(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Ephraim on June 24th, 2011, 9:58 am

22th day of Summer, 511 AV

Sometimes it is just one of these days when everything is going to hell. Ephraim opened the doors leading to The Beer Hut, feeling how heavy his hand is. All fibers in his body screamed in pain; the young half-breed had no idea that such places could ache. Even though he tried to put on a brave face, despite all the bruises and swollen, bleeding lip that contrasted a golden hue of his skin making it look even more sickly. The brave front occasionally twisted in an unconscious display of pain. Ephraim had never looked exceptionally good unless you were interested in particularly weird specimens of half-bloods, but today he looked like a bag of calamities. Swollen, bleeding lip; Bruises everywhere and probably a small concussion but maybe it was just a particularly big bump on his forehead.

The interior smelled of spices and beer, he liked it here and often just let his money to sunk in this good ale. Some patrons already knew him and ignored. Some nodded in greeting, knowing Eph's habit of getting into brawls just for the sake of it. Such view was not uncommon. Then there were also people who he had never seen in his life and they stared at him like he was some kind of a singing crab. Some of them most likely had never seen a Dhani before, let alone a child of one. He should have gotten used to that, hell he had had, just sometimes snapped at such gawker, but not today. Today he was calm; physically battered but this state often gave him a sense of peace. The pain made all this tension and stress to just to go away.

There was an empty table in the corner, just the right place to just sit and get drunk. Then maybe look for a room to crash. He didn't want to go home in that state. Eph rarely spoke to his mother nowadays, but still didn't like to cause her a distress or just listen to her screams. Probably the latter.

The smoke from a kitchen made him nauseous and killed any need to eat. Maybe this punch in the head was really something serious...With a sigh of relief, abruptly interrupted with a hiss of pain, Eph sank in his seat waving at waitress to bring him a beer. His slit pupils followed her steps as he was trying to gather his shattered and flighty thoughts. This had been a really tough fight today, another one he had lost, but it wasn't important. He needed that, he needed this thrill like a drug. A drug that would most likely kill him sooner than later, but Eph didn't even try to stop. At the same time he was scared of dying, scared of being sucked into nothingness.

The barmaid brought him an ale, which he sunk his lips in greedily. A violent cough rose up in Eph's throat as the liquid found it's way to the boy's trachea. The half-breed cursed and coughed. And cursed and coughed for a good minute before finally resting his beaten up head on the table. Just one of these days...
Last edited by Ephraim on June 25th, 2011, 7:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Reaver on June 25th, 2011, 7:10 am

OOCPlease attach a day to your timestamp there, that way we know when will and won't cause conflicts. Remembered I had a thread carrying on the 4th of summer, so perhaps not that day. By the way, I like to make assumptions that part of my actions go uninterrupted, but if you need me to change any part of my post, feel free to let me know.

Reaver found him~... or rather HERself looking for more work today. It was, rather interesting to find a bar she didn't remember. Perhaps it was new from the last couple seasons? No matter, she stared at the building, quietly fighting the light waves of the lake. "The Beer Hut, tut. Maybe I'll get some luck, a fight may run amok." She smiled to herself, her poetry needed work, along with her delivery. She made her way up to the entrance, and the bouncer was quick to note her. He moved to block her way, though nearly fell in fright when she removed her mask. "I'm not going to be trouble, I can hold my ale. I'm just looking for the ones you toss out." The bouncer quivered away, clearly afraid of the haunting face of a drowned woman... or more. "But, but, you're dead? I saw the guard finish you myself!" "Me? No, that was my sister. If you don't mind, I'd like to drown my sorrows in drink. I had to fish my entire family from this lake to get them buried." The bouncer veered away, unconvinced, but decided not to press the issue. He eyed Reaver carefully as she made her way past. She was quick to place her mask back on.

Reaver surveyed the bar, several of the patrons looked curiously, most people in armor are turned away from the looks of the place. Reaver was glad to finally replace the smell of the wretched lake with one... closer to pleasant. She eyed around, a few were drunk enough to be unhealthy, good. She eyed the corners last, and the last corner was quite a surprise. The person looked half-dead already. Not like her, no, but a recent victim of tragedy? Perhaps with a drink or two, she could convince him to let her aid him.

