Onyx Maelstrom (WIP)

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Onyx Maelstrom (WIP)

Postby Onyx Maelstrom on June 18th, 2011, 8:32 pm


Basic Information

Race: Svefra
Birthday & Age : 25, Spring 11th, 486
Gender: Male
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 210
Hair Color: Tan Brown to Blonde depending on season since the sun tends to bleach his hair.
Eye Color: Grey Blue
Tavan: Electric Eel (Electrophorus electricus)
Lia: Turquoise Maelstrom
Maelstrom Pardisa: Hammerhead Shark
Languages: Fratava (Fluent), Common (Conversational), Tukant (Shattered)

Physical Description


At the age of three Onyx began climbing the rigging of the Maelstrom ship, his family at first was quite worried about this habit and tried to chase him down from the rope bridges and sail lines. However, by the age of six they had given up on such thoughts and realized that he was just a natural climber. As such Onyx develop a heavy upper body from lifting himself up amongst the rigging and trimming sails. During much of spring time, Onyx spends his days shirtless above deck, using nets and a harpoon to fish for the pod. As such he is fit from his work and permanently tanned from the ocean sun. Onyx’s hair changes to a light blonde due to the sun bleaching it in the summer. However, during the winter months he kepts a head band about which restores his hair to a natural brown. Light blue eyes that are close to grey reflect a storm of emotion that is within him.

Onyx is tall for the Maelstrom clan, coming in at 6’2”, spending most of his time trimming the sails and steering the ship, Onyx hasn’t been able to develop his swimming like other Maelstrom children. Onyx tries his best to dress in light threads and white clothing, salt from the sea often ruins most of his colored clothing, the only exception to this is his red coat and violet head band. They often make appearances when he goes into a busy port or it’s the winter months. Decked out in silver rings, Onyx wears his wealth instead of trusting golden coins. Tan brown boots that are slightly darker then is skin have the look of hard ware and infinite comfort as the leather appears to be soft for the high moisture in the air. When not on his ship, The Lucky Lady, he wears his cutlass and dagger upon a finely tooled leather belt. Showing that when it comes to wealth, Onyx puts it into his feet, weapon, and hands, that way one can run with everything one owns.

Character Concept


Onyx is often considered stubborn, foolhardy, and bloodthirsty; which are some of his better qualities. The truth of the matter is that Lia Turquoise often brings out the worst in him. In his heart Onyx cares after his two younger sisters, Topaz and Moonstone, with the closest thing he has ever felt to love. He had always felt like they needed protection, even when they adamantly said they didn’t. As he grew up, he learnt that somehow he had disappointed Lia Turquoise and spent most of his younger days trying to prove that he wasn’t just the best male in the pod, but possibly the sea. Yet somehow she kept finding fault with him, so as he became a teen his hope that she would honor him became self destructive rebellion. If he could get away with it, Onyx made every attempt to sabotage or trick Lia Turquoise. Often, he would fight his brothers in contest; try bedding female women from other pods, or turn up drunk back to the ship when they entered a port.

As Onyx grew older, he kept to his rebellious ways with bitter dissatisfaction. Finally in a fit of rage, Lia Turquoise order him off her ship and onto his own Casinor. Free of constantly trying to undermining Lia Turquoise, Onyx realized that all his rebellion and self hate was worthless. Now, he will spend several days out fishing before returning to the pod and meeting up with his sisters. Once back he will act like the same rebel that was nearly thrown off the ship in front of Lia Turquoise. However, now it seems that the quiet solitude of the sea, has calmed the storm of rebellion. His sisters often see a leader, who generally cares for the pod, but isn’t above knocking a man’s teeth out if he is in trouble. Onyx learned the truth of justice and fairness out at sea. He learned deviousness from his sisters. Yet, one comment from Lia Turquoise will often turn him into a womanizing foul month sailor that often chooses fighting and mating over everything else.

Perhaps, because Jade and Onyx are so similar and close to age a sibling rivalry began to appear between the two. Jade getting the attention and honor that Onyx had to work triple for, soon taught him to almost resent his sister. In a lot of way he is aggressive towards her, just to be confrontational and will often argue over the smallest details with her till a winner is declared. Usually he has to be ordered to accept her advice or guidance and often times it’s at the behest of Lia Turquoise. Only Malachite had the delicate touch to actually listen to the two sibling fight and judge who was correct on the manner. His other sister Iolite somehow always seems to make Onyx laugh. Perhaps it is her fluttering personality, or lack of patience, but she often comes into Onyx’s life like a storm, destroying his well honed rage and rebellion and then leaving in a ray of sunshine. Onyx brothers are like fallen bits of Onyx personality. He will often take Chevis into port and the two of them will get into trouble together. Strangely, Onyx always tends to push faster and further then Chevis natural tendencies, getting the pair into more trouble with women, dice, or fighting then Chevis would have liked.

Character History


Gnosis Marks

First Mark from Laviku

Onyx like most of his family was born with a mark from Laviku, the mark was placed on the top of his right hand.


