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Postby Mok on July 1st, 2011, 11:13 pm


Physical Description

Birthday & Age
20;Spring 28



Crimson Edge (Rank: Lieutenant)

5 Feet 11 Inches

195 Pounds

Hair Color

Eye Color

Skin Tone
Bronze / Tan

Body Composition

Last edited by Mok on March 13th, 2012, 11:56 pm, edited 36 times in total.
"If you want some, get some, bad enough, take some,
But watch the sword by my side,
Because it represents me and the motherpetching east side"
-one of Mok's mottos
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The Sunberthian Gangster
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Character sheet


Postby Mok on July 2nd, 2011, 12:59 pm

Character History


Mok was a half-blood Myrian born into the Jagged Blade Clan. Growing up, Mok did not know who his father was, but simply that he was a human. Mok’s mother ignored any questions concerning her husband and never talked about him with Mok. Even at a young age Mok understood the disgrace that his immediately family was in. He realized quickly that his mother was the subject of gossip and that some Talobains looked down upon her. As a child Mok was tortured and bullied by the other children. Being of impure blood, Mok did not have the natural strength and dexterity of a full blooded Myrian. This made it difficult for Mok to keep up with the other children, as he was always struggling to physically perform on the same level as the other kids. Often enough, Mok needed to prove himself not only to his instructors but he needed to prove himself additionally to be accepted by the other children.

Living in the harsh environment of Faylndar and its mighty Myrians was difficult already, but Mok needed to put extra effort to be not only be competent with his peer’s skills, but also socially. Not having the parental support that he needed, Mok looked up to the men in the Jagged Blade Clan. Mok worked very hard to embody the spirit of his elders and this gave him the motivation to train his body and mind to withstand the trials of being a Myrian warrior. Mok was determined not to let his human half hamper his acceptance as a warrior in the clan. Mok worked twice as hard as the other kids, but was only barely able to keep up with his mates. Through his adolescent years Mok choose to learn the path of the Jagged Blade style of martial arts. Mok felt that this style of fighting was perfect for him because the nature of the art required intense training and being in top physical fitness. In order to survive, Mok needed to grow up quickly and his childhood experiences mostly consist of negative thoughts and anger.

When Mok finally reached the Coming of Age, he felt that he was ready to conquer the challenge. He had been training and striving for this moment his whole life. Now, Mok was ready to prove to everyone that he too could be a fierce Myrian warrior despite his tainted blood.

A couple of days after the challenge, Mok was stabbed in the abdomen by a rival group of men who believed he shouldn't have finished the challenge. Wounded, Mok dragged himself to his mother’s house looking for help. When the boy reached his mother, she just looked away in disgust and told him to leave and never come back. Mok began to softly weep. Hiding his pain, Mok wiped his eyes and prepared to leave Taloba for good.

With tremendous luck and courage, Mok was able to navigate through the jungle and make his way out Faylndar. Even with his wound, he was able to continue because of the mental toughness that he had built throughout those years. Along the way Mok meet a Fang that that helped him to escape the jungle safely and unseen through the Northern Pass. Once out of Faylndar, Mok traveled through Kalea and arrived in Alvadas. There he spends 3 years working as a laborer and he also did odd mercenary jobs on his free time. During his stay in Alvadas, Mok was plagued by terrible dreams and vivid visions. Mok could not understand them, but he knew he needed to find whoever was trying to tell him something. Once he was ready, Mok packed up and took a ship to Sylira. He stayed in the fortress city Sylria for several days then began to head toward Sunberth.

