Sitkanis glared at the boy at his side.
"Watch your petching mouth. How old are you ten? You can't talk like that." He found it a bit dishonorable that the boy would wear in front of one of the Denvalis. In a way he felt like it was a bad show of his own character. He had become the caretaker of the little Ethaefal even if he had exactly wanted to be.
"Don't worry about it. I tend to look different at night anyways. Maybe you saw me then." He could not explain what he looked like too well. His hair and horn color changed from season to season, never staying a constant color.
"I'm a little taller than him, purple eyes, horns, Ethaefal stuff." Sitkanis pointed in Lysander's direction as he compared the boy's height to his own. He refused to refer to his night time eye color as lilac even if that was the best way to describe the color.
The Ethaefal was extremely excited to share breakfast with a teenager and a man who was just freshly out of it. Lysander had offered though and he was not going to let the boy run off without him. Besides, he did not know if Lysander had money to pay for his food anyways.
"Yeah, I'm up for breakfast." He eyed Talen a bit playfully when he asked where they should eat.
"I would imagine you would know best Talen, being Denvali and all." He smirked a bit as he ran over in his mind where the three of them could eat.
"How about The Stranger's Welcome. The place has not let me down yet." He had not had a lot of chances to eat in the tavern. Most of the times that he wandered into the place it had been night time when he could be filled by Leth's light.
OOCI assume everyone will be fine with going to the Stranger's Welcome. I can change this if the masses do not want to eat there though. I just did not want to have to make a round of unnessisary posts where they all agree to go to the place.When the three of them arrive at the Stranger's Welcome Sitkanis picked out a table big enough for the three of them. He ordered a simple breakfast but encouraged Lysander to order whatever he wanted. His eyes turned to his Ethaefallen brother after the orders had been made.
"So Lysander, what were you doing out so early?" He did not want to admit to the boy that he got a bit worried when he did not know where he was. He felt that he was responsible for the boy and maybe, just maybe he was starting to care for the boy a bit. He was too proud to admit these feelings to aloud though.