[Evantide Tower] A Day to Rest and Fatten Up (Lavia)

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

[Evantide Tower] A Day to Rest and Fatten Up (Lavia)

Postby Ethan on June 12th, 2011, 11:12 pm

18th Day of Winter, 508 AV

When they reached Evantide Tower, the two Kelvics decided Ethan was the best choice to talk with the inn's keeper. It was true, he was well spoken and charismatic, and used to humans. Knowing when to laugh and be serious with others. He was taught well, but he was still uncomfortable with the idea. Grimm and his crew were always with him whenever he would deal with people, and it was usually a job and not for leisure.

So Ethan talked quickly and bought the room. Got bread, cheese and some fresh meat for the two of them From the shops around the outpost walls. He knew Lavia was hungry and didn't want her to do anything but rest and fatten up. The more he saw her the more he could tell she had been on the run for a while. She was skinny and frail, more so than any animal should be.

When Ethan pushed his back into the door of their room, hands full with food. He looked the place over eagerly. It was his first Inn since he got separated from his master. It wasn't much at all but it was decent enough. They were in the tower room of the Inn, he had to pay a little extra but it was worth it for their privacy and the window.

High vaulted ceiling, large comfortable looking bed near the wall under the window. A table big enough for two with chairs. Right next to the hearth. A small chest was at the foot of their bed for holding their belongings. All in all it was nice and homely, a lot cheaper than an Inn in the city would be.

Ethan walked over to the table, put the food and drink down and went to the window. Threw open the shutters and looked across the clump of tree's he left Lavia. She was pretty far away for her comfort, but he could still see her well enough. He waved to his friend excitedly for her to head in, then went to get everything ready. He stripped off his boots and placed them neatly by the chest. His rough cotton shirt and pants were dusty and itched. He wanted to strip them off but he decided not to make things awkward. So he simply started started organizing the food. Making it into two small dinners and placed the cups and wine next to each plate. Tediously looking things over to make sure it was perfect for his new friend.
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[Evantide Tower] A Day to Rest and Fatten Up (Lavia)

Postby Lavia on June 15th, 2011, 6:56 am

The owl gently nestled its own beak into its breast of feathers, the wide eyes of the mammal closing as it stood still and silent. Even the rush of the wind did not budge the creature, but did cause its feathers to softly flutter ever so lightly. She was waiting; waiting for Ethan to signal her over to the tower where she would be able to lay rest and eat. She then wondered how her back would feel against a bed, its soft sheets against her battered skin. An actual bed. Though, the desires and wants of a Kelvic are quite simple. They don't long for beds or fancy housing. The owl could simply perch itself on this very branch for the entire night without feeling the least bit of discomfort. But of course, Lavia only wondered and let her imagination wander. She was of course, curious. Beds, boats, knitted dresses, bubble baths, forks and plates, musical instruments. All things an animal wouldn't truly need, pulled at her inquisitive mind.

Moments passed and the owl extended its neck upwards, pulling its beak out of its snuggled resting place. The large eyes opened and began to peer around its surroundings, until its eyes caught the sight of Ethan reaching out his arm through the opened window, and waving in her direction. There was a jolt of excitement, and the young Kelvic grew eager to spread her wings. The wide wings spread and flapped quickly, carrying the owl towards the tower and through the window left opened for her to enter. Once she was inside of the room, the owl found a spacious spot on the floor, and didn't wait around any longer. The shifting was quick as it always was, but still just as beautiful. The bright lights of colors disappeared, leaving the slender woman behind, bare as she was before.

She exhaled deeply and inhaled once more, taking in the scent of the room before turning her attention to Ethan, who was setting up the table and poking at things that were already in place. He was either meticulous or simply wanting things to be perfect for her own sake. She smiled widely, as she eased towards the table and took stance at his side, looking down at the food laid out. As much as she wanted to pounce and attack the entire meal, she knew better and simply pursed her lips tightly together, the saliva gathering on the walls of her mouth. She looked back up to Ethan before taking notice of his clothing. He was a Kelvic, and most of her kind didn't bother with garments. She blushed deeply, her eyes appearing worried. This is dinner. She thought, Am I to be dressed? She hesitated as she pondered the thought, but knew there would be nothing more in this room to dress herself with, but the sheet of the bed. She even too, pondered grabbing the sheet and knotting it around herself. But, she dismissed that thought of action, and reached for the chair near her to take a seat. She eased down quietly, as she then nervously pulled her long hair in front of her bust. Never would a Kelvic usually be ashamed of their bare skin or their animalistic nature, especially in front of another of their kind. But seeing him dressed intimidated her slightly. She looked up from the food, to Ethan, her honey colored eyes appearing bright as they glared innocently. She waited for him to sit, before she decided to touch anything.

