Landfall! (Closed)

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A village cut off from the rest of Mizahar by the Valterrian, slowly reestablishing contact with the outside world.

Landfall! (Closed)

Postby Darren on June 15th, 2011, 12:50 am

13th of Summer, Year 511

The lightly dressed foreiger hunched miserably inside his cloak as he walked slowly through the salty air that covered the city's homes and sidewalks. Behind him the ship's crew were greeted by the welcoming citizens that usually congregated at the docks. However Darren wasn't the type to be treated like such a blatant tourist, he didn't look back as he wandered first few houses around the ships. His gaze was set forward, there was little else he can do.

He was feeling sickly. Though the smell of the earth was a welcome sense to him he still felt somewhat nauseous from the boat trip. It took all his concentration to keep a straight face as he searched around the town. The indications of his culture were a welcome sight as he looked at the militaristic town. Just something to help me ease into before I go into a really unfamiliar town he mused as he stopped to take a seat. He breathed hard as he tried to ease the queasy shakings that usually brought him to empty out his lunch.

He lurched to the side, clutching his stomach, before pushing himself back up. Granted the sea sickness wasn't as bad as being on the ship but it still felt like his insides were being twisted by a sadistic woman. Resuming his haunty saunter he paused, looking around for anything to distract him. Anything or anyone. If he could somehow focus on something else maybe he would perhaps get better.

oocWanting 2 or 3 others in the thread
Last edited by Darren on July 29th, 2011, 4:12 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Landfall! (Open)

Postby Talen Stirling on June 15th, 2011, 7:55 am

Rounds at the docks were always one of the better duties. Talen smiled faintly as he pulled his scarf tighter against the fresh, salty seawind and looked out over the people congregating at the shoreside. He was in leather armour with a cloack around his shoulders, and a thick cotton scarf was wrapped around his neck covering his lower chin as well. A triangle shield with a picture of an old gnarly tree sat on his back, and his longsword hung by his hip - mostly hidden by the cloack.

A few guards were often posted around the docks, to ensure that order was kept. Because of the cheerful and very public welcome for strangers in Denval it was also easy prey for thieves and minor disturbances.
Still, it was a nice duty. Less walking, more talking, and quite alot to simply look at and take in. Most Denvali were quite curious about the outside, and the foreign people at the docks were always a breath of fresh air in what could otherwise become dull and repetitive.

Suddenly, a hunched and somewhat lanky-looking foreigner collapsed to the side on a nearby bench. wondering if the man was just seasick or seriously ill, Talen approached the stranger while he was keeling over about to throw up his innards. As the man got up, he lightly grabbed his arm just below the elbow in a light yet assertive grip. "Are you allright Sir.,?" He looked at the man with a friendly open smile. He seemed taller and sturdier now that he got closer and Talen noticed that he was in fact trying to hide within his cloack for warmth.
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Landfall! (Open)

Postby Darren on June 15th, 2011, 11:43 pm

"Not at all" Darren muttered as he took stock of the other man warily. A shadow of a smile touched his features as he realized it was another native that addressed him. "There seems to be a congregation of locales going out of there way to bother the people who just docked. In fact one of them is talking to me right now" he reported. From the looks of things this man seems to be one of the native's army of sorts he mused silently. He tried standing straight before he continued on with the conversation, he hunched over slightly so that he would be at face level with the native.

Though I suppose we are expected to return said hospitality he said, closing his eyes as he allowed himself a deep breathe. The sea salt in the air invaded his nostrils and caused a unsubtle gagging reaction. Darren sighed heavily as he gave Talen a pained smile. Never was one for the ocean air, but I suppose you think of it as a gift of sorts, huh? Darren Whitevine" he said, extending his hand.

