Appearance & Concept
Fallen Ethaefal: With strands falling below his waist, Graffius has the signature feature of his race's horns. He has pale hair and eyes of gold-red, standing at 6'5" - a tall, imposing and stern stature. His skin is a delicate porcelain white. Arrogant, hateful and bitter, Graffius perceives and conceptualizes in the outside-of-time scale of the divine consciousness. As a Fallen, he views others, including other Ethaefal, as inferior beings, naive and pawns of their gods.
Benshira Human: Considerably plainer than his Eth form, Navad has tanned skin and vivid green eyes flickering with black. His deep black-brown hair is similar to his Eth form however, falling below his waist. His height is also similar, yet with a considerably more youthful demeanour. As a human, Navad is lighthearted and intelligent. His view of life is light and easy, good-humoured and laid back. Yet his stern personality shows itself in the light of more serious matters like family, kinships and friendships.
History Navad, from the tents of Hashmalum, of the sons of Basalom, was the youngest of many sons born within the deserts of Eyktol. The Hashmalum were secluded within the heart of the desert, their tent and community hidden behind mountains. Unlike their fellow Benshira, the Hashmalum had long abandoned Yahal in favor of Nysel, the God of Dreams. Ritualistic, Navad's father was a seer, a powerful mage who claimed to be able to forsee the future through his God's will via dream reading.
Magically inclined, the Hashmalum were a gifted folk who valued magical knowledge more than most of their Benshira counterparts. They came to rely upon it and as time would continue, many resources were gathered to fuel their desire for magical knowledge. Book and scrolls, artifacts and tablets, the Hashmalum horded their treasures and guarded them fervidly. Navad was no exception, like many children of the Hashmalum, he was forced to study the arcane at an early age, and he showed affinity for such things, a naturally gifted sorcerer.
The Hashmalum, though devoted to their God and to their magics, did not believe that dream interpretation was an inherited ability however, and believed that the trait was hereditary; Nysel bestowing his power only upon a single line of Hashmalum, their purpose being to lead the tribe to food and prosperity through dream foresight. Naturally because of this, Navad was believed to have inherited this divine gift.
At the young age of 14, Navad began to question his father's ways. Was Nysel truly the God he wanted to serve? What of Yahal? Naval began to seek Yahal, much to the displeasure of his tent. For years, Navad sought Yahal and eventually turned to worshipping him fervently, in the face of the Hashmalum. Disowned by his kin, he cared not, rose to prominence, and soon found himself isolated from his former clan, an outcast forever without a people to truly call his own.
The Hashmalum commanded that Navad be forever banned from their tents as punishment; driven from his former home, Navad was condemned to forever walk the desert to find a new home and it was here that a bitterness crept into his bones, one he’d find later would never leave. Had Yahel forsaken him and what of Nysel and his kin? A lost soul, Navad feared his disconnection from his upbringing of magical ways, so to ensure his own obsession would remain fed, he packed away many books of knowledge upon his departure. Though he may forever be alone, magical energy would always be his companion, yet the young Navad knew nothing of restraint and would soon find himself consumed with his obsession; likewise, the Hashmalum had learned of Navad thievery and sought revenge for the outcast’s acts.
A tracking party of his former tribe trailed him to an Oasis known amongst his tribe. It wasn’t difficult for the seasoned trackers, there were only so many spots that Navad could travel to without dying of dehydration.
However, it was deemed necessary that Navad be punished by death due to his prowess over magical energy; he was too dangerous to capture and the Hashmalum had met their goal.
A lost soul who had abandoned his God, Navad found solace in the realm of Syna. Syna was kind enough to allow his soul refuge in her realm and Navad felt he had finally found peace. Then the war happened. The fissure happened. Navad was slammed to earth as an Ethaefal.
Birthed with the name Graffius, he now loathes Syna and her lover, believing it selfish that they placed eachother over the spirits of their realm. A Fallen Ethaefal. Bitter because of his past, feeling he never found refuge through any life, while dead nor alive. Now Graffius roams the Earth, seeking power to make himself strong enough to actually punish the gods themselves.