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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.
by Archon on May 28th, 2011, 5:49 pm
Season of Spring, Day 86, 511 AV
Today's work found Jokor being sent outside the walls early on in the day. Syna's light was just starting to warm the air as he left through the main gate and was presented with the scene of the great fields of Syliras to his left, most of the planting having been finished now, and the glistening waves of the Suvan sea to his left.
His errand today was behind him, a little northwest of where he stood at the gates. One of the ladies working at the Welcome center had asked Jokor to go to the nearby Bronze Woods in order to find and bring back some mushrooms. The ones she wanted were white stemmed mushrooms with shaggy, upturned, brownish scales that resembled shaggy hair, and the bottom of the cap should be black.
The woman had given him a small basket to fill with the mushrooms, along with instructions to be careful as they would fall apart easily. She had also promised that if he returned with enough she would give him some of the stew she planned to use them for.
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Jokor on May 31st, 2011, 10:20 pm
Jokor felt uncomfortable as he walked outside of the gate, from his rather shortlived trip through the wildernis he knew that it wasn't very safe outside the walls though he did think the numerous patrols of the syliran knights would make the place around it fairly safe, other wise they wouldn't have sent somebody out in the forest for a helping of mushrooms.
Forcing the visions of being attacked by some kind of pre-valtarrian monster out of his mind he concentrated on the task at hand and walked of towards the forest, keeping as silent as possible and he kept his eyes and ears open for any sign that he should run to the nearest syliran knight patrol as he rummaged through the underbrush in search of the mushrooms, checking every single he found very throughly that they really where what he wanted, he didn't want to screw up his job by bringing back the wrong stuff, he didn't want to get poisoned or get the runs if he ate that stew the woman promised to give him. |

Jokor - Streetrat
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by Archon on June 1st, 2011, 5:45 pm
Upon passing the first few trees and entering into the forest proper Jokor spotted various mushrooms scatter about, but none that really seemed to match the description that he had been given. There were white ones, but they were smooth and didn't seem to have stems as they clung to trees or sprouted like balls from the ground. There were ones that were black underneath the cap with white stems, but the cap itself was grayish and smooth.
As Jokor continued his search for the requested mushrooms he slowly became aware of a sound that didn't quite fit with the forest setting. Every now and again there would be a series of 3 or 4 faint thunks, like the sound of metal striking wood, and then there would be a period of silence before the sound repeated itself. After the sounds repeated a few times there came the sound of a female voice muttering what sounded like curses.
After a few moments Jokor could guess an approximate direction for the sounds and voice. It seemed to be coming from a little deeper into the woods, probably not more than a 5 or 10 chime walk from where he was.
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Jokor on June 2nd, 2011, 8:20 pm
Jokor scowled as he didn't find any mushrooms that matched the woman's description, though he couldn't help but wonder if those mushrooms where edible or not, never knew when you got in a bind in the woods and had to get something in your stomach and if it wasn't edible at all, well it wasn't to hard to slip something in somebody's drink, might give him the runs or something. A small smirk came on his face, might even give him a bit more then just the runs, picking up a few samples before ripping of a small piece of cloth from his cloak and wrapped them into it before shoving the package into one of his many pockets. He would try to figure out what they when he got back maybe find some herbalist to take a look at them.
After that he just continued to search through the underbrush for the mushrooms he had to find when suddenly a faint noise that didn't quite fit with the forest. Stopping with what he was doing as he focused on the sound, making sure that he wasn't just hearing things. Sure enough the rather familiar sound of metal hitting wood and some faint cursing could be heard, probably not to far from where he was if he could still hear it. His curiosity winning out he silently made his way towards the noise, keeping his eyes open for both trouble and any mushrooms that he might need. |

Jokor - Streetrat
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by Archon on June 3rd, 2011, 7:47 pm
Moving between the trees Jokor spotted mostly the same ones he had seen already, but now there were patches of little brown mushrooms showing up on fallen logs and in shady spots scattered about. Making hardly a sound as he wound his way between trees and brushes he eventually came upon the source of the out of place sounds.
There in a clearing stood a familiar looking blond haired woman, facing a tree with several throwing daggers impaled in it, and cursing softly to herself. She wore studded leather armor that covered most of her body, but was tight fitting enough that it showed off her feminine curves in an alluring manner. Tossing her hair over her shoulder the woman stormed towards the tree holding the daggers, and Jokor caught a good enough look at her face to recognize her as the woman he had encountered on his delivery to the Temple of All Gods.
As the woman pulled her daggers free of the tree Jokor managed to spot, just behind the tree she was using for practice, a patch of mushrooms that looked like what he had been sent out to gather. The woman hadn't noticed him yet, but it would be nearly impossibly for him to get to the mushrooms without being spotted.
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Jokor on June 8th, 2011, 11:26 pm
For the same reason he had collected a few samples from the other mushrooms he ripped of another piece of his already ragged cloak and plucked a few of them, making sure not to touch the mushroom's with his bare hands before wrapping them up in the scrap of cloth and shoving it into his pocket with the rest of his samples. Before continuing on the way towards the sounds as carefully as he could, he didn't want whatever was making those sounds to notice him before he knew what the hell what it was.
It didn't take to long for jokor to come to the source of the sounds the woman ,who he had run into a few day's ago during his delivery run, was clad in tight fitting leather armor as she practiced with throwing knives, keeping to the shadows as she went to the tree that she was using as target to pull out her throwing knives. Staring at the woman for a few moments, in a way that would most likely have earned him a slap from most women, before moving his gaze away from her, he had other things to do, like finding those trice damned mushrooms! As he was about to turn around and stalk of into the woods he noticed a patch of the mushrooms he needed right behind the tree the woman was pulling her daggers out. Letting out a sigh he walked out of the shadows and towards his target. It wasn't as if the woman was going to attack him. |

