A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Reaver on June 2nd, 2011, 7:37 am

He shot a glare in Ren's direction, though barely held it a moment. He stood back up, repeating himself. "I am Reaver, a doctor in my spare time." He stepped back, as if to offer more room. (Though, there was little room outside of the interior of his house.) "People like to have a means to remember me, when my form may change from time to time. Unlike you, my form doesn't return to one I've used. So, what brings you to Ravok, and my small abode?"
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Lavia on June 4th, 2011, 6:06 am

"Ah, a doctor! Well I can not say I have met many of those." the Kelvic admitted as she looked down to her bare feet and then up to the two gentleman, "-it was not my intentions to actually impose on your home. I was actually taking a rest before my flight to Riverfall. I spend my Springs there." she smiled, bringing her hands in front of her and then turning her attention to the other Kelvic, "I suppose I spoiled your hopes on a delightful lunch."

The Kelvic had much humor about her, humor she showed in small comments full of sarcasm. She kept her eyes on Ren, "Are you two friends?"

Them being friends was obvious, but Lavia was curious about their friendship. It was possibly because the girl had none.
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Reaver on June 4th, 2011, 11:59 pm

Reaver stood quietly for a while, a touch unsure as to how to answer the question presented to him. The word 'friend' had gotten people killed before, sometimes to his advantage. He thought about the answer carefully before continuing. "I have only met him once before, however I hope to add that to his list of titles before not too long. At this point, we hope to learn from one another. What sorts of talents do you contain?". Reaver smiled, though his mask hid it. He hoped this shape-shifter was as curious as the other.

OOCMy phone types SO SLOWLY! RAWRZ! ...no spell check, either.
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Ren Tanor on June 6th, 2011, 12:47 am

Ren Tanor

As Ren watched the two conversing his curiosity overtook him. "Also if i might ask, are in a pack or have a bondmate ?" Ren asked akwardly as he forced himself not to stare at the beautiful young Kelvic.

OOCYou can say that again, im using a phone right now an it is agonizing.
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Lavia on June 6th, 2011, 11:57 pm

Her eyes had fallen on to Reaver first acknowledging his question, and then on to Ren who also asked her a question. She shook her head and looked away from the two, staring off towards the distance.

"No, as for talents, I really have none. I guess I have not been able to pick up many interesting kind of skills.. and neither have I bonded and no, not a part of a pack. I always supposed traveling alone and being on my own has always been best."

She forced a smile, looking back up to Reaver and then back over to Ren, "What kind of things are you hoping to learn from one another? Do any of you two have any interesting talents? Well of course besides being a doctor and.. a hungry Kelvic."
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Reaver on June 7th, 2011, 4:52 am

Reaver will shoot a short glance Ren's direction. That question seamed rather invasive, but I suppose I'm not familiar with Kelvic culture. With his short thought ended, he went to the edge of the boat, next to the other Kelvic, and sat down. "You can't NOT have talent. You can breathe, fly, and if you weren't doing those, you could be food. You can shift between forms, and you can clearly talk. Everyone has talents. They might not be 'interesting' as you said, but they're still something. Can you speak a language I cannot? That may be interesting. Perhaps you take your talents for granted, such as your ability to be out on your own. You can gather food on your own? A talent I do not have."

"As far as the question to me, I was hoping to learn anything Ren taught me. He would also learn something along those lines, I suspect. Requests can be made, however. I'm sorry to hear you prefer solitude, but perhaps if you can gain something from it, it wouldn't be as bad. Would you like to teach and learn with us?"
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Ren Tanor on June 8th, 2011, 12:35 am

