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Postby Candira on June 4th, 2011, 3:10 am

      Candira Wibhen
Last edited by Candira on June 23rd, 2011, 10:34 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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A Curious Soul
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Character sheet

Basic Information

Postby Candira on June 4th, 2011, 3:16 am

      Basic Information

    Birthday Season of the Spring, Day 11, 491 AV

    Home City: Charbosi
    Current City: Riverfall (as of Summer 511)
Last edited by Candira on June 9th, 2011, 10:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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A Curious Soul
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Character sheet

Basic Information

Postby Candira on June 4th, 2011, 3:58 am


    Like her people, Candira has flexible, smooth skin stretched over a cartilage skeleton. She is streamlined, standing at 5 feet, seven inches and weighing only 110 pounds. In place of hair, Candira was graced with five tentacles, all of which is able to control. Her multi-pointed ears are hidden beneath and lay flat against her scalp. Both her fingers and toes are connected with flaps of skin, making water travel easier. Candira, unfortunately, has no identifying marks about her person. She prefers green colors, when she wears clothing.

Last edited by Candira on June 9th, 2011, 9:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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A Curious Soul
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Joined roleplay: June 3rd, 2011, 6:03 pm
Location: Falyndar
Race: Charoda
Character sheet

Basic Information

Postby Candira on June 4th, 2011, 4:01 am

      Character Concept

    For a Charoda, Candira is surprisingly competitive. She enjoys helping others, creating things, living life, but everything seems to have an edge. Did I do more, or did you? By one-upping strangers or friends, Candira feels accomplished and recognized; she carves her place in the world in this way.
Last edited by Candira on June 9th, 2011, 10:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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A Curious Soul
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Character sheet

Basic Information

Postby Candira on June 4th, 2011, 4:12 am

      Character History

    Candira was born, one of five children, in her mother's first attempt at laying eggs. The girl grew up very close to two of her siblings - Danee and Nishem - and her father, who doted upon her the most of his guppies. Though Charodae emphasize equality, and her mother and father often cared for the children on alternate days, Candira barely knew her mother; she was a distant figure, focused on the next batch of guppies and fending off her own mother. Overall, Candira lived a very average childhood, surviving in the sea, sating her natural curiosity, and finding a love of seahorses, exploration, and building.

    The largest influence on Candira was her sister, Danee. They were born together, and her mother always claims they popped from the coral, having chewed through their fetus-protection, at exactly the same time. Danee always acted older and would claim knowledge, to the point of making things up. One afternoon, Candira, Danee, and their brother Nisheem ventured to the coast. In an unfortunate turn of events, Candira witnessed the murder of Nishem at the hands of a Myrian. The girl was scarred, always reminded of the woman's hungry look, throughout her life. The murder changed little of Danee and Candira's relationship, only causing them to spend more time together.

    Over the years, Danee began to question things - things her people taught. She would always confront Candira: why not kill something, how come they don't have a city on the surface, what's beyond the horizon and in the stars? Her questions always confused Candira, and the girl adamantly stuck to the teachings of her people with a similar ferocity. Eventually, when they were nearing seventeen years, Danee left Charbosi to explore the world and answer her questions. Their parting was easy; for, it was always understood, they would meet each other again.

    During her teen years, Candira attended school until the age of fifteen, when she was deemed acceptable by her teachers. In the years following, the teenager explored the ocean floor, once even swimming as far as Riverfall and back in a great journey. Her mother had another three sets of children, and the guppies made Candira feel old. Her father's attention turned away from her, and in turn she bonded more closely with her sister.

    Candira was anxious to experience Mizahar, and the curiosity that defined her race began to consume her. After Danee's decision to travel, Candira wandered Charbosi confused. She felt she had no purpose. So, with fear and excitement and urging from a childhood friend, the girl decided: she would travel the longest journey yet, with no promises on her return date or plans.
Last edited by Candira on June 23rd, 2011, 10:59 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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A Curious Soul
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Joined roleplay: June 3rd, 2011, 6:03 pm
Location: Falyndar
Race: Charoda
Character sheet

Basic Information

Postby Candira on June 4th, 2011, 4:17 am


    Skill Experience Points Acquired Level
    Coral Manipulation* 16 Starting Package Novice
    Singing 11 Starting Package Novice
    Scavenging 7 Starting Package Novice
    Architecture 10 Starting Package Novice
    Swimming 14 Starting Package Novice
    Geology 8 Starting Package Novice
    Riding (Seahorse) 6 Starting Package Novice
    Running 1 Thread Novice
    Persuasion 1 Thread Novice
    Stealth 1 Thread Novice
    Rhetoric 1 Thread Novice
    Climbing 1 Thread Novice
    Camouflage 1 Thread Novice

