[Flashback] Into the tunnels

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The Wilderness of Cyphrus is an endless sea of tall grass that rolls just like the oceans themselves. Geysers kiss the sky with their steamy breath, and mysterious craters create microworlds all their own. But above all danger lives here in the tall grass in the form of fierce wild creatures; elegant serpents that swim through the land like whales through the ocean and fierce packs of glassbeaks that hunt in packs which are only kept at bay by fires. Traverse it carefully, with a guide if possible, for those that venture alone endanger themselves in countless ways.

[Flashback] Into the tunnels

Postby Irriari on June 2nd, 2011, 11:22 am

The cold was always what struck her when she ventured into the tunnels. Irriari enjoyed the deep recesses, mainly because they were quiet and peaceful. While there was a slight risk of running into a creature here, the patrols by some of the colony’s warriors kept the deepest recesses of the den safe. The tunnels had been dug long ago, many years before she was born, but she still could appreciate the vast coiling pathways as they burrowed into the earth. The darkness did not bother her but it did make it impossible to bring any slaves to help her gather fungi and mushrooms as she had planned. There were no lights here, as the communal areas had for the sake of the slaves, and the pitch blackness would have the humans stumbling all over themselves and most likely hurting her in the process. To Irriari the darkness was a comfort. Her eyes saw better in the dark, and it was a simple pleasure to know that if any human ever did it make this far into the den, they would be without light, no matter what torch they carried. The oxygen thinned out here, and while the colony would not be able to stay indefinitely, it was a highly defensible spot. Irriari knew that there were passages that had been kept a secret even from her. They were rumored to have massive rooms and weapon caches, though the Elder's could have simply been bragging.

Most colonies planted and harvested the fungus, salialana. It was a powerful aphrodisiac that many outsiders sought, though it was not sold cheaply. While Irriari wanted to make a poison that included salialana she had no intention of collecting the fungus here. Her search was mainly for mushrooms and anything else of interest she could find in the depths. It would be strictly a hunt, gather and return home mission- as she refused to relive the horrors of the hasale'ith'savaht poisoning deep within the cave. She could test it when she got back to the main area of the den.

Irriari hoped that she would find some hallucinogenic mushrooms in the damp ecosystem. While not entirely harmful in their on right, hallucinogenic mushrooms could be paired with other poisons to cause some truly horrific effects for the victim. It made her laugh when she imagined a human, stumbling and groping at the world around them, completely oblivious to the fact that the things they were seeing and hearing were not true.

With her night vision, the colors were mottled but her overall sight remained sharp in the darkness. Some colonies managed to dig caves that naturally had the right temperature and environmental factors to cultivate mushrooms without anyone overseeing the process. Her colony, however, was not so fortunate. When the den was made, and the tunnels were etched into the earth, the warriors made their slaves bring a plethora of organic material to make budding compost heaps. Dung, soil and grass were the most common components. Every five hundred feet or so Irriari saw one of the piles of compost and she would stop to examine them.

When she walked by the first one, she saw that a few mushrooms had sprouted since her last visit. These mushrooms were not in any of her books, and to her, they had no name. They were simply a cream color, with a white stem, and darker gills. The gills, she had learned, held spores which dropped as the fungus matured to produce even more mushrooms. More mature mushrooms often had no spores, but she preferred these, as the poison within them tended to be quite potent.


Irriari counted the mushrooms in the area and saw there were six of this type. Many books and avid growers advised against taking more than a third of any organic material. This allowed the remainder to reproduce time and time again. Four of the small capped mushrooms were old and she traced her claw lightly over the gills and found no spores as she had hoped. One of them looked as if it was already decaying, so she skipped over it, knowing that it would return to the compost, strengthening the mixture in the process. After a few chimes of scrutinizing each mushroom from two or three angles she picked the healthiest looking two of the group and placed them gently in the bag. The other one was hardly grown at all, and as tempting as it would be to pick them while the cup and stem were maturing Irriari resisted. Too many colonies had eager members that picked everything in sight, hoping to get home sooner with a good amount of mushrooms. It was a quick way to get a massive amount of salialana, and other fungus, but it took up to three weeks for the next batch to grow- if they grew at all.

