[Dreams]When lives collide (Rhaeol)

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Herein lies the realm of dreams, where dreamers who are scattered all over the world in the physical can come together in the mysterious world of dreams. Remember, unless one is a Dreamwalker, there is no control over dreams. Ever. Anything can happen, and by threading a dream, you are subject to whomever can walk dreams and the whims of Storytellers.

[Dreams]When lives collide (Rhaeol)

Postby Ghedan Windhowl on April 13th, 2011, 10:24 pm

OOCthis thread will consist of multiple dreams over time, I just thought it better to put them all in one thread since they are all connected

14 Spring, 511


Nothing else. Just an endless expanse of emptiness. Yet it was filled with...something. A memory perhaps. Or a memory a memory. A wisp of the past. Or someone elses.

He knew it was a dream. But that was all.

Ghedan turned around. The nothingness continued, but perhaps, at the very edge of perception, there was something. A speck on the horizon of the mind.

He turned again, but the whiteness was no longer there. Instead he found himself facing a man with the eyes of one who has lost everything. Who has lost hope. He was tall, but that was just about all he could tell about him as his image was blurred and unstable - flickering in and out of perspective.

Except those eyes. Those strong, deep, icy blue eyes, that seemed to once have held joy and hope, but now were only cold.

The man turned. His image flickered and he was five steps away, then ten.
Ghedan wanted to call out to stop him, somehow he knew what was going to happen next.

But he woke up.
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[Dreams]When lives collide (Rhaeol)

Postby Rhaeol on April 14th, 2011, 9:33 pm

14 Spring, 511


An empty panorama stretched before him. It felt familiar, this place. It was like a blank canvas, waiting to be filled. Like a song waiting to be written, yet already written across the mind, just waiting to be transcribed. Like a memory of a memory.

The emptiness felt rich somehow, full of life. Far in front of him, Rhaeol thought he could see something, a blur on the edge of vision. Then the vista in front of him...twisted, and a man stood before him. No, not a man, but the concept of a man, the idea of someone. Rhaeol nearly jumped at the sudden appearance. His image was wavering constantly, but his eyes remained steady, his deep, grey-blue eyes. They were filled with strength and hope and they captivated Rhaeol. He couldn't look away.

The man started to move, or rather shift through the whiteness. Rhaeol managed to break the mans gaze to see where he was moving to. A woman was standing nearby, her image was just as unstable as the man's but her eyes remained as steady. They were bright green, filled with joy. The man reached her, gave her a quick kiss on her forehead and they walked off together hand in hand.

The world twisted again and a small child stood in front of him with dark grey eyes. Somehow, Rhaeol felt connected to him. He tried to speak...

But he woke up as if pulled from the dream. As if he was not deemed ready to see the rest.
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[Dreams]When lives collide (Rhaeol)

Postby Ghedan Windhowl on May 19th, 2011, 3:02 pm

19 Spring, 511 AV

This world of emptiness, of fullness, felt almost familiar to him now. Almost. He felt as if time had passed here, if time even existed. He almost felt as if he belonged here, but at the same time as if he shouldn't be here. It was all very...


He felt a tingling at the back of his neck and turned abruptly to face the same emptiness. As he turned back, he almost knew what he would see. The same man was standing in front of him. But he was different this time. Those strong blue eyes, still the only thing clear about the image, were filled with joy this time. But at the same time, in the very depths of those eyes, Ghedan thought he could see pain, buried beneath the sea of blue.

He turned. Ghedan followed his gaze to a woman, heavy with child. She smiled back warmly. The image wavered, the man was weeping uncontrollably as he held a small baby in his arms. Ghedan wondered how he could be so sad about the birth of his child, but even as he thought it, he realized what had happened.

He wanted to reach out to the man, to tell him he knew the feeling.

But once again, an invisible hand pulled him from the dream.
Last edited by Ghedan Windhowl on May 23rd, 2011, 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Dreams]When lives collide (Rhaeol)

Postby Rhaeol on May 23rd, 2011, 5:28 pm

23 Spring, 511 AV


Once again he found himself in the endless stretches of full emptiness. This plane of existence writhing with life and memory yet seemingly calm and devoid of everything. Rhaeol almost felt in tune with this place, as if he was meant to be here, meant to find something, or someone, but the dream was controlling what he saw, was almost controlling him and only revealing small pieces.

