Nex's eyes glowed as he watched Alenias at play in the water, and he found it very amusing in itself watching her entertained in the water, but his approach, and question seemed to had put a hold on the playing in the stream for now, and he wondered if he did something wrong. After all he was content to just watch her play in the water, and let the stream do the cleaning work on its own, but it was too late for that now as his question hung in the air, and her responding answer sealed the fate of prohibition of playing, at least until the cleaning was over that was.
His gaze followed her curiously as she swam towards him, and when he realized she was swimming behind him, he decided to stop his turn in the water and instead turn his back towards her to make it easier for her. Her fingers rubbing against his back felt good, and his mind couldn't help but connect it to that time in a tavern in Zeltiva with the barmaid, and her gentle caresses. It struck Nex that this was nothing like that time though, but he felt like it was similar, and the outcome would be the same. Was that what she meant by wash her? he thought puzzled, very confused if this was an innuendo not ever understanding them anyways. Shaking his head, he decided that it couldn't be but it just might, and when he felt her head against back, he smiled, his confusing thoughts disappearing from his head.
Reaching back through the water, he made his own attempt at washing her, without disturbing her on his back, gently rubbing her kneecaps, and up the tops of her leg which was the limit of his reach backwards with his arms. Her skin felt soft to the touch, and he hoped was helping clean her, but couldn't do much with her directly behind him. The contrast between the coolness of the water and her own skin was slight, but he used it to also rub clean the tops of her calves that lay submerged under the water, before tracing back to her kneecaps and resting them there, the exercise working similarly as a stretch, and he then simply sat, enjoying the feel of the sun as it soaked his skin, the water against the underwater half of his body, and Alenias curled up behind him.