"Thank you, I appreciate all of this." she smiled, nodding her head in his direction, "You do not usually meet many kind people so.. unexpectedly."
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[Evantide Tower] A Day to Rest and Fatten Up (Lavia)

Postby Ethan on June 18th, 2011, 9:53 am

Ethan felt the heat rise in his cheeks as Lavia was next to him besides the table. Silently watching him arrange things for a moment. It was strange but he didn't want to break her silence and force her to talk. Even though she seemed to be warming up he didn't want to scare her off. So he fiddled with the wooden spoons and arranged a plate for her. A large heel of bread, two thick strips of freshly cooked meat dripping with juices, cheese with a slightly tart but hearty taste and a vine of crisp purple grapes.

When Lavia spoke, it made his heart flutter and clench. That honeyed voice was vvelvet on his ears. Ringing with a tone of gratitude and something else he couldn't pick out. His eyes were slightly closed as he smiled and listened to her words. Something about this woman was getting to him. Either the fact that he was so young and new to this or she was older and he wanted to take care of and impress her.

Ethan picked up the wooden plate smiling and placed it in front of her. Noticing her golden eyes made his lips stretch a little farther in a smile. When his eyes trailed down a little he noticed her thick dark golden hair spread along her shoulders and chest. His cheeks flushed deep red as he realized he was the only one with clothes, but he kept his smile trained.

“Sorry M'lady I had to deal with the Inn keeper. Nudity is frowned on by humans... Here is your plate.” He carefully placed the food in front of her. Grateful to be able to feed Lavia. It gave him a strange sense of pleasure. “Dig in Lavia. You must have had a long road. You need your strength.” Reaching over he grabbed the bottle of dark wine and poured it gently into the two cups and handed her one.

Finished with her food he quickly pulled off his loose white tunic and handed it to Lavia. “There you go, put this on and I will keep the pants. So it's fair.” The young Kelvic chuckled with a coy smile and quickly started fixing his plate. He remembered what she said before he interrupted her. “Your very welcome Lavia. But it's not very often you meet such a goddess.” He quickly slapped together the meat, bread and cheese. Talking as he sat down. “I couldn't let you stumble around out there lost. Now eat and eat like the beast's we are.” He smiled remembering how far she was coming along with opening up. Pretty soon they would be good friends. The thought made his stomach warm with anticipation.

“When we are finished with the food, perhaps you can tell me a little about yourself and why you were out in the woods.” Tearing the chunk of bread in half and taking a large bite he smiled. A warm meal was much needed and good company made it all the sweeter.
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[Evantide Tower] A Day to Rest and Fatten Up (Lavia)

Postby Lavia on June 21st, 2011, 5:09 am

She watched his every movements. The gentle way he handled the food and utensils, to the innocence that warmed his smile. She paid very close attention to all of his feature, this time getting a better look since the room was illuminated, and on top of that, her intimidation of him was completely gone. He set the wooden plate in front of her, and instead of hearing a loud clunk which she was most used to when plates were tossed her direction, it hit the table with ease and without sound. He was very light and easy with his hands. He parted his lips and inhaled, common for when beginning to speak. Her attention drew quickly back to him, but instead of watching his eyes she became intrigued with his mouth. His words.

He began to apologize for his clothing, and that fact that she was very much still bare. She blushed at the comment, knowing he must have realized her bit of discomfort, which was unusual. She kept her eyes on to his moving lips, and wondered how did a Kelvic like her become so literate. She had come across one or two other Kelvic slaves while she was in bondage, and their ways of communication was very limited. It was a wonder how Lavia had ever became so well spoken. True, she could not read and she could not write, but her conversation soared with many colors. She had an ear for knowledge, and picked up a lot of things not only from her keeper, but the many people he associated with. She eventually took her eyes off of his mouth and down to the food that was placed on her plate. Her fingertips grazed over her knees as she grew anxious, and even her back shot upright at the aroma of the meal.

She waited for him to seat before she had a chance to leap at the food, but before he took his seat he removed his white tunic, and handed it to her with an offering gesture. Her eyes seemed a bit confused, but instinctively her hand reached out to receive it. She held on to the soft fabric and clenched tightly as she brought it towards her chest. For a moment she pondered the act of kindness, but then quickly slipped the shirt over her head, extending her arms through and letting it hand loosely over her torso and even a bit down to her knees. Though this Kelvic was much younger than she, he did tower over her just enough to able his clothing to fit comfortable and loosely on her thin shell.

As she pulled at the end of the tunic, he sat down and continued to speak.

“Your very welcome Lavia. But it's not very often you meet such a goddess.”