She clanked her way over to the table as softly as she could. A simple walk, nothing more. She tried to look anywhere else, as if she hadn't even noticed the person there. With some luck, maybe the person would even believe her next lie tonight. As she reached the table, she looked around the rest of the bar once again, only to nod and look back. 'Seeing' the person there, she tried to jump back and appear startled. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't... are you alright? You don't look too well."[/color] Reaver was quick to sit down, and do her best to lean in to examine the injuries. Her throughts raced through in an instant. Let's see what we have, , pained expression? Split lip, bleeding. Battered and beaten, with a good lump to the head. Skin is very off color, and the eyes? Oh, interesting. As she did so, she couldn't help but notice how different he was. In a much quieter voice, almost as if a whisper, she made her next response as clear as she could. "Could I help? I know I'm capable."
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Ephraim on June 25th, 2011, 8:48 am

22th day of Summer, 511 AV

A strange noise vibrated through the air; there was a bit of a commotion at the doors but Eph was too tired to even look there. Probably some drunk trying to start a fight. The young mixed blood sighed painfully, almost feeling broken ribs moving beneath his skin. Or it was just an illusion of his battered mind. Eph began to count bubbles in the ale, but lost the number before reaching twenty. Math was never his strong side, neither was reading, although his mother had put a lot of effort into her son learning both these skills. Even if it was clear Eph's interests laid somewhere else.

A shadow crept into his left visual field and the half-breed immediately tensed, his body protested at this unconscious reaction with surges of a sharp pain. Ephraim couldn't help but wince. Urgh...” Escaped him as he rose his head to see a woman, although it took some time to notice her gender through all this weird clothing. Eph blinked startled and his jaw dropped down a bit. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't... are you alright? You don't look too well." The stranger said, what forced him to shift his gaze from her clothing to face. There was something strange about it, very pale, like she didn't see Sun in months. And it was a damn Summer. Only then Eph took in what the woman was saying. “You don't look too goo...” Before he could finish, she leaned closer and whispered. "Could I help? I know I'm capable."" The young mixed-blood again opened his mouth to speak, but closed it rapidly. A shock could be clearly seen on his features. It was easy to answer insults or something like this, but a proposal of help was something that rarely happened to him. Maybe the lady looked for something exotic or was just insane?

The slip pupil eyes narrowed suspiciously and he brought the ale closer to him, like it was his new weapon. “Why would you help me? A ssstranger who...?” He was tired and which caused his self-control to slip and sibilant speech to show. Eph immediately stopped and looked down at his beer mug. He had learned (or more likely been taught) long time ago every word could be dangerous.

There was something that caused his nose to wrinkle, an odd, sharp smell he couldn't identify but if he had any hairs on his neck they would rose. He could easily tell this weirdo to get lost but was too intrigued to do that. This woman was one of the very few humans in Ravok that would willingly talk to him and this one even offered her help. It was tempting to have a doctor look over his wounds but Eph was always too stingy to pay for that. He preferred to buy a beer.
Last edited by Ephraim on June 25th, 2011, 9:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Reaver on June 25th, 2011, 9:10 am

Reaver watched over the injured man's reactions with intrigue. She continued to study him, her gaze rather intent. What is he crossed with... so peculiar. She re-set her mask in place, as it began to slip off. She offered to help, interrupting another comment. He... was about to repeat me, how strange. A... mock comeback perhaps? His looks were as if... troubled by the offer more then the events.

He grew his suspicious face, perhaps he earned those bruises fairly. He began to close himself off, as if lifting a veil. “Why would you help me? A ssstranger who...?” A sudden silence grew between them, Reaver's smile hidden by the mask. She contemplated how to get around the suspicion. Perhaps... making it a trade would help? "In return, teach me something. I'd like to learn more. Not so much of you, but the... other part of you." She wanted that anyway, but perhaps putting it out in the open would lower his guard, or raise it further. This lad, in her opinion, was rather unsettled already. She leaned back, giving him more space. "If you prefer, I have a touch stronger of a drink."
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Ephraim on June 25th, 2011, 9:58 am

22th day of Summer, 511 AV

Eph didn't know where to look. Everything about this woman was so distracting. The mask she was hidden her face, vibrant hair – maybe a wig and the parts of skin that were exposed – unhealthily pale. Her voice on the other hand was flat, emotionless as in contrast with all the fluff surrounding it. Ephraim discovered his attention as escaping in many different directions and something about this woman made him unsettled. "In return, teach me something. I'd like to learn more. Not so much of you, but the... other part of you." His eyes danced lazily on the strange strand of clothing, but rapidly moved up to the white mask upon hearing the proposal. Again today he found himself speechless. So that was all about? She was curious of a freak? Normally such proposal could make him furious but after the fight Eph was much calmer. Also there was no signs of mockery in the woman's voice. Maybe she was indeed a doctor who just wanted to learn something...As demeaning as it was for him. ”I have no parts. I have everything in its place.” He responded, trying to control his speech as much as possible. He was about to add some insult to make her go away, but a sudden pain under his ribs made the half-breed to hiss in pain instead. Maybe today it was a bad day for refusing a free doctor. He didn't know that much of his 'other part' anyway. Aside the fact it was hard to live with. ”Buut...I could use a free sawboner.” Eph breathed, trying to limit movements of his diaphragm.

