(The Drunken Fish) Possibilities (Open)

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(The Drunken Fish) Possibilities (Open)

Postby Cade on June 9th, 2011, 11:02 pm

Timestamp: Day 1 of summer, 511 AV

Cade hadn't been in home more then a few months and already he was craving new sights. He loved filling his mind with as much knowledge as he could handle, and knowledge always was found when exploring new places.

"One couldn't learn to walk if they just sat around all day"

His mother would always say that to him, when he was younger, and as he got older he began to understand what she had meant.

Cade had been walking for what seamed like forever for him, watching people dressed in fine clothing, and those that seemed to wear clothing that had more holes in it that he wasn't sure how it could even be considered clothing. He even noticed the slightly abbreviated and overly abbreviated denizens as he got closer to the The Drunken Fish.

The place seemed alive with excitement and also his guard had instantly kicked into over drive as he began seeing people he knew shouldn't be trusted. Many noises from all directions swamped his ears. From laughing, some clinking of glass, talk of the weather, employment, and he even faintly heard somewhere, pleasurable activity in one of the side rooms.

He walked through the door and was blasted with many scents and the volume seemed to have been turned up considerably. The place smelled of cooked food, alcohol, the guy a few tables down who smelled like he hadn't bathed in awhile, perfume from women at a table in opposite direction.

He walked to a empty table, which was more difficult to find then he at first though. The place was crowded and why wouldn't it be, it was full of entertainment, and best of all knowledge. His only problem now was obtaining some for himself.

He noticed people wondering around with fake smiles on their faces, he knew that some of them really didn't like certain people that they had to serve, while there was some that he could tell their smiles were real.

He then sat absorbing all the sights of the place, watching in some seats people laughing, and others who seemed up to something, probably criminals coming in for who knows what type of meetings, and still others just watched the room like him, sometimes their eyes meeting momentary but then moving on. The Drunken Fish has become a home away from a home, away from another home. Was the best place to meet new people and catch up on the local news and gossip.
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(The Drunken Fish) Possibilities (Open)

Postby Eryss Waldu on June 10th, 2011, 4:33 am

[Eryss appeared quite wizen to casual observation, he was not an overly large or stocky man and he dressed himself in rags that covered what others often believed were disfigured features, but he could navigate the streets of Sunberth quite well after having been born there some time ago.]

[While he made his way towards the Drunken Fish Eryss took in the sights of those surrounding him, he watched through eyes that seemed malicious and almost dead darting back and forth, knowing no one could really be trusted. On one side of him a fish merchant plied his trade as he passed by, the scent of the sea prevalent in this area of the city, the sound of a man yelling soon after capturing his attention as he continued walking down the street.]

“The Drunken Fish. Yes this is the place.”

[Eryss knew that he had found what he was looking for when he saw the tavern in the distance and leading himself through the crowds towards his destination he was soon at its doorstep. Laughter and the smell of stale drink was the first thing to assail his senses when he came to the door and with a scrunch of his nose Eryss entered quietly, almost unnoticed except by the eyes that wandered to the door.]

[Blasted by the voices of patrons gathered together in revelry it was only natural for Eryss to stand out the way he was dressed. Dressed in a cloak Eryss hid himself beneath dark colors and clothing that was woven to hide much of his form and lend some insight as to what he must look like to the imagination. His face half concealed beneath a cowl was scarred over his left eye and up into his hairline and he hid his mouth and nose behind a veil of cloth lending credence to the idea that he was disfigured in some way.]

[Anyone looking upon Eryss would likely have some afterthought concerning his appearance. It was natural to be curious after all. Human nature arguably.]

[Inside the Drunken Fish it was packed, Eryss seemed to hesitate while his eyes sought out exactly what he was looking for, and then he was moving again, towards the table he had seen with only a lone occupant sitting at this moment. Absorbing the sight of the man from afar Eryss chuckled once, the sound of even mild laughter coming from him resembling a twisted cackle, but in no time he was closing in with his movements.]

[Maybe Cade saw him. Maybe not. Before long though Eryss was sitting at the same table as the man after inviting himself to do so. He didn’t say anything at first, staring out across the Drunken Fish as though he were unimpressed, before finally waving his hand idly and mentioning.]

“You certainly have a penchant for choosing filthy and seditious dens to muck about in. What has you sitting here?”

