Antar Noth

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Antar Noth

Postby Antar on June 15th, 2011, 3:45 am

Antar Noth

"Abiit ad maiores"Image
"Into the Hands of the Ancestors..."

Basic Information
Full Name:Antar Noth
Alias: "Anthony Mersailles", "Ant"
Race: Human
Birthday & Age:Unknown birthday; ~ 22 years old; ~489av
Gender: Male
Personality Type:Type A

Physical Description:
Height: 6' 1''
Weight: 165
BMI: 21.8 kg/m2
Hair Color: white.
Eyes: blue
Skin tone: pale
Favored Hand: Ambidextrous
Body Composition:Tall and wiry

Character Concept: :
Character Alignment: Technically Chaotic nuetral, but downright evil in getting what he wants or desires. Heard this place needed some evil ones >.>.


Role: The Enforcer of bad deeds. The Mischievous Trickster, and the Insatiable Delver into Dark Mysteries.
Basic Traits: Secondary Leader, Disciplined, Paranoid sometimes to a fault, but this is counteracted upon by his innate desire to learn Secrets and gain Power. Is a bit of an adrenaline junkie for Intense experiences.
Unique Trait: Is estranged from his family having left them at an early age for a life on the streets; Doesn't share his past with anyone.

Character Progression Ideas :
Skilled in archery, eventually will use Reimancy to affect small things, like fire arrows, etc.
Think "magic archer" and you'll get the idea :p

Short term skills development goals:
Primary focuses:
■Weapon Gladius - 51 pts
■Weapon Kukri - 51 pts Achieved:
■Dual Wielding - 10 pts
■Weapon (Longbow) - 51 pts Achieved:
■Riding (Horse) - 30 pts
■Offensive Magic - 30 pts Reimancy Fire, Earth* Achieved:
■Supportive Magic - 30 pts Shielding ,
■Supportive Magic - 10 pts Auristics,
■Stealth- 51 pts
■Unarmed Combat - 20
■Hunting or Fishing- 10 to 20 pts:
■Wilderness Survival- 20 to 30 pts:
■A total of 40 points in any combination of the following: Intelligence, Interrogation, Larceny,

Religious Lores about the Valterrian, Morwen, Akajia, Ionu , and Tanroa.

Player note: yes you can see these are different parts taken from all the factions *_* I'm setting this goal as in my mind a treaver tasked with difficult 'missions' would be required to hold their own with the basics of the factional ranks *__* Hence more work for me to set up the character.

All other skills, Secondary.

Long term- Gnosis plot
Ice Reaving-2
Night Stalking-2
Treavery - Main till 4

To become equal to one of the Bells of time, a darker sort of Night that requires the excisement of those who would destroy the river of time itself.

Long term skills:
Masonry and carpentry skills, and woodcutting, Carving, etc to assist in making things for himself and others :).

Long term wish list: Find an artifact/ set of maledicted items that would allow 'scuba type gear' and missions for antar :). or just allow him to swim witht he pretty konti ladies and the sauvey charodae for fun xD.

Quick Skill guide :
Weapon:Longbow- 64
Weapon:Kukri):42 Combine with Throwing(kukri) by founder review: 58 >.<
Dual Wielding- 3;
Unarmed Combat -32;
Brawling -9;
Evasion: 2
Weapon: Gauntlets: 9;
Weapon: Gauntlet Stilletos: 9;
Weapon (Garrote)-4
Auristics: 19;
Glyphing: 10;
Reimancy-59 Fire; Earth; Air(3rd Element hasn't been learned yet IC)
Shielding: 22;
Voiding: 6;
Meditation: 16;
Observation- 66;
Stealth- 41;
Larceny- 16
Gambling: 2;
Impersonation- 5
Disguise- 5
Rhetoric- 33
Intelligence -2
Intimidation -26
Interrogation -27;
Investigation- 8 ;
Socialization - 34;
Storytelling 1,
Torture- 5;
Negotiation 18,
Navigation- 2
Tactics -20
Leadership 9
Body Building 32;
Acrobatics: 8;
Jumping: 5;
Running -24;
Climbing -7;
Mathematics +1;
Gadgeteering +1;
Leatherworking 7;
Skinning 5;
Carpentry +5
Drawing: 3;
Writing: 2;
Construction: 5;
Carving 16,
Woodcutting: 8;
Woodworking: 8;
Cooking 3,
Tracking 9,
Hunting 6,
Wilderness Survival 9
Driving (horse) 6;
Riding(horse) 16;
Animal Husbandry: 10
Falconry: 5
Horsemanship 3;
Medicine: 19;
Herbalism: 3;
Massage: 2;
Dancing: 1;
Singing: 3;
Throwing (Hatchet): 4;
Weapon (Throwing Dagger):3
Bill Hook -1;
Weapon Thrown (Bob Barton): 3
Weapon:Woodsman’s Axe 3;
Weapon: Toy Catapult +1
Philosophy 5;
Diplomacy 1;
Teaching: 13;
Last edited by Antar on November 3rd, 2012, 8:58 pm, edited 101 times in total.
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
~Back, but slow. :)
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Antar Noth

Postby Antar on June 15th, 2011, 5:49 am

Character History;

The Maiden and the Merchant :
Spring, Unknown Year...

During pauses in the conversation, he gazed longingly in the direction of a woman across the room before turning back towards the guard which was speaking to him now.

"So you want to know where I come from, what I do? Is that it?"
"You know I prefer my privacy on such issues, good Sir. May I ask the reason for this my good guardsman?"
"Because to me you're suspicious."
"Oh..." he paused with another long glance towards the women on the far side of the room. They had been dancing here, in the lord's mannor's garden. A bit of a ball you see, and the youngest prize out there on the floor was the lord's daughter herself, her eyes wide and shining as upon her breast the most beautiful diamond necklet lay upon the bounty that nature gave her... personage.

'The lord's daughter was named, Eyselia Taylor... wasn't it?' It wasn't everyday one such as he met a girl who was given huge... tracts of land. To her side, by the hearth a hairless pet she doted on wagged it's tail back and forth as its tongue hung lazily from its mouth. The wee little creature yipped and lunged forward to viciously sink its teeth into any passerby's ankles. Whether it was a case of anyone coming too close to it's mistress, or if it was just unnaturally hungry, Noth couldn't tell for sure. He'd been following the gaggle of gooses for a while after they left the gardens towards one of the city's more prominent taverns.

The guard cleared his throat noisily, and spoke again irritably, "I asked you a question knave. Who are you?"

"Ah..." Antar said, riveting his eyes again, and looking down past the bridge of his nose towards the guardsmen before speaking in a rather haughty voice. "Well that's a fine question, Messer. I guess you can say I'm simply an admirer of beautiful things."

Antar held out one gloved hand and gave the guard a winning smile, "But if you must insist on being rude, my name is Antony Marsailles, I'm a traveling merchant from up north, well known family the Marsailles. Haven't had a bit of luck of late. My caravan got waylaid by bandits on the trip here and I haven't had a bit of luck come my way."

Reaching into his bag he pulled out an aged glass bottle of merlot. His client had invested in it as a distraction for him this night. It was really a shame that he couldn't stay and mingle a bit more. "Last thing I got to save from my caravan you know. Comes from the northern wineries, bit of old year, added with a bit of tart lemon and fruit to give it flavor. Been meaning to drink it in the right company to celebrate my bit of hard luck."

Antar let out a long and dramatic sigh, before continuing. "Not you you understand, you're on duty and I'd hate to do anything that might impose but I could have sworn I saw a bit of my stolen merchandise being sold in the marketplace. A most heinous affair, went to complain to the guard captain I did and he threw me out on my knickers. Said I had no proof so he couldn't do a thing. So please understand I'm not too liking to you or your fellow guardsmen today."

The guard looked at him, then at the bottle. His hard eyes staring at the red waxen brand and then back at Noth. Noth's client had also helped with the clothes, well made, tailored, but slightly black with a dark cloak, and a blue colored tunic and sash.

Noth quite cut the debonair figure, a perfect dandy, and he knew it too. All it came down too was continuing to play the part. The client had invested well to find out the information. It wouldn't do to blow it now.

"Besides," Noth said as he pointed, "Those girls' father's might appreciate this establishment to gain some class." The guard crossed his arms grumpily, and glanced towards where Noth was pointing. The lord's daughter and her ladies' party who some young bucks of the gentry seemed to be crying out for a few drinking games from the bartender to impress the ladies.

The guard rolled his eyes at the youth's antics as one fell over, stone drunk.

"Hmphh... just don't have any intentions on the Lady, and I'll happily let you mingle your sorrows away. Lord Taylor is upset enough at young Rorche as it is."

Noth looked curiously at the guardsman, "Lord Taylor? My whatever does he mean by upset at this Rorche character? And what Lady are you speaking of, my good guardsman?"

"Lady Eyselia Taylor, her father the good nobleman Lord Gerribal Taylor absolute despises one of her present suitors, a young man named Rorche Tennebaum. Son of another noble family near here, not one wit of sense in his head, but Lord Taylor can't affront his family's honor, even if they've become little better than penniless sots clinging to old farmlands out in the countryside. Bad businessmen. Rorche's father was in the service to the crown you see, made many a sacrifices for 'honor' and 'justice' across the land in the name of one of the great deities. Many a tale about old Rorche, many a tale."

"I see..." Noth said as he smiled and shrugged, "But from your tone, the young man seems to have none of those redeeming graces of the father, now does he?"

"Not one bit. Merchant Mersailles."

"I see... well then, I guess the good lord shall not be worried this night," Noth said as he clapped the guardsmen on the shoulder, before fixing the man with an appraising stare. "I think he won't be after the young ladies dresskirts this night if he's got a chaperone for the Lady's honor. Perhaps later... I might be granted an audience with the good Lord to see if something can't be done about figuring out where the rest of my goods walked off to, Eh?"

The guardsman gulped a little as he pondered, "Well, I could put in a better word with the captain, and a couple of the boys and me might look into things as well. His Lordship is a very busy man you know. If you can keep that sot off the Lady, I'll give my word that I'll do my best."

Noth stared into the man's eyes, seeing the discomposure there before tightening his grip slightly on the man's shoulder before easing up to tap at the pauldron before removing his hand completely. "Very well, Sir Guardsman. Since this is going to cost me my very last and expensive bottle to work, I certainly will be holding you to your word as a man. I'll expect no less."

The guardsman taciturnly cleared his throat, glancing towards the Lady's party and then back towards Noth.

But Antar was already gone.

Noth was moving through the crowds with the ease of a flying fish swimming through the crests of the ocean. Taking a knife to the cork of the bottle, he shouted, “Young Rorche! By jove, it is you!”

The young man was too drunk to notice just stared at him glibly, before mustering a very eloquent, “Hwuh? Who’R u, my good man!?”
“It’s me, Anthony. A merchant, I met you awhile ago with your father don’t you remember?” And with that, and the thrusting of a glass of the fine wine into the man’s hand was all it took.

In the early morning, after the nights revelry, with the moon sinking on the horizon Nothy had the privilege of escorting the said young sot, back towards the Lady’s Keep in the company of the lady herself. She really was a beautiful thing, and the small animal was curled up in Antar’s arms fast asleep.

