On the Road:
I don't know how this happened, but apparently all my pcs are going to be traveling during the course of this season. Which is going to be awesome because Aello is the only one who can actually kind of sort of not really defend herself, and afford a trip like the pycon. Slash, traveling takes ages. It can be fun to wind up somewhere new on the map and meet new people and all that... but traveling takes way too long, especially when none of your pcs ride horses, and one is three inches tall, and has a cranky little kitten as a mount. Seriously, you think I'm joking, look at Ariel's CS.
Ariel's Plans:
After realizing that Endrykas is no place for a pycon, and that there are a number of Drykas who are pretty iffy when it comes to pycons, Ariel has decided to leave... assuming Rafael feels like behaving and taking her elsewhere. He is a pretty lazy guy, after all. She is headed for WR to take Sam's advice, and attempt to tame a falcon of some sort so that she may also take to the skies. Because she's a BA pycon like that, and wants to learn from the best and all that jazz. Slash she really likes traveling, and um... what gingy doesn't want to be friends with a kick-ass pycon like Ariel? I mean, really.
The only thing that really worries me though is the whole getting her up the mountain in a reasonable amount of time. Because there is next to nothing on that mountain to sustain Rafael, and it is such a long way... and there are those giant wind eagle monstrosities and their riders, who may mistake Rafael for their latest meal, which would totally suck. But... at least it would keep the two of them from having to walk very far. But then again, they may be stuck in a bird's belly, so who is to say which option is better? Hmmm?
Blythe's Plans:
Isn't it about time Blythe got off her little Island and saw the world? I think so... the thing is, Blythe is pathetically nice, and um, naive and generally weak. So finding a place where she may actually survive/be able to get to before the season end has been proving to be rather difficult. Especially when I can't really use last season as part of her travel time considering how she needs to remain on the Island long enough to receive a pay check, so she can make enough money to fund the whole trip, and pay off her past seasonal expenses and what not.
So I was thinking Syliras, and then I was like nah... too many people, and it breaks my number one rule: avoid Syliras because it has to many people and the mods are seriously over-worked. So then I kept thinking, and was like... well she can't go to Avanthal since Cara is there, and Ravok and Sunberth would only end in disaster, as would all of Falyndar, and more than likely Eyktol. So that left Kalea and half of Sylira. Blythe couldn't go to WR since Ariel would be there, (supposedly), you know if she didn't get lost or eaten on the way over... and um... she'd be dead in Kalinor and the Unforgiving... Sahova... At the end of the day I was thinking Lhavit ftw, but it's not on the distance chart... so travel should be interesting. Maybe I can have her get lost for a very long while. It sounds like something that would happen to her, doesn't it?
Aello's Plans:
Ohh Aello, my lovely nut job. Finally leaving Ravok in the hopes of maintaining a small portion of her sanity, slash fleeing the darn 'stryfe and death in the Rising Dawn conflict. Yeah... did I mention she is traveling with two Kelvics, who she is more than definitely going to drag down into a swirling vortex of sheer madness sooner or later? They're supposed to go to Sahova, to um... lets see, maybe see if someone can make Aello slightly less a-social and mad? Develop her skills? Teach the Kelvics better than she can? Just throwing out some ideas here. But yeah, it's entirely possible that they will be lost along the way... or that some bad stuff will happen, which um, could alter these plans...
Cara's Plans:
So Cara has some mommy and daddy problems. She would love to kill them both. She is finishing mom off, but needs to finish off her father, who this season, she will discover is no longer in Avanthal, which means she needs to go find him to tie up all her loose ends. So yes, she should be leaving eventually as well... for where I am still uncertain. Just nowhere in Falyndar, I know that. That would just be bad...
So yes, travel planning is what I shall be doing, for a while, if you guys need me or anything... I will be peering at all the Mizahar world maps, and the distance chart. |