(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Ephraim on June 27th, 2011, 9:28 am

22th day of Summer, 511 AV

"A curious predator, but neither trait as strong as the Zith. Your eyes remind me of my own... in my mind at least." Eph blinked confused and looked at the woman closely. Behind the mask eyes were mostly hidden but from what the young half-breed could gather she was a normal human. At least from looks. There still was something unsettling about her, an aura of some sort that made his skin crawl. "Don't like trusting strangers, I suppose. A good lad. Though, it's hard to imagine you not trusting anyone in this strange world. It can be a very daunting place to those who stray from 'normal' as the world sees it. That I am familiar with. Seeing as you don't know any of that, we may need to do something else for payment, yes? I'll go get some water, and you can think of anything interesting I might want to learn. I'm open to all kinds of suggestions." The second proposal actually sounded better, better than spilling your guts to a stranger anyway. Eph was young and didn't have much time to learn things. Maybe he could be taught something as addition to this medical care...Though his lack of trust might be an issue here. It was true, he didn't trust easily. Why would he? At every step he was either spat at or insulted and those who didn't do any of the above just pretended he didn't existed. Like a rotten egg you just want to get rid off.

He watched the woman trailing off to the bar, but before he tried a peek into the curious bag she was back with a wet rag. The half-Dhani sniffed it suspiciously but it seemed to be only a water. ”I can teach you how to take what doesn't belong to you and how to avoid being caught. I can ssswim, ride a horse or use a cross-bow. In none of them I am a master at, but ...” He said slowly, trying to swallow hissing sounds.[color] The half-breed moved a bit closer, despite instincts screaming something opposite and let the woman use the rug. At one moment her hands touched his skin briefly and the teenager jerked as if burnt. ”Wha..what happened to your handsss?” He asked taken aback but a sudden chill he felt. They were cold, not even cold as from water. Just plainly freezing. Maybe it was a water and he was just running fever which wasn't unexpected for him after such beating.

Eph looked at the woman confused, feeling trails of water running down his face and soaking into fresh wounds. They began to smart like a freshly grazed skin. A part of his brain told him that there was something wrong with this healer, not only the whole set of weird clothing and a mask, but on other hand this part was suppressed by a need the relief from pain this woman had promised.
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Ephraim)

Postby Reaver on June 28th, 2011, 4:42 am

”Wha..what happened to your handsss?” Reaver responded with a flush of sudden emotion, clearly surprised by the sudden withdrawal. She started with surprise, then went to a quiet contemplating whispering. "Oh, my hands? Perhaps it's the gauntlets." Then to somewhat exasperated, followed by a hint of... sarcasm? "Metal doesn't transfer heat well, and I'm not exactly a bundle of warmth in this outfit." Finally, back to her dull emotionless tone. "Not to mention I was... swimming earlier." Curiosity then filled her voice, quite clearly. "So, you can teach me to avoid being caught? Even without theft, that sounds quite interesting. I'd love to learn of such a thing."

Reaver tried to treat the wounds once again, nicer then before. She pyt effort into being more cautious, as to not let her gauntlets bother him as much. If he seamed to resist further, she'd make a point to gesture to his drink, and pause for a while.
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Ephraim on June 28th, 2011, 12:27 pm

22th day of Summer, 511 AV

"Oh, my hands? Perhaps it's the gauntlets." Eph looked closely at the woman and her hand. A sigh could be heard coming from the deep of his lungs. Metal doesn't transfer heat well, and I'm not exactly a bundle of warmth in this outfit." Of course it was that. Ephraim scolded himself for being a scaredy cat. It was embarrassing to say the least, treating this healer like she was some kind of undead demon. Just a gauntlet. "Not to mention I was... swimming earlier." Eph shook his head and looked away in shame. It's not like he was such a coward normally, but something made him edgy and unsettled but couldn't really peg what. Like he had a small bird in his chest that was frantically looking for a way out, causing havoc in Eph's feelings.

"So, you can teach me to avoid being caught? Even without theft, that sounds quite interesting. I'd love to learn of such a thing." The voice was still washed from all emotions, dull like it was a doll talking. ”Hu?"He let the healer to return to her work and looked at her mask. ”Yes, I could..ow..ow..” While more relaxed the control over his speech was much easier. Ephraim moved a bit closer, despite pangs of pain, to get the woman easier access to his wounds. ”Can you teach me how to make stitches?” The half-breed asked in between small stabs of pain. Maybe having such skill could be useful to a thief who constantly got into brawls.Then he remembered something, something that was actually a very obvious question none of them had asked. ”What's your name? What are you doing in Ravok?” The half-Dhani tried to sound neutral and slightly bored, although he grew really curious of someone dressed so oddly.