He had slipped it a bone of mutton, and some scraps from the bar, and it seemed to have taken a shine to him. The little mongrel it was. Throughout the night he’d played the pleasant counterpart to the sots loving advances on the lady’s personage. While some seemed… not unwanted their little dalliance could only be seen as ‘heavy petting.’ At the very least that’s what it seemed to Noth at least. The situation between the two was the classic tale of the first steps of unrequited and forbidden love at its finest. Moreover it was sure to be made into a song by any passing minstrel if things went well between them.

However, to Noth, it was all somewhat revolting.

Finally, after the drunken stupor went too far to upset the ladyship, who crossed her hands over her chest to push the good young Rorche away, Noth stepped in with a bit of restraint by placing a gentle hand on the young man’s elbow.

With a mere bit of pressure, he brought young Rorche away about five paces. The young man looked resentfully at “Anthony” before Noth pulled him close enough to speak softly in the young man’s ear.
Soft enough to sound like he was whispering, but loud enough for the lady herself to overhear.

“Please remember your father good lord. It is not a way to win the lady’s heart without composure to your passions. You must woo her, not stick your tongue in her mouth as if you were supping a stout draft at a common bar. Tell the girl she is lovely on the dawn of this beautiful morning, and her presence as radiant to your life as the sun’s rays itself. Good things come to those who wait, my boy. Just take her arm and walk with her, after you apologize for such a disgraceful act, Say your emotions got the best of you. Now go.”

With a bit of a pat on the young man’s shoulder, Noth paced himself a few more steps ahead of the young couple, and almost grinned as the younger man did exactly what Noth had said, much to the delight of her ladyship who out of the corner of his eye saw she cast a single glance in his direction...
Her eyes were on his.
His eyes just dared to meet hers.
But his mind… his mind was on the pendant she wore.

Behind the youngster’s back, Noth gracefully tilted his head in a nod towards the young lady’s presence before humming a slight tune. It wasn’t a bad tune, nor a rowdy one, just a few bars of the sonnet of Gracemarie. His client had said it was the young woman’s favorite song, a ballad of the seasons she asked any bard to play when she could. Young Rorche, couldn’t seem to understand the power of a young woman’s favorite song.

But “Anthony” did.

At the gates to the gardens the lady seemed to swoon a bit towards the nearest bench, with young Rorche following suit. A conversation on whether it was best for them to part ways here was mounting in discussion.
The young fool seemed smitten to take her ladyship back to her residence as a manner of honor.
The young lady seemed sure that would only get her young would -be suitor in trouble with her father when he returned in three days.

The man proposed a compromise, saying that if it would suffice the young man’s honor he might escort the lady back to her demesne of her father’s house. Saying it would hardly due the young man’s father disfavor by having the man upset the good Lord with his presence in the early morning. It wouldn’t be proper.

The two noted that such was for the best as the lady gave him another glance, somewhat interested in his aplomb. It didn’t really matter to Noth. This was a matter of a job. A place of precedence that he was striving for to make a name for himself: he’d always do a job properly, neatly and without strings. .”Anthony” offered the young man his word saying he’d deliver ‘his bella’ safely into the arms of her maids and clapped him off to stagger back towards the city gates, and his waiting horse before taking the lady by the elbow and walking her inside to the garden to sit by the fountainside.

They were alone.
Finally, the question he’d been expecting came up, along with a dazzling set of eyes staring in his. “You’re not really an acquaintance of Young Rorche, are you?”
“Noo… never saw him in my life before today.”
“I see… and what reason did you have on playing such a falsehood with him?”

So he told her, he told her everything, at least what ‘Anthony’ would say. About the goods of his cart being waylaid by robbers. His words beefed up the tale of the defense and calling a bit of fire to his hands to light a small urn of oil near the fountaintop. A small trick that brought a hint of wonder to her eyes.“Oh, so you’re a merchant and a mage?”
“No my dear. I’m just a dabbler in many things, a jack of all trades as it goes.”

Throughout the night, they talked, growing closer and getting closer with the lady’s fascination and the imbibed spirits making things more cozy as they simply chatted. For a time, the woman and the man spoke long into the night, on a great many of topics, the bottle of wine from his pack getting less and less in measure.

One thing… lead to another after a slight kiss… which lead to another thing which lead to another place, and another time. A time that lasted several wondrous hours of themselves enjoying each other’s company for all but a day, as the servants were off that day to rest.

The following morning the maid's came to find the Lady soundly sleeping in her rooms, the bed rumpled and disheveled. The young man who had brought her here was already gone. It was days before they noticed the necklet was taken, with later the guardsmen finding a note that young Rorche had stolen it to pay back his father's debts.

As for the young merchant... the young merchant was only seen the morning the month after appearing before the city guard to reclaim a bunch of possessions before taking once again to the road.

This was the official story. But the truth, the truth as always is subjective, as a single fact will always have two points of view with two different people having very different conclusions.

But to one man, one man whose past remains a mystery, a man who had gone by 'Anthony Mersailles’ for just one night. The truth was a different story altogether: The coin in his pocket for the dastardly deed lent its own certain weight to the tale.

It wasn’t a bad thing from a man who had left his family for the streets. And he’d have the memory of sharing the night with the young lord’s daughter forever to smile upon… one day… he may even meet her again. But who knew what guise he’d be wearing?

Would it be back as “Anthony Mersailles” or would it be something completely new?

Notes on Overgiving and what occurs with the character :
Type of Magic Mood change during overgiving Quirks
Auristics: Antar becomes enthralled in what he sees, doesn't matter what he's seeing, could be a broom and he'd think it's the best broom in the world The Whispers he hears tend to tell him to be possessive of the item he's seeing, to take it, to hold it. To keep it in his sight for as long as possible He tends to want to get closer to the object he's seeing's aura, close enough to hug it in his arms and simply laze away in pure euphoric bliss... if it's a woman's aura he's seeing, he can tend to wax romantically until he passes out.
Reimancy: Anger, or higher levels of amusement, like a child playing with a power they cannot understand. The whispers tend to be laughing, joyful, and even downright childish to draw his attention to come out and play.OMG RUN... Antar will go batty and want to burn or encapsulate anything in rock or toss them in the air for fun when he gets his third element of wind, (women- beware the skirts *_*)
Shielding: Besides falling unconscious heightened paranoia Whispers: tend to tell him to be distrustful of anything and everything, to find some place to hide Sometimes he will flee into a tent, or a dark abandoned building and stay there until he passes out while viciously swinging a sword at anything that approaches.
Voiding: Whispers tell him to be one with the void... to travel it's distance, etc. Uhm... it's voiding, he'd be swallowed up by self voiding *_*
Last edited by Antar on November 9th, 2011, 7:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
~Back, but slow. :)
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Antar Noth

Postby Antar on June 15th, 2011, 6:13 am

Welcome to the Armory
1-Set of Clothing (SP) Pants destroyed by Shai and replaced
2- Outfit's description below
On person
Stealth Loadout:
Night Leather armor,back and breast, 2 gladius, 2 kukri, shadowsilk Cloak
Longbow,Longbow arrows 20; Assassin Beads,Quiver, 4 Throwing Daggers,Cold Iron Gauntlets, Weapon Harness.Grappling hook, rope 50ft.
Mercenary Loadout:
Night Leather armor(under everything)
Scale mail
Cold Iron Gauntlets
Back and Breast
Helmet (nasal)
Shadowsilk Cloak
Weapon Harness:
Longbow & quiver,Gladius,Kukri,Assassin's Beads,
Torch, Lantern, Rope;large tarp;Food for a week;Set of Toiletries;
Thieves Tools;fishing tackle & hooks; Toolkit (Animal groomers), Toolkit (Bowyer's and Fletchers)
Saddle Bags
Bedroll ; Blanket ; 4-man tent, full set of tack,

Dawnstride- Mare, Ekytolian
Duskplodder- Mare, Mountain pony

Assorted things for Ellise: collars, falconry items, etc. 2nd four man tent. Training weaponry,

Clothing Items for Ellise and Nil

Assorted Barrels, Feed 10 pounds
3 Barrels- Assorted Food items
1 Empty Barrel- Water storage

Equipment and Possessions

Close Combat Weaponry: :
Cold Iron Kukri144th of Fall,511avStandard 24gm
Cold Iron Kukri144th of Fall,511avStandard 24gm
Kukri Dagger 1 SP Basic Steel- Stabby stabby is good. But its blade is also 12'' long and a 4 inch hilt is used like a machete. Gifted to Nil'Anon Here
Gladius 1 SPShort sword
Gladius 110th of Summer,511avWorth 43gm
Gladius 1 Gained: Here . Destroyed: HereShort sword
Assassin's beads 1SP In the end, you will pray for death, and it might just be granted to you ;)
Teethed Gauntlets(Cold iron)-30GM;Two Blade Springs(Coldiron) -24GMImage 1 Set 1st of Fall,511avThese Gauntlet's are made out of cold iron and are much stronger than normal gauntlets. These gauntlets are meant to catch an opponent’s blade and help in disarming him. The fingers, knuckles, wrist and forearm areas of these gauntlets have irregular shaped protrusions that can catch small blades allowing the wearer an advantage. They have been fitted with 2 Cold iron spring blades attached that can come out and be used to kill an enemy

Ranged Weapons :
Longbow1 SP“Family” Heirloom- stolen from a job, unsure of its nature but it seems ancient
Quiver of Longbow Arrows(20) 2SPThey shoot things
Shortbow Arrows40 11th day of summer
Crossbow Bolts2011th day of summer
Longbow Arrows611th day of summer
Throwing Daggers3
72nd day of summer For stealth throws
Throwing Daggers110th day of summer For stealth throws

Training and Spoils Weaponry: :
Legacy (Dourne's Heirloom Widowmaker)124th of Summer,511av Worth 35 gm- 1 double sized blade.
Longsword (steel good quality)134th of Summer,511avWorth 18gm
Longsword 110th of Summer,511avWorth 13gm
Sickle(steel)134th of Summer,511avWorth 6gm
Shortbow17th Day of summerCracked, worn, worth 8 gm
Spear 110th of Summer,511avWorth 4 gm
Whip 110th of Summer,511avWorth 1gm
Shortsword 2HereSteel
Fur-Lined Hide Mail124th of Summer,511av Worth 65 gm Sold 1/2 price: Here
Gauntlet, Spiked 124th of Summer,511av Worth 5gm Sold 1/2 price: Here
Dulled Handaxe124th of Summer,511av Worth 6gm Sold 1/2 price: Here

Armor :
Scale armor(good quality) 110th of Summer,511avWorth 48 gm
Night Leather Armor 60 GM1st of Fall,511av(includes a cuiriass, greaves, boots, and vambrace)
Back and BreastImage 50 GM 1st of Fall,511av common steel Back and breastpiece for over the night leather armor
Weapon Harness 5 GM1st of Fall,511av A harness for weapons
Padded Armor 5 GM1st of Fall,511av For under the back and breast
Robe Shadowsilk(Black) 35 GM1st of Fall,511av Worn over all armor for muffling of sound and stealth.
1 helmet(nasal) (good condition) 27gm 72nd day of summer For his head of course- Painted black

