[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Dhalvasha on June 19th, 2011, 6:34 am

Raising an eyebrow, Dhalvasha regarded the woman again. What he had taken for fear or disdain was nothing at all. A trick of the light perhaps, or a preconception built of his previous experiences. Had he become so jaded? Certainly he couldn't afford such pre-existing stereotypes. If he abhorred others for treating him differently, than did he not perpetuate the cycle of thought by assuming all humans viewed him differently?

He shook his head, disappointed in himself, "The latter of your suggestions sounds preferrable. I don't carry as much grace as the rest of my kind, although I share their disposition to broken bones. I'll avoid the slippery bath house and try my hand at philtering." Inclining his head, Dhalvasha smiled apologetically. "Thank you for your assistance, a fair day to you." Turning abruptly, he let himself out.

Heat hit him like a solid punch, nearly staggering his progress in the door. Still, he wouldn't turn and meet her eyes again. They reminded him of prejudice, but not against Symnestra...but of his own opinions against humans.

As a doctor or a scientist he couldn't afford to be so bigoted.

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Fraha on June 20th, 2011, 8:38 pm

Timestamp: 1st summer 511 AV

After realizing that Fraha was completely running out of money, and probably wouldn't make it with the prices of the inn and the food, which were her main and only costs in these six months. Fraha, went to the place they said she could find a job a bit anxious, not knowing what would happen. She pushed the door leaning on it with both hands and walked in. There were some people sitting, oders standing, as if they were waiting. As Fraha got inside she assisted at the usuall moment where one gets stared by everyone in a silent place. She Smiled innerly at this funny social behavior and walked inside looking back at people that were looking at her. She saw what could be called an office, a secretary was there sitting there. Fraha thought that going there was her only choice.

As steps went closer her agitation grew. She was aware that if she wouldn't find a job she would have to go away from the tavern and think of other solutions, She shook away those thought since they were leading to other, way worse ideas.

Good day Said Fraha softly and quietly, rubbing slowly the fingers behind her back My name is Fraha and i need a job, is this the right place? asked she smiling shyly.

Noticing a positive response Fraha continued her speech. I am not too skilled in physical labours that require strenght as you can notice, but I think i'm a good runner and acrobat, also i am pretty handy with the blade. She paused for a second, it wasn't easy to speak about her skills, and actually she didn't knew how they could be useful. However she knew what wanted so she took a quick breath and continued To be fair though I would like to help the Order butShe clasped the hands in front of her chin in a different way, I was thinking about...investigation?. Doubt was in her eyes, the risk to derided for such for such words, but she had to know if there was a chance.
Last edited by Fraha on July 10th, 2011, 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Seline on July 4th, 2011, 8:08 am

Timestamp: 13th of Summer 511 AV

Seline walked into the Employment Office with her head held high and a bright smile on her lips. Even in flat silk slippers, she walked slightly on the balls of her feet, strait and tall like a dancer. Today, as always, she had a confident sway to her hips and the way that she walked. Others in the room may have looked up at her entrance, but Seline didn't bother to notice them as she strutted towards her goal: the front desk.

For the first time, she was coming to get a job. No more flirting, begging or pick-pocketing to make her way in life. She had known for a long time that she couldn't rely on her mother, but now she was going to rely on her own head and skills. "Hello, my name is Seline Suncourt," she introduced herself, her pale pink lips turning up in a friendly smile and green eyes flashing brightly. "I"m looking for a job until at least the end of the season. I can cook pretty well, but mainly I'm an entertainer," she added, punctuating the last sentence with a slightly suggestive smirk as she flipped some strawberry blonde hair over her shoulder.