Hmm I admit being a foreigner is a very trying role he thought sad, It was bad enough with an unfamiliar crew of my own people but all these warm bloods in one place? Ugh. He would squeeze the man a bit more forcefully then necessary. An outlet for his anxieties and a very productive one at that. Always best to go for a firm shake rather then one of the softer variety. Finally gathering himself he stood straight up as he described a small circle in the air with his hand. "Care to tell me a little about where I am? Possibly show me where I can find a room and some entertainment?"

oocIt's cloak btw
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Landfall! (Open)

Postby Talen Stirling on June 16th, 2011, 3:13 pm

Letting go of his arm, the stranger seemed fine to stand despite his apparent unease. A congregation? Oh, that.. "It's a Denvali thing. After being trapped for 500 years, we're very happy whenever new blood arrives; new faces and things to make our society prosper." Talen smiled politely. The choice of words wasn't coincidence, new blood was another important thing for Denval, apart from the trade and commerce.

The stranger still seemed unwell, but not alarmingly so. Talen tried looking empathic but a halfsmile couldn't help but sneak onto his lips behind the scarf he was wearing. The Northern Oceans were rough, yet he hadn't been seasick since he had been on a sailing tip in his early teens. He quickly resumed a more tactful smile as he answered;"Yeah, many new and good things come to Denval with the ocean breeze, and it's always refreshing unlike the cold dry wind from "The Unforgiving". I'm Talen Stirling, and as late and unpleasant as it is Welcome to Denval." Returning Darrens' handshake Talen was glad to know that it was strong and honest, and he answered in kind.

"Sure, I can tell you where to find whatever you need..." He grinned, abit mischievously and then continued. "Just here inland of the docks is the first and foremost place to go when new in Denval. "The Stranger's Welcome" is our local tavern, where you can get a little water of degtine, exchange stories and news, or rent a room if it suits you." Abit more serious and sounding as if he'd recited it before, he continued to explain where he could find the Captain's Hall and how they could provide lodgings and a few general directions. "As for entertainment, you can get your spiritual kicks in the temple for Viratas, Priskil or The Labyrinth, which is a place of meditation. The Stranger's Welcome is the place to go for everyday fun, but if you're thinking of services of a more personal nature we've got the Temple of Nikali on the outskirts of town." He grinned suggestively at the last comment. Finishing up his explanation of directions, Talen made a guiding movement with his hand. "Come, I'll take you to The Welcome and you can get a drink, perhaps tell me something of Avanthal? I've got a lunch break anyhow, might as well take it now. If you wish company, of course. Are you traveling alone?" As he asked the last question, Talen had already started walking at a leisurely pace. He felt envigorated today, and the fresh air had made him thirsty for a drink and perhaps a story.

By the way, I can and have to scroll in your post to view the edges of it, perhaps because of the box layout you are using. If it could be helped that would be nice. :)
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Landfall! (Open)

Postby Darren on June 17th, 2011, 12:52 am

Darren's eyebrows raised in a half-acknowledgement to the explanation given to him. Avanthal was similar to Denval in that respect, it was barely over fifty years when Kenabelle Wright showed the outside world to Avanthal. The people in Avanthal may have helped find Denval but their seniority was barely noticeable. This man was right though, both cities needed new blood to advance as a culture. So he merely grunted in response to his remark about the Unforgiving. We have very differing ideals about this breeze of yours it seems, Talen Stirling he mentally chided as he closed his eyes in mild annoyance.

He tilted his head as a easy gesture of gratitude as he heard the name of the inn and it's little quirks. Oh yay! They have their own personal drink! he thought sarcastically as his mind roamed to figure out what bitter brew the warm bloods could conceive. And two temples... He raised his eyebrow incredulously at the undertone Talen was giving. "I don't think you said the right word. Can you say again? I thought you said temple? Is that right?" he asked as he gave the other man a look. Granted he didn't know who Nikali too well, he didn't know Viratas either. Of course he had an idea who Priskil was, she was told as a warning by his father. Curious he noted, taking in the words the Talen gave to him.

"Ah yes! I can tell you about Avanthal. Am I?"
he looked back as he suddenly remembered he left someone back at the ship. Oh crap. In his rush to get off land he forgot to mention where he went to Eisi. He looked back at Talen, a bit unsure what to do. He was unsure if Eisi would be able to manage without- ah! what am I thinking? She came from Mura to Avanthal. She'll be fine here. She knows better common then I do. Speaking of... I think I may have gotten a bit better with that he thought as he realized he was doing well in this little conversation. "No. I am traveling with Konti bride. I'm getting room and board for us" he explained as he let Talen lead the way.