Outfits :
Outfit 1: Starting Package / Pants destroyed by... Shai
Pants replaced by black leather pants: 8sm
Outfit 2
Leather Pants/ Silk inlay: 8 gm
Black Silk Shirt: 10 gm
Unmarked Black Leather Surcoat- 2 gm
Red and black Silk Vest(cropped coat) 10 gm :
Black Embroidered Silk Tunic 25 gm
Black Leather Gloves 5 sm
Leather Belt: 2sm
Fancy Buckle : 1 gm
Scabbard, Secret Container : 9gm
Black Riding Boots: 1 gm
Stockings 4 sm

Notes: in this outfit he only wears a single gladius at his side as his weaponry, with the prayer beads(assassin's beads) around his neck as an ornamentation.
Total Cost: 66gm, 1sm
Visual Representation:
Black Embroidered Silk Tunic :

Red and black Silk Vest(cropped coat):

Unmarked Black Leather Surcoat:

Riding Boots

Scrolls & artifacts :

Story Items and Animal Companions: :
Medallion 1 Worth: 0 GM - returning to a beggar who had knowledge for noth.
Falcon Kelvic's Corpse134th of Summer,511avWorth: 0 mizas- Used for bowing fletching and other threads
Elisse (Kelvic):Falcon 134th of Summer,511avAn officialized NPC with HD approval.
Dawnstride(Horse) 1 SP Hooved animals are always good to keep yourself from walking. Might be turned into glue eventually ;)

Equipment :
Set of Clothing 1 SP (dark colored cloak/coat & footwear included
Waterskin 1 SP
Backpack 1SP which contains:
Set of Toiletries1SP (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week SP
Eating knife 1SP
Flint & Steel 1SP
Tent 1SP(4 person)
large tarp1SP
Rope 1SP 100 ft of rope
lantern 1 SP usable as a light source ;)
Torches 2 SP Fire is always good :)
Bedroll 1SP Sleeping in the wilderness… Ahhh
Blanket 1SP Always good for extra warmth or a picnic
fishing tackle & hooks 1SP Living off the fishies… gawd, I hate salmon
full set of tack 1 SP Got to lure the fishies somehow
large set of saddlebags 1SP
Thieves Tool kit 1 SP
1 Rucksack 1 GM 1st of Fall,511av A common rucksack to complement the backpack
Wagon110th of Summer,511avWorth 35 gm
Four man tent110th of Summer,511avWorth 10 gm
Pot110th of Summer,511avWorth 5 Sm
Pan110th of Summer,511avWorth 3sm
Barrels310th of Summer,511avWorth Unknown- used to feed hungry myrians Just going to be empty barrels by Fall 40th,511av
Empty Barrel110th of Summer,511avWorth None- used to store water for the camp
Empty Barrel110th of Summer,511avSix Severed heads inside- Priceless(worth 0 gm)
Bag of Oats110th of Summer,511avWorth 3gm, 5sm For Da' Horsies! :3
Cage(Large)135th day of Summer,511av
Lock Average 135th day of Summer,511av
Toolkit (Animal groomers)135th day of Summer,511av
Toolkit (Bowyer's and Fletchers)135th day of Summer,511av
Mask (animal sized)135th day of Summer,511av
Mask (human sized)135th day of Summer,511av
Cotton Robe 135th day of Summer,511av
Collar Falcon sized135th day of Summer,511av
Collar Kelvic sized135th day of Summer,511av
Cotton Cloak135th day of Summer,511av
Chest (Empty) 135th day of Summer,511av
Cotton Pants 1 35th day of Summer,511av
Cotton Shirt1 35th day of Summer,511av
Leather Shoes135th day of Summer,511av
Feed 10 pounds135th day of Summer,511av
Vial of acid144th of Fall,511avWorth5gm
Blackface 244th of Fall,511av 2 sticks- 10 uses
Blankets 544th of Fall,511av standard quality, Worth 2gm 5sm
Grappling Hook115th of Fall, 511av.1gm
Footlocker111th day of Summer, 511 av Worth 2gm
Hatchet 124th of Summer,511av Worth 6gm , Sharpened: Here

Horse|1|Here|"Duskplodder Worth 50gm; Might be turned into glue one day :p
Saddle Light Cavalry|1| Here
Saddle bags (Large)|1|Here
Officer’s Uniform|1|Here
Compass |1|Here
Last edited by Antar on January 13th, 2012, 8:32 pm, edited 52 times in total.
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
~Back, but slow. :)
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"A thousand voices screaming in unison..."
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Antar Noth

Postby Antar on June 15th, 2011, 6:19 am

Ledger of Gains , Sales, and Purchases

Amount CurrrentAmount gain AcquisitionSubtracted amountDateTotal Left
100 GM@SP -- Thieves Tools 25 GM SP 75 GM
75 GM -- Quiver of Longbow Arrows (20) 1GM SP 74 GM
74 GM -- Quiver of Longbow Arrows (20) 1GM SP 73 GM
73GM -- Kukri- Dagger 8 GM SP 65 GM left
65 GM -- Gladius-Short Sword 45GM SP20 GM left
20 GM -- Assassin's Beads 10 GM SP10 GM left
10GM 2GM,7SMThread Award----12 GM, 7 SM left
12GM,7SM203gm,5smSummer,511av Seasonal Gain--1st of Fall, 511av216gm,2sm
216gm,2sm30 gmTA:Sale of a Stolen Horse----246 GM, 7 SM left
246 GM, 7 SM -- Night Leather Armor 60 GM 1st of Fall,511av186 GM, 7SM left
186 GM, 7SM -- Back and Breast 50 GM 1st of Fall,511av 136 GM, 7SM left
136 GM, 7SM -- Weapon Harness 5 GM 1st of Fall,511av 131 GM, 7SM left
131 GM, 7SM GM -- Padded Armor 5 GM 1st of Fall,511av 126 GM, 7SM left
126 GM, 7SM -- Robe Shadowsilk(Black) 35 GM 1st of Fall,511av 91GM, 7SM left
91GM, 7SM left -- Teethed Gauntlets(Cold iron)-30GM;Two Blade Springs(Coldiron) -24GM 54 GM total 1st of Fall,511av 37 GM, 7SM
37 GM, 7SM -- Rucksack 1 GM 1st of Fall,511av 36 GM, 7SM left
36GM,7SM45 gmTA:Sale of a Stolen Horse--72nd Day of Summer 81GM, 7 SM left
81GM,7SM45 gmTA:Sale of a Stolen Horse--10th Day of Summer 126GM, 7 SM left
126GM , 7SM10GMThread Award--10th day of Summer136 GM, 7 SM left
136GM, 7SM -- Cage(Large)25 gm35th day of Summer,511av 111GM, 7 SM
111GM, 7SM -- Lock Average 40 gm35th day of Summer,511av 71GM, 7 SM
71GM, 7SM -- Toolkit (Animal groomers)10gm35th day of Summer,511av 61GM, 7 SM
61GM, 7SM -- Toolkit (Bowyer's and Fletchers)20gm35th day of Summer,511av 41GM, 7 SM
41GM, 7SM -- Mask (animal sized)3gm35th day of Summer,511av 38GM, 7 SM
38GM, 7SM -- Mask (human sized)3gm35th day of Summer,511av 35GM, 7 SM
35GM, 7 SM -- Cotton Robe 1gm35th day of Summer,511av 34GM, 7SM
34GM, 7SM -- Collar Falcon sized6sm35th day of Summer,511av 34GM, 1SM
34GM, 7SM -- Collar Kelvic sized6sm35th day of Summer,511av 33GM, 8SM
33GM, 8SM -- Cotton Cloak3sm35th day of Summer,511av33GM, 5SM
33GM, 5SM -- Chest (Empty) 2 gm35th day of Summer,511av31GM, 5SM
31GM, 5SM -- Cotton Pants 1 sm35th day of Summer,511av31GM, 4SM
31GM, 4SM -- Cotton Shirt1 sm35th day of Summer,511av31GM, 3SM
31GM, 3SM -- Leather Shoes3 sm35th day of Summer,511av31GM
31GM -- Feed 10 pounds5cm35th day of Summer,511av30GM 0SM 95cm
30GM 0SM 95cm 16GMThread Award----46 GM,0SM, 95 CM
46 GM,0SM, 95 CM63GMThread Award----109 GM,0SM, 95 CM
109 GM,0SM, 95 CM -- Grappling Hook1gm15th of Fall, 511av.108 GM,0SM, 95 CM
108 GM,0SM, 95 CM30GMThread Award----138 GM,0SM,95CM
138 GM,0SM,95CM120GMThread Award----258 GM,0SM,95CM
258 GM,0SM,95CM--Assorted Clothing, Jewelry bought for shai and Antar108 GM70th day of Fall, 511av150 GM, 0 SM, 95CM
150 GM, 0 SM, 95 CM38GMSale of Hide Armor, dull handaxe and Spiked Gauntlet(1/2 price)--70th day of Fall, 511av188 GM, 0 SM, 95CM
188 GM, 0 SM, 95CM--Iron Fan bought for Shai25GM70th day of Fall, 511av163 GM, 0 SM, 95CM
163 GM,0SM,95CM50GMThread Award----213 GM,0SM,95CM
213GM,0SM,95CM --Gift to players and drink bought6 gm, 2 sm-- 206GM,8SM,95CM
206GM,8SM,95CM509 gmThread Award---- 715GM,8SM,95CM
715GM,8SM,95CM 20 GM Thread Award---- 735GM,8SM,95CM
735GM,8SM,95CM--Mountain Pony,Saddle,and large Saddlebags70gm1st of Winter 665GM, 8SM, 95CM
665GM, 8SM, 95CM 30 GM Thread Award---- 695GM,8SM,95CM
695GM,8SM,95CM---Woodcarver's Toolkit50GM7th day of Fall,511av645GM,8SM,95CM
645GM,8SM,95CM---Woodsman's Axe, Builder's Kit, (Complex)29GM8th day of Fall,511av616GM,8SM,95CM
616 GM, 8 SM, 95CM -- Winter Seasonal Upkeep 45gm1st of Spring571 GM, 8 SM, 95 CM
571 GM, 8 SM, 95 CM -- Winter Seasonal Upkeep 29gm63rd of Winter 542 GM, 8 SM, 95 CM
542 GM, 8 SM, 95 CM -- Spring Seasonal Upkeep 45gm1st of Summer497GM 8 SM, 95 CM
497GM 8 SM, 95 CM15 gmThread Award----512GM,8SM,95CM
512GM,8SM,95CM -- Summer Seasonal Upkeep 45gm1st of Fall467GM,8SM,95CM
467GM,8SM,95CM -- Fall Seasonal Upkeep 45gm1st of Winter422 GM, 8SM, 95CM
422 GM, 8SM, 95CM -- Winter Seasonal Upkeep 45gm1st of Spring377GM, 8SM, 95CM
377GM, 8SM, 95CM -- Spring Seasonal Upkeep 45gm1st of Summer332 GM, 8 SM, 95 CM
332 GM,8SM,95CM -- Summer Seasonal Upkeep 45gm1st of Fall287GM,8SM,95CM
287 GM,8SM,95CM -- Fall Seasonal Upkeep 45gm1st of Winter242 GM, 8SM, 95CM
242 GM, 8SM, 95CM -- Winter Seasonal Upkeep 45gm1st of Spring197 GM, 8SM, 95CM
Total at Present
197GM, 8SM, 95CM