Training & Skill Points

Climbing 5/100 - (5pts - starting package)
Combat (Cutlass) 5/100 - (5pts -starting package)
Fishing 10/100 - (10pts starting package)
Sailing 30/100 - (20pts - starting package, +10 - racial bonus)
Singing 5/100 - (5pts - starting package)
Swimming 5/100 - (5pts - starting package)


Lore of Knots (starting package)
Lore of Ships Rigging (starting package)

Equipment & Possessions

  • Set of Clothing (mostly pants (2 GM), one read coat(8 GM), one violet silk headband (4 GM), and a fine pair of leather boots (1 GM))
  • A Backpack which contains:
    1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
    Food for a week
    Flint & Steel
  • Finely tooled leather scabbard (Sea creatures appear all over the belt and scabbard) (Family Heirloom)
  • Silver Rings (8GM)
  • Cutlass (15 GM)
  • Dagger (2 GM)
  • Casinor – The Lucky Lass
    Netting, Large (50 GM)
    Two Block and Tackle (10 GM)
  • large tarp
  • 100 ft of rope
  • lantern
  • 2 torches
  • bedroll
  • blanket
  • fishing tackle & hooks

Last edited by Onyx Maelstrom on June 19th, 2011, 4:36 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Onyx Maelstrom
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Joined roleplay: June 16th, 2011, 3:12 pm
Race: Human, Svefra
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Onyx Maelstrom (WIP)

Postby Onyx Maelstrom on June 19th, 2011, 12:01 am



If one were to describe the Maelstrom's with a singular word, that word would have to be TROUBLE. When the Maelstrom's are around, any organization seems to dissolve into light-hearted chaos. Lia Turquoise has used her tavan, the hammerhead shark, as the Pradisa which has interestingly enough never changed in all of the Maelstrom's long existence. Thus, the Maelstrom's believe that whomever acquires a tavan that is a hammerhead shark close around the time of Turqoise's death, will automatically become Lia, bucking all Svefra tradition.

Unusually, the Maelstrom's have a history of twins in the family as the current Lia is a twin (Malachite is deceased). They are friendly, approachable, and have a fairly even balance of craftsman, musicians, and artisans throughout their ranks. To an individual, almost every Maelstrom knows one or more forms of magic. They do not fear arcana, but rather embrace it as yet another tool in the pods rather extensive arsenal. The Maelstroms are known to adopt orphaned Svefra (and blue-eyed humans), treating them as their own.

The current Pod is composed of three Palivar's and numerous assorted Casinor. Renal, a shipwright, has long dreamed of crafting a Navar if his family grows enough because he knows the last Navar, belonging to the last Lia'Tavanka was either dry-docked or burned upon her death.

Members of Note


  • Name:Turquoise Maelstrom (NPC - Grandmother)
  • Relation: Grandmother
  • DoB: Spring 17th, 461 AV
  • Race: Svefra


  • Name: Amethyst Maelstrom (NPC)
  • DoB: Winter 45, 470 AV (41)
  • Race: Svefra


  • Name: Renal Maelstrom (NPC)
  • DoB: Fall 31st, 464 AV (47)
  • Race: Svefra




Twin Sister



Joining The Pod

There are positions available for membership in the Maelstrom pod. Siblings are always welcome as well as parallel lines of family members from aunts and uncles thus creating cousins of the current siblings. Adoptive members are also welcome. We'd like people who know their way around roleplay and have proven themselves to commit to a PC for long periods of time.
Last edited by Onyx Maelstrom on June 19th, 2011, 12:46 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Onyx Maelstrom
Posts: 15
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Joined roleplay: June 16th, 2011, 3:12 pm
Race: Human, Svefra
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Onyx Maelstrom (WIP)

Postby Onyx Maelstrom on June 19th, 2011, 12:34 am



Onyx was swimming off the reef of a tiny island when he met Flotsam. The eel had been hunting at night and as it struck out at its prey, a distant light from its electrical charge peaked Onyx’s attention. Onyx swam to the distant lighting taking care not to swim into a school of jellyfish. As it turned out Flotsam, beginning to eat it’s prey was attacked by a small shark. Flotsam attacked over and over again trying to protect its meal and life from the shark. As Onyx began to see the brilliant light show play on the water’s surface he felt the urge rescue the eel as it stunned the shark for the last time. Onyx dived deep grabbing the shark by its tail and using all his strength dashing it against a coral reef. Blood from the shark leaked into the surround water and Onyx saw the eel tired and unable to really move. Carefully he picked up the carcass of the shark and Flotsam. Keeping the eel in the water Onyx brought the too back to his home. Over the past few years Flotsam has grown from adolescence into an adult, and Onyx has began to wonder how much more live his friend has in him. With any luck, Flotsam perhaps has another 7 years.

In the stern of Onyx ship he carved a small hole and placed two barrels so that Flotsam could travel with the young man. Sadly this makes Onyx’s ship, The Lucky Lass, lists to the starboard side, while the barnacles that have attached around the holes entrance make turning a hard starboard side maneuver near impossible. Still Onyx shares his food with the Flotsam and views his ship as unique because of Flotsam’s living quarters.

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Onyx Maelstrom
Posts: 15
Words: 21287
Joined roleplay: June 16th, 2011, 3:12 pm
Race: Human, Svefra
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