The woman was now much more careful, which made it easier for him to just let go and focus on other things, though he was always getting distracted but the strange material and clothing the healer had. He wondered briefly if she wore it on purpose or just wanted to get some attention and yet not to get it at all. A brilliant strategy if you looked remotely human. Him? People always noticed his eyes first, a snake like pupils. Not really easy to get a disguise with that thing.
Last edited by Ephraim on June 28th, 2011, 8:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Reaver on June 28th, 2011, 7:26 pm

OOCI love your work, by the way. You do a rather fine job commanding the English language.
He was... cooperating. That worked well, less fuss. She really hoped he wouldn't run off and forget to 'pay' for the service.

Reaver found her mind whirling about as she continued her work. ”Yes, I could..ow..ow..” Ah, maybe I'll learn to steal as well, might make paying the rent a touch easier. ”Can you teach me how to make stitches?” Perfect, now I can almost prove he'll pay up. "Of course, after you teach me a bit of..." She finished her line with some confusion in her voice. "...your art?" She continued on... for a moment, until another question was asked. ”What's your name? What are you doing in Ravok?” She thought about her answer for a while, trying to look as if she was focusing on her work. "My name is Reaver. I am a doctor in the time I can spare... sometimes it helps with my bills, sometimes in other ways. I'm in Ravok because it has everything I think I need."

She noted his curious stares and looks as she continued. What was it he was contemplating? Looking for? Reaver thought carefully on how to distract him from paying TOO much attention. She spoke with some clear ridicule in her voice. "Here I thought you said you weren't interested, but you can't seem to take your eyes off me." She let out a light chuckle, hoping for a 'better then disgusted' attitude.
OOCI'm glad your character isn't some sort of detective. She'd get caught hiding something right quick. :P
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Ephraim on June 29th, 2011, 11:24 am

22th day of Summer, 511 AV

His art? Ephraim didn't think of his ways as art but he liked how the woman had said it. That would make him an artist and not just a low life. It was hard to explain why Eph had turned into a thief, as if in self-fulfilling prophecy all mongrels are scoundrels and scums. He certainly didn't have to steal and could make a leaving helping his family or learning craftsmanship, instead he'd rather prowl in shadows risking prison or death. He couldn't explain Reaver how amazing feeling it was to flee at the top of the rooftops, not knowing if it is your last time. A thrill of something like that was unforgettable. ”Deal.” Eph confirmed.

"My name is Reaver. I am a doctor in the time I can spare... sometimes it helps with my bills, sometimes in other ways. I'm in Ravok because it has everything I think I need." It was so vague answer it was actually no answer but at least he knew her name albeit suspected it to be untrue not to mention it didn't sound all that comforting. ”You are a doctor and you call yourself a Reaver?” Eph suppressed the urge to move away. It could be worse, she could call herself a Butcher. ”Do many of your patients die or you just like making people feel uncomfortable with this name?” He asked bluntly. Social skills were not Eph's quality by any means. For him it was a very natural query.

Eph's uneasiness reached it's peak when the healer suddenly stated. "Here I thought you said you weren't interested, but you can't seem to take your eyes off me." The mixed blood made a sudden yelp and his eyes shot up to face Reaver. ”What? No! Ssss! “ A hiss of pain and anger was clear when Eph felt stinging in one of his wound, most likely due to his jumping around. ”I mean, your clothesss are ssstrange. That's all and you sssmell funny. Eph muttered at his defense still in distraught over Reaver's disingenuous assertions. As of now his interest in any gender whether male or female was rather low, even if tended to lean toward women they were certainly not as odd as Reaver. The better question was though why he felt so scared by what most likely was a simple joke.

OOCThank you very much and I am glad you like it. I also enjoy this thread very much and find Reaver to be a very interesting and deceiving character :)
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Reaver on June 29th, 2011, 6:10 pm

”Do many of your patients die or you just like making people feel uncomfortable with this name?” She sighed. It may have been the first time in a while someone questioned her name, but it still felt unnecessary. "Names are just a means to identify someone, nothing more. If they called me an avatar of Krysus, I'd still be a doctor. The name itself is arbitrary, a holdover from a time gone."