A goddess? -She thought to herself, as she watched him curiously, but even so his comment brought a warmed smile. He was sweet, much too sweet. This would normally set Lavia to believe there was something wrong with the entire situation, but then again, her intuition was telling her otherwise. He began to eat his food, and so did she. Instead of using her fork, she grabbed the slab of cooked meat with her finger tips and ripped it in to smaller pieces to easily fill her mouth. She ate merrily as she listened. As they both ate, he then mentioned about her lurking in the woods and near the Mountains, her chewing slowing down as she lifted her eyes to him. She swallowed the wad of meat, and then began to pick at the bread and cheese. She made sure not to stuff her mouth while speaking, so that she could be understood.

"Right.. well, it wasn't what I was planning, really." she said, looking back to her food as she spoke, "I was in a bit of a situation. I'm from Ravok and well, if it wasn't obvious enough," she shrugged as she looked down to herself and then back up to Ethan with saddened eyes, "I'm a slave."

She swallowed the bread and cheese and quickly looked away, not wanting to expose the fact that her own words were tearing her up inside.

"Well, was a slave. Really depends on how long I can keep running. I suppose its something I'm going to have to get used to, since I find this freedom thing appealing." she forced a side smile as she began to lick at her fingers, making sure not to waste a bit of the food, "His name was Victor, Victor Lark. Interesting story, actually. He helped me escape Ravok and then I immediately took flight, not having much of a direction. I didn't know where I was going but ended up flying over those mountains. The sight of the river fall caught my eye and I couldn't deny its beauty." she laughed gently at her own words as she shrugged her shoulder slightly, "It kind of.. pulled me in."

She took a break from speaking and continued to eat, her eyes easing around the room as she did so, but fell back on to Ethan as she continued on, "But, what about you? Any particular reason you were wandering around these parts? Is this your home? Is this where you are from? And your master, you spoke of him.. You have bonded? Why are you not with him?"

Her words seemed to run like water, and it was because her curiosity was pulling at her. She wanted to simply know everything there was to know. About this Kelvic. About Ethan.

"H-How old might you be? You appear awfully young to be on your own." she asked as she leaned in a bit to stare much deeper into his eyes. She found herself wandering lost in them as she smiled.

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[Evantide Tower] A Day to Rest and Fatten Up (Lavia)

Postby Ethan on June 23rd, 2011, 7:27 am

A slave... His hunch was correct but what a terrible thing to be right about. He swallowed hard, the food turning sour in his mouth. He took a heavy slow sigh and looked away when she did. Not wanting to stare at her in a moment of sorrow. Ethan's mind was young, not any older than sixteen, but he knew what slavery meant. He knew that most of his people were slaves and servants. Its in the blood as much as changing. The idea bit and chewed at his heart. Creating a pit of empathy towards the Kelvic, and furry towards slavers.

Teeth clenched he silently listened as she explained what happened. He wanted to laugh or lightly snort as she said she liked the freedom thing. His stomach wouldn't allow it. Ethan did want to hug her and keep her safe though.. It was such an odd sudden feeling and he couldn't quite understand it yet. So he merely sat there while their food got cold.

Watching her intently was the only thing he really could do. Ethan watched as she tried to feign laughter or shrug her shoulders as she explained how the waterfall's beauty pulled her in. Ethan felt the exact same way when he came across the falls himself. Lost and alone, feeling like life couldn't possibly get any worse. Seeing the falls and feeling that urge to land and perch. It seemed almost magical how they were tied together with the same emotions and feelings. So similar and coincidental it almost had to be fate... No, it was fate and Ethan knew it. This was destined to happen. He would help her back into a life of freedom. Something he himself was getting used to..
When she started to eat again, Ethan tried but all he could swallow were a couple grapes. The sharp crunch and sweet juices of the fruit were delicious and well worth the copper he paid for them. When Lavia began to speak again he was rather shocked. She was so soft spoken and often short for words and now she was asking almost as much as he did. Was she really interested in him or just trying to get away from a heartfelt topic? Either way Ethan smiled and welcomed the questions, glad she was comfortable enough not to dwell on the past. It was the first couple of steps to easing yourself out of the hardship.

Ethan took the questions for consideration one at a time and thought for a moment before answering. “Well, no this isn't my original home.” Ethan sighed thinking about his old master and how much all of this still stung. This is what it means to talk to another person though. You give and take experiences and information. Ethan was always so curious about the world at large and people around him, but he always wished he was the only ones asking the questions. Ethan was a listener but never really talked about his own personal life much.

“I lived my life on a trade ship with my master. Captain Grim, never found out what it was short for.” Ethan laughed and looked off as he spoke. “I had a pleasant life as his compass. Flying out to sea whenever they lost their barrings.” He had a sad grin as he remembered. “Didn't last long though, about two seasons ago the ship was wrecked in a storm and I was the only one to live.” He rushed the words out quickly hoping they would sting less. It didn't help at all and his eyes built up with un shed tears, but he didn't look away.

