snatch a coin purse or two. Now he would sit like a fat pigeon and be fed. Hadrian on the other hand went back to the table and attended to the roots and started crushing.

Ethan sat back and held the tea cup in hand. Quickly trying to remember what he was going to say before. “As I was saying...” His memory failed him for a second. “Wait, Yes okay. As I was saying. Do you think that if I get more skilled that the vibrations from a persons voice could also show me an Aura... Like If someone was lying, could I tell by the vibration from of voices... What about Roots?” He listened again to his teacher about the plant he was crushing. If it could help the pain ans make him sleep it was fine with him. He never knew much about medicine and was starting to realize the oddest things would heal him.

“Tea, roots and sleep huh? Well Wives tells be damned for not saying wine and plump women didn't heal..” He chuckled to himself with a large grin. Smelling the tea, it was distinct to say the least, and he didn't know if he liked it much yet.

“I'm sure this won't taste good. But thank you all the same. You have been much to kind to me. A true friend.” Ethan smiled and continued. “But besides all that I think a trip is needed. People hunting and learning more about this magic, I've been on my own trying to learn for long enough.. Talking with you has definitely helped me a whole lot. Now that I understand more about the basic foundation I can start building things up.” He set the hot cut of tea down on the table besides the bed.

“You crush while I study you before I pass out.” He laughed and lifted his left hand. As always he favored it, superstitiously almost. Slowly he called out the energy in his soul to sense Aura's. Ethan always had to concentrate when looking at Aura's but it was a little more difficult this time. He wanted to blame it on his leg but he couldn't spend the thought. He sat with eyes closed, hand outstretched and focused. It was a long moment before the world around him began to change and shift into that comfortable hum and feel of energy around him. Things he wasn't focusing on but he felt all the same, like a dull back ground noise.

Once the Aura's came into his senses he didn't need to concentrate so much. Getting there was most of the battle. Ethan reached out with his mind and started feeling for the familiar spirit of his friend. He searched for vibrations of a heart beat and the cool silver blue amongst the confusion of all the other energy.. With a little more concentration the heart beat came. Loud almost springy Va Vump's started washing over his hands and body. Hadrian's blue ethereal mist pouring out along with every beat..

At first it was just a cloud of soul and a pulse. Ethan strained and grimaced a little in frustration. His mind slowly honing in on the man. Making the mist take form. All the while he thought and remembered how the Spirit felt. How it looked and trying to pin certain things about it to help him remember. The sensations he got when the mist brushed against his body or the way his heart sounded. So many senses were alive but he tried to pick a little apart of each. It took nearly all of his focus not to loose track of it all.

“Aura's are complex” Ethan said with a strained smile. “Damn my curiosity for wanting to learn this.” His curiosity and love for knowledge of this magic was strong. No amount of pain or difficulty would stop him now. It was definitely a mixed blessing.
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