[After I’d said that my eyes met with those of another mans momentarily, it was over in a few moments but in that matter of time I stared deeply at him and let him know how low I considered him, then we looked away. With Cade on the opposite side of the table I watched the tavern, observing, as I often did, how those around me moved about and listening to any of the conversations that strayed to close.]
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(The Drunken Fish) Possibilities (Open)

Postby Cade on June 10th, 2011, 10:16 am

“ I figured a place such as this was best suited for such a creature as yourself old friend” Cade retorted back at the twisted robed man before him that he so called friend. Both of them were sunberthians and knew these wild streets well along with this drinking hole. Their partnership was made from necessity for Cade was considered to be all brawns while Eryss was the brains and with them side by side there wasn’t much they could not handle. “Eyrss you know I like the taverns, for one could sit amongst the patrons and soak up all such information a person like you and I would need to keep our pockets lined with coin and our bellies filled”.

The mountain of a man grinned from ear to ear as he pointed to a voluptuous maid with breasts that could smother a polar bear. “ The view in this place is almost unmatchable “ A deep chuckle thundered from within Cade as he pounded the table barbarically and signalling the said maid over to order drinks. No point in admiring from a distance when one could get a closer look.
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(The Drunken Fish) Possibilities (Open)

Postby Eryss Waldu on June 10th, 2011, 3:56 pm

[Noticing the voluptuous made that Cade had indicated the first inclination from Eryss was to give another of his twisted laughs though he was able to stifle himself in place of a more reserved response when he said.]

“Unmatched? Perhaps you should put her on her back when she gets here. Then the view would truly be aspiring.”

[Unable to help it Eryss did chuckle mildly when the maid finally approached before dismissing her with an idle wave of the hand, he wanted neither drink nor attention from her and after one look at him she was more than inclined to dote on Cade. Later on if the two of them lingered Eryss would be forced to have a drink but at the moment he wasn’t terribly thirsty.]

[When Cade had ordered his drink and finished with the maid Eryss would glance across the table towards his associate, and friend, with a bit of bemusement. There, sitting across the table from one another, the differences between the two men could not have been more pronounced. They appeared to be polar opposites of one another; Cade was the larger of the two, broad shouldered and muscular, while Eryss remained the noticeably smaller man though his eyes told the tale that was quite keen and alert.]

“Now tell me Cade. Besides the size of breast that our maid has what else have you learned since being back in Sunberth?”

[Using his fingers to drum a beat against the surface of their table Eryss would pause, glancing off to the side until he saw a man who looked like he was drunker than the rest, until finally turning back to Cade.]

“There’s much to be done here.”

[Unerringly cryptic the statement referred to the fact that Cade and I would have no shortage of possibilities back in this place. It was easy to see the coin changing hands out across the tavern, thieves were undoubtedly picking the pockets of several patrons even now in an establishment like this, and all across Sunberth in a hundred other seedy dives it was likely the same. Eryss didn’t doubt the same maid that Cade had first laid eyes on could be found in any number of other taverns throughout the city, a replica of the one we had here, they bred them in places like this.]

[Now that he was here Eryss did find one thing enjoyable about the Drunken Fish though, something about him always marvelled about seeing what he considered the dregs of society amongst one another; Eryss liked to watch even when he didn’t consider his observations all that educational.]
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(The Drunken Fish) Possibilities (Open)

Postby Corinth on June 11th, 2011, 7:59 pm

Day 1 Summer 511 AV

Corinth stepped into The Drunken Fish. It seemed like a good place for her to start from being run off her farm practically by the "authorities". She didn't care. She supposed it was a diecent deal that she was able to keep her Horse and to take a tent and other belongings with her.

The smell was pungent. Dirty women wearing practically nothing sloshing themselves over similarly disgusting men. is this my life now? Corinth tried to ignore the obvious stares of males as she made her way to what appeared to be a quiet corner. Her hands dug deep into the pockets of her pants holding on to the few precious coins she owned.
She sat at a small table. next to her were a pair that deffinately caught her attention though she wouldnt want to admit it to herself. ha! I'm a fool. Look away Cor, just look away.. but she couldnt help it perhaps it was his laugh or the way he spoke to his tattered friend. The way he handled the busty woman was not pleasing though but she had never seen a man thrust a woman about in such a way before.
She kept her eyes down to her hands. She was playing with her mother's wedding ring. However, every once in a bit she would look up in his direction. She didn't want to stare. Its rude to stare Corinth Her mother always told her so when she was still around. She didn't want to make eye contact but she was so longing for it..

What am I doing?! Stop it Cor. This is ridiculous. Now is not the time for...for men. You don't even know where to set your tent tonight. You don't even know if you can spare money to eat. Men. Men are confusion.

but still, one more look.