“When I couldn't find him I went inland to live and wait. Not really sure for what though.” Ethan felt uncomfortable with the whole mess. Not with Lavia but with himself. For even feeling sad or upset about his old master. Talking about it made him anxious. Not wanting to sit still Ethan looked around. His eyes were sharp as always but it took him a moment to see the bucket. A simple wooden bucket strapped with iron to keep it together. Right next to the washing tub. It cost him a little extra for this room and he was glad to have a tub at least.

Taking a strong drink of the dark almost purple wine and getting up to fetch the pale. He was delightfully surprised to see it was already filled with water. Most likely for small washing of the feet. “Our past's don't add up to much though. We both have our pains like most Kelvics and were going to do the best we can to nurture our wounds.” Ethan had no idea how to help himself when it came to emotional pain, but others suffering he could handle. He quickly grabbed the rough bar of soap and bucket. Brought it back to Lavia and placed it in front of her feet.

“My true age is five years M'lady. I don't really know how old I look though, your gonna have to tell me about that one.” Ethan got to his knees and checked the water for any murkiness. When it cleared he broke off a chunk of the soap and motioned for Lavia to put her feet in the water.

“Put your feet in here, relax and continue to eat. Don't argue either.” He waited until her legs were in the water before talking again. “As I see it, life is hard but you have to do things to make up for it. Try to heal the wounds.” He rubbed the soap between his hands and lathered one leg from the water to the knee. “You have been a slave and suffered greatly.” He didn't allow himself to show any strain in his voice but he felt it. “To try and heal the wounds you needa feel free and loved.” Once lathered he began messaging and washing deeply. Keeping his eyes to himself for her comfort. “I have always taken care of someone and now their gone. So to heal I need to make another person happy.” He lifted Lavia's leg from the water and used both hands to work on her foot and clean it. “We can both make each other happy and watch each others back. No one will hurt us then.” Ethan looked up and smiled. “It's nice to be taken care of isn't it?”
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[Evantide Tower] A Day to Rest and Fatten Up (Lavia)

Postby Lavia on June 29th, 2011, 4:04 am

Lavia had become distracted in her own pool of questions, and it was a sweet way to move the attention off of her own painful memories. She was not at all prodding in personal areas of his life, but simply trying to learn as much as she could about the young Kelvic who had nothing but open arms for her. And of course, it was not because of her thirst of knowledge that she was so curious about his life before today, but it was the sincere wonderment of her very mind. She was not asking questions out of just curiosity, but she did indeed want to actually get to know him. Get to know Ethan.

He had grew quiet for a moment, possibly thinking of how to answer her questions or what to really say. For that moment of silence it made her wonder if she had touched on a subject that might have been delicate to him. She watched his eyes closely, and listened in on every word, lingering as if each word, each sound and the tone of his voice was pulling her in. She lifted her elbows to rest on to the table top, and cupped her him in the palm of her hands as she playfully watched him, though her look of happiness turned to sympathy when he mentioned the crashing ship and the loss of his master. There were many comforting words and gestures she was ready to pour out, but instead she kept her silence in order to let him finish. She watched as he looked around and then took a drink of his wine, before parting his lips once more.

“Our past's don't add up to much though. We both have our pains like most Kelvics and were going to do the best we can to nurture our wounds.”

He was indeed right in every way. Of course, her first attempt to heal her own wounds, was taking that leap of fate and leaving Ravok without looking back. What was to come next and what was to help her continue to patch up her wounds, could only be predicted. Her elbows scoot off of the table as she watched him move from his chair and over across the room to retrieve a wooden bucket and a piece of soap. He brought it back to her and placed it on the side of her chair and she watched confused at first, but pieced it all together. He was either going to allow her to rinse her hands in the bucket, or perhaps rinse his own.

Just as he mentioned his age, he also asked her to place her feet in to the bucket. And just as he requested, she did not argue. Though, as she turned in her chair to face the bucket, she felt uneasy about letting this boy wash her feet. Never had she experienced heart felt compassion from another, and in some ways she did not know how to take it. She sat there for a moment without movement, but gently and slowly she lifted her right leg first, her foot arching as she slowly dropped the tips of her toes in to the warm water. The quick sensation of warmth shot up her leg and through her body, and tingling being felt along her spine. It brought a pleased smile, and as she let the water embrace her foot, she raised the other and allowed it to join. There was a light swooshing sound, and a bit of the water did rise to drip over the top, but there was no need to be alert for such a small mess. She placed her hands on to her bare thighs and began to tug at the tunic to cover her flesh as she lowered her head, her hair falling in front of her face and her eyes trying to find his, but his head was lowered to show the Kelvic respect.

