Faylon Kwanda ![]() Basic Information • Race: Human • Age & Birthday: 28, 24th Winter 486 • Gender: Male • Height: 5’11 • Weight: 193lbs • Hair Color: Black • Eye Color: Brown • Languages: Common(Fluent), Nari(Conversational), Vani(Poor) Physical Description Standing at 5’11 Faylon is of average height for his race. He weighs 193lbs and is slightly bulkier than other men due to his physical exercise regime but has primarily trained to heighten his endurance so his muscle is more toned than large. His blue eyes are intense, piercing, and always moving as though he sees the world differently than others though asking him would prompt the answer that he merely sees his vision of the world. Black hair is usually trimmed close to his head but he occasionally grows it out. Likewise he is often clean shaven but it is uncommon, however not rare, for Faylon to allow himself to sport a rough five o’clock shadow when his attention has been occupied for several days at a time. Character Concept More than anything Faylon is an idealist however many people would not describe him as such because he keeps his dreams and goals concealed from all but a privileged few. Looking out across the land Faylon sees it as the chaotic ruin of its former glory that it is and if he had his way he would restore it to some semblance of that. Otherwise he is a bit of an adventurer at heart even though he may not always act like it and before his life ends he intends to see every corner of the world. Neutrality is best in his eyes, Faylon adheres to neither a good nor evil philosophy though he tends to lean closer to good most of the time, and he is able to commit both good deeds as well as malicious ones when required. While he does have a moral compass Faylon recognizes the need for evil to exist alongside good and so his convictions do not suffer from whatever evil he might be required to commit in the name of his goals. He would try to steer himself from committing evil acts the scope of destroying an entire town or more but would do so if he felt there was absolutely no other option. Prone to periods of deep though, especially before undertaking a large project, it is not uncommon for Faylon to seclude himself for days or even weeks at a time without receiving visitors except the occasional person dear to him. When he emerges from his seclusion Faylon likes to work nonstop if he can, even ignoring his need for sleep, until his new project is done. He sometimes pushes himself to hard. Finally Faylon is not a staunch supporter of the Gods. Indeed he believes in the power of the Gods but if asked would humbly claim that perhaps most of them are not fit to wield it. Given the option he would create a society where men are free to rule themselves without the influence of any deities. Character History To be written as it unfolds. Skills Boxing: 58(SP+XP) Magecraft: 32(SP+RB+XP) Weapon(Longsword): 31(SP+XP) Bodybuilding: 25(SP + XP) Hypnotism: 20(SP+XP) Unarmed Combat: 11(XP) Observation: 9(XP) Interrogation: 6(XP) Socialization: 6(XP) Teaching: 6(XP) Agriculture: 5(XP) Running: 5(XP) Acrobatics: 3(XP) Brawling: 3 (XP) Crossbow: 3(XP) Dance: 3(XP) Negotiation: 3(XP) Research: 3(XP) Mining: 2(XP) Gambling: 2(XP) Seduction: 2(XP) Wilderness Survival: 2 (XP) Pick Axe: 2(XP) Ax: 2 (XP) Tactics: 2(XP) Acting: 1 (XP) Cooking: 1(XP) Detection: 1(XP) Drinking: 1(XP) Endurance: 1(XP) Leadership: 1(XP) Philosophy: 1(XP) Rhetoric: 1 (XP) Stealth: 1(XP) Wrestling: 1(XP) Lores Lore of Identifying Magical Arts Lore of Kalea’s Geography History, General (basic) Valterrian (basic) Denval (basic) Layout of Denval Knowledge of the Denval Road & Its Dangers The Arsenal Is A Mystery Ivak (basic) Dicing Benefits of Sword & Shield Fighting Using a Chair as a Weapon Wonders of the City Coming to a Dame's Rescue Cursing the Gods Kelp Beer Being a Good Citizen Being Drunk Getting Sick Being Hungover Throwing Refuse Hard Day’s Work Being Shunned Prejudice First Hand The Nature of Persistance Fight or Die Starting Fights Don't Lodge Swords in Skulls The Art of Murder Heartless Murder Serial Killer Tidying up a crime scene Stitch Up Stabbed Kissed by Death Cry of the Glassbeak Watching and Waiting Personal Magic: Dangers of Overgiving Using a Crossbow Acrobatics: Evading Haphazard Punches Boxing: Quick Jab Boxing: Uppercut Detection: Situational Awareness Unarmed Combat: Making Distance Unarmed Combat: Parrying Weak Blows Getting Used to the Bonesnapper The Pride of the Native Zeltivian Introduction to the Mysteries of Zeltiva Partial Understanding of the Zeltivan Alleyways Zeltiva's Streets - Basic Zeltiva - Docks (basic) Zeltiva - Shipyard (basic) Zeltiva - Sailor's Guild (basic) Zeltiva - A City Divided Zeltiva - A City Divided (Advanced) Zeltiva - The Archives Building The University - The Outside of the Building The University - The Registrar's Office The University - The Administration Office Matthews Bay: The Bonesnapper Lord of Council: Maria Satterthwite Winter Ball Invitation Winter Ball 511 Attendee On Darker Tides Witness of Rak'keli's Light Rounding Up the Mages Gnosis None at this time. Equipment and Possessions • 1 Set of Clothing (cloak and footwear included) • 1 Waterskin • 1 Backpack which contains: o 1 Set of Toiletries o Food for a week o 1 eating knife o Flint & Steel o Spyglass • Plain Iron Ring (Family Heirloom) • Longsword • Studded Leather Armor • Wolf Fur Cloak |