by Avi on August 6th, 2010, 12:22 am
The Kelvic stripped off her ruined gloves, and dropped them on the corpse once she had finally got it out of the water. Well, that was the end of those – they had served her well, and now she was simply going to have to get another pair from Avanthal, or catch something and make herself a pair of proper mittens. It would be good practice, and gloves weren’t that hard to make. But as it was, she cupped her hand over her skin of her forearm, skimming the water and slime that had gotten into the gloves off of her hands before giving them a little shake, careful to aim the water on the steaming corpse so as not to taint anything further before repeating this with her other hand. This was like nothing she had ever seen before… but now that it was practically melting, well, at least it wasn’t melting into the water. She straightened, twisting a little bit to rotate her back and shoulders. Strong though she may have been, without the water, that stinking monster had been heavy once she’d got it out of the water. It didn’t look like it had been nibbled on, at least, and that was good… but it had tainted the water anyway. That was much was clear from the state of things. The unusual fish, the slime on the bottom, the filthy, rusty water… This was absolutely no good.
With the circle destroyed, every last piece of it spread about, Avi retrieved her spear, tucking her bag at the edge of the greenery. She didn’t need it catching on things, and in the event she ever had to back up, it would be more hindrance than anything else. Spear in hand, Avi started into the brush, her mind buzzing as she moved carefully, listening for sounds as she moved. It was thicker than she liked – for anything her size, anything crowded always made her feel somewhat claustrophobic. But she didn’t have time to dwell on that now. She had no idea what those circles were. It was something she would have to ask someone else about. Avi didn’t dwell on things like that. She didn’t dwell much on things outside of nature. She had been raised with people, true, but Avi was very much a wild, wild animal, and she liked things kept relatively simple. If she couldn’t find anything, she’d come back, take care of the corpse and leave something for Caiyha.
Life was never that simple.
Her sharp eyes noted the broken brush, scraps of fabric… the hunter in her knew what to look for. This meant this was a person that she was following – animals didn’t wear clothes, now, did they?
Okay, stupid question.
She trailed slowly, wary of overrunning whatever it was she was following. This was, honestly, one of the easiest trails she had ever seen, which made her all the more suspicious. Easy trails were often traps, meant to follow and ensnare in themselves. Her nostrils twitched as she got further into the brush. More death. Green eyes flicked from corpse to pack and back again, and her entire body twisted spear pointed at the sound of the growling. Another one of those creatures! Was this man responsible for them? Was it guarding him as its dead master, or was it guarding him because it wanted to feast on his flesh?
Either way, Avi knew one thing – it wasn’t natural. It didn’t belong here. This wasn’t a good place to kill it, even if she could. She jumped backwards, at least, or tried to, when it lunged upwards at her, and had an idea. If she could get her to follow it out into the open… preferably by the other one, she could try to kill it there. More open quarters would favour her in the spear, and her in the event she had to shift to kill it. Besides, she had seen how the first one had melted. She couldn’t have this one doing this here to ruin and destroy the brush. This was territory animals depended on. She hissed at the creature, eyes scarlet, and prodded at it with the spear, preparing to back up if she could just get it to follow her back out. It had to go – but she would prefer it didn’t die here.