He began to wash and massage her leg with the soap, and it was an unfamiliar but very pleasant feeling. Her finger tips began to gently dig near her knee as listened to his comforting words, and could only smile at his intelligence. She began to understand why she felt so comfortable in the first place. Lavia had never came in contact with many people other than her keeper, and when she did come in contact with others they were always very aggressive and unpleasant company. But over the past few days she has come in contact and have gotten to know the most intriguing and thoughtful beings. Not to mention, so full of care, as Ethan was.

“It's nice to be taken care of isn't it?”

That question recited more than once in her mind, as she tried to think back on a time she was actually taken care of. The Kelvic could not remember. She looked away but quickly turned her eyes back once his head raised and he gave her a smile. She nodded as she parted her mouth to speak.

"Yes. I-It is nice." she paused as she tried to think back on the other words he had said before, "You say to heal my wounds I need to feel free and loved." she smiled, agreeing even though she was new to both of those feelings, "Those do sound like things to look forward to. I have to say, you are quite lucky to have been able to travel over sea. I would like to do that someday." she smiled with eagerness as she turned her eyes from him and back to the water, that was slowly becoming a grayish tint from the soaps residue and the dirt of her flesh, "To be able to see so much of the world, and not to mention, with someone you truly loved. That is a blessing in it self. You should cherish that, and like myself, it is best to move on and keep that as just a memory."

She turned to look from the water and back to Ethan as she searched his expression for an emotion, and she saw this his eyes were still taken with sadness as they were before when he was sitting at the table and talking back on his past, "If he is lost, and to not be found, at least you know he is still somewhere close."

She reached out and place her palm on his bare chest, just over where most people would assume the heart rests. She let her flesh rest against his, and kept it there for a moment until pulling it back and letting her hand fall back on to her lap.

"People say we are such simple creatures. Only useful as slaves. I have even been told I have no emotions or feelings." she shook her head in a bit of disgrace as her face frowned, "But little did he know, I felt many things.." she crossed her arms over her chest, the palms of her hands beginning to cup each opposite arm as if she was hugging and holding on to her own self, "pain, agony, loneliness, fear, hate.. are all of those not feelings.. I suppose he thought I was numb to it, since I was to him, nothing but a worthless Kelvic. It is saddening how most of our kind only experience those feelings, without ever being able to experience anything pleasant or worthwhile." she sighed as she closed her eyes and leaned back in to the chair, "I wish I could have experience love, compassion and care before having to experience all of those horrible feelings. But he did always say, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger. I suppose he was right about something."

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[Evantide Tower] A Day to Rest and Fatten Up (Lavia)

Postby Ethan on July 6th, 2011, 4:53 am

"Yes. I-It is nice." She tripped on her words slightly but with a sultry elegant tone in her voice. It made Ethan smile as he continued to groom and message her feet. Working on her calves and the tense muscles in her legs. He continued to give her his full attention. She spoke of taking to the seas with loved ones... It would have been nice to have had a lover on his trips. The sea was a very romantic place, especially at night. Dark and cloudless with more shining stars than you can count, and the soft calm black waves underneath you. On a ship you felt closer to the people around you. Because you know without them, you would be literally lost in an endless wilderness and swallowed up in an instant.

He let her talk though. Not wanting to interrupt with his ideas of possibly living out by the ocean near the coast. She probably didn't know that Syliras had an amazing ocean on its borders and they could spend time as birds living on the coast. He could teach her how to hunt properly as well.

Even though he had a smile on his face, he couldn't help but think of his old master. It seemed like the oceans would always bare his memory. Lavia was smart as a whip of course. Much older than him and she saw right threw his smile. "If he is lost, and to not be found, at least you know he is still somewhere close." The words had a dull stinging to it. Like pressure on a healing wound, but he didn't bother with a response. He was dead and there was nothing to be done. Somehow he knew this, a feeling or a premonition but his old master was dead in his eyes.

When he he felt the small, soft and warm hand of Lavia pressed on his chest he took in a deep breath. The touch was unexpected, but very welcomed. Ethan couldn't deny his feelings for her at that moment. Personal affection was an almost heavenly gift, especially from a kind gentle woman as Lavia. As she held her hand over his heart he had to look at her. Their deep golden eyes met for a moment before Ethan looked away. Not wanting to show his extreme passion for her. Ethan never had a yearning for a woman before. Never really thought about these things, but he did know. That he wanted Lavia, and he wanted her bad.

Ethan kept his eyes on his work as she began talking again and lifted her hand off his chest. "People say we are such simple creatures. Only useful as slaves. I have even been told I have no emotions or feelings." He looked up to see the sadness in her eyes. She shook her head slightly and went on. She went on to talk about everything she used to feel.. How her owner thought she was less than human. Numb to the verbal and physical abuse. She crossed her arms in an almost self embrace. Ethan understood a small part of what she went through. He also understood that he had no right to say anything. All he could do was try to comfort her.