SeasonSeasonal Wages Seasonal Upkeep TOTAL GAIN
Summer, 511av83x3=249gm earned (Seasonal Income) 45gm, 5sm (Seasonal Upkeep) 203gm, 5sm (Total Gain)
Fall, 511avWaiting on HD approval 45gm, 5sm (Seasonal Upkeep)(Total Gain)

Debt owed to Tua: Indeterminate amount- Cleared after completion of corallary thread for 0 mizas.
1 gold Miza = 10 silver Miza = 100 copper Miza
Last edited by Antar on May 14th, 2014, 2:58 am, edited 56 times in total.
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
~Back, but slow. :)
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"A thousand voices screaming in unison..."
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Antar Noth

Postby Antar on June 15th, 2011, 6:34 am

Reclaimed coffers of the Crimson edge on the 19th of spring , 514, All guild items found rotted from floods.

coffers :
1500 gold mizas Thread Award Items Considered Sold Possibilities
100 gold mizas Thread Award Items Considered SoldPossibilities
7 gold mizas Thread Award Items Considered SoldPossibilities
777 gold mizas 5 Silver Mizas Thread Award Items Considered SoldDie Hard I

Amount Total: 2348 gold mizas 5 silver mizas

Minimum Goal to Reach: 4000 gold mizas

Amount needed: 1642 gold mizas

1 Mule and wagon Die Hard I Various Guild Uses to keep for guild requirements of hauling resources.
1 Large Sealed CrateDie Hard I Filled with enough kitchen utensils (forks, knives, cleavers, and spoons) , pots and pans to successfully stock a kitchen later if it is converted from a storeroom. Worth-0gm
1 Large Sealed CrateDie Hard I Filled with 8 good mattresses that may be used to assist in converting a storeroom to a barracks later Worth-0gm
1 Large Sealed CrateDie Hard I Filled with 8 straw mattresses that may be used to assist in converting a storeroom to a barracks later Worth-0gm
1 Sealed CrateDie Hard I Filled with assorted food items taken from the kitchen- good for ten days rations. Worth-0gm
Reclaimed Barrel of Severed headsDie Hard I Now filled with A lot of severed heads: To be mounted on pikes by the camp. Worth: priceless

Known Acquaintances

Crimson Edge Members :
Antar NothGood relations with himself Rogue, Jack of all trades Lots of solo threads for a variety of things ;)
Cade Good Relations- Noth respects the brute, the brute respects him Bruiser/heavyswordsmenTraining together for physical Skills;Will teach archery to
Canali Good relations so far, unsure what to make of the girl Seasoned cook/ gardener Will teach dagger to; *Note: Unknown if leaving at this time*
CarinaHaven't met yet Poisoner extraordinaire/Diplomat('ho' spy Will learn a few things from. ;)
Corinth Good Relations so far, unsure what to make of the girlFarmer/gardener(drug growing) ;*MIA For a while*
Eryss Good Relations MAGE Extraordianaire Will learn a bit of Reimancy From;
Fallon Dawn Good Relations Thief and unarmed master Will do some stealth/thieving threads with;
Kiara Good relations Assassin, and bladework Will do some assassin/stealth/auristics threads with ;
Mok Good Relations Shortswordsman Will do a few gladius training threads with/ teach archery too;

PC's Met :
Aberdon Why is money Never Free? Acquaintance;
Bob Barton Hasn't threaded an intro in Together or on our own > ????
Cass Possibilities (Open) Acquaintance;
Cade Possibilities (Open) Acquaintance- Member of The Crimson Edge;
Canali Possibilities (Open) Acquaintance- Member of The Crimson Edge;
Corinth Possibilities (Open) Acquaintance- Member of The Crimson Edge;
DarrenPossibilities (Open) Acquaintance; Guest mod not met his PC yet
DarianPossibilities (Open) Acquaintance;
Eryss Possibilities (Open) Acquaintance- Member of The Crimson Edge;
Fallon Dawn Together or on our Own Acquaintance; Member of The Crimson Edge;
Kiara Possibilities (Open) Acquaintance- Member of The Crimson Edge;
Mok Together or on Our own Acquaintance- Member of The Crimson Edge;
Silvy Redacted interactions :( Redacted :(
Reok Why is Money Never Free Acquaintance;
Tuic Why is Money Never Free Acquaintance;
Leviticus Why is Money Never Free Acquaintance;
DarikWhy is Money Never Free Acquaintance; Annoyance :P
Tarelde RielleWhy is Money Never Free Acquaintance;
ZarekBrawling Good Times 'Eh? Acquaintance;
[url]Annasssena[/url](Stumble Alley)Choices Acquaintance;
[url]Drayton[/url](Stumble Alley)Choices Acquaintance;

npc's :
Reacher Possibilities(open) npc client who wanted something returned which had been taken from him. Promised a payment of 50 Gold Mizas for completion of the task.
Tua The Establishment This npc Antar owes a debt too. A debt which will be repaid. ;)
Dawnstride Horse She's a possession who might one day be turned into glue. In actuality is an all black-Eyktolian Desertbred with a small white star shaped mark on her brow and nose stripe. The mane is also black: Value: 150gm
Last edited by Antar on May 15th, 2014, 6:14 am, edited 25 times in total.
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
~Back, but slow. :)
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"A thousand voices screaming in unison..."
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Antar Noth

Postby Antar on June 15th, 2011, 6:59 am

Thread List

Note: this timeline is in *reverse* chronological order. It means the present day threads are closest to the top , the flashbacks on the bottom.

Fluent Time:

Spring,514av Location:Sunberth :
Thread Name TimeStatus XP awards
One Ale to Cure, Two Ales to Conspire 19th of Spring, 514Ongoing
Working in the Woodlands I21st of Spring, 514Ongoing
Working in the Woodlands II41st of Spring, 514Ongoing
Working in the Woodlands III62nd of Spring, 514Ongoing

Fall,512av Location:Ravok :
Thread Name TimeStatus XP awards
The Chimes of Caer Lladoch85th of Fall, 512 AVOngoing
The Rising Dawn41st of Fall, 512 AVOngoing
Birds of a feather, are not well together(Dye)15th of Fall Ongoing
Blood Hunts(Aello)7th of Fall, 512 av Ongoing
Meeting a Munchkin(Lizzy Macbeth)1st of Fall, 512avongoing

Summer,512av Location:Ravok :
Name TimeStatus XP awards
A Cold War[Aello] 69th of Summer, 512 av Ongoing
Arcane secrets over a crackling fire[Antar] 23rd of Summer, 512 av Ongoing
Walking the Enemy's Streets(Ulric) 11th of Summer,512avOngoing
The Arachnid's Gambit 1st of Summer, 512av Ongoing

Spring,512av Location:Riverfall :
Name TimeStatus XP awards
[url]A Solemn Surveilance[/url] 90th of Spring,512avOngoing
Tensions Running high 40th of Spring,512avOngoing
Learning from the Darkness 38th of Spring,512avOngoing
Water water everywhere, and nary the time to think(Liandra)20th Day of Spring, 512avCompleted+4 Observation, +3 Swimming, +1 Diplomacy; Lore: Riverfall Uses Geomancy For Everything Even To Control Waterflow, Liandra: Charoda in Riverfall, Being Hit On By Charoda
[Kendoka Sasaran]A turbulent meeting(Rykanis) 10th of Spring,512avOngoing

Winter,511av Location:Wildlands-Syliras-Suvan-Alvadas :
Thread Name TimeStatus XP awards
[url]Shielding at Midnight(Shai)[/url] ??? of Winter,511avOngoing
[Quest] When Shadows Speak And Sometimes Scream MidWinter,511avOngoing
[Tower’s Idol Slander] Thine mother… (Open)54th of Winter,511avCompletedSocialization 4; Rhetoric 3; Intimidation 3; Crazy old men should be thrown to the guards; Leave my Shai alone!
Shielding at Sunset(Shai) 53rd of Winter,511avOngoing
A Game of Shadows(Naama) 47th of Winter,511avAbandoned Subterfuge 2; Socializing 2; Stealth 1; Rhetoric 1;Lore:I'm not a wizard!;Insult first, information second
A Dreamer's Scheme (Antar, Naama, and Ulric) 45th of Winter,511avOngoing
Shielding at Noon(Shai) 43rd of Winter,511avCompletedRiding- 5;Rhetoric- 5;Shielding- 2;Voiding- 2;Interrogation- 4;Philosophy- 2;Teaching- 2;Longbow- 1;Lore:Riding into Town; How Did You Become a Thief?;Basics of Symenestra;Discussing Magical Arts;Stumbling Across a Bear; Fighting Bears
Hearing the void sigh(bedlam) 34th of Winter,511avCompleted4 Voiding; 3 Reimancy; 2 Glyphing; 2 Auristics; 1 Shielding ; The Beauty of The Void; Alone With Yourself; The Many Mad Faces of Ada Beatrice
Shielding at Sunrise 33rd of Winter,511avCompletedTeaching +3; Auristics +1; Meditation +2; Shielding +3; Laying a Trap; Easing Along a Pupil
[Seasonal Quest] Upon a Star (Open) 30th of Winter,511avOngoing
Take the Leap,Fool Noon, 8th of Winter,511avCompletedObservation 2; Philosophy 3; Rhetoric 4; Larceny 1; Kamalia's Prophesy: Paths Leading to Darkness; Tarot Cards: The Fool;Tarot Cards: Death;Tarot Cards: The Tower; Kamalia’s Many Losses; The Opal Order;Difficulty in Curing Overgiving; The Tolerance of the Temple; A Konti Serenade;
A Meeting with a Mage...Knight 3 am- 11am, 8th of Winter,511avCompletedInterrogation 3; Observation 3; Auristics 2; Rhetoric 3; Teaching 5;Gladius 3; Dual Wielding 2; Kukri 2; Reimancy 5;Gauntlet Stilettos 1; Gauntlets 1;Wind Reimancy for Acceleration and Deceleration; A Note of Clemency; Familiar of a Mage; Andresciel’s Wind Fist; Reimancy Technique: Earth Spike;Reimancy Technique: Earth Column; Reimancy Technique: Earth Wall;
Kicking a Spider when it’s Down (Antar & Dhalvasha) 2nd of Winter,511avOngoing
Upon the Road 1st of Winter, 511avCompletedBasic Riding, + 1 Riding XP, +1 Falconry XP