He quickly whirled around, 360 degrees. He might as well get on with the dream.

The boy with the grey eyes was in front of him. Those eyes still the only thing clear about the image. Those eyes that pierced everything around him searching for truth. The image shimmered and tears fled from the boys eyes. The boy turned and looked off into the distance.

The whirled shifted again and Rhaeol saw the man from before cradling his wife in his arms. His dead wife. Then the man collapsed on the ground.

Rhaeol wanted to run to him, to at least save one parent or this boy, but he knew it was futile and before he could take a step, he was wrenched from the dream once again.
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[Dreams]When lives collide (Rhaeol)

Postby Ghedan Windhowl on June 16th, 2011, 6:36 pm

58 Spring, 511 AV


He had nearly forgotten about this plane of history, this stage of memory. He had nearly forgotten about the man, the man who shared his sorrow, the man with a past unknown to him. Nearly.

He quickly turned around, as if knowing that this was the end, he would find out at last who this man was and why he was here. Why he was being shown this tragic tale.

The man lay on the ground next to a woman. He was barely breathing, and the woman was dead. Ghedan stepped forward for a closer look. As he peered at the faces of the two figures it hit him. The faces were clear now, the eyes no longer the sole point of clarity. And he recognized them. Recognized his parents. He gasped for air as he tried to wrap his mind around this concept. His father stood up. His father hadn't died. His father glanced at his wife one last time and with a sorrowful grimace started to walk. The image shifted carrying Ghedan and his father far across the Sea of Grass to places unknown to him. And his father continued to walk. And walk. They came to a land of ice and snow. And his father shivered from the cold and wrapped a coat around him and walked. And as they came to a city, which Ghedan knew to be Avanthal. His father collapsed.

Ghedan tried to rush to his father, but his feet were bound in place. The image wavered and a family picked up his father, lifted him to his feet and carried him back with them to Avanthal. And the rest of the story Ghedan now knew. His father was dead, but not at the time he had always expected. Ghedan wanted to laugh at this strange twist of fate, to weep as he experienced his father's death a second time, to scream in anger at the curse that seemed to have been thrust upon him as everyone he had ever cared for had died.

And then the image of Avanthal dissapeared and he found himself face to face with the child from his earlier dreams except now he was a man. And Ghedan now knew that he was no longer alone in this world for he had found a lost brother.

His brother spoke, and somehow Ghedan knew this was no image, but in fact the very essence of his sole remaining family member, "What is your name?"


"My name is Rhaeol, brother."

The dream faded softly this time and Ghedan woke up with the face of his brother burned into his memory forever as a tiny spark of hope.

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[Dreams]When lives collide (Rhaeol)

Postby Rhaeol on June 16th, 2011, 6:46 pm

58 Spring, 511 AV


Once again, Rhaeol found himself in the sea of white, and somehow he knew that this would be the end of the story. He whirled around anxious to observe the finale.

The man stood up. He glanced at his wife one last time and with a sorrowful grimace started to walk. The image shifted carrying Rhaeol and the man far across some endless plain. And the man continued to walk. And walk. They came to a land of ice and snow, Taldera. And the man shivered from the cold and wrapped a coat around him and walked. Avanthal appeared in the distance and the man collapsed on the ground. Rhaeol hurried to him, and at last understood. The man's face cleared, and Rhaeol saw a visage only described to him. The image wavered and a younger version of Rhaeol's grandparents lifted his father off the ground, and carried him to Avanthal. Rhaeol stood in the ethereal snow, stunned.

Taldera dissappeared and in front of him stood the boy with grey eyes. Only, he was no longer a child. Somehow he knew this to be not a mere image of his brother, but the very essence of him, dreaming the same dream.

"What is your name?"


"My name is Rhaeol, brother."

The dream faded softly this time and Rhaeol woke up with the face of his brother burned into his memory forever as a tiny spark of hope.
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[Dreams]When lives collide (Rhaeol)

Postby Cheshire on June 17th, 2011, 12:06 am

Moderator Intervention

I just found out that both Rhaeol and Ghedan are played by the same player. You cannot thread with yourself under any circumstances. I am going to have to rule this entire thread disqualified along with the XP and lores that were awarded to it. I'm sorry to have to do this but not only can you not thread with yourself but you also cannot thread as two people from the same family (IE brothers). I can mod this dream for your character but only one of them because sadly you cannot keep both. PM me if you need further clarification.
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