She leaned back in her chair. "I wish I could have experience love, compassion and care before having to experience all of those horrible feelings. But he did always say, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger. I suppose he was right about something.” It was interesting how she was able to find the silver lining in these things. She was such a strong woman. Even if she didn't see that.

The young Kelvic dried his hands on his breeches quickly and went behind her chair. ”Their is nothing worse than the pain and anguish you went through... But it is over now. ” He gently pulled her hair back behind her shoulders, and started massaging her neck with slow firm strokes. ”Although it was horrible. There is a silver lining. Now that you have experienced the worst. You can fully appreciate the happiness more than other people. You are strong, you are tough and you endured.” Ethan paused for a moment. Giving a moment to hope and pray things don't go wrong. When Ethan gathered his courage. He reached over and kissed her softly on the cheek close to corner of her mouth.

”And now any love you experience will be all the sweeter... Hopefully you will have a lot of love M'lady.” Ethan smiled sweetly to try and cover up his tanned but deep red cheeks. Hoping he didn't get slapped.
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[Evantide Tower] A Day to Rest and Fatten Up (Lavia)

Postby Lavia on July 10th, 2011, 8:14 am

The conversation she initiated about her keeper did spark a flame of emotion, a blaze of sorrow deep within. Not wanting to appear vulnerable, the Kelvic held in the string of pain and paid it no mind, letting it gently pass over her and allow her mind to find something else to intrigue her. She watched as Ethan has dried his hand and walked around her, and so did her eyes follow his movement. She watched his limbs hang to his side, the way his feet chose path, the way his silhouette seemed to move so gracefully. He was in no way dainty but his movements were not as rugged and ridged as she would expect from a Kelvic male. He has noticeable manners, hospitality and his words and actions were beyond polite. She did not make contact with his eyes for he moved out of her sight quite quickly, and she felt him towering over her, just behind her chair.

”Their is nothing worse than the pain and anguish you went through... But it is over now."

His words were like a river, peaceful and deep. Little could be said, but it held a lot of meaning. She felt the dragging of her hair along her shoulderblade as his shirt hung loosely off of her shoulders. Her hair fell behind her, and the sensation and touch of his fingertips grazed her neck. She did not know how to react, since she had never been touched in such a subtle way. But, it did feel quite innocent. Innocent enough that she did not push him away. Closing her eyes, she listened in on her own steady breathing until he spoke again.

”Although it was horrible. There is a silver lining. Now that you have experienced the worst. You can fully appreciate the happiness more than other people. You are strong, you are tough and you endured.”

She felt a smile pulling at the corner of her mouth, her heart lightened and her the burden of her past slowly lifting. It seemed that as the moments went by, she was no longer just listening to his words, but now feeling them. Yes, she was strong and she did endure. When most of her kind would give in to such treatment, Lavia took advantage of the day her chains were loosened. She let fate guide her path. She was not meant to be a slave, under the firm hand of another. She was meant to be free. She inhaled deeply, and she then took notice of motion near the nape of her neck, for it was no longer. The movements of his fingertips had stopped, and her eyes dropped as she waited for any motion. And there, just at the corner of her mouth was given the most gentle of kisses. It felt as if his lips had brushed aganst her flesh for much longer than they truly did. His lips did pull away and did not linger any longer against her cheek, and without movement it left her perplexed, confused and.. curious.

Slowly, she lifted her fingers to the place where his lips had left, letting her fingertips gentle stroke the area of her skin with a slow motion before letting her hand drop back on to her knee. She couldn't find a word to say, and even though the kiss did bring a pleasant arousal of her mind, she did find it to eventually cause her to feel awkward and uncomfortable. She blinked as she looked ahead, not turning her head to look up to him and instead of reacting to the sudden show of affection, she cleared her throat and lifted her back off of the chair. Standing to her feet, she grabbed a hold of her chair and pushed it gently back to the table.

It would have seemed she was a bit upset, but that was until a smile could not help itself but to paint across the Kelvics lips. She looked up to Ethan as she leaned forward over the table, her palms placed on the top of it, her hair falling back gently over her shoulders and to the front of her.

"Do you always show affection this quickly?" she asked as she pushed her weight from the table and stood back uprightly, her eyes appearing playful as she looked away and walked to the unlit hearth, "It was very unexpected but at the same time.. somehow.. delicate. You are full of surprises.." she whispered between parted lips.