Reaver was startled by the strong reaction, he had a lot more jump in him then she thought. ”I mean, your clothesss are ssstrange. That's all and you sssmell funny.“ "That's all and I smell funny. You have a funny way of finishing sentences. Blame the river. You're temperament is as a child, it's almost too fun not to tease you. I can see why you frequently get into fights. Shall we continue?"

Reaver continued from there, hoping he was distracted enough.
OOCAn arbitrary holdover name, haha. He should listen to himself. Krysus is the goddess of murder and pain, by the way.
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Ephraim on June 29th, 2011, 9:01 pm

22th day of Summer, 511 AV

he let out a sigh, equally bland and emotionless as everything else. Apparently his remark about the name was unwanted and annoying. It was still true though..."Names are just a means to identify someone, nothing more. If they called me an avatar of Krysus, I'd still be a doctor. The name itself is arbitrary, a holdover from a time gone." A what? Ephraim had no idea about gods aside form some vague information on Rhysol. What he needed to know about him to survive. Generally Ephraim caught himself on always doing a bare minimum, just to survive. ”What happened to your real name?” Eph probed some more, mostly to do something while Reaver was working. Maybe name Krysus wouldn't be so ill fitting after all. ”Ow! Hurtsss. Hisss! Ephraim never suspected himself of being a big cry baby, but this fight had made him feel like a kicked pup and Reaver was not gentle at all. At least by the mixed blood's standards.

Eph growled angry, hearing Reaver's response but being called a child was not that bad comparing to a typical insults he often received. Even if hard in talking to, the healer presenting unusual acceptance to Ephraim's heritage. Almost like it wasn't there, glaring right in her face. Majority of newly met people got scared or at least uncomfortable around him. It should be refreshing, a welcomed experience and to some extend it was. However a small, nagging voice in the back of his head said it was somehow wrong. Unnatural. It made Eph even more suspicious. It could be possible as a doctor Reaver had seen a lot. Her voice was as ageless as it was emotionless so it was hard for him to peg her age. ”Why aren't you afraid of me?” He finally ask to silence the annoying voice. It was blunt and straightforward but there was a lot of truth in the fact Eph was still a child despite 17 years of age. Maybe it were Dhani's genes that made his emotional maturation slower or maybe it was just another symptom of no real role models in his life.

There was more and more people gathering in the inn, some of them curiously watched the half-breed being tended to by healer. There were some familiar faces, although not many would admit openly to knowing him. “You won't get any friends from associating with me.” The half-Dhani gently nudged at the displeased patrons that gawk at them like he was worst kind of turd that got stuck to their shoes.

OOCOh god XD I really laughed at the holodover
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Reaver on June 30th, 2011, 6:25 am

The look of confusion on his face said a lot, but spoke in riddles to Reaver's mind. ”What happened to your real name?” "I lost it when I was a slave." She rolled her eyes at his expression (and possible question after) and went to explain. "I wasn't nearly as old as I am now. I was a slave for quite a while. I... forgot my name. Besides, if I went around changing my name a lot I wouldn't have any proof I'm not a slave anymore."

Her retort of his age didn't seam to be helping, but it WAS getting harder for Reaver to resist. ”Why aren't you afraid of me?” She stopped for a moment, that wasn't the question she expected at all. She started again, but stayed quiet for a few more seconds before answering. "Live the life of an unwanted slave, see powerful magic done right in front of you, meet an angered Zith, or maybe even have a house burn down around you. If you act on fear, it will kill you. Sadness holds a similar power."

