Timestamps: Early Morning, 90th Day of Spring, 511 AV Thunk. Lowering his bow, Kayns eyes straying to the single arrow actually embedded into the tree trunk he had aimed for a few feet away. Kayn allowed himself a small smile of satisfaction. It had been quite a while since he had picked up a bow, and from that time his skills had started to wear thin. He strolled forward to retrive the assortment, of arrows that had found there own targets as if they had a mind of there own. Last night Kayn had slept outside the walls of the city of Syliras. Having found himself a small clearing next to a small stream, he had created himself a comfortable campsite. He had prayed that it would not rain over night, and to his gratitude, it had not. In the early morning he had risen, wearing only his boots, loincloth, and pants. He had gather his weapons, and gone to find himself a place to train. Finding himself a reasonable sized clearing, he had dropped his weapons into a pile and started with his bow. Carving a target into a tree, he attempted to hit the mark, and finally he had. After retrieving his arrows and placing them in his quiver, he had walked back to his original spot. He went into his firing stance, he had pulled an arrow from his quiver placed arrow to string, raising his bow he drew the arrow until the string touched his cheek. Sighting down the arrow, he aimed, making adjustments according to wind pattern and such. He released letting the arrow fly away, he watched the arrow soar away, hoeping against hope it would hit the target, but against hope it had hit the tree far to the right of his target. "Petch." Your horrible. Shut up, like you could do better. |