Fall,511av Location:Sunberth :
Thread Name TimeStatus XP awards
The Chosen OnesNight 78th of Fall, 511avOngoing
Bloody Claws: Taking the hides of Slavers(Nil, Eridanus,Ihnar,Shai)78th of Fall, 511avAbortedObservation:2;LORE;Location: Western Hills;Western Hills: nefarious crossroads ;
Bird Feathers are not for Consumption(Nil) 77th of Fall, 511avOngoing
Cats have paws for a reason II:(Nil)Eveningy,76th of Fall, 511avOngoing
Throwing for Broke(Nil) Morning, 76th of Fall, 511avOngoing
Carrying the Baggage(Nil,Shai, ) 75th of Fall, 511avCompletedNegotiation:1; Observation:3;;Gladius:2; Dual Wielding:2; Kukri:1; Running:1; Body Building:1; Socialization:2; Teaching:1; Nil'Anon:Escaped Slave? Faking a family; Nil:Green, dresses and bows; Answering a childs interesting questions
Cats have paws for a reason (Nil) 74th of Fall, 511avOngoing
A larger type of claw(Nil)73rd of Fall,511avOngoing
Camp Cat Attack!(Nil)72nd of Fall,511avCompletedAnimal Husbandry:2; negotiation:2; persuasion:2; Cooking:2; Recognizing Different Cat Breeds;Nil'Anon (Basic)
Regaining the Upper Hand(antar)Morning, 72nd of Fall, 511avCompletedKukri:1; Dual Wield:1; Tactics:1; Rhetoric:1; Unarmed combat:2; LORE; Surviving a Bad morning; Shai: Is this more than a fling?
To Become Crimson: Flames and Bloody Palms 71st day of Fall, 511avCompletedShielding +2; Running +1; Reimancy +3; Persuasion +1; Auristics +1 Technique: Lava Snake; Technique: Earth Snake; Shai, the First Apprentice; Lore of Overgiving;
Letters of the Damned:Endgames (Shai)70th of Fall,511avOngoing
Fixing Things at the Springs II67h of Fall, 511 avOngoing
[Aquillar Hot Springs]Morning Always Follows Night(closed/mature) 66th day of Fall, 511av Ongoing
[Aquillar Hot Springs]Spiders and Shadows(closed/mature) Night-65th day of Fall, 511av CompletedBody Building:2; Seduction:5; Evasion:2; Larceny:2; Unarmed Combat:2; Reimancy:2; Auristics:2; Acrobatics:2; Tactics:3; Meditation:2; Reimancy Technique: Earth Bandage; Anatomy of Shai; A Rough Night at the Springs; Rope Restraints; Viratas; Bedding a Symenstran; Fantacizing about Shai; Seducing Shai; Tactics:Bedroom
[Aquillar Hot Springs]Friends and Tranquility:Sharing a Meal 65th day of Fall,Noon 511av Ongoing
[Aquillar Hot Springs] Of Friends and Tranquility (Open)65th day of Fall, 511av CompletedIntimidation:2; Reimancy:2; Shielding:1; Auristics:1; Meditation:2 Falconry:2; Gladius:1; Throwing Kukri:1 ; Seduction:4; Interrogation:2; Subterfuge:1; Larceny:1;Unarmed Combat:1; Wrestling:2; Swimming:2; Throwing Weapon (bob Barton):1; Bodybuilding:1; Being interrupted during meditation; Dissuading a thief; Anatomy of Shai (basic);Anatomy of Zandelia(basic);Seduction: Mischievous topics of conversation
Letters of the Damned:(Part IV)63rd day of Fall,511avOngoing
Odd job gone wrong(Eridanus, Zenai) 53rd day of Fall, 511avCompletedRunning:3; climbing:2; stealth:2; interrogation:2; negotiation:1; body building:2; Kukri:3; Observation:2; Leadership:3;Tactics:3; Medicine:2; Reminancy:2;Longbow:2; Gauntlets:2; Gladius:3; Ethfael: (Basic); Zenai(basic) ; Eridanus(basic); Tactics:Counter Ambush Tactics(Basic); Medicine: Removing an Arrow
Fixing Things at the Springs I57th of Fall, 511 avOngoing
Letters of the Damned:(Part III)50th of Fall,511avOngoing
Letters of the Damned:(Part II)46th of Fall,511avOngoing
Letters of the Damned:(Part I)44th of Fall,511avCompletedGladius: 5; Gauntlet:3; Unarmed Combat:3 ;Medicine:3;Shielding:3;GauntletStilletos:2;Running:3;Riding:2; Intimidation:2;Interrogation:2;Acrobatics:1;Body Building:3; LORE;Possibilities of Mysterious Letters;Fighting in the Blood Pits; Tactic: Inflicting Small Wounds to Slow Your Opponent
[Baroque Bay] Salvaging the Future (Open)35th day of Fall, 511avcompletedLongbow 1; Investigation 1; Tracking 1; Intimidation 1; Lore: Baroque Bay (Basic)
[The Slag Heap Fire] The rat race of Sunberth (Open)19th day of Fall, 511avCompletedCarving +1; Carpentry +1; Teaching +1; Unarmed Combat +1; Driving +1; Lore: The Rat Race, Fixing the Odds; 15 gold mizas
To Train Among Tents18th day of Fall, 511avCompletedAuristics 1; Bodybuilding 4; Gladius 1; Meditation 1; Running4; Shielding 2;Lores: Gladius Technique: Sliding slashes(basic);Body Building Technique: Wind sprints; Body Building Technique: Shuttle Run;Body Building Technique: Box run; Elise (Reimancy)
Ambush on the Outskirts(solo)15th day of Fall, 511avOngoing
Meeting the UnDead(Rayage)15th day of Fall, 511avCompletedGladius: 3; Unarmed Combat:2;Observation:4;Larceny:1;Animal Husbandry:2;Negotiation:2;Persuasion:2;Socialization:3;LORE;Unarmed Combat Move: Neck Snap;Intrigued by H1-A
Sparring with a Demon(Darian)Afternoon,12th day of Fall, 511avOngoing
Taste of Blood in your Mouth(antar)12th day of Fall, 511avCompletedAcrobatics 1; Running 2; Throwing (Kukri) 1; Observation 2;Larceny 2; Intimidation 2; Weapon (Gladius) 3; Tactics 1; Rhetoric 1; Stealth 1;Weapon (Gauntlets) 1; Weapon (Gauntlets Stilleto) 1;Mercy of A Quick Death; Working With a Professional;'Craeven' (Basic)
You and I; Reimancers (Antar)10th day of Fall, 511avCompletedLarceny:1;Stealth:3;Observation:3;Construction:3;Weapon(Longbow):1;Weapon(Kukri):2; Throwing(kukri):2; Meditation:2; Reimancy:3;Shielding:3;Larceny:pickpocketing- The Put In(basic).;Larceny: pickpocketing- The Take Out(basic);Reimancy: Earth Snake;Reimancy: Earth Ball;Reimancy: Earth, the second element(basic);Reimancy: Stone bricks (basic);Shielding: One layered shields: Either block djed, sound, or visible light(basic);Shielding: One layered shields: Formation practice(basic);Shielding: One layered shields: Djed can be blocked on one side, the other or both sides(basic)
A Hopefully Unusual Evening (Mok,Bob, Antar)9th day of Fall, 511avCompletedLarceny: 1;Gambling: 2;Unarmed Combat: 3;Brawling: 3;Blind Fighting: 3;Intimidation: 2;Interrogation: 3;Torture:3;Weapon: Gauntlets: 2;Weapon: Gauntlet Stilletos: 2;Weapon: Garrote:2;Weapon: Kukri:2;Observation: 3;Bodybuilding: 2;Weapon Thrown (Bob Barton): 2;Seduction:1;;Medium Armor Movement(basic);Brawling Technique: Midget tossing(basic);Blindfighting: Sometimes you just have to hang in there for your life;Torture: waterboarding(basic);Torture: Nerve Pain and ways to inflict it(basic);Zandelia(basic);Bob(basic);Mok(basic)
Forest Times IV: Maple Story(Solo)8th day of Fall, 511avCompletedGlyphing 2, Carving 3, Meditation 1, Driving(Horse) 1; Lores: Sugar Maples and Maple Syrup; Design: A Basic Wood Puzzle;
Forest Times III: Everchanging Leaves(Solo)7th day of Fall, 511avCompletedDrawing 1; Carpentry 2; Carving 1; Construction 2 ; Design: Basic End Tables
Time Reserved:The Debt that all men pay: Tua's Price6th day of Fall Ongoing
Forest Times II: Fall Colors(Solo)5th day of Fall, 511avCompletedHerbalism 3; Carving 1; Glyphing 2; Woodcutting 2; Driving 1; Wilderness Survival 1; Tracking 1; Reimancy 1; Cooking 1; Herbalism: Seasons Might Effect Potency ; Herbalism: Redberry Tonic; Herbalism: Chamomile Tea ; Herbalism: Identifying chamomile
When the Thief Speaks4th day of Fall, 511avCompletedBodybuilding 1;Horsemanship 1;Observation 1;Stealth 1;Lore: Fireman's carry
Forest Times I:(Solo)3rd day of Fall, 511avCompleted Driving(horse):3; Riding (Horse):2 ; Bodybuilding:2; Woodcutting:2; Animal Husbandry:1; Horsemanship:2; Falconry:1; Falconry: Putting up a guard
Preparing for the worst(Mok)1st day of Fall, 511avCompletedNegotiation: 4;Socialization: 4;Observation:2;Haggling (basic);Pushing Down Prices;Armorshop Swag;

