In life, Calinthar had been an Acolyte of Rhysol, a leader and man of ambition. He was a cruel man as well, having committed a number of crimes and performed numerous acts of vile disgrace. It was his ambition however that killed him. He had dared assume that he could gain Rhysol's favor and thus become a Druvin. Instead, his failures attracted Rhysol's attention in a much darker way. He died but that was far from the end of things. He couldn't remember exactly what happened after the battle with the human and his kelvic but he woke to find himself laying on the floor of the newly formed shrine which he had set out to build in the first place. Sitting up, he saw his own tormented visage in the face of the statue before him. He never planned on becoming the shrine's guardian; that was meant for another. It was at that moment that he realized his new existence. He reluctantly embraced it and accepted the position as one of Rhysol's Guardians. Although forever tied to the shrine, Calinthar was gifted with great power.
There had been one other survivor of that fateful battle, Male, a soldier of the Ebonstryfe. Calinthar had sent Male back to Ravok with news of the shrine's construction and a request for soldiers to be sent back and stationed at the shrine. He didn't know when the soldiers would arrive or if Male even made it back to Ravok to begin with. However, having sensed a disturbance in the area, Calinthar was not about to take any chances. It was that over-confidence that had killed him the first time. Now he stood above the ashes of the soldiers that once served him.
With one hand held out over the ashes, Calinthar called upon the new powers he had been granted. The ashes began to stir and the pile began to move. Shards of charred bone began to tremble as a swirling, chromatic mist rose around the pile. Calinthar turned his hand over; his palm facing up. In the center of it materialized two pieces of black marble much like that which the shrine itself was made of. He dropped the two stones into the pile of ash, bone and swirling mist. The mist immediately grew from a slow swirling fog to a chaotically charged, churning chromatic cloud of ash and bone. From the cloud emerged two figures. Both were humanoid in form with ashen colored skin stretched over a mix of charred bones and black marble. Their faces were constantly morphing between those of the men and woman whose remains they now incorporated. The faces all bore looks of torment and despair. As they stepped from the cloud, it faded away until completely vanishing. The two figures, now standing before Calinthar, were then slowly covered by inky black tendrils crawling across their bodies until they looked as though they were dressed in living darkness. The two figures, shadows of those who had died in the vicinity of the shrine, their souls awash in chaos, now stood ready to serve Calinthar.
His lips curling in a twisted smile, Calinthar ordered,
"Go now, both of you. Secure the shrine's surroundings and eradicate any threats you may encounter." The two servants took off into the woods on their mission while Calinthar turned and walked back to the shrine. He hoped that the soldiers would show up soon so that work could begin. In the meantime, he would see to it that none threatened the shrine that he had died to establish.
For the triad who entered the woods in search of the shrine, daylight was still plentiful however the trip was not exactly a short one. The shrine was supposedly located deep into the wilds at the sight of some pre-Valterrian ruins. They would know for certain that they were on the right track if they came across an ancient, broken road of worked stone. The forest itself seemed calm as they entered and made there way through. There were signs of life all around them and the atmosphere could be described as being quite peaceful.
What could be expected on their journey was yet unknown. While Glav had gave them some information about the shrine and the Guardian, things were still rather vague. While there had always been shrines dedicated to Rhysol scattered about the land, little to nothing was really known about the Guardians that protected them. It was assumed that these beings possessed the divine ability of Chaon just as those marked by Rhysol as gifts for their devotion. Unfortunately though, few if any had survived encounters with a Guardian and returned sane enough to divulge what they saw.
While they discussed plans of attack with Terminus and Sondra both pondering various ways to approach the shrine once they arrived and Leo listening to what they thought of things, they all couldn't shake the feeling that someone or something was watching them. While everything else thus far seemed normal for a wooded setting, the odd feeling of having someone following their every move was a little disconcerting.
OOCHey guys, don't assume you are right at the temple. It is going to take a little bit to actually get there and I plan on an encounter or two on the way. It makes it more interesting and also allows for greater rewards