Seline's outgoing and flirtatious nature was what had supported her for the past few years. Hopefully it could also help her now, and in all honesty, she couldn't care less where she worked. Anything would be more respectable than what she was doing before, not that her respectability mattered much to Seline. The girl was more than eager to take any position that would give her a steady income. Perhaps at a tavern, where she could exercise her wily ways in a more innocent setting. Or something more... risque also sounded like it would be fun. Hopefully the woman would at least be able to find something for her to do that wasn't boring or tedious, like book-keeping or something equally as horrible.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Dusk on July 10th, 2011, 5:35 pm

A gentle reminder, folks, there is a note on the front page of this thread explaining that when you post here, you need to say what type of skills you have and what type of job you're looking for. This thread is now 13 pages long, and at least a quarter of the posts are me or Lev saying "What type of job are you looking for?" There are only so many times we can type this before we go bananas. :) So please make sure you do so.
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Fraha on July 10th, 2011, 8:45 pm

I modified the post :) sorry
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Archon on August 1st, 2011, 3:26 pm

Asara Willow

"If you want a job working with horses then Windmount Stables is the place to go," Aenysa replied warmly, apparently not picking up on Asara's almost slip, "The White Swan Inn also has its own stables, but I'm not sure how likely they'd be to hire you. The stables are small, and most people take care of their own horses when stabled there."


"This is the place to find out where to work," Aenysa replied to Fraha's question with a warm smile and a friendly voice, "There's no need to be so shy. I promise no one here will be angry if you speak normally."

The pleasant young woman listened attentively to Fraha's explanation of her skills, giving small nods to show she was listening. Once Fraha had finished she smiled again, though there was a hint of apology this time, "Well, I can't really say what the Knights would or wouldn't want you to do. Most who work for them are members of the Order, but they might be willing to accept additional help. If you're interested in working with them you'll want to go to the Recruitment Office. Otherwise, I'm not really sure what work would be suited for you. Not much call for nimble warriors here outside of the Order."


"Well," Trega's age gave her welcoming smile a grandmotherly warmth, and her kind voice only helped add to that feeling, "You certainly look very sure of yourself. It must be nice to be so young," the wink she gave Seline was playful instead of suggestive, "You'd probably do very well at The Golden Dragon, so long as you don't mind getting friendly with the boys. If you'd rather just tease them you can always go to The Rearing Stallion instead. Either way I'm sure you'll find plenty to keep you entertained and busy until you're ready to settle down."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Meardre on August 5th, 2011, 8:03 pm

27th of Summer, 510 AV

After what had to have been a few minutes of wandering and a little brief second of asking for directions, Meardre finally found the Employment office, and already she was irritated with the city. Some of the corridors were so small she had to skim above the heads of the people inside of them, praying her wings didn't bump into the cold, stone ceiling above her. Getting through doorways was a whole 'nother story. She had to wait until the trickle of people had subsided to a decent number (which was painfully rare in a city that had more people than she had ever seen in her life), and then land in front of the doorway, apologizing to anyone she landed in front of. Then, she had to... for lack of a better word, flop her way through the doorway and into the next room, where she could take flight again. The only places she could actually fly in were the main streets, and even then, she didn't DARE fly to high above the people below. She wondered what in the hell Cabec had been thinking when he recommended this city for her and their children. Tespal and Avtakria didn't even have the wings to do what she did, for goodness's sake.

The thought of her incomplete family sent another pang of guilt and sorrow through her as she flopped through the door of the Employment Office, closing it behind her with her tail, which was the first sight the secretary had of her. When she realized someone was watching, she just gave a smile with a mix of both apology and helplessness. Fluttering only an inch above the ground, she crossed the room slowly and cautiously, afraid of hitting something on her way across, be it with her tail or her wings.

After a short but arduous journey across the room, Meardre settled in front of the desk, eying one of the seats suspiciously. "You're going to have to forgive me for not sitting," she chirped out, making a slight movement with her tail to indicate why. She decided to drape her left arm on the seat of the chair instead. "I'm Meardre," she said simply, waiting through a few odd beats of silence to confirm, "just Meardre."

