Evening, Summer 7th, AV 511
Is it necessary to do this every time you get lonely?
The cynical remark had no affect on the pale form of Asara, whose small body was flat on it's back. Her long arms were folded behind her head to form a pillow, albeit a bony one, and her black, sharp nails gripped her white-silver hair. The stars above her held her full attention, not the always present, ever cruel voice in the back of her head.
Being an inquisitive girl, Asara wish she knew how to read Common fluently so she could learn the names of the stars, instead of having to make them up. Her darker gold eyes, darker than they had been for quite a while, scanned the shapes she'd traced in the stars.
There was the Crown, which formed a halo around the full moon at around midnight every night, the Archer, who had notched an arrow in his bow and was aiming at the Dire Wolf.... And then there were the Lovers, intertwined above a red star...
Whenever Asara imagined the couple, she never imagined herself. She knew what she was, she'd come to understand herself. As a Symenestra, she was physically week, thin, with frail bones and a breakable body. The woman she imagined was always strong, with a beauty greater than her frail one. It was a woman who would safely bear children, who would never have to fear the developing child within her womb. It was a woman Asara both envied and hated. She was trapped in her small body, trapped for a life time, and while she never had desired a life mate before she arrived in Syliras, she hated herself for the fact that she would probably never have one.
Asara turned her eyes from the constellation and set her eyes on the Spider, spinning its lovely web through the sky.
You are green, Asara... A soft whisper sounded in her head.
Asara answered aloud, unaware of any person nearby.
"I envy no one..." Asara lied quietly.