Tent Date (Corinth)

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Tent Date (Corinth)

Postby Cade on July 1st, 2011, 4:56 am

2nd night of summer, 511av

Cade's tent was set up in the slums of sunberth, not exactly the safest place in this lawless fortress but was the only place a tent could be set up freely with out some rich man asking for a coin to rent property. Cade was not in the mood to crack skulls, just to place pitch a tent, he just wanted to blend in with out much attention. This night would be different though, its been a day since the Reecher mission and the first night he could finally rest in his bed roll, in which he had plans on not doing it alone. He promised the homeless farm girl, Corinth, that they would share a tent for a few nights tell she got her self adjusted to such lifestyle. The barbarian had taken fancy to her the very day he spotted her in the Drunken Fish. After the reecher mission Cade gave the girl directions to his tent for she needed sometime alone before coming to him.

The mission Cade figured was the first time she had seen battle, bloodshed and murder. Aspects that were normal to Cade's life, but not so normal for a girl born to the farm. He understood the impact that could have on a person but as he laid there in his bedroll, he hoped she would show up and maybe they could continue on from where they left off of from the other day. His sword laid unsheathed to his side as he starred with purpose to the Tent's entrance, with hopes of not spending the night alone.
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Tent Date (Corinth)

Postby Corinth on July 1st, 2011, 6:14 am

Day 2 Summer 511 AV

Corinth was still quite shaken from the happenings from the Reacher Mission. The only blood shed she had ever witnessed was that of her mother's and the basic killings of livestock but never had she witnessed brutal blood baths such as that.

After wondering the streets for a breather, Cor stopped by her horse to see he was all well. She brushed him down and as the sun was setting she knew the city of Sunberth's finest rats would truly come out to play. She had to get to Cade's tent before some foul creature would like to take their turn at a defenseless dirty farm girl. She made her way to the slums where Cade said he would be. She breathed deep and slow trying to push away the scenes that continued to flash in her head of Cade and the others fighting for their lives. It was like two different people. The man that was stupidly charming in the Drunken Fish and the barbaric beast tearing his blade through bodies. Corinth still hardly knew Cade but at this moment he was the closest thing she had to what could be called a family. More like familiarity

Corinth wrapped her cloak tightly around her in defense against the leering eyes of the men gathered around their own tents and parties. She kept her eyes down until she reached the entrance of Cade's tent. Surprisingly without hesitation she pulled the flaps open and entered to see Cade already relaxing on his bedroll. She made eye contact with a brief smile. "Hello." she said dropping her few belongings on the ground. Cor stood there awkwardly surveying the tent. Now what...
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Tent Date (Corinth)

Postby Cade on July 1st, 2011, 10:55 pm

Cade's hand rested upon the hilt of his weapon by instinct before Corinth was fully revealed through the flap of his tent. His hand lifted waving the girl in while he sat up from his bed roll. His naked chest exposed the markings of many battles and chiselled to perfection by a man born to soldiering and labour. He lifted his waterskin offering it Corinth, while his eyes wondered about her curves. He had fantasies what could happened here, but the night after such bloodshed might not be a turn of for this girl. Instead he will play to his decent nature and help with her state of shock.

" Come in Cor.... Take some water and make your self comfortable." He said as he ignited the lantern for more light before turning his attention back to the beauty in his tent. " How are you?" Cade sincerely asked wanting know where she was at with all this.
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Tent Date (Corinth)

Postby Corinth on July 2nd, 2011, 12:04 am

Day 2 Summer 511 AV

The small farm girl took a seat on the ground next to the beast of a man. Lion and lamb Corinth gratefully took the waterskin and drank in small sips staring at the wall of the tent with blank expression.

"Thank you..for everything. I'm alright..." Corinth's eyes didn't leave the canvas wall. She wasn't really looking at the dirt stains and signs of age but just staring. A splatter of blood flashed into her mind and Corinth blinked visciously and sighed. She took another small drink then handed the waterskin back to Cade looking at the floor. She didn't want to make eye contact for she feared she might start crying or something equally embarrasing.

"That um...that was...different. Is a situation like that normal for you?" Corinth asked quietly, almost at a whisper. She kept her eyes down at her boots picking at the leather ties that held them together, trying to ignore the small dried spots on the toes and heels. She hoped it was just mud and not the blood of another. Corinth then noticed the small cuts and blisters that adorned her small hands, each crevace packed with dirt and ash. Out of habit she pulled her hair to one side over the shoulder opposite of Cade exposing her jaw line and neck. She wringerd her hands around her matted hair still staring intently at nothing.
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Tent Date (Corinth)

Postby Cade on July 2nd, 2011, 4:49 am

Cade could feel the tension with in her words. The barbarian felt bad for exposing such a delicate flower to such darkness and violence. Violence was all that Cade had known and was good at it. His body was built for it, his muscles trained to dish it out, it was what made Cade who he was and there was no turning on his back on that fact. His attention went back to Corinth, knowing that fact was true to her and she had come from a totally different background and lifestyle but he had to be honest with her " Yes......it is normal form me".

The barbarian moved in closer to the farm girl, shuffling over that his shoulder was touching hers. She was in need of comfort and Cade knew the importance of such support could be to a person. He placed his large arm around her gently, bringing her in close to his body for warmth. Her exposed neck, had his heart thumping and he wanted nothing more then to place his lips upon it, to taste her and satisfy his lust for her. The barbarian also knew he needed to take his time, she was a delicate flower and not a slave or a prize from spoils of war. He could take what he wanted, but his heart prevented him from doing such. She was different from the many before...... he just couldn't figure out how.