Jokor - Streetrat
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by Archon on June 10th, 2011, 3:02 pm
The woman placed her daggers back in various sheaths scattered about her armor, and then turned around to return to her throwing spot. When she noticed Jokor however she paused, and then gave him a little grin, "Why Jokor, imagine running into you here. I didn't imagine you were the type to spy on girls," she gave a little giggle and a wink as she walked up to Jokor, brushing some blond hair back over her shoulder, "Though it's rather flattering."
Coming up to Jokor the woman reached out a leather gloved hand to lightly touch his cheek, "Or are you out here for some other reason, hm?" her blue eyes slid down, and a faint smirk touched her lips, "Like out gathering plants in the woods? Those girls certainly do put you on some odd errands don't they?"
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Jokor on June 14th, 2011, 10:46 pm
Jokor let out an irritated sigh at her teasing. “Don't stroke your ego to much I didn't came here for you at all. Didn't even know you where training here when I went into the woods.” Now that he said that out loud the fact that she was training somewhere outside of the walls of syliras was kinda weird, sure the training rooms were packed most of the time but it wouldn't be impossible to find place in them and even with the patrols in the woods there where still quite a bit of dangerous animals and other things living in it.So why was she training out here.
As the woman reached out towards his cheek jokor quickly acted and grabbed it by the wrist, stopping her from touching his cheek. Suspicion slowly welling up as she already knew about what he was doing, that he was looking for herbs even he would admit it was obvious from what you could see. But how the heck did she even know that a woman gave him the job? And why did she so suddenly call attention to the fact that the things he was doing where a bit strange sometimes, the book thing was still baffeling him. “It might be odd jobs but I am an errand boy, doing odd jobs is almost a given.” He released her hand and chaneled the djed into his eyes and kept a straight face as the aura's sprung to life again, trying to expend just enough djed to try and see as much as possible without overly straining it, he didn't want to go blind after all.
“Besides why shouldn't I think you are up to something and are just trying to make me suspicious for for some evil plan of yours. I mean you never even gave me your name now that I thought about it.” Jokor said with a slight joking tone in his voice, though his paranoid mind was actually considering that option. |

Jokor - Streetrat
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by Archon on June 15th, 2011, 6:06 pm
The aura the danced around the woman was one of amusement, but there was a slight undercurrent to it that was hard for him to make sense of with his limited knowledge and skill. Perhaps it was amusement, as the woman gave a soft chuckle as Jokor grabbed her wrist.
"Why so grumpy Jokor? Here I thought we were getting along well last time we met," she gave a little wink as her voice dropped to a more sensual tone, "I even let you get a nice little feel... Didn't you enjoy that, or do you need a reminder?"
Jokor's comment about her name only seemed to increase the woman's mirth, her tone going back to being playful, "Well, you never asked for mine, and I never asked for yours. If it'll make you feel better though, I'm Rachel."
Stepping a little closer, about a foot from Jokor, Rachel bent her knees so she was eye to eye with him as she asked, "So, what are they having you get, hm? Anything interesting, or just some pretty flowers to put in their hair?" as she spoke she reached for the bit of cloth that was poking out of Jokor's pocket, apparently planning on satisfying her curiosity herself.
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Jokor on June 29th, 2011, 9:54 pm
Jokor let out a slight annoyed growl as his auristic vision once again didn't give him squat about what was going on the woman's mind, sure he never expected to figure out what was going on in any woman's mind even with his magic but why couldn't the thing give him something more to go from then just amusement? Setting the goal to practice some more with his auristic vision he poured some more djed into his eyes, hoping to catch something about that undercurrent of her. He didn't like the chance that she was plotting.
Rolling his eyes at her coy words he just shoved his hands back in his pockets suddenly refusing to look her in the eyes, his cheeks slowly beginning to show a blush. “I really don't need a reminder about that rachel. I still remember that well enough.” He said as curtly as he could trying to force down that blush, damning himself for blushing at all. When she stepped closer, jokor just stood his ground, not willing to back down from her and look like a weakling. When she reached for the cloth that he had wrapped some of the mushrooms he picked sometime earlier though he narrowed his eyes and grabbed her hand, in a surprsingly strong grip for his rather skiny frame. “Nothing interesting that they send me out this time, just some mushrooms for some lady's stew. The only reason I came out in the open anyway is because there was a patch of them growing behind your target."He let go of her arm and stepped away from her and towards the patch of mushrooms, putting down the basket the woman gave to him and carefully began plucking them double checking that they where the right ones first. |

Jokor - Streetrat
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