The next question caught her a little off guard, as the woman behind the counter asked her what she was good at. It only took her a few seconds to realize she was good at two things, painting and shielding, and so those were formulated into a response. "I like to paint, and I know Shielding," as the last word left her mind, she realized that there was one other thing she knew about, though it probably wouldn't help. "I also like children," a pained look crossed her face, but she she looked down at the ground in a poor attempt to hide it, biting her bottom lip in an attempt to compose herself. She was going to have to work on that. She couldn't let just one thought of her children set her off like that.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Archon on August 10th, 2011, 4:02 pm


From behind the counter Trega gave a small wave of her hand at Meardre's apology, and then gave her a smile that positively glowed with warmth, "Nothing to forgive dear, the chairs are there for comfort."

The older woman listened as the Akvatari explained her skills, and then gave a small nod, "Well there isn't much in the way of places to work for painting or Shielding, but if you want to work with children Aenysa could probably use some help at The Welcome Home," a brief look of sadness dimmed Trega's face, but was quickly pushed away, "There you could even practice your painting and Shielding too. I'm sure those dear little children would love it."
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Meardre on August 24th, 2011, 5:38 pm

Meardre thought for a long moment, brushing her hair back before speaking to the woman behind the desk. "What about housing? Can I stay there, and if not, are you in charge of housing? It's, ah, difficult, moving around in the cramped corridors. Don't ask why I've already been in them when I just came straight here. I got lost," her tone was pitiable in a way, but her face remained the same. As difficult as her time here would be for her, she wanted to make it out stronger, and the only way she'd be able to do that was if she stood up and faced things on her own two feet. Or wings. Or tail. If there was room in the building, all the better, but if not, she'd just have to make do. Hopefully, moving around would come to her with time.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Auron on August 29th, 2011, 5:20 pm

Noon, 74th Day of Summer, 511 AV

It wasn’t hard to find the building that the Knight had mentioned. It seemed to be the first place that most everyone stopped. Although one or two of the caravans had rolled past it, many of the other travelers milled around the Employment Office. Safely within the city’s walls, it was the first place they found the opportunity to rest. He saw teamsters scrabbling over their wagons, double-checking to make sure that all their goods were secure, and women drawing water from a well to replenish what they had drank to get as far as Syliras. Some bought their lunch from vendors who were eager to charge an inflated price to the newcomers they met at the gates. Although the prospect of a meal was attractive to Auron, he decided to wait until they made it further into the city. Kaedyrn was not near as frugal, though, and pulled against his lead to chase after a merchant selling fresh apples. It took a sharp tug on the reins for Auron to bring the horse to a heel.

“What, Kaedyrn? Are you some kind of sucker?”

He led the horse to the building and found a metal rung to tie him off to. “Now you wait here. I’ll be back soon, and then we’ll find ourselves some food.” He slapped the horse’s flank as he strode away.

The building seemed much too cramped to serve as a Welcome Center. Even with all of the activity outside, there were only a few other folk that Auron spied within. Conveniently for him, this meant that one of the secretaries was available to talk to.

“Miss, pardon me, but … I’m new here.” The secretary bade him to take a seat, so he obliged. “I’m only passing through. It isn’t likely that I’ll spend more than a season here; through the end of summer at the very least. In the meantime,” he smirked, “I’m afraid I might need something to keep me busy, lest I try and stretch the coin I have too far.” At this, the secretary seemed to take more of an appraising look at Auron. “I’ve some skill with a bow, and - I don’t remember the word in Common. I speak Pavi, you see. I know how to make my own arrows is what I mean to say.” He continued. “I’ve a good horse. He’ll take me ranging if need be. Kaedyrn is actually the brains of the operation. I don’t mind performing any kind of menial task or physical labor, but if there are any opportunities to work out-of-doors, that would be ideal.”

“I should ask while I’m here … what might be the best place to stay? I had hoped that I might find somewhere I could pitch my tent, seeing as how I’ll not be a permanent citizen here. Save some money besides. But if there are other options within the city, and the mizas keep coming in …”
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