Seferox Zenrad

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Seferox Zenrad

Postby Seferox Zenrad on June 14th, 2011, 4:08 am

Seferox Zenrad


Basic Information
~Race: Human
~Age and Birthday: 19 Years old, Spring 13 492 AV
~Gender: Male

Physical Description
Seferox is about 5'6" and is approximately 134 pounds. He has medium-length black hair with brownish-hazel eyes. Sebastian is very skinny, and very serious most of the time.
Seferox looks very Naive, but don't be fooled, he is smarter than the average human but won't admit it. Seferox is very agile, he can fit in small places and run at amazing speeds but for short periods of time.

Character Concept
Seferox is a very shy person. He likes keeping to himself, though friends he makes are forever. He is a law-abiding person by nature, and will only break laws if necessary to his survival.
Seferox is always willing to help someone who's in pain or mortal danger. Seferox tends to avoid alcoholic beverages since they cloud his judgment.
Seferox uses his projection along with his dagger and gauntlet to attack enemies.

Character History
Seferox was born in the small town of Lhavit in the region Kalea in 492 AV. He studied Projection for awhile with a projectionist that he and his father encountered traveling before his father was robbed of all his possessions and killed, forcing Seferox to care for himself and live in Shimobe status, no longer caring about studying anything, instead working as a servant for the more wealthier people of Lhavit to sustain himself.

Training and Skill Points
~Projection 30/100 (30pts - Starting Package)
~Dagger 20/100 (20pts - Starting Package)
~Unarmed Combat 15/100 (15pts - Human Racial Bonus)
~Lore of Humanoid Pressure Points (Starting Package)
~Lore of Projection (Starting Package)

~Lhavitian - Fluent
~Common - Basic
~Nari - Poor

~1 basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq feet) with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table.
~Simple shirt and pants, simple shoes and a brown cloak (Starting Package)
~Gauntlets, Edged
~Dagger, Assassin's

~100 Gold-Rimmed Mizas (Starting Package)
-8 Gold-Rimmed Mizas (Bought Gauntlets, Edged from Price List)
-4 Gold-Rimmed Mizas (Bought From Price List)
Total Ledger ATM = 88 Gold-Rimmed Mizas

Seferox's Thread List (Season of Fall, 511 AV)
Arrived at Lhavit via Amarinthe Gate ~ Season of Fall, Day 16 511 AV
User avatar
Seferox Zenrad
Posts: 3
Words: 1411
Joined roleplay: June 14th, 2011, 1:25 am
Location: Colorado Springs,CO
Race: Human
Character sheet

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