She continued forward, deeper into the tunnels, looking for more fungi to add to her collection, and she hoped that she would find something new.
Last edited by Irriari on May 27th, 2013, 2:23 am, edited 4 times in total.

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[Flashback] Into the tunnels

Postby Irriari on June 9th, 2011, 4:27 pm

Irriari was disappointed by the of mushrooms in the next two compost heaps. Occasionally, the spores from other mushrooms didn't travel well in the caves, due to the lack of wind and other factors. She knew that when she returned she would have to get the slaves to bring fresh compost down with a zith guide. The process of collecting and refining the compost was the most difficult part, as all the materials had to be found in the Sea of Grass. Two or three slaves and a group of warriors would journey out in search of materials during the late evening for two nights. More often than not they would stay within a half mile circle around the colony when collecting to avoid overtiring the humans.

Finally, on the third patch of compost, she found more mushrooms. A patch of eight or ten were growing from the damp pile of earthen material. She sat down on the ground and began inspecting the cluster of fungi. She had never seen this particular variation before, so she wanted to examine them first, then decide which she would take home.


She carefully extracted one from the earth by shifting it slightly side to side until it came free, then she studied the mycelium that got pulled out with the mushroom. She checked the thin fibrous structure, and was pleased with the results. The mycelium strands were well developed and looked strong, which sometimes didn't happen and resulted in less than potent mushrooms. She had never heard of such a thing happening on the surface, but that was the price the colony paid for growing in the deep bowels of the earth.

The mushroom was quite different from any she had seen shape wise so far. The stalk was long and white and she ran her fingers down the base of it. It had small indentations and ridges where the base of the mushroom met the dark brown cap. Unlike most of the other fungi, the cap was much smaller than those she had seen, when compared to the size of it's base. She rarely saw spots on top of the fungi and the white blemishes intrigued her. Was it nature's way of telling her that this particular type of mushroom was different? The underside of the cap held a massive quantity of spores, relative to the size of the fungus, and she hoped that as they matured she would be able to harvest more. Irriari gently placed the first mushroom in the bag and picked four more from the bunch. It was pushing the limit of how many she wanted to collect from the fledgling group, but she wanted to test them with her other poisons and catalog them into her notes in case she didn't see them again.

Irriari examined the various mushrooms she had in her bag while leaning against the cave wall. It was difficult to think up poisons without having her kit, or knowing what the mushrooms did. She would rest here for an hour, then continue onward. The lack of air was starting to become more noticeable as her lungs took in a third more air to sustain normal functioning. Irriari smiled and was happy that she was finally alone in the tranquil darkness of her colony

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[Flashback] Into the tunnels

Postby Irriari on June 12th, 2011, 12:13 am

With the lack of air becoming more noticeable every five chimes, Irriari knew that the next big compost heap would probably be her last, and she hoped that she would find something worth bringing back to the colony after the long hike. She walked a thousand feet before coming to the next compost heap, and was swearing in her head the whole time. Had the humans lost their minds? They had placed the piles every five hundred feet for a reason, and now she had was nearly three quarters of the way to where a next pile could presumably be. It wasn't worth it. She made her mind up, and carefully wrapped a cord around the bag and tied it to her bow quiver. Irriari knew she would have to walk slowly back to the main area of the den so that she wouldn't disturb the spores inside of the younger mushrooms.

Finally, after a bell and a half Irriari stepped into the main den and was relieved that half way through the trip back the air had reverted to normal. Now, she simply had to catalog these plants in her growing book of poison reagents in order for them to be of use. When Irriari got back to her small section of the den, Sevrai was already waiting with her single book on herbs as well as some of her parchment and ink. She looked at the ink bottle and realized she would have to buy more from one of the artists soon, if she found many more plants.

“So, the first thing we need to do is match these to the characters we already have descriptions for.”
Irriari addressed Sevrai and they both began pouring over the list of symbols they had amassed the first time she had tried to catalog the hasale'ith'savanht plant.