Summer,511av Location:Sunberth :
Thread Name TimeStatus XP awards
Shielding Practice90th day of SummerCompletedAuristics 4; Meditation 2; Reimancy 1; Shielding 3; Shielding a Small Object; Recognizing a Shield's weakness with Aurisitics ; Technique: Weaving strands of Djed (Basic)
Clandestine Negotiations(Eryss)1am, 85th day of summerCompletedReimancy:4;Shielding: 2;Socialization: 3;Acrobatics: 3;Observation:3;Reimancy: Quick Res Re-absorption(Basic);Reimancy Technique: Aiming Tracers;Reimancy Technique: Tri-Sphere split;Shielding: The first step.;Shielding: Beginner's Shields should block or absorb djed(poor)
Hunting Wolves(Cade,Mok)80th day of Summer, 511avOngoing
Eeek, those be rats.RATS!72nd of SummerCompletedWeapon (Gladius): 3;Weapon (Kukri): 3;Reimancy: 3;Weapon(Longbow): 3;Stealth: 5;Unarmed combat: 3;Jumping: 2;Tactics: 3;Intimidation: 3;Rhetoric: 3;Hunting:3;Socialization: 3;Leadership:2;Rat Tactics (basic);My Name is Anthony!
(Cutters and Carvers)Making a comb35th day of SummerCompletedAnimal husbandry:2; Falconry:2;Horsemanship:1; Negotiation:2; Riding:2 Intimidation:2; Torture:2; Carpentry:2; Carving:3; Woodcarving:3 ; Wilderness Survival:1; Ellise the Kelvic Falcon(Basic);Crafting: Animal Groomer's toolkit(basic);Crafting: Combs Basic;Crafting: Machine use (Basic);Crafting: workshop equipment use(basic)
(Cutters and Carvers)Birds of Prey:Falcon Troubles(Isaac Kane)34th day of SummerCompletedWeapon(Gladius): 2;Weapon(kukri): 4;Throwing(kukri): 3;Unarmed combat: 2;brawling: 2;stealth: 3;Interrogation: 3;Intimidation: 2;Medicine: 1;Observation: 3;Knowledge Kelvics(basic);Knowledge of Torture for Interrogation (basic)
A Merchant's Quandary30th day of SummerCompletedGladius:3 ; Intelligence:1; Investigation:2; Throwing Kukri:1; Stealth:2; Climbing:1; Longbow:2; Jumping:2; Tactics:2; Observation:3; Tracking (Urban):2; Body Building:1; Climbing trellis(es?): Basic; Tactics: Using the back Door (basic)
(The slums:outskirts)A night's grace (Aberdon& others ,open)25th day of Summer,511avCompletedObservation +1; Intimidation +1; Investigation +1; Singing +2; Drawing +2; Lores: Methods of Humiliation; Improvised Songs.
(Docks)Why is money never free?25th day of Summer, 511avCompletedStealth +1; Observation +2; Rhetoric +2; Leadership +1
[Stumble Alley] Choices [Closed]24th day of Summer, 511Completed Weapon (Longbow) 1 ; Throwing (Kukri) 1 ;Weapon (Gladius) 1;Lore: Daggerhand Thugs;
Perfect Day to Spar(Antar/Open)24th day of Summer, 511avCompletedGladius +4; Observation +1;Lores: Weapons Safety; The Importance of Footwork; Basic Strikes (Gladius); The Falcon Guard; Mok Hits Like a Girl.
Prickly Preparations21st day of summerCompletedAuristics:3; Medicine:3; Animal Husbandry:2; Cooking:2 ; Skinning:2; Seduction:2; Intimidation:3; LORE: Frightening Another with Overgiving; Letting Things get out of control; How to skin a porcupine; Removing Quills from an animal; Overgiving with Auristics
A Little On The Shotty Side?(antar)20th day of Summer CompletedWeapon (Longbow): 1;Reimancy: 1;Carving: 3;Dagger(Kukri): 2;Woodworking: 3;Woodcutting: 4;Leatherworking: 1;Hunting: 2;Tracking: 4;Weapon(Club):1;Riding(horse):1;Driving(horse): 3;Weapon(Slingshot):1;Bodybuilding:1;Medicine: 4;Massage:2;Negotiation: 3;Observation: 4;Wilderness Survival: 3;Socialization: 3;WS:Dousing a Fire;Crafting: Making a Slingshot(basic);Fire Hardening weapons (Basic);Med: How to bandage a hurt ankle;Med: Use of liniment;Unarmed: Manhandling 101(basic);Dealing With Canali(Basic);Walking It Off;Giving into puppy dog eyes;Tree Types (basic);Noticing a Con;
Time Reserved:To Spar or not to Spar16th day of summerOngoing
(The Pig's Foot Tavern) A Sneaking Suspicion (Fallon Dawn)14th day of Summer,511avCompletedGladius:3;Intimidation:2; Acting:2; Negotiaton:2; LORE: Being the Reluctant Hero; Distraction Device: Severed Head; Fighting Back Dogs....again
(Cutters and Carvers)Whittling the days away(solo)13th day of Summer,511avCompletedBodybuilding: 3; Woodworking:2; Singing (Humming):1; Weapon (Woodcutters Ax):1;Crafting: Making planks; Woodworking: Basics of Millstones
(The Pig's Foot Tavern) Brawling Good times, eh? (open ;) )12th day of Summer,511avCompletedUnarmed Combat:3;Rhetoric: 4;Brawling:3;Where to Find Good Barfights ; Hurling Insults;Playing Patti Cake (As Cain Sees it)
(Wolf's Den)Conniving Backstabbers- Kill 'em all! 11th day of Summer, 511 av CompletedGladius:3; Longbow:5; Unarmed combat:2; Reimancy:1; Stealth:2; Kukri:3; Larceny:2; Medicine:1; Running:2; Acrobatics:1 ; Bodybuilding:3 ; Tactics:2; Climbing:How to stop suddenly on Sunberth roofs; Tactic: Being the quiet Backup
(West Hills)Pillaging , noth and cade style10th day of Summer, 511 av CompletedWeapon (Longbow): 3;Stealth: 3;Weapon (Gladius): 3;Weapon (Kukri): 3;Throwing (kukri): 3;Reimancy:1;Observation:2;Tactics:1;Intimidation: 1;Hand Signals (Basic);Fluid Tactic Planning
(The Slums) Training Days...Perseverance is Key(Cade) 9th day of summer, 511 av CompletedRunning: 4; Climbing:3;Socialization:2;Jumping: 1;Body Building: 1;Devising a Workout Regimen;Pushing through Unpleasant Circumstances
Small steps of Sight(Kiara) 8th day of summer, 511av CompletedGlyphing: 4 ; Meditation: 3; Auristics: 3; Reimancy: 3;Glyphing: The first Step (basic); Glyphing Methodology and Uses(basics); Glyphing: Item storage possibilities(basic); Meditation: The steps of meditation(basic); Auristics: The first step; Aurisitics Methodology and Uses(basic); Glyphing to enhance Reimancy(basic); Glyphing to enhance Auristics(basic)
(The Slums) Silent Steps (Kiara Killraven)7th day of summer 511 avCompletedRhetoric +5;Observation +3;Navigation +1;Stealth +3; Investigation +2;Tactics +1; Weapon (Garrote)+1;Body Building +1; Weapon (Kukri) +1;Navigation: Sunberth City & Crowds; Stealth: Blending into Crowds;Stealth: Hiding Behind Obstacles;Language: Antar Sign (Basic)
Witch Hunt (Canali, Kiara)3am, 5th of Summer, 511AVCompletedReimancy +1; Medicine +5; Observation +1;Lores: Using Reimancy for Medical Purposes; Cauterizing Wounds; How to Secure an Arm; The Medicinal Uses of Honey;
[The Pig's Foot Tavern] Together or on our own. (Open) 4th day of summer 511avCompleted Rhetoric +1; Observation +1;Lores: Making up Rules.
(The Drunken Fish) Possibilities (Open) 1st day of summer 511avCompletedLongbow: 3;Reimancy:2;Observation:4;Stealth: 3;Leadership: 1;Socilization:2;Rhetoric: 1;Tactics:1; How To Navigate a Tavern Meeting Safely;Behind Enemy Lines;Fire and Move; Djed Enhanced Arrows; Creating good Distractions

Spring,511av Location:Sunberth :
Thread Name Time StatusXP awarded
[Flashback]A Different Kind of Predator [Antar]53rd day of Spring to 58th day of SpringOngoing
[Flashback:Logan Tyovanil]The slums(outskirts): Friendly Competition 38th day of spring, 511avCompletedTeaching:3;Weapon(Longbow):5;Socialization:4;Teaching Archery;Archery: Stances(basic);Archery: Correcting for the wind(basic);Archery: The proper steps for a shot(basic)
[url][Flashback:Solo]The Slum: Candelabras and Consequences IV: Interesting uses of fire[/url] 30th day of spring, 511avOngoing
[url][Flashback:Solo]Down by the sea[/url] 26th day of spring, 511 avOngoing
[url][Flashback:Solo]Brickmaking101:Building a wall[/url] 27th day of spring, 511 avOngoing
[url][Flashback:Solo]Back in the woods on the chopping trail[/url] 25th day of spring, 511 avOngoing
[url][Flashback:Solo]Brickmaking101:Baking Daze[/url] 24th day of spring, 511 avOngoing
[url][Flashback:Solo]Brickmaking101:Drying[/url] 22th day of spring, 511 avOngoing
[url][Flashback:Solo]Hello Madame Librarian![/url] 20th day of spring, 511 avOngoing
[url][Flashback:Solo]Brickmaking101:Clay[/url] 19th day of spring, 511 avOngoing
[url][Flashback:Solo]The Slum: Candelabras and Consequences III: Rat Attack[/url] 18th day of spring, 511avOngoing
[Flashback:Solo]The Slum: Candelabras and Consequences II 17th day of spring 511avCompleted [size=60]Reimancy +3; Gadgeteering +1; Observation +1; Weapon: Toy Catapult +1;Wasting Candles; Making a Strange Contraption; The Hues of Fire; Frying Rats; Facing off with a Rat
[Flashback:Solo] A little bit of work IV:Papermaking? 16th day of spring, 511 avOngoing
[flashback:solo]Ya' Mutha' Neva Tol you don' thro knives? 15th day of spring, 511 avCompletedWeapon (kukri): 2;Throwing (Hatchet): 4;Throwing(Kukri):4;Weapon (Throwing Dagger):3;Hatchet, Knife and Dagger Throwing(basic); Kukri Throwing (basic);Hatchet, Knife, Kukri and Dagger Throwing: Spin Flip Technique(basic);Knife, Kukri, and Dagger Throwing: No Spin Technique(basic).
[Flashback:Solo]A Dagger's Use II 14th day of spring, 511 avCompleted Weapon(kukri):2;Woodcutting: 2; Bodybuilding: 2;Weapon woodcutter's(axe): 1;Animal Husbandry: 1;Knife and Dagger: Armor weak points (basic).
[Flashback:Solo]A Dagger's Use I 13th day of spring, 511 avCompletedWeapon (Kukri): 4;Unarmed Comabat:3;Knife and Dagger: Stances and Grips(basic);Knife and Dagger: Stabs,Slashes, Thrusts, and Chops(basic);Knife and Dagger: Targeting Vital Points (basic);Knife and Dagger: Shield Hand grips, blocks, parries, and disarms(basic); Straight Forward Learning;
[Flashback:Solo]Training Hits. 12th day of spring, 511 avCompletedUnarmed: 5;Riding(horse): 1;Animal Husbantry: 1;Unarmed: combo's and knock out strikes(basic);Unarmed: Punches and chops(basic);Unarmed: Kicks: Roundhouse, front kicks(basic);Unarmed: Guards and stances(Basic);I Assure You, No Poison Apples
[Flashback:Solo] A little bit of work III 11th day of spring, 511 avCompletedWilderness Survival +3; Skinning +3; Cooking +1; Carving +1; Horsemanship +1; Riding +2; Bodybuilding +2 ; Lores: Safely Caching Game; Gutting a Carcass; Square Lashing; Crafting a Training Dummy; Crafting Targets.
[Flashback:Solo] A little bit of work II 10th day of spring, 511 avCompletedXP Award: Leatherworking +5; Longbow +1; Riding +1;Lores: Coming Back for More; Following Directions; The Types of Edges; Sharpening (basic); Persistence Pays; Eviscerating a Cute Fuzzy.
[Flashback:Solo] A little bit of work I 9th day of spring, 511 avCompletedXP Award: Bill Hook +1; Woodsman’s Axe +1; Longbow +1; Driving (wagon) +1; Riding +1; Bodybuilding +2; Carpentry +2;Lores: Getting Wood; Life as a Manual Laborer; Woodworking Tools (basic); Rotten or Not?; Tying the Knots (basic); Fleeing from Trees; Squirrels are Elusive; Not Stealing Something, For Once.
[Flashback:Solo]The Slum: Candelabras and Consequences 7th day of spring 511avCompletedXP Award: Reimancy +5; Observation +3;Lores: Reflecting on Reimancy; Less Waste, More Gain; The Nuances of Throwing Fire; Knowing your Limits; Res is Hard to Control.
[Flashback:Solo]Seaside Market: Between the devil & the sea1st day of Spring 511avCompletedRunning +2; Longbow +2; Observation +3; Kukri +2; Stealth +3; Interrogation +1; Intelligence +1; Brawling +1; Climbing +1; Larceny +1; Garrote +1; Unarmed Combat +1; Gladius +2; Intimidation +2; Tactics +3; Reimancy +1; Lores:Pondering on the Uses of Copper Nails; Taking Shortcuts can be Risky; Getting Mugged by Kids; The Fine Art of Slaying Children (advanced); Strumpet Stalking (accidental); Konti are Elusive; Revenge is Preferable to Theft; Entering Through the Window; Chamber Pots are Deadly; Using Severed Heads for Emphasis; Smoking them Out; Konti Fetch a Good Price; Revenge is Sweet and Profitable.