OOCthe obvious 'lustful' stares are in Cade's direction. just in case there is confusion. balls in your court Cade!
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(The Drunken Fish) Possibilities (Open)

Postby Cade on June 14th, 2011, 3:47 am

Eryss's question fell on deft ears as the half blood myrian savage's attention was drawn to a skinny girl sitting by her lonesome. His first thought was possible assassin, for his lifetime he has made many enemies but from just glancing at her a few times he could tell she was no threat. He was right to feel like prey but this time there was no threat in being the quarry.

" Excuse me Eyrss,.......i have to check this out" the 6'4'' Cade stood from his table making no secret where his target laid. his eyes glued to hers with out winking he closed the distance. With no invitiation he squared himself away in the seat across from this girl that was giving him the lustfull eyes.

" Lets be honest sweetheart!" He broke the silence with his thick savage accent " Either I am wearing something of yours or.... you are eye !@&#*%^ me?". Well he was brute on the field and in his personal skills. Cade's intense eyes made quick work of Corinth's figure, finding her to be a beautiful. " Hopefully I am correct in the later" He jousted.
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(The Drunken Fish) Possibilities (Open)

Postby Corinth on June 14th, 2011, 7:13 am

Day 1 Summer 511 AV

"Hello to you too. Um. Yes well.." Corinth had never ever been spoken to like this before especially from a man she had never met. Say something Corinth! Don't just stutter like a fool! You've deffinately gotten his attention now so DO something... Cor lifted her elbow to rest on the table and leaned in slightly and placed her hand to the crest of her jaw. "..well I guess I wasnt trying very hard to hide it was I now? So hello. I'm Corinth. Perhaps you can buy a girl a drink and tell me who you are then?" Cor's voice was small but she mustered up all the confidence in her to speak like she knew what she was saying and she meant every word. This is my life now, to sit amongst the rustabouts. Better start behaving like one.

She tried to conceal a small smile. It was probably the first smile she gave in months yet. Hair was falling in her eyes and she tucked the stray peices behind her ear.
More eye contact. What is it about those bloody eyes?!
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(The Drunken Fish) Possibilities (Open)

Postby Cade on June 14th, 2011, 5:47 pm

Cade's grin became predatorial for he longed to taste her and he was not much for patience. " My name is Cade....... just Cade" He replied to her introduction keeping his tribal surname out just incase being half Myrian might be a turn off for this beautiful woman. He raised his hands ordering the previous voluptuous bar maid over for more drinks. " Two horns of honey wine" He ordered for the both of them, since he was paying and wanted nothing more then to taste honey from her lips.

" Corinth M'lady!...." He backed his seat out further from the table " Wouldn't your fine rear be more comfortable sitting on my lap instead of that wretched hard wood of a chair?" He insisted with his devilish grin. Yes, he was a brute but he did come with his charms..........if one looked hard enough.
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(The Drunken Fish) Possibilities (Open)

Postby Corinth on June 15th, 2011, 2:32 am

Day 1 Summer 511 AV

Sheesh I mite be some ill-educated farm girl but this man can't seriously think I'll be giving in that easy! Corinth cocked one eyebrow up.
"Oh what charm...Cade. Listen that may have worked with the other women you've conquested but it's going to take a bit more than that to win me over. This seat is quite comfortable thank you. And you may be Just Cade, but I'm Corinth Marlowe." She said with laughter in her voice. Smiling again. Laughing again. Cor thought she'd never do that again in her life.
"So, Just Cade. What are you doing in Sunberth besides hitting on all our 'finest' women?" And making a blushing foolish girl out of me?
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(The Drunken Fish) Possibilities (Open)

Postby Cade on June 15th, 2011, 3:52 am

A heavy chuckle erupted from Cade in asnwer to Corinth quick wit and repulse of his advances. "I honestly believe you will not make this easy on me..... not one bit at all" He laughed knowing he lost that skirmish but the night was young and she was still blushing with flattery along with the mere fact she was still sitting across from him. " Well, Sides from the many beautiful creatures to woe..... my friend" He points back to the creepy creature that he left moments earlier, motioning him to join them before turning back to the girl " and I are searching for possibilities... of all types."

The barmaid delivered the two horns of mead to their table adding it to Cade's tab. " And you Corinth, what is a beauty such as you doing here sides from leering at men like me?" he retorted back before taking a swig of the god's nectar known as honey wine or mead.
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