“You won't get any friends from associating with me.” "They could gain a few, I hear about a rebellion recently. Though... I'm quite sure those 'friends' won't be around for too long." She looked over her work. "Well, without taking off clothes that's as far as I can get. Are you sure the bar is alright? I'd think the other patrons wouldn't appreciate it one bit."
OOCYou had a hard time pinning her age on her BEFORE this post. :P
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Ephraim on June 30th, 2011, 7:02 pm

22th day of Summer, 511 AV

Slavery was something he dreaded, but not as much as dying. It was pretty obvious living, even if no free will, was better than being a food for crows. It was easy ti become a slave in Ravok unless you were a citizen signed up with Rhysol's cult. Although even this didn't give you total immunity. This bit of information was surprising. A healer and a slave. ”You don't seem that old.” Ephraim responded, even not really being able to tell if Reaver was in mid 40's or mid 20's. ”How did you free yourself?” He added suspiciously. Maybe she was one of the escaped slaves and associating with her or helping her could grant the same fate if not worse. ”You were taught medicine as a slave?” Eph's curiosity climbed up to a new level, something which normally would not occur. The half breed liked the rule 'you don't about me and I don't know about you very much. However, there was something about Reaver that didn't add up or just add up to a strange whole. The clothes, seemingly ageless with flat voice and strange smell about her – all this gave Ephraim unpleasant chills crawling up his spine, yet it wasn't a feeling of immediate danger. It was something else. More like a feeling of a predator hovering over your head but a predator that didn't see you yet. Yet.

"Live the life of an unwanted slave, see powerful magic done right in front of you, meet an angered Zith, or maybe even have a house burn down around you. If you act on fear, it will kill you. Sadness holds a similar power." He always thought there was no such thing as unwanted slave. Having someone who does everything at your bidding? Sounded not too bad, although this last shred of morale Ephraim had squirmed at the word 'slave'. From what Reaver told him she had been through a lot in her life, which could explain her inner peace of unnatural calm. He had never met an angered Zith. Now when Reaver told him why she wasn't scared of him, Eph felt a bit better, thought still sniffing for ulterior motives. ”Ahuh...” The mixed blood made a grumble noise and finished his beer. It was way too little alcohol to make him drunk but a pleasant buzz already nestled itself in his head.

Reaver didn't even glance at the men he pointed at, just looked over Eph's face carefully. It hurt like hell, that's for sure. "They could gain a few, I hear about a rebellion recently. Though... I'm quite sure those 'friends' won't be around for too long." A what? Eph never bothered himself with politics unless it had a direct impact on his work or the way of living. No rumors about revolts reached his ears. ”Rebellion ?” He asked slowly, watching his surroundings. This was one of this dangerous topics you could get into troubles for.

"Well, without taking off clothes that's as far as I can get. Are you sure the bar is alright? I'd think the other patrons wouldn't appreciate it one bit." Ephraim snickered and then it hit him she may be talking seriously. ”What?”” Air got caught in his throat. Eph had a lot of issues with removing clothes, even to get a doctor's treatment. It's been years since he last willingly removed his shirt for anyone and then almost bit off the healer's finger for touching his scales or something similar.

Eph looked around nervously. He knew his torso was battered not worse than his head; the attention of a healer but the thought of taking off cloths in front of Reaver made his insides tying into a knot. At the same time he didn't want to look squeamish so decided to prolong the decision a bit more. ”Uhmm Where would we go?” He asked, hoping that he wouldn't have to admit that he lived with his mom.

OOCWell, he still can peg his/her age ;D Sorry for the lenght lol I got lost in writing >.>
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(Un)Dead Medicine (Reaver)

Postby Reaver on June 30th, 2011, 7:33 pm

”You don't seem that old.” I suppose that's fate's cruel joke. ”How did you free yourself?” "I didn't." ”You were taught medicine as a slave?” "Maybe I learned it before I was a slave. I don't remember." Feeding curiosity was a habit, albeit a bad one. Reaver contemplated answering less questions, and asking more.

”Rebellion?” Hard to tell what to say when I don't know what side he'd be on. "Yes, a recent development. I rather feel sorry for them. They'll all die or give up as they always do. It's rather fun to watch them try, though."

Reaver wrung out the rag, and set it back in the box. ”Uhmm Where would we go?” She closed the box, fastening the simple latch. Reaver barely even considered the possibilities, but then thought the back allies may not be the best way to build trust. "We could go to my, place of operations, if you don't mind the smells of blood and death. Cleaner then the streets, though not by much given the lake." She put her 'medical' kit back in place, in her bag.

Reaver thought of which questions to ask first. She did her best to sound more like a concerned parent then a stalker. She even went through the effort of breaking her bland monotone once again, adding what he imagined a friend of the family would do. "So, tell me about yourself. I've answered a lot of questions about me, I suspect it's time to return the favor. Why not start by telling me about your mother? Is she a, nice person?"
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