by Ren Tanor on June 8th, 2011, 12:35 am
Ren Tanor
Feeling Reavers glare Ren twisted around returing an equally sharp glare. "You can't NOT have talent. You can breathe, fly, and if you weren't doing those, you could be food. You can shift between forms, and you can clearly talk. Everyone has talents. They might not be 'interesting' as you said, but they're still something. Can you speak a language I cannot? That may be interesting. Perhaps you take your talents for granted, such as your ability to be out on your own. You can gather food on your own? A talent I do not have." Reaver lectured, only pausing to take a deep breath. "As far as the question to me, I was hoping to learn anything Ren taught me. He would also learn something along those lines, I suspect. Requests can be made, however. I'm sorry to hear you prefer solitude, but perhaps if you can gain something from it, it wouldn't be as bad. Would you like to teach and learn with us?" Reaver asked "well yes that would be nice we could all learn a great deal from eachother and it would increase the amount that we would lear if you joined us. Also if your intrested i have been recruiting these last few seasons for the pack that I started up 510, just a thought." Leaning over torwards Reaver's ear Ren spoke in a soft tone, not out of secrecy but that it didn't concern anyone other that Reaver "Would you like to meet the other leader of my pack somewhere in the next few days?" |
OOCCan someone tell me how to say the years in this game I am very confused. LOL

"Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way."
George Patton