She knelt down on to the small throw rug just in front of it, and brought her legs close to her chest where she rested her chin just on top of her knees, but before doing so, she looked up to the Ethan and tapped the side of the floor in a motion for him to join her. She looked back to the hearth with a tilted head, and questioned him.

"Do you know how to light this?" she asked as she turned her head once more to him and awaited an answer, but then her words did not cease just yet, "Please, tell me what the sea is like!" she exclaimed, her knees falling from her chest and her hands facing flat down on to the floor as she turned her body awkwardly to face more towards him as she looked up with delighted eyes, her mind beginning to wander off, "Is it as wide and blue as they say? You must have seen so much in your lifetime. How lucky you are, Ethan.."

She bit down on to her lower lip as she gently shifted her shoulders, wondering what it must be like to spread your wings and take flight over an endless body of water. She had only heard stories from others, and though she has seen Ravoks lakes and small bodies of water, she was sure it would not compare to the massive sea. Diamonds in its water twinkling under the moonlight, and splashes of beautiful colors in the horizons just as the morning sun would rise. She knew she too would have a chance at seeing those things. She was just waiting for her own time to come. She looked away from Ethan, and to the hearth as she smiled to herself, and without being noticed, she lifted her fingers once more to the same spot near the corner of her mouth, so close to the curve of her smile. His lips were not there, but that chaste kiss still lingered, with a lasting impression.

Last edited by Lavia on December 17th, 2011, 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Evantide Tower] A Day to Rest and Fatten Up (Lavia)

Postby Ethan on July 16th, 2011, 9:07 am

Kissing her cheek was already a daring move for Ethan. He hasn't ever shown affection to a girl he liked before. What if she was disgusted? Took it the wrong way, or simply couldn't handle affection like this and got upset? When Lavia got up without saying anything. He could feel his heart sink, but only for a moment. Until she turned around with a bright beautiful smile.

"Do you always show affection this quickly?" A small grin tugged at the corner of his mouth. "It was very unexpected but at the same time.. somehow.. delicate. You are full of surprises.." Ethan didn't know if that was a good or bad thing being full of surprises. He took note of her reaction and left it as something he shouldn't try again.

Lavia must have been a little anxious about the whole thing because she quickly knelt on the rug in front of the hearth. Asking an adorable question about how did you lite a fire place. ”With fire I would think.” Ethan chuckled to himself. Wondering how many other things she would have to be taught. He did like learning a lot. So teaching someone might be good fun.

"Please, tell me what the sea is like! Is it as wide and blue as they say? You must have seen so much in your lifetime. How lucky you are, Ethan.." She spoke with such excitement and enthusiasm. It was refreshing to see someone else share the same optimism. No matter the hardships.

Crouching down he looked for the flint and steel near the fire place. Their was already fresh logs so their had to be flint. ”To answer your first question.. No I don't usually show affection so quickly. But your a wonderful woman and I would be a fool not to try and steal a kiss..” Ethan's voice echoed in the fire place as he looked. He found the flint with a delighted 'ah-ha'. The long thin piece of steel was found quickly after. Popping his head back out to look at Lavia he smiled and showed her.

”Flint and Steel. Two very important things in the wild and especially on a boat. When hit together at an angle they create sparks and can start a small fire.” He held the flint in one hand and quickly struck it with the small steel tool. Creating nice little sparks that quietly sizzled out on his breeches. ”See? It does that even if wet. So we will buy you some from the traders below if you don't have it already. I also have some in my pack. It is essential even for us Kelvics. Keeps you warm and scares the larger monsters away.” He turned his attention towards the fire place once again. Looking for anything he could use as timber. The ashes and soot were cleaned already, but to his luck. A small bucket of dried leaves and other tinder was set out already.

”Now for your second question. The ocean is... Gargantuan, no other word truly describes just how large it is.” His voice echoed again as he started filling the tinder in the center of the logs. ”When your out on the open sea's around the continent. You almost feel like the land we live in is small. Young and almost pathetic.” He said slightly uncomfortable. ”When your in deep water, your completely surrounded by it as far as the eye can see. Nothing but cool winds and choppy water. It gives you a feeling of peace and quiet for a moment.” His tone grew a little shaky.

”Then, it's just... shattered. You realize that your surrounded by nothing but wilderness you can't live in and your only source of life is that fragile boat...” He paused from pent up emotion, but tried to play it off by starting to strike the flint above the small pile of dry grass and twigs. ”But that is just my experiences with the sea. My master was lost to a storm out in the ocean... Its hard to really forgive the sea so quick.”Talking about that night was making him a little anxious. It showed how truly young he was. He was only 5 years of age and barely reaching maturity as a Kelvic. He was nothing but his masters lessons and now that he was gone... Who was he truly?

