[Flashback]a little magic training

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Flashback]a little magic training

Postby Clyde Sullins on June 20th, 2011, 4:53 am

506AV, Spring 5

Training.... one of the most important parts of magic, is training. And so Clyde found himself outside of Syliras once more, to practice his skills and get better at his magic. He could not do it while inside the city, magic was frowned upon, and he could get in trouble if he did it.

And so know he sat in the middle of no where, outside of the city. He had chose a nice secluded spot, with some trees off in the distance, and just dirt beneath him.

Sitting with his legs crossed, he took out some ink and a quill. Dipping it, he then started to do some basic glyphs, and painstakingly drew a focus on each of the palms of his hands. This would assist him in gathering his res, made up of words in the ancient tongue such as concentration, focus, and attraction.

Concentrating, he flowed some of his res out of his hands. A thin mist would slowly form, a bright silver color that seemed to reflect the light. This seemed to be what his res always looked like in magic, a silver so bright it was almost white. Breathing deeply, he moved his hands together, and pushed the res into one small globe of solid res. Making another move, he would ignite the outside, turning it into a small ball of flame hovering over his hands.

The light from his flame would flicker, and he smiled at how easy this was know for him. Once this would have been difficult, but know, it took very little effort. Tossing it forward a bit, and igniting the core, he saw it bounce of the ground a few times before coming to a stop, and slowly burning itself out.

A good warmup if nothing else.
Last edited by Clyde Sullins on June 23rd, 2011, 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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[Flashback]a little magic training

Postby Clyde Sullins on June 20th, 2011, 7:06 pm

Looking around, he prepared himself for a bit more in depth training. And one thing he had yet to try was to store his magic. So it might be good to try some out, and do something simple.

Getting down on the ground, he used a stick to draw in the dirt, and started to draw a large glyph. The focus in the middle spoke of exactitude, pinpoint, all things of energy and focusing things in a specific place, until they all merged together into one single large glyph. This he hoped would help the energy to all go within this place.

Now moving outward, he started on the barrier, a series of smaller glyphs, which circled around the focus in the middle. This time he used words such as: enclosing, restraint, impediment, constrain, and hold.

This would hold the magical effect in the focus, and keep it from escaping out. Looking closely at his barrier, he checked it for gaps, or for week words, which might let the effect slip out. Not seeing any, he continued on to the trigger, placing it outside of the barrier.

Going out of the barrier with a small string of glyphs, he made the trigger, with glyphs of release, open, and free.

Finally setting next to it in plain common, he wrote out the release term, a simple one, that of releasing by the spoken word of open. Since he planned to use it pretty soon, this would not be a problem for him.

Smiling, he looked at his work. Now all that was left was for him to try to store some magic in it, and then release it to see if it worked correctly.
Last edited by Clyde Sullins on June 23rd, 2011, 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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[Flashback]a little magic training

Postby Clyde Sullins on June 20th, 2011, 8:03 pm

About ready to finish his training, now Clyde was going to store some magic. Letting out a deep breath, he let out a small stream of bright silvery res. Moving his hands, he shaped it, into a small ball, compressing it, as he continued to breath out more res on each exhale. After a bit he had enough , and finished the shape, readying it to be ignited. Letting it hover over one hand, he swirled the other on top, and ignited the outer layer of the ball.

Now levitating it up above his hand, he prepared to try something out, his first storage. Moving his hands on either side, he simultaneously moved the ball down fast at the focus at his feet, and ignited the core, making it a solid ball of flame moving quickly at the sigils of the focus.

As the magic struck the focus there was a sudden flash of silvery light, followed by the disappearance of the globe of flames inside the focus. Stepping back he smiled, as he had been successful. He had actually stored some magic. Sitting down several paces from the glyphs, he looked at his magic for signs of it messing up. So far it seemed to be working, and was not having any issues, no explosions or sparks of magical flame.

Resting for a bit, he sat back and looked at the sky, waiting a moment before releasing the magic. Since he was pretty sure someone might get mad if he left a spell in the middle of no where, or if it were to suddenly release the magic. Now sitting up, he looked at the sigils, and spoke the word to release the magic, "open!" with a flash several things happened at once, first there was a burst of energy, and the flame shot straight up out of the focus. Next the dirt of the glyphs were used up, and the bits smudged together destroying his carefully drawn words.

Looking down at were they had been he smiled, seeing that it had all worked. However suddenly he remembered he had just fired a ball of flame straight up, and looked to see were it was. Unfortunately it was not a good thing to do, to lose focus while magic was running around. The wind had pushed it off course, and was now coming straight for were he was standing. Running away he dived and barely avoided the flames, which hit the ground and exploded, sending flames in every direction.

He had barely gotten away from most of it, and looking down he saw it had not been far enough, as his pants were on fire!!!

Rolling on the ground and trying to put his pants out, he slapped at his pants, and finally managed to put himself out. Getting up, he dusted himself off, and started to walk home. He was done practicing for now, and he needed to think of a good reason for why his pants were burnt.

Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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[Flashback]a little magic training

Postby Archon on June 29th, 2011, 9:14 pm

Illumination of Development

Clyde Sullins
  • +3 Glyphing
  • +2 Reimancy

Lores: Reimancy (Fireball), Storing spells in glyphs (Basic), Putting out burning clothes.

Care to see more? :
Pretty self explanatory.

Notes: A simple and straightforward thread. I would have liked to see a bit more work put into the practice of doing the actions, not just describing how it all looked, and doing so would have earned you more experience. :)
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon.
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