Timestamp: 13th of Summer, 511 AV There had been murmurs in Avanthal as of late. Talk of the tikani races mudding up the Vantha blood. Drykas, Inarta, even plain human blood was starting to spread through the Vantha bloodlines and into the holds. It was not to say that Vantha were high and mighty, although it is impossible to find a race without a few of that mindset. There was fear in the minds of many Vantha though. If the blood of the Vantha was mixing so readily with the blood of other races. They were the children of the aurora, the keepers of the Northern songs! The songs were slowly losing their luster and who was there to blame? The Vantha could not have been the reason. They can been creating beautiful music for as long as they could remember. Vantha music had been around longer than Icewatch, it was everything they were. There was only one answer, or at least the only one people where speaking of. It had to be the mixed bloods. The Vantha blood was no longer pure and there was a hope, however strange it was that if the half bloods could be convinced to leave Avanthal possibly the music would return. The Vantha who held this ill-will toward the half bloods were quiet about their distaste at first. They wanted to test the waters and see who else was spreading poison about the half bloods. A small glare here and a rude word there were begining to escilate. Where there were only sharp words at first there was now spitting distaste, unhidden from the half-bloods' eyes. Slowy the prejudice was begining to grow and feed like a disease. Clearly, Avanthal was becoming the bane of a half Vantha's existance. They could live, that was not a question. No one was hurting them, they were just looked down upon like lesser beings. No one knew how long this would last, only that some how it had to stop. The Red Diamond tavern seemed to be a hot spot for this sort of activity. Rayvoris, the owner of the tavern was not especially interested in the music. He appreciated it and of course it brought him much more business. He fed into the scorn of the half bloods for one simple reason. Everyone else was doing it. Rayvoris was never known to be extremely intellegent. In fact people were known to exploit this fact a bit and when he found himself on the short end of a person's trickery his own concilation was "Well Ray, at least you are good looking." It did not mean much but it always seemed to brighten his spirits. Rayvoris knew that this new found dislike for the half bloods was something people enjoyed talking about and if people liked it, he would spread it like wildfire in his tavern. Anything to get more money coming in. This tavern is where one could find Rhaeol. He looked almost like a perfect Vantha, almost. He had the dark, aurora kissed hair and the color changing eyes that the Vantha were known so well for. He even had the olive colored skin of the northerners. He was not a perfect Vantha though. He was a hint too tall to hide his Drykas blood, standing three inches than even the tallest of Vantha. His features also betrayed his forgien blood as they were more sharp than those of Morwen's people. The Vantha took notice, how could they not? A young Snowsong around Rhaeol's age approached him, his eyes flashing a dangerous green. "Half blood, we don't want your kind mudding up the city. The Everwinter city was perfectly fine without the blood of the tikani." He looked over the mixed blood with a judging stare. "Why don't you run back to the south? Rhaus clearly is displeased with the summer lover blood in your veins." The boy had no problem fighting and he would in a moment if Rhaeol provoked him. "What do you say? I'll even walk you to the gates." A knife shined in the boy's hand as he looked at Rhaeol. "Or I can make you leave. Your choice." His eyes shined a dark red as he looked at the mixed blood. He was determind to get the music back to Avanthal even if he had to harm his holdmate. |