Hey Everyone!
I’ve been experimenting with the idea of creating a secondary character to play and have run into a question concerning weapon and unarmed combat skills. Actually the question revolves more around whether a specific weapon would use a weapon skill or not. It seems like a no brainer when I put it that way but bare with me, lol.
The Sword Gauntlet is described as a metal gauntlet onto which a honed longsword blade is carefully attached. Essentially the question is would a Sword Gauntlet rely on its own weapon skill for use or could it be used in conjunction with an unarmed combat skill. The reason I ask, primarily, is because a Gauntlet or Studded Gauntlet is technically the equivalent of having a glove worn over your fist, albeit one made out of steel. Regardless it’s a safe bet to say you could use your Brawling, Boxing or Unarmed Combat skill when using one of these Gauntlets because it’s all motions of the hand and arm you could if you weren’t wearing a gauntlet at all. IE: A Punch is still a punch even if it’s amplified by a gauntlet, etc.
Does the same apply for a Sword Gauntlet, or say a Knife Gauntlet, which for the most part I’d think would rely on the same basic moves and blocks that a person could perform unarmed? Yes a Sword Gauntlet has a sword blade on it, which is the most obvious difference as compared to a regular gauntlet, but being as though it is attached to your arm and not held like a regular sword its motions would still rely on the basic mechanics of the arm wouldn’t they? If you punch then the blade is thrust ahead, if you swing your arm then you can slash with it and if you use your arm to block the sword basically acts as an extension of your arm in that case.
The way I see it is that the sword blade would technically become an extension of the arm of whomever was using that type of Gauntlet. Taking that point of view into consideration I’d be inclined to say that the weapon would use a brawl, unarmed combat or boxing skill to determine its effectiveness. This is just my opinion though and I wanted to know what the thoughts of others were on the subject.
So, please feel free to respond with your insight and tell me your thoughts! Thank you!