He found a sudden pep in his step as they made their way through The Welcome. By now he would have already come up with some abrasive comment about the name of place but what he just said eariler put him in a good mood. It was true... in some respects. That added with the realization he wasn't feeling so seasick added to his mood. Those sailors were right! If I focused on something else he would feel better. And he did! This called for a drink! He fashioned an awkward smile as he tried to offer a sign of friendship to Talen. "Let's get drink together? Do the rites of brotherhood and manilness? Good day today."
Last edited by Darren on June 17th, 2011, 10:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Landfall! (Open)

Postby Talen Stirling on June 17th, 2011, 4:10 pm

Talen smiled, Darren's confusion was amusing and understandable, and was interesting. "A Konti bride? You're a lucky man, aren't you? I suppose the services they offer at the temple won't be neccesary then, unless you have a special relationship." He smiled mischievously; "In truth, it is a temple. Yet a very unique one at that."

As they entered the tavern, Talen saluted a guardsman standing to the side, and the proprietor Oleg. He wasn't a regular - Didn't drink much and couldn't afford it anyhow - but all Denvali were familiar in the tavern. Turning to Darren he returned his awkward smile with a friendly one; "Definetely! Though I have to warn you, Oleg's degtine is strong and I am not the greatest drinker in all of Denval." He pulled a chair from a table off to the left and sat down, kicking out an opposing chair with his foot in a welcoming gesture.

Waving at a nearby barmaid, Talen turned his attention back to Darren with a curious smile. "So... What brings you to Denval, and out of the warm yet frosty embrace of Avanthal?" The question was very open to interpretation or any possible angle or answer, which suited him fine. If he had to go back to duty, he might be able to have one of the tavern guards fill in for him with abit of persuasion. As the maid arrived, Talen quickly ordered two degtines with a comment about Darren simply having to try the native drink.
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Landfall! (Open)

Postby Darren on June 18th, 2011, 4:38 am

He would nod knowingly at the weak excuse given about the temple of Nikalil, better to take everything with a grain of salt rather then believe everything others tell you. I shall deciede if that is true myself he thought as he humored the abrasive Denvali. The bar they entered leaved much to be desired as most bars normally did. The theme here seemed to be nautical, a fresh perspecive compared to the bar in Avanthal. He quickly arranged a room for two with Oleg before taking a seat with Talen at one of the tables.

"Oh that's is okay, I drink not a lot too."
he smiled as he bobbed his head to the side. "A money saver really..." he rationalize as he took the drink from the barmaid. "I am on the ru-I am wanting to learn many things. Common first then maybe other languages. Training also. Need to be strong, maybe make elite race" he announced as he looked at the drink given to him. What was this stuff? I remember Talen saying it was ...degtine? he pondered as he raised his mug to his companion. "Cheers!" he smiled nervously before touching his lips to the cup.

oocCommon is still bad so that's to explain the grammar
Last edited by Darren on June 19th, 2011, 4:12 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Landfall! (Open)

Postby Talen Stirling on June 19th, 2011, 10:07 am

Looking up at him with barely hidden wonder, Talen wondered whether he'd misheard, misunderstood or overheard Darren. On the run? Going to make an elite race?

He grinned at him, and raised his own cup to Darren's "Cheers indeed! May the light of Priskil shine upon you, reflecting the beauty of Morwen's people!" With that rather formal and obviously rehearsed greeting, Talen threw down the shot of degtine surprisingly quickly. He sighed relieved, the burning sensation sending heat and the distinct well-being of heavy drinks throughout his limbs. When he said he wasn't the most experienced drunk in Denval it was certainly true, but any healthy and active young man in the city would know their way around The Tavern's signature drink.

Waving over a barmaid, he turned his attention back to Darren before she arrived and he could order. "Training? Training to do what?" Talen smiled politely - he was honestly interested, but he couldn't help but also consider finding out more than Darren intended to tell. There was something strange about what he'd said - on the run and wanting to create an elite race. In his mind, Talen excused his curiosity and his intent to find out more with duty - If there was something odd it was his job to find out, wasn't it?