"If you prefer, I have a touch stronger of a drink." His eyes snapped back to the woman with an expression of a confusion and a bit of anger. ”I thought you were a healer not a harlot.” Eph protested loudly and few patrons looked at the odd couple. The half-breed scoffed a bit. ”I need sssomeone to ssstitch me up not to....Uhmm.” He didn’t even care about the sibilant vowels now, just wanted to pull through this day without some weird strumpets harassing him.
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Reaver on June 26th, 2011, 9:54 am

Reaver took the comebacks silently, her smile not moving from her face. The whinces of pain seamed... convincing in her favor. ”Buut...I could use a free sawboner.” "Such a barbaric sounding term, but I suppose I see what you mean. Hopefully we won't need any of that." Reaver shifted her gaze, moving to the bag under her cloak. She pulled out a strange box, that smelled of blood. She rotated it so that the lid would block Eph's view, and began to rummage through it. "I didn't not mean to offend you by my earlier comments. I was referring to that of your different parents, the less human one. I should talk less... cryptically. My apologies." She pulled out a sewing needle, and a thick thread usually held by the local fishermen. "As for the drink, I meant to dull the pain and all that. A fool can forget his arm is missing with the right drink, I've seen. Though, he died before he remembered." She finished the line having threaded the needle, and made a small knot. "Now, keep in mind information is the cost for this operation. The value may impact the efficiency. I'll want a certain amount of information to finish, even if it does stray from the topic of your parent." Reaver couldn't shake her sudden lingering regret. Hopefully, he'll pay his tab. I'd hate to be forced to learn through my idea of sawboning. She paused a moment, looking back to her 'patient' before she began.
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Ephraim on June 26th, 2011, 11:08 am

22th day of Summer, 511 AV

"Such a barbaric sounding term, but I suppose I see what you mean. Hopefully we won't need any of that." The woman didn't seem offended, she generally didn't seem normal at all. There was something about her that made his skin crawl and scales itch. As if lead by an instinct Eph rose his hand and scratched neck what only caused a new amount of pain. "I didn't not mean to offend you by my earlier comments. I was referring to that of your different parents, the less human one. I should talk less... cryptically. My apologies." Ephraim automatically looked around, if anyone was eavesdropping. It was in his nature for a thief, but also even if his heritage was obvious, talking about it felt strange. Almost dirty. At least for him and his family. Like the topic wasn't even there, let alone a topic of his father.

"As for the drink, I meant to dull the pain and all that. A fool can forget his arm is missing with the right drink, I've seen. Though, he died before he remembered." That was the good news, so she was a doctor after all. Ephraim almost sighed in relief. A medic around thee parts was hard to come by and so cheap one at that! On the other hand it seemed to be easier to just pay. Ephraim rarely confined in anyone, sometimes making few coherent sentences about who he was was harder than free running at rooftops and more once landing flat on your face. Actually, Eph had a feeling of falling right now, like things were happening way too fast to comprehend them and could only instructively react to them. Most likely a result of this bump on the head.

The woman went to rummage through her things. Another smell appeared, but it vanished in the inn's smoke and Eph couldn't really recognize it. Probably something nasty like bitter medicine or an itching powder. ”"Now, keep in mind information is the cost for this operation. The value may impact the efficiency. I'll want a certain amount of information to finish, even if it does stray from the topic of your parent." The needle the stranger was holding looked really scary and Ephraim winced. He was aware that not much can hurt him more than he was already hurting but a notion of a needle piercing his skin gave him nausea. ”Uhh...S-s-sure. My father was a Dhani or at least this-s-s is what I have been told...” He paused and took a hearty, still staring at the large needle. gulp from the mug before him. That was getting awkward, even saying that small and rather obvious part left Eph feeling naked, but maybe alcohol would make it easier. The sibilant accent began now more prominent due to weariness and the alcohol, but also Eph just stopped caring at this point.

