77th Spring, 511 A.V. continued Crime was relatively low in Denval. The community was small enough that everyone knew everyone else for the most part, and the Captain's justice was fair, but swift and harsh. Too, when the entire population was versed in some sort of martial art, one didn't want to incur wrath and violence. And so the door to the guildhall was sometimes left unlocked, perhaps more often than other places, because the guildsmen were frequently three sheets to the proverbial wind when returning from the Stranger's Welcome or some other -- often public -- place to posture and partake of alcoholic beverages. And after all, who was going to steal from some of the fiercest warriors in the town? A sandy-haired man came down the creaking steps in his underclothes, a thin shirt and smallclothes that kept his pants from smelling too musky too soon. His hair was mussed, his eyes bleary. He stopped in front of Maliken, peering at her for a long moment in silence as if trying to decide whether she was a pink oliphant or really and truly there. "Is this real life?" he wanted to ask, but all he could recall at the moment was carousing in the square before the Captain's Hall, serenading her window. He wasn't sure whose splendid idea it had been to try to fit Astrid's two-syllable name into the three-syllable name of the woman in the song. "Sweet As-ter-id... bum, bum, bum... Good times never seem so good? Sweet Priskil's glowing bosoms..." "Pardon, milady," he croaked, his gallantry marred by his condition. "I am..." He glanced down at his relative undress. "Not quite fit to receive... guests... May I help you?" |