" Its alright Cor!...... As long as i breath I will make sure your safe" A promise he will uphold. Cade held her tighter to reassure his promise.
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Tent Date (Corinth)

Postby Corinth on July 2nd, 2011, 5:59 am

Day 2 Summer 511 AV

Corinth allowed herself to lean into Cade's body. His skin was warm and she felt safe. "Thank you Cade...I don't know where I would be right now if you hadn't talked to me in that stupid pub...you saved me."
Cor let out a small sigh and closed her eyes for a moment then looked up into Cade's eyes. She could still see a young man in his face. Small scrapes here and there and slight sun damage but she saw youthfulness and gentleness aroung his eyes.

Corinth quickly dropped her gaze. Too much eye contact was uncomfortable for her. She quickly tucked loose hair behind her ears.
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Tent Date (Corinth)

Postby Cade on February 2nd, 2012, 1:50 pm


OOC: I can't take much credit for writing this. Had to ask for my wife's help which to my discovery she has a very smutty imagination. So this was about 90% her and the rest me. lol. Now she is interested in teaching me how to write seduction. Women be warned.

The barbarian studied her for a moment, gaze roving the tousled brunette hair, the sculpted cheekbones and softly curved mouth with eyes meeting hers with an expression that set Corinth's and Cade's hearts pounding with in their ribcages, a spark that they both could not deny. She slid down into his arms, leaning back against his lean, hard body as he kissed the side of her neck sending quivers through them both.

Cade's hands slid up from her waist to cup her breasts, lifting and caressing, the touch of his tongue on the sensitive inner rim of her ear like fire and ice at one and the same time. Cade watched her close her eyes while he turned her about, kissing him feverishly, wantonly, lips forming soundless mindless words against his, body straining to be closer still, moulding to his masculine shape.

The barbarian said something softly into her ear while gently lying her back resting on his bedroll. Candle light dappled his features, catching the fire in his eyes. Corinth lay, quiescent, as he opened her shirt, lifting her back to facilitate its removal. Cade took one peaking, aching nipple in his mouth, teasing it with his tongue to even greater prominence, sucking hard one moment, then soft, driving her wild with a pleasure.

"Enough!" She pleaded " No more, Cade!"

He laughed in a low deep myrian tone and said softly, "You don't mean that."

She didn't either. Corinth's body craved for the barbarian's touch. His biceps where hard as iron, filling her palms the way her breasts filled his, pulsing beneath her fingers. The farm girl traced a slow passage across his battle scarred chest with her fingertips, following the line of bone, the ridging of muscle, feeling the strong beat of his heart forcing Cade's breath to roughen.

The berthian savage pulled her close forcing their bodies to touch, bar skin against bare skin. His hands played over her back to plunge into her light hair, fingers stroking her nape, mouth moving softly on hers, arousing a desire so fierce it was like being torn apart.

Corinth felt his hands move the full length of her body to remove her boots, the suppleness of his fingers unbuckling the belt of her pants. They slid away easily, along with her under garments, leaving her fully exposed to his gaze. This was the first time he had seen her nude, his expression, as he studied her, lacking any hint of cynicism, his hands almost reverent in their exploratory passage over waist and hip.

The muscles of her inner thighs spasmed as he splayed his fingers over her lower abdomen. He bent again to kiss her, tongue sliding skilfully between her parted lips, fingertips cool against her beated flesh, making her writhe and gasp in mind blowing delirium.

Eyes slitted, body trembling, Corinth watched Cade un buckle his belt with one hand, spasming again at the sight of him. Then the barbarian was over and above her, pressuring her thighs apart with his gentle knee to bring his potent weight to bear, the incursion slow, measured, the feeling exquisite.

Corinth slid her hands down to grasp taut twin hemispheres, a moan dragged from deep in her throat as he filled her. For a moment he was still, watching her face, the flame in his eyes a reflection of that consuming her. when he started to move it was gently at first, pacing himself, increasing the tempo as the hunger mounted in them both, breath coming faster and rougher in tune with her own, tension stretching to unbearable limits.

She was lost in a world of pure sensation, her body arching to meet him, face etched with passion. Cade listened to her cry out wildly when the coiled spring inside her finally snapped while he roared like a beast as he let go his iron will.

Cade rolled to one side, leaving an arm thrown heavily across her waist. His eyes were closed in exhaustion, not just from these moments of ecstasy but from the previous violent incursion they had early that night. Wasn't long before both of them were asleep.

After a long heavy much deserved slumber Cade had woken alone, the early morning sunshine creeping into his tent. His hands brushed the bed roll where Corinth once laid, his fingers catching a piece of paper-- a note hand written with the simple words " Sorry". The barbarian wasn't frustrated nor was he mad for the farm girl had made the right decision to leave him. The lifestyle that the grizzly warrior lived was not one meant for those faint of heart and fragile to the truths of battle and death. Cade had given her a taste of that the night before along with a taste of himself. His lure was not enough to out match his true nature and Corinth retreated home. Bloodletting was not to be in her future.

Cade exited his tent, letting the morning breeze attack his nudish body, he was not afraid for the world to see him fully. He took in a deep breath, a action he regretted doing for the smell of the slag heap become more of a taste ruining the moment of peace for the barbarian. He slipped back inside his tent and robed himself in his daily wears. Pounded out a hundred push ups in two sets of fifty to start the morning before he went in search of his breakfast. He will not hunt down the farm girl, no... there was many more fish in this pond for Cade to captivate.
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Tent Date (Corinth)

Postby Ink on February 11th, 2012, 12:17 am

And in the Aftermath . . .


The Rewards are Revealed.

Corinth :
Animal Husbandry 1

A Night Spent in a Man's Tent

Cade :
Seduction 2
Body Building 1

Comforting a Scared Woman
Waking Up Alone

Written in the ink :
If there are any concerns or problems with my grading please feel free to toss me a PM. I am more than happy to explain my reasons or reevaluate them if you feel I've been unfair.

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