Flashback [The Sunset Falls] The Color of Living (Ethan)

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

Flashback [The Sunset Falls] The Color of Living (Ethan)

Postby Lavia on June 8th, 2011, 8:36 am

The owls attention had been distracted the the waterfall beneath the crowd of trees, and its wide eyes stared downward for a few moments. There, she heard the loud cry from a bird, and the owls neck lifted back up to observe the expanded wings beating with the wind, and carrying the large bird towards the top of the waterfall. There was a flutter of comfort within the Kelvic, as it watched the bird make its way up as quickly as possible. How elegant it appeared, even under the night sky. The owl quickly lost sight of the bird, once it hovered above, but then she sensed its presence as the top of the oak tree gently shook with the weight being pushed on to the branch. Without a chance to turn its head around to acknowledge him, she felt the soft pecking along the nape of her neck.

As an owl, as a bird, this feeling was quite pleasing. The owl did not move or try and push away, but instead gently extended its neck upwards which was an interesting sight, allowing him to pull at her loose feathers and smooth out the ones which appeared out of place. The owls eyes closed, as if soaking up that very moment and feeling of being cared for. It was all too unreal and she began to feel as if she must have wandered in to some kind of dream. That or either this Kelvic was just as twisted as every other being she has come across. No.. he was different. She could feel it. The offer of comfort, care and protection were a surprise to the Kelvic, but she embraced it.

His gentle prodding of her neck was interrupted by his chirping, which she almost immediately translated. A language spoken amongst all Kelvics, depending on their circumstance. Of course, a feline could not speak the language of a canine, but with them both being related in terms of their 'bestial' form, it was not a challenge at all. The chirping sounded in her mind as if they were spoken words, just as soothing as they were in his human form. Calming.

“Let me feed you.” He softly chirped. “You are safe with me. Let me hunt for you. Feed your belly.”

The owl gave a gentle hoot, followed by a few more and then soft snapping sounds of its beak.

"You are kind. I am hungry."

The owl opened its wide eyes, and stared ahead in to the night, the swaying trees in view as well as the gray clouds continued to move along. It seemed as if a little rain was ahead, she could not be determined just yet. The owl breathed gently but deeply, before beginning to shift its talons to make itself more comfortable. It was pondering, deeply. In some ways, the Kelvic was unsure of how to befriend someone. How to be compassionate to another. But it seemed its own nature let it happen all on its own. Built inside of the Kelvic, were those characteristics. And they were beginning to surface. The owl soft gave another hoot.

"Fish. Do you know if any?"

The owl extended its long neck, tilting it downwards as it snapped its beak, peering down the waterfall and in to its large pool of water. She would let the Kelvic hunt for her, and submit to his open arms of comfort. She watched with wide as as he dove down towards the water, after nuzzling her neck once more with his beak. As he left, her talons shifted to get more comfortable, the owls eyes reaching towards the moon that slowly showed its bright light through the gray clouds, illuminating the Cobalt mountains. The view appeared dull. Only shades of black and gray, but in her mind they flourished with spectrums of millions upon millions of colors.
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Flashback [The Sunset Falls] The Color of Living (Ethan)

Postby Archon on June 24th, 2011, 4:57 am

Illumination of Development

  • +4 Observation
  • +2 Swimming
  • +2 Intimidation
  • +2 Seduction

Lores: Taking little steps towards trust, Sylira geogoraphy (Basic), Some people are actually nice

Care to see more? :
Observation experience for paying attention and noticing things, Swimming experience for your time spent in the water, Intimidation experience for your attempts to be scary, and Seduction experience for the bit of flirting.

  • +4 Observation
  • +3 Persuasion
  • +2 Rhetoric
  • +1 Seduction

Lores: Sylira geography (Basic), Dealing with a pretty girl, Dangers in the night

Care to see more? :
Observation experience for noticing various things, Persuasion experience for convincing Lavia to trust you, Rhetoric experience for the conversation, and Seduction experience for the bit of flirting.

Notes: A rather sweet little thread. :) Just a couple things I'ld like to comment on:

Lavia: The Sunset Falls are close to 2,000 feet tall, and so a dive from the top of them would kill pretty much anyone. If not for that I would have been able to reward you with a bit more swimming experience. :)

Ethan: Just a couple minor things. The Syliras coast is on the west, not the east, and there is no Inn located on any road that I'm aware of. :)

Nothing really terrible, just a couple things to try and keep in mind in the future. :)
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon.
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