“We don't have any symbols for mushrooms and other fungi- only plants.”

Sevrai stated plainly what Irriari did not want to say aloud. Now, they would have to work together to sketch out even more symbols, along with what they meant. The first piece of parchment she grabbed would be for scratch paper as she acclimated herself to the ink again and tried to devise new symbols for the anatomy of a mushroom.

Irriari dipped her index finger in the small bottle of ink and made sure to move her claw a bit so the extra ink would drip back inside the glass container. She then drew a few straight lines on the paper, making sure to keep her hand at a slight angle so that the thin material would not tear. The other side of her claw still had ink on it so she turned the paper to an angle that it would be easy to make a looped line with the non-dominant section of her claw. The lines were slightly jagged, but she knew what they meant, so she continued onward.

Irriari drew a vertical line with a horizontal line bisecting it, and a curved line in the upper left quadrant. While the maneuver was a bit more complicated, she liked the look of it, and hoped that it would become easier with time. She pointed at it.

“This will be the symbol for long stem.”

Irriari smiled as she realized what the symbol for sort stem would be. She dipped her claw back into the ink and drew a second cross, this time with the semi circle in the lower left quadrant.

“And that will be short stem.”

She continued to draw, and made more symbols, for colors, caps and spores. Colors proved to be the trickiest as many of them looked the same. Irriari was glad that cryptography was not her life, as few of the symbols she had made so far had any cohesive pattern that helped identify them.

“We need to work on identifying the mushrooms I brought back.” Irriari reached for the quiver she had propped against the wall and examined the leather before she untied the bag of mushrooms. The straps were still holding together well, and the leather did not have many scratches in it, as she was afraid it would have. She untied the dusty pouch that normally held her mizas and placed it on the ground in front of Sevrai.

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[Flashback] Into the tunnels

Postby Irriari on June 12th, 2011, 1:46 am

Irriari pulled all the mushrooms out of the bag, starting with the two cream colored mushroom she had found at the first compost pile. She inspected the underside of the mushrooms and put the one with the most spores to the far left, near Sevrai. The older of the two was placed beside the first, to the right. Next, she pulled out the longer stemmed brown capped mushrooms that had flourished deeper within the caverns. The five she had harvested looked to like they had held their spores well, expect for the one at the left side of the bag. These also got arranged by age, as well as she could guess them. Sevrai smiled. It was less than her last harvest, but for a three bell excursion it was a good haul.

Irriari scrutinized the ones on the left, again taking in both the fatter cap and dark gills. The contrast was striking, but unless one looked at them from an angle, it would be easy to miss. The stems were not ribbed like the longer mushrooms, but they were much tougher in texture and did not share the velvety feel of the other group. Irriari stood up and stretched both arms skyward, knowing that by the end of the night she would be exceedingly tired and her arms would most likely be cramping. The colony knew not to disturb her on nights like these, when she had journeyed out to find new materials. She was surprised that Sevrai had not abandoned her, but the girl seemed as dedicated as ever. Her poison crafting kit was nearby and she grabbed it and took it over to the mushrooms before settling down on the hard earth again. Before she wrote down the characteristics of the fungi she would have to scrape out the spores into a container, so that she could try to spread them around on her next trip. She grabbed the first mushroom out of the group of two and used her claw to carefully remove both the gills and the spores from underneath the cap. Her clawed finger stayed steady while she rotated the plant in such a way that the majority of the spores and gills fell into the container. Some of them fell onto the ground, which happened often but there was nothing she could do about the miniscule seedlings. Irriari did the same to the second mushroom and then placed them both in front of her.

She grabbed a new sheet of parchment and wrote down the symbol for the mushroom at the top. It was curved semi circle, facing downward with a second line crossing the first line diagonally. After that, Irriari began the slow process of writing all the symbols in a line across the bottom of the page. First, she scribed the symbol for brown capped, then cream + long stemmed and finally the symbols for dark and gills. When she used the mushroom for a poison she would put the effects of the poison onto the page, but for now, she had enough identifying characteristics to last. A small dot at the top of the page signified that it could be found within the caverns of the den.