Winter,510av Location:Traveling :
Thread Name Time StatusXP awarded
[url]Ten days till Sunberth.[/url] 83rd day of Winter,510av Ongoing
[url][Flashback:Solo] Wreck at Sea.[/url] 80th day of Winter,510 AV Ongoing

Fall,510av Location:Avanthal :
Thread Name Time StatusXP awarded
[url]Time Reserved:[Flashback:Solo]For better days?(leaving Avanthal).[/url] 80th day of Fall,510 AV Ongoing
[url]Time Reserved:[Flashback:Solo/1-2 others?]To catch a killer.[/url] 50th day of Fall - 60th day of spring, 510 AV Ongoing
[url]Time Reserved:[Flashback:Solo/1-2 others?]Along came a Spider.[/url] 40th day of Fall, 510 AV Ongoing
[Flashback]An Archer's Craft I: Back to basics (antar) 10th day of Fall, 510 AV Ongoing
[Flashback:Aiza]I need off, Caturday. 9th day of Fall, 510 AV CompletedObservation +1, Interrogation +1, Mathematics +1, Negotiation +1, Dancing +1, Rhetoric +1;Lore: Taking Advantage of Ignorance
[Flashback:Nanithel,Dinnya, Syllke Skyglow] Blood in the Snow 7th day of Fall,510 AV CompletedObservation +3, Running +2, Interrogation +3, Stealth +1, Tracking +1, Investigation +3, Storytelling +1, Rhetoric +1, Leadership +2; Lore: Praying to Morwen, Hiding Your Tracks, Investigating a Dead Body
[Flashback:Coren]Library Daze 6th day of Fall,510 AV Completed3 Observation; 1 Subterfuge; 2 Writing; 1 Auristics; 1 Meditation;Lore:Avanthal Location: Stories in the Snow;Beauty of the Vani Language; Translating Vani into Common with the Use of a Dictionary; Arches Use in Distributing a Structure’s Weight; Morwen’s Gift is her Gnosis; Auristics is for Reading Auras, Not Reading Minds; Dangers of Auristics Overgiving; Morwen’s Gnosis Increases Tolerance to the Cold; The Specialties of the Holds of Avanthal; Coren Can Translate Vani and Nader-Canoch; Essential Grammar Rules of Nader-Canoch;Essential Grammar Rules of Vani; First Attempt at Auristics; Learning a New Magic with a Partner;
[Flashback:Cara]A Chance Meeting 5th day of Fall,510 AV CompletedObservation +1, Stealth +1, Tracking +1, Weapon (Longbow) +3, Running +1, Weapon (Kukri) +1, Hunting +1, Bodybuilding +1, Negotiation +1, Cooking +1, Reimancy +1, Interrogation +1, Carving +2, Wilderness Survival +1; Lore: Hunting with Archery, Signs of Death [Basic], Frostfawn Ideals [Basic], Cooling Down Hotheads, Lost in Translation
[Flashback:Corren]Sneaking Away 3rd day of Fall,510 AV Completed+1 Interrogation, +1 Stealth, +2 Observation, +3 Socialization;Lore: Hunting Syms, Shopping Without Really Shopping, Getting Attacked by a Baby Owl, Going to get Help
[Flashback:Darren]An Icy will. (temple of everwinter) 1st day of Fall,510 AV CompletedSocializing +1, Rhetoric +2, Interrogation +1; Lore: The Temple of Everwinter (Basic), Asking for a Practice Fight, Looking for the Red Diamond, Lost in the Cold

Summer,510av Location:Traveling :
Thread Name Time StatusXP awarded
[url]Time Reserved:[Flashback:Neve]A solemn accord[/url]60th day of SummerOngoing
[url]Time Reserved:[Flashback:Solo]Ambushed![/url]32nd day of SummerOngoing

Spring,510av Location:??? :
Thread Name Time StatusXP awarded
[url]Time Reserved:[Flashback:Solo]Leaving ???[url] 93rd day of Spring,510 AV Ongoing

Winter,509av Location:Traveling :
Thread Name Time StatusXP awarded

Fall,509av Location:Ravok :
Thread Name Time StatusXP awarded
[url]Time Reserved:[Flashback:Solo]Leaving Ravok[url] 93rd day of Spring,510 AV Ongoing

Summer,509av Location:Ravok :
Thread Name Time StatusXP awarded
[url]Time Reserved:[Flashback:Caelum]Unknown[url] Unknown day of Summer,510 AV Ongoing

Spring,508av Location:Sunberth :
Thread Name Time StatusXP awarded
[Flashback:Sondra]Darkening Clouds 12th of Spring, 508av...Ongoing

Spring,508av Location:Zeltiva :
Thread Name Time StatusXP awarded
Earlier 508, Locations: ??? :
Thread Name Time StatusXP awarded
[url]Time Reserved:[Flashback:Solo]Driven to the sweet whispers grace.[/url] 8th day of Spring,510 AV Ongoing
[url]Time Reserved:[Flashback:Solo]How to use Res?[/url] 6th day of Spring,510 AV Ongoing
[url]Time Reserved:[Flashback:Solo]What is Reimancy?[/url] 6th day of Spring,510 AV Ongoing
[url]Time Reserved:[Flashback:Solo]What is Djed?[/url] 5th day of Spring,510 AV Ongoing
[url]Time Reserved:[Flashback:Solo]An Unwanted Gift[/url] 3rd day of Spring,510 AV Ongoing

Summer,506av Location:Sea of Grass/Riverfall :
Thread Name Time StatusXP awarded
[url][Flashback:Kavala]Teach me wrong from right...[/url] 12th of Spring, 508av...Ongoing

Fall,505av Location:Alvadas :
Thread Name Time StatusXP awarded
[url][Flashback:][/url] 12th of Spring, 508av...Ongoing

Dreamworld :
Thread Name TimeStatus XP awards
[Dream]Timepieces and Conundrums(Ulric)--Ongoing
Last edited by Antar on May 31st, 2014, 2:06 am, edited 379 times in total.
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Antar Noth

Postby Antar on June 16th, 2011, 2:51 am

Animal Companions

ImageImageCompanion #1
Name: Ellise
Age: 1.2 years old (apparent age- 16)
Race: Kelvic Peregrine falcon
Visual Appearance : (On Left)
Human form/animal form
Eyes: Black

Unarmed Combat-10 points
Hunting - 5 points;
Wild. Survival- 5 points;
Larceny - 5 points;
Reimancy - 5 points *wind* (for fanning noth as his servant but basically for her to annoy him if he's sleeping. ;) I like quirks like this. ) :P
Languages: Common , Birdsong

In human form Ellise is a downright scrawny little sot, but her animal form is a wondrous display of fine colored plumage. Upon her birdly cheeks a recent development has occurred, the coloring of patterns on her feathers have become reminiscent of tear marks streaming down her face. Perhaps the only sign of her melancholy at losing her bonded mate.

Personality: Ellise is what one might only describe as : unbalanced. Seeming to find humor in the most macabre of things, she has been slowly brought to the realization after barely a year of life that the world of sunberth is a harsh place even if she still tends to try to find a means to keep chipper, though usually fails and sulks at the bottom of her cage, lying on the ground. After several months of captivity one can see how this creature is slowly becoming a thrall of her master.

History: After foolishly attacking a woodcutter in the woods she was taken prisoner after her 'brother' bondmate of another kelvic was killed. While being still young gives her a chance to bond again in the future, it is unknown whether she will live long enough to escape her present tormentor's clutches... or if he intends to merely brainwash her and keep her as a pet. Whatever the case, her life could be snuffed out at a moment's notice merely on a whim.

Her captor/master constantly reminds her the only benefit she has to him is when her feathers molt, allowing him a steady , if infrequent, supply of falcon feathers for fletching arrows.

OOC Notes: for the majority of a time, this falcon is kept collared to prevent her from changing forms. Only on the rare occasion will her master allow her to be free of the collar. She basically lives inside a cage.

Were anyone to ask Antar if Ellise is a slave- he would reply: No. she's not a slave - she's a kelvic who attacked antar and is paying the price by working off the debt. Were any to ask the circumstances they would be told straight: "She was an enemy that was shown mercy by not being killed outright."

He despises the idea of using an animal for any carnal needs, but intends that she will be trained to hunt and help him practice shielding. For the most part- Noth is against slavery, but he wanted a symbol that said , "You attack me or steal from me: I'll screw with your entire life."

So far the only occurrences where he has taken a slave as an extreme form of punishment to someone he has not killed outright is set squarely within two very specific criteria: They attacked , or stole from him. Only in these circumstances will he consider the option of slavery becuase according to him,"All bets are off."

Image Companion #2
Name: Dawnstride
Age: 3 years old
Race: Horse- Ekytolian desertbreed
Skills: no real need for explanation- it's a horse :P
Description: An all black Ekytolian desertbred horse with only a small white star marking it's brow. She is a calm and gentle creature, and respects her rider and loves to go on long trots. Her happiest times are carrying him to and fro from work every morning and eventing. She also can be hitched to a wagon or a carriage with her master as its driver.

Image Companion #3
Name: Duskplodder
Accounted forHere
Age: 2 years old
Race: Horse- Mountain Pony
Skills: no real need for explanation- it's a pack horse :P
Description: An all black mountain pony, this mare is useful on long trips for carrying Noth's extra items. As a mountain pony; she is capable of traversing some of the toughest terrain in existence.
Last edited by Antar on January 10th, 2012, 11:01 am, edited 13 times in total.
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
~Back, but slow. :)
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"A thousand voices screaming in unison..."
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Antar Noth

Postby Antar on October 6th, 2011, 3:51 am

Skills List

Boxing00Unlearned yet
Unarmed Combat0032XP32/100Competent
Weapon:Garrote(assassin's beads)004XP4/100Novice
Weapon:Gauntlet Stilletos009XP9/100Novice
Weapon: Kukri(dagger)5SP042XP58/100Expert
Throwing (Kukri)0016xpAdded ABOVE
Dual Wielding(Gladius/kukri)003XP3/100Novice
Weapon: LongBow 15@SP 15RB 34XP64/100Expert
Weapon: (Throwing dagger)0SP03XP3/100 Novice
Weapon (throwing):Bob Barton003XP3/100Novice

*told by founder to combine Throwing Kukri and Weapon(kukri) as the same skill.

