Basic Information
Race: Nuit
Birthday/Age: 93 years old (born on 34th of Summer, 418 AV)
Gender: Prefers a male body, was male when living.
Physical Description
Like all Nuit, 'it' has a black tongue, deep black bags under 'its' eyes, and is cold to the touch. Every body that it enters takes on the traits of all Nuit earlier than most, and has very pale skin. He seems to have a constant annoyed expression, but at the same time you wonder if he is even looking in your direction.
Current body: (Male)
About 6'3" and 80lbs. (rapidly deteriorating). Has large nose, and lifeless light-brown eyes. He is bald-headed and seems to walk with a limp due to an unseen flaw in the body.
Character Concept
He suffered from depression when he was still living, and seems to give off an aura of hopelessness wherever he goes. He doesn't think that any gods can help him with his condition, let alone anyone, so he doesn't bother with any belief system. He never smiles, always frowning, and wonders sometimes why he continues his existence. However, he believes that the whole world is a promising place and wants to see all of it to make sure that he wants to come to an end completely. He has a weak hope for someone to make his life change for the better, and that is also part of the reason he is still existing. One of his only hobbies is learning all that he can and travelling, that gives him some pleasure no matter what. In dire situations he will do all that he can, despite his hopelessness, just so he can get it over with and he can leave it alone (unless it threatens his unlife, he has grown afraid of mortality). Some may find it even annoying at how he acts towards nearly everything; he never changed his way of thinking over the years as a Nuit and probably never will. He doesn't really have many fears (except for Relics, which he would be terrified to see), as he feels he has nothing to lose but the opportunity to continue in an already hopeless environment. However, he fears physical pain, as he only really experiences emotional pain and isn't used to it. He rarely gets angry, he doesn't find the need to feel angry. When around other people he tends to stay quiet, unless provoked by either hostility or someone who is very outgoing. If he could get rid of his depression he would, as it would change most of his views on everything for the better.
Character History
Pre-Creation: Reok was a quiet child in his school-days, often keeping to himself and reading a book in the corner when not studying furiously. He wasn't considered popular, and was often picked on by the other kids due to his shyness. He never played any sports (ever), and just continued to carry on his everyday business of basically eating, sleeping, studying, and reading. One day, he found a book in a library about the undead. He most particularly liked scary stories of made-up creatures such as ghosts and Nuit. However, instead of a storybook, he found a documentary. He then realized that they were very real, and that interested him deeply from then on. He would often have nightmares from the facts, but that didn't stop him. He kept on studying them and soon knew all about them. He knew all the types of undead (knowing now that ghosts were different) creatures, where they lurked, their anatomies, how they even came to be! He was fascinated by it. When he moved out of his parents' house, he learned the basics of animation just for reference, one day making a small stone by the side of the road able to roll by itself. He stopped the art years later for a more suitable and profitable profession. When he reached age 27, he realized that he needed more money (other than what his parents supported him with) to survive on his own. He attempted to become a blacksmith just because he thought it would be a reasonable job, but he wasn't good enough to support him for his entire life. However, to celebrate the start of the business, his father gave him his fine silver buck-knife, a family heirloom. He aquired chemical depression at age 45, when he couldn't pay his taxes anymore for his seldom-visited blacksmith shop and his parents had died. The days dragged on and on, seeming endless. He never traveled far from his home town, and always wondered if the world could offer something worth existing for. Then the idea struck him: he could become a Nuit to find what he was looking for. It was worth a try, at least. He felt as if he had nothing much else to do at all, and he wasn't very social in his life anyway, so he struggled over many months to find someone to perform the Daek-Nuit on him. After all, he would starve to death without any money (or support from live parents) anyway. When he became a Nuit, he realized that he would have to stay that way, hated and alone, for as long as he existed. Even if so, at least he had something to hold on to: finding something promising in the world. Soon later he found that with nearly an eternity to live on, he could learn as much as he wanted. Maybe that would be worthwile after all... A good place to start that (he had learned while studying the geography of the world for reference in travelling) was Sahova, the island of Nuits...
Post Creation: N/A yet
Training and skill points
Intellegence 26/100 (Starter Package)
Animation 14/100 (Starter Package)
Blacksmith 10/100 (Starter Package)
Lore of common Undead Creatures (Starter Package)
Exceptional knowledge of the geography of Sylira and the lands near it.(Starter Package)
Enbalming 10/100 (Racial Bonus)
Common - Fluent
Jamourian - Basic
One black full-body cloak+hood (Starter Package)
One pair of leather sandals (Starter Package)
One large silver buck-knife (Starter Package/Heirloom)
600 gold rimmed Mizas (starting money)
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