He briefly wondered what did it mean that efficiency was depending on his confessions. Maybe she would sew his ear to his head or something.
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Reaver on June 26th, 2011, 7:08 pm

"So, I take it you've never met him..." Disappointment came across her voice, but even then it seamed forced out. "I've only met one very briefly, and he decided not to go drinking with me." She continued without emotion. "What is it you know of the Dhani? Oh, and where exactly do you need 'ssstitched up,' as I haven't seen much beyond bumps and bruises." Reaver's eyes looked about the room, contemplating something. "And perhaps a bar isn't the best place to perform medical work, I'd hate to see someone force there way into 'helping' in a drunken stupor." Reaver looked at the mug the other was holding somewhat intently. "But I'll do what I can, I'd hate for you to waste your drink."
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Ephraim on June 26th, 2011, 8:26 pm

22th day of Summer, 511 AV

”No, I didn't meet him. He would eat me or something.” Eph scoffed and crossed his arms in a haughty manner but relaxed a bit, hearing some strange emotion in the human's voice. Like it was bland...Lacked a something solid to it. A called shiver traveled down his spine."I've only met one very briefly, and he decided not to go drinking with me." His eyes sparked a bit. He had never met a Dhani, he didn't even have a clue how the people of his father looked like aside of some stories and rumors, closer to fairy tales told by a scared folk. Snake-people that could disguise themselves as humans and walk among them, hiding their true form of half-snakes. They weren't trusted in majority of Sylira as they were predators, some of them with a taste of a human flesh. Although for him the concept was disgusting. A dead fish was not the same as another being...Though if he was hungry. NO! Perish the thought. ”What was-s-s he like?” The teenager asked with excitement, forgetting for a moment he was the one here that had to answer questions. It was of course unlikely this Dhani was his father, but still the curiosity burned in the young mix blood's eyes.

"What is it you know of the Dhani? Oh, and where exactly do you need 'ssstitched up,' as I haven't seen much beyond bumps and bruises." He jerked a bit, hearing what seemed like a mockery of his speech and his eyes narrowed.. Eph grew used over a time to such jokes and comments about his sibilant manner he accented s' and sh' ”You're the healer, you tell me.” He responded defiantly and moved his jaw forward like a stubborn child. ”I only know from what other people and my mother told me. Or from insults. Half-snake, half-men who can disguise themselves as Humans whom they devour from time to time.” He recited all his small knowledge about the species most of people resented and feared, hated even. Something he had been taught this the hard way. Although this particular healer seemed to be open minded. Even a bit too much...He felt really awkward now and a bit scared. Like this smell awoke some strange memories or instinctive fear. Like you are afraid of a spider or a dead carcass in the ditch. This kind of fear that reminds you of your own mortality. "And perhaps a bar isn't the best place to perform medical work, I'd hate to see someone force there way into 'helping' in a drunken stupor."

”No, no...I am good here.” Eph pressed himself a bit more into the corner of his table and salty perspiration wet his thin brow. "But I'll do what I can, I'd hate for you to waste your drink." He nodded carefully and collected himself a bit. His beaten up head was making things up and he exhaled air from his lungs, slowly. It tasted with the beer and blood.
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Reaver on June 27th, 2011, 5:23 am

Eat him? Like a cat? The curiosity in his eyes when she mentioned the one she met told her everything he knew already. ”What was-s-s he like?” "A curious predator, but neither trait as strong as the Zith. Your eyes remind me of my own... in my mind at least."

The other didn't seam to appreciate her mimicry of his wording. ”You're the healer, you tell me.” Like a child. Yet, he's still alive. Perhaps I could meet his other parent and ask her... he can't be surviving on his own. Though, it could be his sister or some such sibling. ”I only know from what other people and my mother told me. Or from insults. Half-snake, half-men who can disguise themselves as Humans whom they devour from time to time.” Her grin grew a size, for a moment, then lowered again. Mother, got it.

He seamed, reluctant to leave to somewhere else. "Don't like trusting strangers, I suppose. A good lad. Though, it's hard to imagine you not trusting anyone in this strange world. It can be a very daunting place to those who stray from 'normal' as the world sees it. That I am familiar with. Seeing as you don't know any of that, we may need to do something else for payment, yes? I'll go get some water, and you can think of anything interesting I might want to learn. I'm open to all kinds of suggestions." Reaver pulled a large rag of some sort from her box, and made her way to the bar. She left the box on the table, as if taunting Eph's curiosity.

"I'm sorry to intrude, but I would like to get this rag wet without leaving the bar. Would you mind helping me out?" The bartender glared at her a while, then looked over to the table she was at. "Yes, so I can help that lad." He grunted and handed it to the waitress as she passed by. "Soak it." The waitress took the towel back behind the bar, as the bartender glared at Reaver. She nodded, hoping to appear appreciative. The waitress returned, and handed the bartender the rag, who handed it in turn back to Reaver. "Don't make this a habit." "Not at all, thank you."

Reaver made her way back to the table, and sat down close to the injured party. "Now don't fuss, everything heals faster when clean." She began using the wet rag to wipe down the various injuries he had sustained. ...nicely if he was talking by then.
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