Mok is unsure why he picked to travel to Sunberth but something about it was drawing him in. Maybe this had to do with his visions. Mok finally reached the city at the beginning of the summer 511.
Last edited by Mok on October 3rd, 2011, 5:39 pm, edited 7 times in total.
"If you want some, get some, bad enough, take some,
But watch the sword by my side,
Because it represents me and the motherpetching east side"
-one of Mok's mottos
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The Sunberthian Gangster
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Postby Mok on July 2nd, 2011, 1:15 pm


Image = 5 Starting Package
Image = 5 Acquired Points

Art of Steel
Image Unarmed Combat 39 ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage
Image Weapon (Gladius) 38 ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage
Image Brawling 9 Image
Image Tactics 6 Image
Woodcutter's Ax 1

Art of Earth
Image Wilderness Survival 15 Image ImageImage
Image Running 8 Image
Image Bodybuilding 10 ImageImage
Image Woodcutting 2
Riding (Tiger) 2

Art of Words
Image Observation 9 ImageImage Image Intimidation 10 ImageImage
Image Socialization 6 Image Image Interrogation 3
Image Negotiation 3 Image Leadership 3
Image Rhetoric 4

Art of Life
Image Teaching 5 Image Image Gambling 4
Image Torture 3 Image Investigation 3
Image Seduction 2 Image Tracking (Urban) 1
Image Singing 1 Stealth 2
Last edited by Mok on March 26th, 2012, 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
"If you want some, get some, bad enough, take some,
But watch the sword by my side,
Because it represents me and the motherpetching east side"
-one of Mok's mottos
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The Sunberthian Gangster
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Postby Mok on March 4th, 2012, 4:00 am


Myri's Displeasure Making Peace With a Kinsman
Beaten with the Outcast Stick Loss of an heirloom

How TO start a bar fight Disliking Death in the tavern
Strange houses are creepy Taking the alias Marcus
Finding a Back-alley Dice Game Drug: Pulp
Insuls (basic) Shopping Dislikes

[tab=Mok's life,#000000,white]
Making it Hard on Yourself Seeking Vengeance Sending a grisly message
Being the Gimp Appreciating artwork How to ruin a romantic mood
An uneasy feeling Allies?
The joy of a Refreshing Breeze Witnessing an Ethfael's fall


Body and Mind
Sword Technique: Side Strike Sword technique: Overhead Strike Sword Technique: Diagonal Slash
Body Building Technique: Wind Sprints Body building Technique: Shuttle Run Body Building Technique: Box Run
Losing focus in a spar Antar is a quick study Encouraging Others to Push their Limits

Pierced by a rusty bolt Narrowly Escaping Death Tearing Faces Apart
Minuteman This doesn't look good... Medium Armor Movements(basic)

Artisan Skills
Flesh Carving (Basic) Torture: Waterboarding (Basic)

Philosophy and Wisdom
The Language of the Sword Jumping to the aid of friends.

Wilderness Survival
Layout of the wilderness Immediately West of sunberth Wolf behavior (partial)

Sapphire (partial) Lessira(partial)

Burning down forests... I should make an apology to Caihya
Last edited by Mok on March 26th, 2012, 1:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
"If you want some, get some, bad enough, take some,
But watch the sword by my side,
Because it represents me and the motherpetching east side"
-one of Mok's mottos
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The Sunberthian Gangster
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Character sheet


Postby Mok on March 4th, 2012, 4:47 am


Cotton tunic (1) An off white shirt Mok usually tucks into his pants. He typically wears this on hot days
cotton breeches (1 pair) Standard black breeches. They are worn out, but Mok still had alot of use left for them.
Boots (1 pair) A couple of a smelly, muddy boots.
Wool Pants (1 pair) Used by Mok during the winter. It is grayish black and stained with mud.
Wool Tunic (1) Used by Mok during the winter. It is gray, long-sleeved, and there is a hood.
Cloak A standard gray cloak.
Wolf Pelt (4) *

Armor and Weapons
Gladius Mok's gladius has been with him since he departed Taloba. It is made from carefully folded steel and was a prized weapon in the jungle. Although it is simple in fashion, its design and structure are superior for stabbing and strategic slashes.
Chainmail A long sleeve chain link shirt that extend over his hips and groin. There is also a hood and wrist protectors. This also has matching gauntlets for hand protection. He practically wears this armor at all times.
Brigadine Mok's heavy armor. When more protection is needed, the myrian straps on plate armor lined with boiled leather.
Shadowsilk A cloak with a hood that covers his whole body. It is dark and puts a damper on the clanking of his armor. It allows Mok to be sneaky.
Padded Armor This is the material he wears under his chainmail.
Short sword A sword that is slightly longer than a gladius. Serves a similar purpose.
Scimitar A heavy blade that curves towards the end. This makes it a top heavy weapon, making it for large powerful slashes.