      Lore and Languages

    Languages Lore of Charbosi Lore of Falyndar
    Char (Fluent) Ocean Floor Myrians Own Falyndar
    Common (Basic) Coral Myrians Are Merciless
    Food for energy Never trespass in Falyndar
    Child's Game: The Whirlpool Death of a sibling
    Life is sacredBrutal killing
    Taboo: Needless waste
    Father's Conch Shell
    Location: Sea Grass Field
    Ivak's Domain of Influence: Volcanoes
    Waters are darker the deeper you go
    Location: Underwater volcano
    'Heavy' water
    Smell of Sulfur
    How to boil food underwater
    Sound of the Conch above water when blown
    Impromptu poem
    Childish banter
    Coral feeding habits
    Octopus evasion technique: using its ink
    Use of pumice for body hygiene
    Making peace

Last edited by Candira on June 25th, 2011, 12:33 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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A Curious Soul
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Location: Falyndar
Race: Charoda
Character sheet

Basic Information

Postby Candira on June 4th, 2011, 4:22 am

      Possessions - General

    Item Category Acquired Value
    Set of Clothing Clothing Starting Package -
    Water Skin Equipment Starting Package -
    Backpack Equipment Starting Package -
    Eating Knife Equipment Starting Package -
    Toiletries Personal Starting Package -
    Blank Book Personal Riverfall, Purchased 3gm
    Bird Call Outdoors Riverfall, Purchased 5sm
    Jar Personal Riverfall, Purchased 1 gm
    Tea Cup, Intricate Clay Personal Riverfall, Purchased 3cm
    Pot, Tea Making Personal Riverfall, Purchased 5sm
    Shell Necklace Heirloom Starting Package 7 gm
    Volcanic Rock Personal Scavenged -
    Pumice Rock Scavenged Personal -




    Name Breed Acquired Price
    Le'Shea Seahorse Starting Package 100 gm

Last edited by Candira on June 25th, 2011, 12:36 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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A Curious Soul
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Character sheet

Basic Information

Postby Candira on June 4th, 2011, 4:27 am


    Summer 511 AV
    Beginning Balance Type Transation Ending Balance
    100 gm Starting Package - 100 gm
    Cash in Home + 500 gm 600 gm
    Shopping in Riverfall - 5 gm, 3 cm 555 gm, 9 sm, 7 cm

Last edited by Candira on June 12th, 2011, 3:09 am, edited 3 times in total.
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A Curious Soul
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Race: Charoda
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Postby Candira on June 4th, 2011, 4:28 am

      Thread List

Grandfathered Threads :
    Year 498 AV
    Title Description Date Age
    Volcano's Breath [Flashback] Candira Explores with her father, Solo Season of the Summer, Day 10 7 Years Old

    Year 500 AV
    Title Description Date Age
    Seahorses: Swimming Made Easy [Flashback] Candira Learns about Seahorses, Telos Season of the Summer, Day 50 9 Years Old
    Times Turned Scary [Flashback] Candira Witnesses Murder, Solo Season of the Winter, Day 40 9 Years Old

    Year 504 AV
    Title Description DateAge
    Dark Lagoon [Flashback] [Open] Candira Explores the Lagoon with Her Sister, Solo Season of the Summer, Day 15 13 Years Old

    Year 510 AV
    Title Description Date Age
    By the Sea Shore [Flashback] Candira Meets Tryt, a Myrian Season of the Summer, Day 70 19 Years Old
    A New Friend [Flashback] Candira Meets Quelen and Practices Dancing Season of the Fall, Day 24 19 Years Old

    Year 511 AV
    Fish out of WaterDream before her TravelSeason of the Summer, Day 120 Years Old

Year 511 AV
Title Description Date
When It Rains, It PoursQuest into Falyndar, RageSeason of the Summer, Day 1
Walking on Water [Open] Candira Arrives in Riverfall Season of the Summer, Day 25

Last edited by Candira on June 28th, 2011, 9:47 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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A Curious Soul
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Joined roleplay: June 3rd, 2011, 6:03 pm
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Character sheet

Basic Information

Postby Candira on June 4th, 2011, 4:28 am

      Characters Met

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A Curious Soul
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Joined roleplay: June 3rd, 2011, 6:03 pm
Location: Falyndar
Race: Charoda
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