Regardless, this would be an interesting and hopefully amusing day. Inbetween ordering another drink and listening to Darren's reply, he looked at his not-empty glass for a brief second, hinting at it being socially wrong not to drink up. A coincidence, of course.

OOCYeah, I expected as much. You could choose to only add the bad grammar in actual speech, considering he'd probably think in Vantha. By the way if you wish you could write the new location in the title. :)
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Landfall! (Open)

Postby Darren on June 19th, 2011, 5:17 pm

His eyes glazed and his mouth formed helped form a stoic face at the mention of Priskil. Closing his eyes and blocking the man's view with his cup, he subtlety ignored the reference to Priskil as he emptied his tankard. As he put this cup down, it was replaced with a disgusted look as his tongue stuck out. "Yeesh yucky" he joked as he shook from the unfamiliar alcohol running through his system. He watched as he saw the other man unwind. "Vantha is beautiful? You like Vantha woman?" he teased as he pushed his cup towards the center of the table. "Maybe you already got Vantha bride?" he continued, smiling slightly. Granted he didn't really think that Talen would know or even be interested in the people of Avanthal, but you can't ever be sure with these type of things.

After the two finished their drinks and started to relax Talen provided athe first round of small talk. The subject, their respective goals. Darren smiled slightly embarrassed at the query. Granted he could try to lay it out as some elaborate and virtuous goal but that wasn't him. In his heart was a straightforward man that goes forward when approached. "To be strong. To be able to do anything I want when I want." he said casually. He smiled as he awaited Talen's response. Of course, he would take other measures to achieve his goals but the mastery of oneself was the most apparent goal right now. Darren smiled innocently as he propped his elbow on the table. Slowly resting his head atop his hands he used his free hand to get his cup.

Downing the drink without any indication of aversion he hummed softly as he placed the mug in the passing waitress's hands. He looked down as Talen amused as he took in his expression. "Weird huh? Silly even..." he smiled . But he was still only one man, he couldn't possible take everything he wanted as of yet. "But that is the most basic of my plans. I have many more I'd love to indulge you in if you choose" he chuckled as he propositionized Talen. But that would come with time, for now they would drink. Motioning for two more cups, Darren drank silently as he watched Talen with the slightest hints of interest. "How about you? Interest?"

oocCommon is italics
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Landfall! (Open)

Postby Talen Stirling on June 22nd, 2011, 8:02 pm

Talen grinned at his reaction to the degtine, it did take some getting used to but even foreigners quickly agreed it was a good thing after a cup ... Or many.
Talen laughed at his joke questions, and gave a denying reply. Vantha women were pretty, though not particularily more than most others. Oh, and he'd never been married anyhow, though it'd been close once. That was a story for another time, though.

Darren's answer came as abit of a surprise. To do anything he wanted whenever he wanted? Talen raised an eyebrow and looked at him with a suspecting smile, before raising his glass and drinking up when Darren did. He hit the cup down onto the table with a loud thud, and abit of a challenging cheerful smile.

Sure, I'm curious, anything you want whenever you want sounds like grand yet imprecise plans." He nodded as Darren ordered two more cups and took his own with a smile at the passing waitress. Already know he felt the faint false clarity of drinking come over him; the feeling of everything being going in the direction of success, and that whatever idea he got was the right one. He smiled at Darren, and took a drink before answering his question.

"Interests..? I'm interested in being the best I can be, I want to be strong just like you, yet I do it to ensure people can do what they want when they want, I suppose. I'm a guard, I identify myself with what I do in some ways.." He smiled abit awkwardly. Sometimes, he wondered if he did what he really wanted to do, yet never knew anything else. He liked being a guard and a warrior, and he loved Denval.

Drinking abit more of his cup, he continued contemplatively. "I suppose I want to bring hope to others, because it gives me something to believe in and strive for other than just existing for myself." He smiled at Darren, rather liking that explanation. He needed hope, and to get it he would hope for the good of everyone. Perhaps it was backwards but he believed in what he did.

"Oh yeah... And I'm a swordsman. It's probably the only thing I'm properly good at. Perhaps if you want to be strong I'll show you one day." He grinned, lightening the serious way he'd just spoken and emptying another one of the small cups of degtine after raising the cup towards his new companion.
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