Tools and Gear
Waterskin (1) Used to carry about a gallon of water
Toiletries Hair brush, razor, soap, and knife.
Hempen Rope (50ft.) Just a standard part of Mok's survival gear. Rope is useful for anything.
Woodsman Ax Used to chop wood at maximum efficiency. It can be used as a weapon in an emergency as well.
Flint and Steel (1) Optimum way to start a fire.

Painting A painting of a women that intriques Mok. He can't put his finger on it yet, but something about the woman makes the myrian cringe.
Tiger Roarer A devise given to him by his mother. When used it will make myrian tiger noises. Talobians use this instrument to hunt the tigers. This item has huge sentimental value to Mok.
Last edited by Mok on March 26th, 2012, 1:14 am, edited 2 times in total.
"If you want some, get some, bad enough, take some,
But watch the sword by my side,
Because it represents me and the motherpetching east side"
-one of Mok's mottos
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The Sunberthian Gangster
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Postby Mok on March 4th, 2012, 5:17 am


Transaction Withdrawal Deposit
Starting Package 100gm
Turn in Housing 500gm
Gladius (starting package) 45gm
Living Expenses (summer) 45gm
Chainmail * 150gm
Brigadine * 250gm
Shadowsilk * 35gm
Padded armor * 5gm
Gladius * (sold) 45gm
Job Pay * 20gm
Living Expenses (fall) 45gm
Wool Tunic 5sm
Wool Pants 5sm
Woodsman's Ax 4gm
Dice Game * 48gm
Living Expenses (winter) 45gm
Total 89GM 90SM
"If you want some, get some, bad enough, take some,
But watch the sword by my side,
Because it represents me and the motherpetching east side"
-one of Mok's mottos
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The Sunberthian Gangster
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Postby Mok on March 12th, 2012, 1:35 am

Thread List

Summer 511

Together Or On Our Own Summer 4 Complete
Witch Hunt Summer 5 Complete
Pillaging, Noth and Cade style Summer 10 Complete
Perfect Day to Spar Summer 24 Complete
A Merchant's Quandary. Summer 30 Complete
A room with a Bob Summer 39 Ongoing
Its just business, nothing personal. Summer 45 Ongoing

Fall 511

Preparing for the worst. Fall 1 Complete
When the Thief Speaks Fall 4 Complete
A Hopefully Unusual Evening. Fall 9 Complete
So, A Sym Walks into a Bar... Fall 12 Ongoing
Jack's Back. Fall 13 Complete
Fixing is the problem Fall 52 Ongoing

Winter 511

Savage Nights (Explicit) Winter 1 Completed
Savage Nights II (Explicit) Winter 2 Ongoing
Savage Nights III (Explicit) Winter 3 Ongoing
Second Hand Secrets Winter 4 Ongoing
Freedom's Delusion Winter 5 Ongoing
Into the Wild Winter 8 Completed
Night Flight Winter 9 Completed
Wolfmother Winter 10 Ongoing
Blood by Moonlight Winter 18 Ongoing
An unusual encounter Winter 26 Ongoing
When the snow runs red... Winter 40 Ongoing
Fortunes of the Dead Winter 43 Ongoing
The part of all parties Winter 45 Ongoing
Cast Out and Fallen Winter 54 Complete
Stitches in the Moonlight Winter 55 Ongoing
Clothed in Generosity Winter 56 ---
Sparring and Stories Winter 68 Ongoing

Spring 512

A Storm to Remember Spring 1 Ongoing
Insufficient Grounds Spring 7 Complete
Animal Rescue Spring 7 Ongoing
A Night of all Nights Spring 9 Ongoing
Closer Spring 10 Ongoing
No Rest for the Wicked Spring 11 Ongoing
Hard Work Pays Off! Spring 14 Ongoing
Blood and Sweat Spring 40 Ongoing
"If you want some, get some, bad enough, take some,
But watch the sword by my side,
Because it represents me and the motherpetching east side"
-one of Mok's mottos
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The Sunberthian Gangster
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