Irriari removed the gills and spores of the smaller mushrooms as best she could, though she knew a few were still remaining due to her claws being so big compared to the small mushrooms. She then waved the original paper in the air a bit to ensure the ink was dry before flipping it to the back, and inscribing the symbol for the second mushroom. She copied the symbols for brown capped, white + long stemmed and long white gills.

She looked at the paper, then back towards Sevrai. All the symbols were sized differently, and her lines refused to be anything other than jagged, but it would work for now. Maybe one day when she was better at writing she could recopy everything.

“I think I'm going to make a poison out of these.”

Irriari knew that by combining the two mushrooms she wouldn't be able to isolate the effects of each one, but it was a start.

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[Flashback] Into the tunnels

Postby Irriari on June 13th, 2011, 3:59 pm

“You should probably name them before you start cutting them to bits”

Sevrai's advice was yelled across the room as Irriari began to dig through her poison crafting kit. After a half chime of sifting through the bottles, tools and pastes Irriari brought the whole pack over to the area where Sevrai was sitting. She did need to label the mushrooms at some point.

“What about a name more friendly to the common language, instead of whatever the last one was.”

Irriari laughed at Sevrai's distaste for zithanese. The girl had tried pronouncing a few of the words before, but it was nearly impossible for humans to get even a handful of the syllables right.

Irriari nodded towards the first bunch absentmindedly while pulling her stone mortar, pestle and favorite glass beaker from the leather pack.

“The ones on the left, the fatter ones, those can be called 'Roughwood Mushrooms'. The others on the right can be called 'Silken Lillies'.”

Irriari knew the names were utterly ridiculous, but the textures of each were an easy way to identify them and she doubted that anyone else would ever use the names that she did. She grabbed the first of each type and put them into the mortar bowl. Irriari sighed as she stared at the mushrooms. It was a long process to crush and grind the mushrooms against each other until they reduced into a slimy paste. Irriari moved her hand in a circular motion, using most of her weight to bear down onto the mushrooms as she moved the pestle from side to side. When both were sufficiently flattened, she began pounding them lightly by bringing the pestle up and down in a sweeping motion, taking care not to be too violent. Being too zealous with the pestle lead to the reagents moving out of place inside the bowl and occasionally leaving it all together.

After 10 more chimes, the mushrooms were reduced as much as they could be and Irriari prodded them lightly with the pestle to one side of the rock basin. Sevrai, having seen the process before, had already prepared the vial with a thickening agent and few drops of ale to continue to develop the mushrooms while inside the glass. Irriari scraped all of the mushroom mixture she could into the tiny glass container before capping it and shaking it from side to side for five chimes. The vial would have to be shaken twice daily for the ingredients to continue to incorporate together. The potency of the brew couldn't be determined until at least ten days after she made it, but she would have plenty to do during that time.

Irriari looked up at Sevrai and smiled. It was a simple poison, by all accounts, as fungus based mixes tended to be if one could manage to get the ingredients. Sevrai would have the irksome process of preparing the other mushrooms to be dried, as well as cleaning the mortar and pestle. Irriari knew that she would need sleep soon as the sun was coming up outside of the colony. She stacked the sheets of parchment together and moved towards her bed for a few hours of well deserved rest.

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[Flashback] Into the tunnels

Postby Cayenne on July 17th, 2011, 2:27 am


Observation: 3 XP
Botany: 3 XP
Drawing: 1 XP
Writing: 2 XP
Cryptography: 2 XP
Poisons: 1 XP

Lore: Tunnels, Caves, and Human Insufficiencies
Lore: Usefulness of Hallucinogenic Mushrooms
Lore: Mushroom Anatomy

1: Roughwood Mushroom
7: Silken Lilies
Poison: 3 Small Doses. Effects: A nausea-inducing mixture that shrouds the senses with mists - making it hard to hear, see, smell. The tongue will swell. How long it lasts depends on how much poison was ingested and which way it was ingested - if swallowed, it is more effective than if applied through scratches/cuts. Lasts up to an hour, weakens for three days if swallowed - leaving them fatigued with vertigo.
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