Auristics:0018XP 18/100 Novice
Glyphing:0010XP 10/100 Novice
Meditation:0015XP 15/100Novice
Reimancy:10@ SP 049XP59/100Expert*Fire,Earth,Air(3rd element unlearned yet)

Acrobatics:00 8XP10/100 Novice
Evasion002XPAdded AboveNovice
Bodybuilding:00 32XP32/100 Competent
Climbing:00 7XP7/100Novice
Jumping:00 5XP5/100 Novice
Running:00 24XP24/100 Novice
Swimming:00 2XP2/100 Novice

Acting: 0 02XP2/100 Novice
Camouflage000/100Unlearned yet
Dancing0 011/100 Novice
Disguise: 5@SP 05/100 Novice
Escape Artist:00 0/100 Unlearned yet
Gambling:00 2XP 2/100 Novice
Impersonation5@SP05/100 Novice
Larceny5@SP 06XP 11/100Novice
Negotiation0018XP 18/100Novice
Stealth5 @SP 036XP41/100Competent

Architecture000/100Unlearned yet
Fletching/Bowing000/100Unlearned yet.
Masonry000/100Unlearned yet.
Sewing000/100Unlearned yet.
Smithing000/100Unlearned yet.
Tanning000/100Unlearned yet.
Weapon: Bill Hook001XP1/100Novice
Weapon: Woodsman's Axe003XP3/100Novice
Weapon: Toy Catapult001XP1/100Novice
Throwing (Hatchet)004XP4/100 Novice
Weapon: Club001XP1/100Novice
Weapon: Slingshot001XP1/100Novice

Animal Husbandry0010XP10/100Novice
Fishing000/100Unlearned yet
Trapping000/100Unlearned yet
Wilderness Survival009XP9/100Novice



None yet[/table]

Gnosis and Religion

None Yet


Close Combat Lore:
    Close Combat::Gladius::
      ■Basic Strikes (Gladius);
      ■The Falcon Guard;
      ■Gladius Technique: Sliding slashes(basic);
    Close Combat::Knife and Dagger::
    ■Knife and Dagger: Armor weak points (basic).
    ■Knife and Dagger: Stances and Grips(basic);
    ■Knife and Dagger: Stabs,Slashes, Thrusts, and Chops(basic);
    ■Knife and Dagger: Targeting Vital Points (basic);
    ■Knife and Dagger: Shield Hand grips, blocks, parries, and disarms(basic); Close Combat:::Unarmed; Brawling;Boxing:::
      ■Brawling Technique: Midget tossing(basic);
      ■Brawling: Chamber Pots are Deadly;
      ■Where to Find Good Barfights ;
      ■Hurling Insults;
      ■Playing Patti Cake (As Cain Sees it)

      ■Unarmed: combo's and knock out strikes(basic);
      ■Unarmed: Punches and chops(basic);
      ■Unarmed: Kicks: Roundhouse, front kicks(basic);
      ■Unarmed: Guards and stances(Basic);
      ■Unarmed: Manhandling 101(basic);
      ■Unarmed Combat Technique: Neck Snap;

Ranged Combat
    ■Djed Enhanced Arrows;
    ■Lore on Arrow Recovery and Bow maintenance(SP)
    ■Archery: Stances(basic);
    ■Archery: Correcting for the wind(basic);
    ■Archery: The proper steps for a shot(basic)
    ■Teaching Archery;

    Throwing Weapons:

■Hatchet, Knife and Dagger Throwing(basic)
■Kukri Throwing (basic)
■Hatchet, Knife, Kukri and Dagger Throwing: Spin Flip Technique(basic)
■Knife, Kukri, and Dagger Throwing: No Spin Technique(basic).

General Combat
■Blindfighting: Sometimes you just have to hang in there for your life;
■Medium Armor Movement(basic);
■Getting Attacked by a Baby Owl,
■Facing off with a Rat.
■Asking for a Practice Fight,
■Fighting Back Dogs....again
■Being the Reluctant Hero;

Arcana and Magic:
■Knowing your Limits;
■Less Waste, More Gain;
■Learning a New Magic with a Partner;
■Djed Enhanced Arrows;
■ Shai, the First Apprentice;
■ Lore of Overgiving;
■Frightening Another with Overgiving;
■Letting Things get out of control;
■Intrigued by H1-A
■Wasting Candles;
■Frying Rats;
■First Attempt at Auristics;
■Auristics: The first step;
■Aurisitics Methodology and Uses(basic);
■Auristics is for Reading Auras, Not Reading Minds
■Dangers of Auristics Overgiving
■Overgiving with Auristics

■Glyphing Methodology and Uses(basics);
■Glyphing: Item storage possibilities(basic);
■Glyphing to enhance Reimancy(basic);
■Glyphing to enhance Auristics(basic);
■Reflecting on Reimancy;
■The Nuances of Throwing Fire;
■Res is Hard to Control.
■The Hues of Fire;
■Reimancy: Quick Res Re-absorption(Basic);
■Reimancy Technique: Aiming Tracers;
■Reimancy Technique: Tri-Sphere split;
■Reimancy: Earth, the second element(basic);
■Reimancy Technique: Earth Snake;
■Reimancy Technique: Earth Ball;
■Reimancy Technique: Stone bricks (basic);
■Reimancy Technique: Earth Snake
■Reimancy Technique: Earth Bandage
■Reimancy Technique: Earth Spike
■Reimancy Technique: Earth Column
■Reimancy Technique: Earth Wall
■Reimancy Technique: Lava Snake
■Wind Reimancy for Acceleration and Deceleration
■Andresciel’s Wind Fist
■A Note of Clemency
■Familiar of a Mage

■Shielding: The first step;
■Shielding: Beginner's Shields should block or absorb djed(poor)
■Shielding: One layered shields: Either block djed, sound, or visible light(basic);
■Shielding: One layered shields: Formation practice(basic).
■Shielding: One layered shields: Djed can be blocked on one side, the other or both sides(basic);
■Meditation: The steps of meditation(basic);

■Haggling (basic);
■Pushing Down Prices;
■Armorshop Swag

    ■Locks and Locksmithing(basic)(SP)
    ■Larceny: pickpocketing- The Take Out(basic);
    ■Larceny: pickpocketing- The Put In(basic);
    ■Revenge is Preferable to Theft;
    ■Entering Through the Window;
    ■Getting Mugged by Kids;
    ■Konti Fetch a Good Price;
    ■Revenge is Sweet and Profitable.
    ■Climbing trellis(es?): Basic;

Subterfuge and Guile:
    ■How To Navigate a Tavern Meeting Safely;
    ■Using Severed Heads for Emphasis
    ■Distraction Device: Severed Head;

    ■ Taking Advantage of Ignorance
    ■ Cooling down Hotheads
■Noticing a Con;
■Knowledge of Torture for Interrogation (basic)
■Torture: waterboarding(basic);
■Torture: Nerve Pain and ways to inflict it(basic);

Medical Lores :
■Med: How to bandage a hurt ankle;
■Med: How to Secure an Arm;
■Med: Use of liniment;
■Using Reimancy for Medical Purposes;
■Cauterizing Wounds;
■The Medicinal Uses of Honey;
■Herbalism: Seasons Might Effect Potency ;
■Herbalism: Redberry Tonic;
■Herbalism: Chamomile Tea ;
■Herbalism: Identifying chamomile

Navigation Lore :
    ■The Temple of Everwinter (Basic),
    ■Avanthal Location: Stories in the Snow
    ■Looking for the Red Diamond,
    ■Navigation: Sunberth City & Crowds
    ■Lost in the Cold
    ■Taking Shortcuts can be Risky;

Scholastic and training: :
    ■Straight Forward Learning;
    ■Devising a Workout Regimen;
    ■Pushing through Unpleasant Circumstances

Stealth/Tracking/Hunting/Wild. Survival: :
■Stumbling Across a Bear
■Fighting Bears
■Eviscerating a Cute Fuzzy.
■Gutting a Carcass;
■How to skin a porcupine;
■Removing Quills from an animal;
■Hunting with Archery,
■Signs of Death [Basic],
■ Safely Caching Game;

■Hiding Your Tracks
■Hunting Syms;
■Konti are Elusive;
■Strumpet Stalking (accidental);
■My Name is Anthony!
■Shopping Without Really Shopping,
■Stealth: Blending into Crowds
■Stealth: Hiding Behind Obstacles
Wilderness Survival
■WS:Dousing a Fire;
■Square Lashing;
■Tying the Knots (basic);
■ Rope Restraints

Religion and Fortune Telling :
■ Praying to Morwen
■Morwen’s Gnosis Increases Tolerance to the Cold
■Morwen’s Gift is her Gnosis

■Tarot Cards: The Tower
■Tarot Cards: Death
■Tarot Cards: The Fool

Tactical Lores :
■Tactic: Inflicting Small Wounds to Slow Your Opponent
■Going to get Help;
■Smoking them Out;
■Rat Tactics (basic)
■The Fine Art of Slaying Children (advanced);
■Fluid Tactic Planning
■Behind Enemy Lines;
■Fire and Move;
■Creating good Distractions
■Tactics: Using the back Door (basic)

Job and Crafting Lores:[/color :
■Following Directions;
■Coming Back for More;
■Persistence Pays;
■Life as a Manual Laborer;
■Basic Riding

■Arches Use in Distributing a Structure’s Weight

■The Types of Edges;
■Sharpening (basic);
■Crafting: Animal Groomer's toolkit(basic);
■Crafting: Combs Basic;
■Crafting: Machine use (Basic);
■Crafting: workshop equipment use(basic)
■Crafting: Making a Slingshot(basic);
■Crafting a Training Dummy;
■Crafting Targets.
■Tree Types (basic);
■Getting Wood;
■Rotten or Not?;
■Fire Hardening weapons (Basic)
■Woodworking Tools (basic);
■Fleeing from Trees;
■Pondering on the Uses of Copper Nails;

■Making a Strange Contraption;

Avanthal Lore :
■Frostfawn Ideals [Basic]
■Essential Grammar Rules of Vani
■Beauty of the Vani Language;
■Translating Vani into Common with the Use of a Dictionary;
■ Coren can translate Vani and Nader Canoch
■The Specialties of the Holds of Avanthal;

Miscellanious Lore :
■Riding into Town
■How Did You Become a Thief?
■Basics of Symenestra
■Essential Grammar Rules of Nader-Canoch;
■Laying a Trap;
■Easing Along a Pupil
■Methods of Humiliation;
■Investigating a Dead Body
■Improvised Songs.
■Possibilities of Mysterious Letters;
■Daggerhand Thugs
■Fighting in the Blood Pits;
■Knowledge Kelvics(basic)
■Ellise the Kelvic Falcon(Basic)
■Mok Hits Like a Girl.
■Lost in Translation,
■I Assure You, No Poison Apples
■Dealing With Canali(Basic);
■Walking It Off;
■Giving into puppy dog eyes;
■ Making up Rules.
■Anatomy of Shai;
■A Rough Night at the Springs;
■Bedding a Symenstran;
■Fantacizing about Shai;
■Seducing Shai;
■A Konti Serenade
■The Tolerance of the Temple
■Difficulty in Curing Overgiving
■The Opal Order
■Kamalia’s Many Losses
■How did you become a thief?


Body Language-Good
???- Poor (not chosen at starting package)
Language: Antar Sign (Basic)
Language: Hand Signals (Basic)

***Note- my intention is to develop the reimancy and the auristics further, if anyone has problems with this list, pm me and I'll make changes. As it stands hopefully I can do some flashbacks to determine the 'initiation' etc and maybe develop things a little more :s.
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
~Back, but slow. :)
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