Ren Tanor

Feeling Reavers glare Ren twisted around returing an equally sharp glare. "You can't NOT have talent. You can breathe, fly, and if you weren't doing those, you could be food. You can shift between forms, and you can clearly talk. Everyone has talents. They might not be 'interesting' as you said, but they're still something. Can you speak a language I cannot? That may be interesting. Perhaps you take your talents for granted, such as your ability to be out on your own. You can gather food on your own? A talent I do not have." Reaver lectured, only pausing to take a deep breath. "As far as the question to me, I was hoping to learn anything Ren taught me. He would also learn something along those lines, I suspect. Requests can be made, however. I'm sorry to hear you prefer solitude, but perhaps if you can gain something from it, it wouldn't be as bad. Would you like to teach and learn with us?" Reaver asked "well yes that would be nice we could all learn a great deal from eachother and it would increase the amount that we would lear if you joined us. Also if your intrested i have been recruiting these last few seasons for the pack that I started up 510, just a thought." Leaning over torwards Reaver's ear Ren spoke in a soft tone, not out of secrecy but that it didn't concern anyone other that Reaver "Would you like to meet the other leader of my pack somewhere in the next few days?"
OOCCan someone tell me how to say the years in this game I am very confused. LOL
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Lavia on June 8th, 2011, 8:55 am

Reaver's words caused the Kelvic to ponder its own abilities. Maybe she wasn't as 'talentless' and 'useless' as her past keeper had made her seem. With degrading words carved in to her day by day, it was hard and really difficult to think otherwise about herself. She lowered her eyes for a moment, but her direction turned to Ren as he gave his own comment, and encourage Reavers question. A slender arm raised as the tips of her fingers touched on the edge of her chin, as the Kelvic leaned in towards Reaver. She could only assume something secretive was being shared, and even if it wasn't, she was not the type to poke in any business that was not her own.

She smiled, lowering her arm back to her side as she stepped in closer towards the two. With a nod, she parted her lips to speak.

"Sounds interesting enough. I might not have much to teach but there is always plenty to learn. I am a pretty good hunter, spar pretty decent with my hands.. " she said, looking from Reaver to Ren, "-a pack as well sounds intriguing.. we will see." she nodded, bringing her hands in front of her as she held her hands together, and stared back to Reaver, "I must ask.. your mask.." she unfolded her hands, lifting on to point in the direction of her own face, a gesture as she spoke.
OOCI am not at all sure D: I usually refer to it like you do.. lol
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Reaver on June 8th, 2011, 4:23 pm

OOCI looked, not there. So other then BV/AV, I assume it's similar to the real world. We don't say it's 2011 AD, so I'd assume they'd do something similar. So you might just leave off the 5 as a shorthand. "We met in '08." Reaver will always include the full year instead of shorthand, but he's old enough to get away with it.

To Ren's comment, Reaver swiftly nodded. "Of course." After the comment, Reaver watched the interesting shift in the other Kelvic's mood. It changed from a sudden deep thought to a much lighter expression, smile and all. She's much more open now, that's good. Reaver thought to himself. He contemplated her request. "My mask is to hide my form, and present another. I don't part with it often. I have a habit of... changing what I look like under it. It is far easier if I don't part with it."

Reaver walked to an available edge of his small boat, and pondered the situation again. "So, you could teach us something about hunting and fighting with our hands. Any sorts of things you'd be particular to learning?" He kept his gaze to the city on the lake. His short time from it might be longer then he thought. He smiled once again, he was starting to turn to a 'Kelvic magnet' of sorts.
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A Curious Encounter before leaving Ravok [Ren, Reaver]

Postby Lavia on June 9th, 2011, 12:07 am

The Kelvic was simple and never gave thought to learning other talents than the ones she already possessed, which to her where not many. So when the question was asked of what she might want to learn, she was a bit puzzled. Between, what she assumed to be, a Nuit and another Kelvi she was sure there was plenty to choose from, but she wasn't quite sure what talents they each possessed. Lavia pondered the question for a moment, leaving the silence to linger on between the three until she turned to look in Reavers direction, as he walked to the edge of the boat, beginning to peer across the body of water.

"Well there is nothing in particular I am hoping to learn, but you are a Nuit.. am I right?" she asked, before continuing on, "Animation.. I have heard few speak about it. And Ren, I am sure you are skilled in tracking, being a canine Kelvic and such. I suppose we can start with those two things."

She smiled, her feet carrying her towards the other edge of the boat, feet away from Reaver and closer to Rens direction. She too looked out towards the water.

"How did you come about such a unique resting place as this. Do you sail it around much? Travel? Or does it just float around the edge of Ravok?" the curious Kelvic asked, her eyes narrowing towards the sun, "Ren do you travel much?"
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