The small pile of dried grass caught the sparks. He sent a couple more down just in case, and gently blew on the pile. He watched carefully until it seemed to take. Slight smoke was rising from the ball of tinder. He bundled it closer together and continued to give it oxygen as he grabbed more dried grass. After a couple more minutes of nurturing the fire. He was able to let lite the other logs. A good heap of dried grass on top and the fire was set. Scooting back he watched his creation take shape.

And that is how you lite a fire place. With a little hard work and lovely company. He nudged Lavia with a smile and went on. ”Although I may not like the sea just yet. Syliras is near here on the main road. A strong hold for man kind I hear. Just and peaceful, but the best part. Is that it rests on the Suvan Sea. We can go their today if your want! Rest up, eat some more and fly there by sun set. The ocean is the most beautiful at night and carries the best winds. You feel somehow closer to the sky when you fly out in the ocean.” He said with reluctant joy. He couldn't help but like that idea. Besides the Suvan sea was still inland. Some how that felt more secure.

”Would you want to fulfill a dream tonight Lavia? Flying in the ocean. Just you, me and the stars...”
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[Evantide Tower] A Day to Rest and Fatten Up (Lavia)

Postby Lavia on December 17th, 2011, 7:26 am

The tips of her fingers dragged along the corner of her mouth, until her hand rested on to her lap in silence. Looking away from the unlit hearth, her eyes returned back up to Ethan, awaiting an answer that might lure her in to be even more intrigued than she already was. A simple being, she was. It never took much to grasp the attention of the Kelvic. She sat upright, though her feet were still tucked under her bottom as her eyes followed the tools he was now holding in his hand. Just simple flint and steel to the next person, but they were quite unfamiliar for Lavia. Her ears listened to his explanation while her eyes became mesmerized by the sharp, quick sparks created with each clack and rub of the two objects. She smiled and gently laughed, shaking her head.

"I wouldn't need it. Is this not what we have feathers for?" she teased, raising an eyebrow and looking away.

There was a brief silence until Ethan spoke again. This time, pulling Lavia in for a treat. Her mind could only wander and imagine what stories he might be able to share. That was one thing the creature loved. Though, once his story continued on it seemed as if there was much more sorrow behind his words than she expected. Her bright smile was slowly fading, but she kept a curve on each corner of her mouth. It was something she could give instead of words. Reassurance for him, that there was still so much more to smile about. Even the abused and tortured Kelvic knew this.

The conversation shifted awkwardly, but indeed it did shift. He went back to lighting the hearth and Lavia went back to simply watching without words. There was success in lighting the hearth, a stream of grey smoke rising through the center until the pile of dry shrub and grass was ignited, taking shape and beginning to swallow the logs beneath it. It began to flicker, warming the room and warming the two Kelvics. She watched the warm colors of the fire as Ethan began to mention the Suvan Sea, and his idea of a night to remember. She looked in his direction, lingering on to his question.

”Would you want to fulfill a dream tonight Lavia? Flying in the ocean. Just you, me and the stars...”

How could anyone say no to an innocent being as he? His gentle eyes and boyish features. His warm and caring presence. She did smile, but looked away. Her honey eyes going back to tracing the flames, gently pulling her legs from beneath her. Long legs folded themselves against her chest, her chin resting atop her knees as she sighed softly, closing her eyes.

"Sounds amazing.." she whispered.

It almost sounded as if she was agreeing to the idea, but Lavia had to be honest with herself. As much as she wanted to, she was still exhausted, weak and overwhelmed from all that has happened in the last couple of days. She turned her eyes back to Ethan and smiled, "How about first thing in the morning. We can go fetch fish for breakfast and maybe enjoy it there right near the sea. The stars will always be there another day."

She extended her legs straight as she rolled on to her side in front of the hearth, propping her head on to her palm and letting her elbow support the weight. Her free hand began to graze and play with the loose threading of the rug beneath her as she spoke.

"You can't blame the Sea forever, Ethan. You can't blame anything or anyone forever, really." she shrugged, her eyes staying on the fire, "I suppose thats why I just can't find it in myself to hate him. Or maybe thats just how us Kelvics were made to be. Forgiving creatures."

She stretched her neck back to look up to Ethan to see if he was at all paying attention. With a smile, she rolled on to her stomach and kicked her feet in the air behind her, her ankles crossing as she laid propped on both elbows.

"W-Where will you go- after this?" she asked, her eyes falling as if there was a beat of sadness.

It wasn't sadness, but something else. Lavia knew they would eventually part ways because both Kelvics had their own purpose to find. She knew that this night was not going to last forever. That was something that upset her. But like with all situations, she accepted it. Sure, she might have been caged away with other like herself. Other Kelvics. But it was rare to find a friend in any of them. And for once in her short time of living, she felt she had found someone like her. Someone who was once hurt and now lost.

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