Down the Docks [Open]

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Center of scholarly knowledge and shipwrighting, Zeltiva is a port city unlike any other in Mizahar. [Lore]

Down the Docks [Open]

Postby Herb on June 25th, 2011, 8:13 pm

Summer 40 511AV

Deciding to do something different today, he took himself for a nice long walk, his cloak trailing behind him in the strong breeze, not really paying any attention in which way he went, turning round mostly the back streets which he was used to. Avoiding all the major roads and crowded streets, he ended up at the docks, never really having set food here before he wandered around, the smell of the sea was much stronger in the air this close, the salt almost making his tiny eyes water.

Looking around he saw many great ships, even more people then he was use to seeing in the market and shops. Almost aimlessly wandering around the docks, he was enjoying seeing all the giants at work, using vast cranes and unloading huge crates from the ships, like a huge version of an ant's nest every worker doing a very important task for the smooth running of the greater whole.

Suddenly as if from nowhere a rowdy bunch of unoccupied sailors staggered round a bend and all but fell over him, being so small Herb simply rolled out of the way and picked himself up, making sure the sailors didn't see him as the cause, and ambled himself away towards what would appear to be a long street with more docks.

' Herb talks like this '

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Down the Docks [Open]

Postby Devinne Stile on June 26th, 2011, 4:28 am

Devinne was watching a large galleon pull into port, listening to the waves crashing into the docks. She watched as it sailors and dockworkers began moving crates in and out, large men heaving things twice the size of them onto the large wooden boat.
She was thinking of giving a hand to them, but was interupted by the small shouts of people tripping. She turned just in time to see a small figure running from the mess. It looks like a statue, she thought. Curious, she followed it to a new part of the docks, keeping up just by walking.
"Hello?" She asked while following the creature.
Last edited by Devinne Stile on June 26th, 2011, 8:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Down the Docks [Open]

Postby Herb on June 26th, 2011, 11:40 am

Startled by the unexpected ' Hello ', he kept his pace up walking as fast as he could away from it, clearly thinking that it might be something to do with the recent mess he was involved in.

After a few more minutes of semi panicked walking he came to a stop by a large bench that over looked the vast sea, warm sea air on the breeze gusting passed him. Looking back down the way he just came, he saw a young giant almost following him, thinking to himself that maybe this was the voice he was running away from, it didn't look like a sailor.

' Erm Hello!, were you the one who said hello a few minutes ago?. I thought it might be from them sailors. '

' Herb talks like this '

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Down the Docks [Open]

Postby Devinne Stile on June 26th, 2011, 4:54 pm

She kept following him to the bench, somewhat frustated by his sudden urge to run faster. She saw him stop by the bench and ask a question. "Yes," she said, "I was the one that said 'hi'. I'm not a sailor, don't worry."
She continued to stand there, then kneeled over to see the humanoid statue better. She recognized it as a pycon. Several times she had run into these stange people when visiting sailor crews had a few, saying they were great on-board.
"I'm Devinne by the way," she continued. "Do you live on a ship?"
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Down the Docks [Open]

Postby Herb on June 26th, 2011, 5:34 pm

Oh no, not one of them, I live here..or rather in the area sort of thing, this is my first time down the docks.

He looked around and was impressed with all that he could see, wondering quite what he was going here in this area, as there was very little interesting things going on.

' I'm Herb. '

Sitting up on the bench he had stopped by, he rested for a moment contemplating his next move.

' So what brings you down here today? the Salt air I'm finding really quite nice. Such a gentle yet firm breeze. ' He said with a grin the size of his entire face almost.

' Herb talks like this '

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Down the Docks [Open]

Postby Devinne Stile on June 26th, 2011, 8:38 pm

Devinne nodded. "Oh. I pretty much make my living down here doing odd jobs. I help load the ships and get the traded stuff into stores." She looked out to sea for a few moments, then continued, "and the air is pretty nice. Except, of course, when we get storms from the ocean."
She thought for a moment. "It's also niceto hear a good story from sailors. They seem to have seen it all, including giant waves that reach over the tops of the highest masts. You never know what the sea'll through at you."
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Down the Docks [Open]

Postby Herb on June 26th, 2011, 11:55 pm

' Lots of water I would assume. ' He giggled to himself at his humour, looking at the nearest boat he decided that one day he may have to try and get a ride on one of those vast floating structures, though he wasn't sure he'd be much good at helping out around it. Someone his size wasn't very strong so moving items wasn't an option.

' Maybe you could tell me a story? I've never had the chance to listen to a real story from around the world, or do you think we can find soem sailors to tell use their stories? '

' Herb talks like this '

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Down the Docks [Open]

Postby Devinne Stile on June 27th, 2011, 2:27 am

Devinne smiled at the joke. "I don't know any stoies off the top of my head, and I couldn't tell them like some sailors can. We should ask someone if they have a good one. Sailors spend a lot of time around town during their free time, and that's when you get stories." She thought for a moment, then said "they spend a lot of evenings at the Kelp Bar. We should go there and ask for stories."
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Down the Docks [Open]

Postby Herb on June 27th, 2011, 9:14 am

' Yaay, I have no idea what that place is, but I'm sure it's one I could hear a few stories in. ' Excitedly he jumped up off his bench and quickly gathered up his staff, looking at Devinne he started walking off in an entirely random direction.

It wasn't till a few minutes had passed, he hadn't gotten very far mind due to his limited leg size, but also due to the crowded and very busy street they were standing in. Dock workers were going about their business entirely oblivious to anything around them that wasn't entirely about the task they were undergoing. Sailors larked about sometimes shouting to each other, boastful calls and obscene language from some, quieter and less obtrusive from others. But he soon realised he didn't actually know where the Kelp bar was, so he stopped turned round to face Devinne.

' Where is it? or should I just follow you? ' he muttered grinning widely.

' Herb talks like this '

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Down the Docks [Open]

Postby Devinne Stile on June 27th, 2011, 9:28 pm

"Just follow me," Devinne said. She led the way into the city a bit, and after some twisting past a crowd she reached the Kelp Bar. Inside was a mix of sailors, townfolk, and an occasional traveler. Most were drinking Kelp Beer or water, and almost eveyone was senselessly chattering about news.
Devinne looked at Herb and asked "Who should we ask?"
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